Black-lip Pearl Oyster (Pinctada margaritifera)
Black-lip Pearl Oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) @RedSeaBit
Pinctada margaritifera occupies a wide range throughout the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Sudan, Papua New Guinea, Australia, French Polynesia, Cook Islands, Indonesia, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Southwestern part of the Indian Ocean, Japan and the Pacific Ocean, and various locations on the coast of India.
published: 24 Jun 2023
Spawning black-lip pearl oyster || People at Work
There is a need to elevate the water temperature in order to induce the pearl oyster to spawn #WesternPhilippinesUniversity
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Tagabaryo SaUS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOpOlRVqgVQ5SnFQCrcoGFQ
Filipina in Idaho USA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNz_WI_N5_E6-ATshi2o_iQ
Mom Belle of New York https://www.youtube.com/user/MyShobie
El Glass Channel https://www.youtube.com/channe...
published: 11 Mar 2021
Morphometric Study of the Black Lip Pearl Oyster, Pinctada margaritifera from North Sulawesi Waters,
Morphometric Study of the Black-Lip Pearl Oyster, Pinctada margaritifera from North Sulawesi Waters, Indonesia
View Book :- https://stm.bookpi.org/RABS-V4/article/view/7593
#Morphometric #shell_dimension #allometric_growth #North_Sulawesi
published: 05 Aug 2022
Жемчужная устрица Pinctada margaritifera (Marsa Alam, Egypt)
published: 23 Oct 2016
Pearl oyster - Pinctada margaritifera - Perluostrur - Ostruskel - Sjávardýr - Skeljar
Pearl oyster - Pinctada margaritifera - Perlumóðs skel - Perluostrur - Ostruskel - Samlokuskeljar - Black-lip pearl oyster - Cupped Oyster - østers - Lindýraætt - Mollusca - Pteriidae - Skeldýr - Kuðungar - Sniglar - Perlumóður - Hryggleysingjar - Sjávardýr. Orðið ostra er notað yfir ýmsar tegundir samloka sem lifa í sjó eða fjöru. Lokurnar eru mjög kalkaðar. Nokkrar tegundir ostra eru borðaðar, annaðhvort hráar eða eldaðar, en víða teljast þær lostæti. Aðrar tegundir eru ræktaðar fyrir perlurnar sínar en perluostrur eru ekki hentugar til neyslu. Lifandi ostrur halda skel sinni lokaðri fyrir óviðkomandi með vöðvaafli
Næstum öll lindýr með skeljum framleiða perlur en flestar eru ekki dýrmætar. Perluostrur eru ekki náskyldar sönnum ostrum en tilheyra ættinni Pteriidae. Fá má bæði ræktað...
published: 19 Jun 2020
2006 Palau Black Pearl Silver Proof Pinctada Margaritifera
2006 Palau Tahitian Black Pearl
Marine Life Protection 2nd to Series
Face Value: 5 Dollars
.999 25 gm Silver Proof
2500 pcs
Just for update,i just sold this one out for a whopping 320% return(May 11) on ebay within 3 hours after listing it.
Will surely miss this gem coin,thanks for watching
published: 27 Apr 2012
Biometry and fouling study of intertidal black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera
The article entitled “Biometry and fouling study of intertidal black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) to determine their eligibility in the pearl culture industry“ was published by Jha S and Mohan PM in the “Journal of Research in Biology”: Volume 4, Issue 2 at pages (1264-1275).
Article Link : http://jresearchbiology.com/documents/RA0423.pdf
The summary of this article goes on as follows,
The present study on the biometry and fouling load of black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758), was conducted to understand the eco-biology of these intertidal oysters so that their eligibility in the pearl culture industry could be determined. Biometric parameters viz., Anteroposterior measurement (APM), hinge length (HL), thickness (THK) and total we...
published: 07 Nov 2015
Blacklipped pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera), Черногубая жемчужная устрица
Red Sea, Egypt,
Gardens Bay,
Park Regency Sharm El Sheikh Resort,
Blacklipped pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera).
Красное море, Египет,
Гарденс бэй, Шарм-эль-Шейх,
Черногубая жемчужная устрица.
published: 10 Oct 2022
Bénitier et Huître perlière (Pinctada margaritifera) de mer rouge
Giant Clam and Pearl Oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) from the Red Sea.
published: 31 May 2023
Study on Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization of Pinctada margaritifera Black Lip Pearl
Study on Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization of Pinctada margaritifera Black Lip Pearl Oyster in French Polynesia
View Book :- https://stm.bookpi.org/CIEES-V4/article/view/1622
#Carbon_sink #carbon_offset #MOP #pearl_farming #French_Polynesia.
published: 18 Aug 2021
Black-lip Pearl Oyster (Pinctada margaritifera)
Black-lip Pearl Oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) @RedSeaBit
Pinctada margaritifera occupies a wide range throughout the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Sudan, Papua New...
Black-lip Pearl Oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) @RedSeaBit
Pinctada margaritifera occupies a wide range throughout the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Sudan, Papua New Guinea, Australia, French Polynesia, Cook Islands, Indonesia, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Southwestern part of the Indian Ocean, Japan and the Pacific Ocean, and various locations on the coast of India.
Black-lip Pearl Oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) @RedSeaBit
Pinctada margaritifera occupies a wide range throughout the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Sudan, Papua New Guinea, Australia, French Polynesia, Cook Islands, Indonesia, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Southwestern part of the Indian Ocean, Japan and the Pacific Ocean, and various locations on the coast of India.
- published: 24 Jun 2023
- views: 204
Spawning black-lip pearl oyster || People at Work
There is a need to elevate the water temperature in order to induce the pearl oyster to spawn #WesternPhilippinesUniversity
Join this channel to get access to ...
There is a need to elevate the water temperature in order to induce the pearl oyster to spawn #WesternPhilippinesUniversity
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Tagabaryo SaUS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOpOlRVqgVQ5SnFQCrcoGFQ
Filipina in Idaho USA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNz_WI_N5_E6-ATshi2o_iQ
Mom Belle of New York https://www.youtube.com/user/MyShobie
El Glass Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtSL2EqHxJ6DJ0mNdSxNk-g
Tagabaryo SaUS Channel Tagabaryo SaUS Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E7XK0UtF0s
NinzJM Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLxUFo25U_C-gc1JcoJU3yQ
Susan'z Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClWcbGvlGjeoiyzM-8gYpDw
There is a need to elevate the water temperature in order to induce the pearl oyster to spawn #WesternPhilippinesUniversity
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El Glass Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtSL2EqHxJ6DJ0mNdSxNk-g
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Tagabaryo SaUS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOpOlRVqgVQ5SnFQCrcoGFQ
Filipina in Idaho USA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNz_WI_N5_E6-ATshi2o_iQ
Mom Belle of New York https://www.youtube.com/user/MyShobie
El Glass Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtSL2EqHxJ6DJ0mNdSxNk-g
Tagabaryo SaUS Channel Tagabaryo SaUS Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E7XK0UtF0s
NinzJM Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLxUFo25U_C-gc1JcoJU3yQ
Susan'z Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClWcbGvlGjeoiyzM-8gYpDw
- published: 11 Mar 2021
- views: 576
Morphometric Study of the Black Lip Pearl Oyster, Pinctada margaritifera from North Sulawesi Waters,
Morphometric Study of the Black-Lip Pearl Oyster, Pinctada margaritifera from North Sulawesi Waters, Indonesia
View Book :- https://stm.bookpi.org/RABS-V4/arti...
Morphometric Study of the Black-Lip Pearl Oyster, Pinctada margaritifera from North Sulawesi Waters, Indonesia
View Book :- https://stm.bookpi.org/RABS-V4/article/view/7593
#Morphometric #shell_dimension #allometric_growth #North_Sulawesi
Morphometric Study of the Black-Lip Pearl Oyster, Pinctada margaritifera from North Sulawesi Waters, Indonesia
View Book :- https://stm.bookpi.org/RABS-V4/article/view/7593
#Morphometric #shell_dimension #allometric_growth #North_Sulawesi
- published: 05 Aug 2022
- views: 768
Pearl oyster - Pinctada margaritifera - Perluostrur - Ostruskel - Sjávardýr - Skeljar
Pearl oyster - Pinctada margaritifera - Perlumóðs skel - Perluostrur - Ostruskel - Samlokuskeljar - Black-lip pearl oyster - Cupped Oyster - østers - Lindýraæ...
Pearl oyster - Pinctada margaritifera - Perlumóðs skel - Perluostrur - Ostruskel - Samlokuskeljar - Black-lip pearl oyster - Cupped Oyster - østers - Lindýraætt - Mollusca - Pteriidae - Skeldýr - Kuðungar - Sniglar - Perlumóður - Hryggleysingjar - Sjávardýr. Orðið ostra er notað yfir ýmsar tegundir samloka sem lifa í sjó eða fjöru. Lokurnar eru mjög kalkaðar. Nokkrar tegundir ostra eru borðaðar, annaðhvort hráar eða eldaðar, en víða teljast þær lostæti. Aðrar tegundir eru ræktaðar fyrir perlurnar sínar en perluostrur eru ekki hentugar til neyslu. Lifandi ostrur halda skel sinni lokaðri fyrir óviðkomandi með vöðvaafli
Næstum öll lindýr með skeljum framleiða perlur en flestar eru ekki dýrmætar. Perluostrur eru ekki náskyldar sönnum ostrum en tilheyra ættinni Pteriidae. Fá má bæði ræktaðar perlur og náttúrulegar perlur úr perluostrum þótt önnur lindýr eins og kræklingar geti líka framleitt verðmætar perlur. Ekki allar ostrur framleiða perlur á náttúrulegan hátt. Það geta verið að í nokkurra tonna uppskeru af ostrum framleiða aðeins þrjár eða fjórar ostrur perlur. Í náttúrulegu umhverfi framleiða ostrur perlur með því að þykja örlítinn sníkil með perlumóður, en ekki sandkorn. Með tíð og tíma eru nóg lög af perlumóður sett niður að sníkillinn verði að perlu. Ostrur sía matinn sinn með því að sjúga vatn inn í gegnum tálkn með bifhárahreyfingu. Agnir og svif festast í slím bifhárs og þaðan eru þau flutt til munnsins þar sem þau eru étin, meltast og eru þá skilin út sem saur. Ostrur eru virkastar í að éta við hitastig yfir 10°C. Ein ostra getur síað allt að 5 lítra af vatni á klukkutíma. Lesa meira: https://is.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostra
The ability of Pinctada margaritifera to produce pearls means that the species is a valuable resource to humans. The oysters are harvested wild from coral reefs and are also commonly grown in aquaculture, both primarily taking place in the Indo-Pacific region. This species is commonly farmed and harvested for pearls, and there is general consensus that the quality of pearls from Pinctada margaritifera is the highest quality out of all the pearl oysters. Pearls form when a small particle enters into the oyster and nacre is released by the oyster to coat the particle or object, eventually creating a small pearl. The particle might be a grain of sand, organic material, or even a parasite. The oyster's release of the nacre serves as an adaptation of the immune system to isolate the invasive particle and irritation. Lesa meira: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinctada_margaritifera
Pearl oyster - Pinctada margaritifera - Perlumóðs skel - Perluostrur - Ostruskel - Samlokuskeljar - Black-lip pearl oyster - Cupped Oyster - østers - Lindýraætt - Mollusca - Pteriidae - Skeldýr - Kuðungar - Sniglar - Perlumóður - Hryggleysingjar - Sjávardýr. Orðið ostra er notað yfir ýmsar tegundir samloka sem lifa í sjó eða fjöru. Lokurnar eru mjög kalkaðar. Nokkrar tegundir ostra eru borðaðar, annaðhvort hráar eða eldaðar, en víða teljast þær lostæti. Aðrar tegundir eru ræktaðar fyrir perlurnar sínar en perluostrur eru ekki hentugar til neyslu. Lifandi ostrur halda skel sinni lokaðri fyrir óviðkomandi með vöðvaafli
Næstum öll lindýr með skeljum framleiða perlur en flestar eru ekki dýrmætar. Perluostrur eru ekki náskyldar sönnum ostrum en tilheyra ættinni Pteriidae. Fá má bæði ræktaðar perlur og náttúrulegar perlur úr perluostrum þótt önnur lindýr eins og kræklingar geti líka framleitt verðmætar perlur. Ekki allar ostrur framleiða perlur á náttúrulegan hátt. Það geta verið að í nokkurra tonna uppskeru af ostrum framleiða aðeins þrjár eða fjórar ostrur perlur. Í náttúrulegu umhverfi framleiða ostrur perlur með því að þykja örlítinn sníkil með perlumóður, en ekki sandkorn. Með tíð og tíma eru nóg lög af perlumóður sett niður að sníkillinn verði að perlu. Ostrur sía matinn sinn með því að sjúga vatn inn í gegnum tálkn með bifhárahreyfingu. Agnir og svif festast í slím bifhárs og þaðan eru þau flutt til munnsins þar sem þau eru étin, meltast og eru þá skilin út sem saur. Ostrur eru virkastar í að éta við hitastig yfir 10°C. Ein ostra getur síað allt að 5 lítra af vatni á klukkutíma. Lesa meira: https://is.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostra
The ability of Pinctada margaritifera to produce pearls means that the species is a valuable resource to humans. The oysters are harvested wild from coral reefs and are also commonly grown in aquaculture, both primarily taking place in the Indo-Pacific region. This species is commonly farmed and harvested for pearls, and there is general consensus that the quality of pearls from Pinctada margaritifera is the highest quality out of all the pearl oysters. Pearls form when a small particle enters into the oyster and nacre is released by the oyster to coat the particle or object, eventually creating a small pearl. The particle might be a grain of sand, organic material, or even a parasite. The oyster's release of the nacre serves as an adaptation of the immune system to isolate the invasive particle and irritation. Lesa meira: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinctada_margaritifera
- published: 19 Jun 2020
- views: 212
2006 Palau Black Pearl Silver Proof Pinctada Margaritifera
2006 Palau Tahitian Black Pearl
Marine Life Protection 2nd to Series
Face Value: 5 Dollars
.999 25 gm Silver Proof
2500 pcs
Just for update,i just sold this one...
2006 Palau Tahitian Black Pearl
Marine Life Protection 2nd to Series
Face Value: 5 Dollars
.999 25 gm Silver Proof
2500 pcs
Just for update,i just sold this one out for a whopping 320% return(May 11) on ebay within 3 hours after listing it.
Will surely miss this gem coin,thanks for watching
2006 Palau Tahitian Black Pearl
Marine Life Protection 2nd to Series
Face Value: 5 Dollars
.999 25 gm Silver Proof
2500 pcs
Just for update,i just sold this one out for a whopping 320% return(May 11) on ebay within 3 hours after listing it.
Will surely miss this gem coin,thanks for watching
- published: 27 Apr 2012
- views: 1098
Biometry and fouling study of intertidal black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera
The article entitled “Biometry and fouling study of intertidal black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) to determine their eligibility in...
The article entitled “Biometry and fouling study of intertidal black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) to determine their eligibility in the pearl culture industry“ was published by Jha S and Mohan PM in the “Journal of Research in Biology”: Volume 4, Issue 2 at pages (1264-1275).
Article Link : http://jresearchbiology.com/documents/RA0423.pdf
The summary of this article goes on as follows,
The present study on the biometry and fouling load of black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758), was conducted to understand the eco-biology of these intertidal oysters so that their eligibility in the pearl culture industry could be determined. Biometric parameters viz., Anteroposterior measurement (APM), hinge length (HL), thickness (THK) and total weight (TWT) of each oyster were checked for their correlation with dorsoventral measurement (DVM) and fouling load (ΔF) separately by regression analysis. Shell length of collected specimens ranged between 16 ± 3.7- 88.2 ± 6.5 mm. Most of the P. margaritifera from intertidal regions of Andaman were confined to 61-80 mm size group. The average size of all the shell dimensions and TWT increased with increase in the shell length. The rate of increase of all the biometric parameters except TWT, declined in size range greater than 41-60 mm. Maximum and minimum fouling load was observed during September 2011 (27.8 ± 5.1 g) and July 2012 (3.2 ± 3.7 g), respectively. Lower size groups showed maximum correlation indicating isometric growth but in higher size range, allometry was observed as the rate of increase of biometric parameters varied with increasing size range. On the basis of this study it could be concluded that if transferred to suspended culture at an early stage, these intertidal oysters, adapted to survive in harsh environmental conditions, would acclimatize more easily to the new environment and would cross the 61-80 mm size range becoming larger and thicker, a parameter favourable for pearl production.
You may also publish your research articles with us with good per review and elite standards. Kindly visit, www.jresearchbiology.com for further details.
For submission, submit your articles to
Thank you for listening us. Keep watching and learn good. This audio was brought you by www.rjol.org
The article entitled “Biometry and fouling study of intertidal black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) to determine their eligibility in the pearl culture industry“ was published by Jha S and Mohan PM in the “Journal of Research in Biology”: Volume 4, Issue 2 at pages (1264-1275).
Article Link : http://jresearchbiology.com/documents/RA0423.pdf
The summary of this article goes on as follows,
The present study on the biometry and fouling load of black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758), was conducted to understand the eco-biology of these intertidal oysters so that their eligibility in the pearl culture industry could be determined. Biometric parameters viz., Anteroposterior measurement (APM), hinge length (HL), thickness (THK) and total weight (TWT) of each oyster were checked for their correlation with dorsoventral measurement (DVM) and fouling load (ΔF) separately by regression analysis. Shell length of collected specimens ranged between 16 ± 3.7- 88.2 ± 6.5 mm. Most of the P. margaritifera from intertidal regions of Andaman were confined to 61-80 mm size group. The average size of all the shell dimensions and TWT increased with increase in the shell length. The rate of increase of all the biometric parameters except TWT, declined in size range greater than 41-60 mm. Maximum and minimum fouling load was observed during September 2011 (27.8 ± 5.1 g) and July 2012 (3.2 ± 3.7 g), respectively. Lower size groups showed maximum correlation indicating isometric growth but in higher size range, allometry was observed as the rate of increase of biometric parameters varied with increasing size range. On the basis of this study it could be concluded that if transferred to suspended culture at an early stage, these intertidal oysters, adapted to survive in harsh environmental conditions, would acclimatize more easily to the new environment and would cross the 61-80 mm size range becoming larger and thicker, a parameter favourable for pearl production.
You may also publish your research articles with us with good per review and elite standards. Kindly visit, www.jresearchbiology.com for further details.
For submission, submit your articles to
Thank you for listening us. Keep watching and learn good. This audio was brought you by www.rjol.org
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 50
Blacklipped pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera), Черногубая жемчужная устрица
Red Sea, Egypt,
Gardens Bay,
Park Regency Sharm El Sheikh Resort,
Blacklipped pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera).
Красное море, Египет,
Гарденс бэй, Шарм...
Red Sea, Egypt,
Gardens Bay,
Park Regency Sharm El Sheikh Resort,
Blacklipped pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera).
Красное море, Египет,
Гарденс бэй, Шарм-эль-Шейх,
Черногубая жемчужная устрица.
Red Sea, Egypt,
Gardens Bay,
Park Regency Sharm El Sheikh Resort,
Blacklipped pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera).
Красное море, Египет,
Гарденс бэй, Шарм-эль-Шейх,
Черногубая жемчужная устрица.
- published: 10 Oct 2022
- views: 144
Study on Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization of Pinctada margaritifera Black Lip Pearl
Study on Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization of Pinctada margaritifera Black Lip Pearl Oyster in French Polynesia
View Book :- https://stm.bookpi.org/CIEES...
Study on Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization of Pinctada margaritifera Black Lip Pearl Oyster in French Polynesia
View Book :- https://stm.bookpi.org/CIEES-V4/article/view/1622
#Carbon_sink #carbon_offset #MOP #pearl_farming #French_Polynesia.
Study on Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization of Pinctada margaritifera Black Lip Pearl Oyster in French Polynesia
View Book :- https://stm.bookpi.org/CIEES-V4/article/view/1622
#Carbon_sink #carbon_offset #MOP #pearl_farming #French_Polynesia.
- published: 18 Aug 2021
- views: 38