Imagine matter packed so densely that nothing can escape.
Not even the biggest planets, stars or even light itself.
An area where gravity's pull is so huge it destroys anything that comes too close.
That's what black holes are.
However black holes are difficult to study, therefore a lot of the information are theories rather than confirmed facts.
So in this list
I'll be showing you 5 amazing facts or theories about black holes.
As always I'd like to give
a big shoutout to viewer Techno_
Girl for suggesting this video.
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5) You cant directly see a black
It's not called a black hole because its colour is actually black
But rather because light itself cannot escape from its grasp.
And when light doesn't exist, what we call vision doesn't exist too.
In theory, the inside of a black hole can be a whole new universe, but since we cant see inside it, it just looks like a black hole.
The only way we could ever find out what is inside a black hole is to send someone or something inside one, but that poses some serious problems.
The closest black hole is estimated to be between 1,600 to 2,
000 light years away, depending on who you ask.
So getting there is impossible with the technology we have today.
but lets just say we somehow managed to get to a black hole,
from what we known, it would mean certain death to the unlucky person tasked with going inside and any object we built would in no way manage to survive the forces either.
so the only way scientists can actually detect a black hole is by looking at the effects of the nearby environment.
If they spot all matter being pulled towards a
point, that's a tell tale
sign that a black hole is lurking in the shadows.
4) There's a black hole in our galaxy, the milky way.
This black hole isn't just any old black hole either, its ridiculously big.
Our sun for example is huge compared to earth
About 1,
300,000 earths can fit inside our sun.
Now this black hole, is on another level.
Its estimated to be about 4 million times the size of our sun.
To imagine the size of this black hole breaks our brains, and the scariest part is its casually hanging around in the center our own galaxy.
But its nothing compared to the biggest black hole ever found,
which is about 15 billion times the size of our sun.
However before you get worried, the size of our galaxy makes the black hole in the center look tiny and its so far away it poses no threat.
We are living inside a black hole.
Ok so this is more of a theory than fact but its such an amazing theory its worth mentioning.
So we have long observed that the mass energy density of the universe, is roughly equal to that of a black hole.
This has caused scientists to start thinking what that could potentially mean.
It is hypothesized by many scientists that the black hole that our universe is in is part of yet another universe and the black holes that exist in our universe are merely gateways to parallel universes!
Black holes can collide
What happens when two black holes collide.
Do they fight it out and the one with the most gravitational pull wins
Well first the idea of 2 black holes colliding is extremely rare and its actually never been observed.
Therefore there can be multiple different outcomes.
However the most likely outcome would be the two black holes slowly come together and form one giant black hole.
This process would be so violent that it would actually send ripples through the space time fabric of the universe.
These ripple are called gravitational waves.
They have never been detected before, until recently.
Only a few weeks ago scientists managed to detect them, a whole
100 years since
Einstein predicted their existence.
1) Black holes could have an opposite
If black holes pull matter in, the opposite would be something that throws matter out.
While it is just a theory it certainly is an interesting one.
These black hole opposites are called white holes.
They are the complete reverse to black holes and cannot be entered from the outside.
Instead of pulling things in, they spew matter out.
Interestingly in
2006 an unusual gamma ray burst was observed
and its turning out to be a potential candidate for a real life white hole.
- published: 29 Mar 2016
- views: 77