- published: 16 May 2016
- views: 19004
Your weekly cleaning motivation! I record videos like this every week, so stay tuned for more cleaning inspiration ♥ Despite my low energy levels lately, due to my pregnancy, I had a great day today, so I could clean quit a bit. Bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and floors. Enjoy! ♥ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Vicina-Lucinda-957161017706199/?ref=hl This video is not sponsored.
Will: "I’m rooting for Greece. I mean, broadly, who the hell isn’t rooting for Greece? Even if you’re super right wing, or super German, or super capitalist you probably don’t want Greece tumbling out of the Euro and defaulting on its debts. But beyond that, I like that they’re a young government. I like Yanis Varoufakis, the new finance minister. To a certain extent, I’ve bought into the media portrayal of him (from the Guardian and NPR and all over) as a straight shooting rapscallion who might – just might – be crazy enough to, um, responsibly manage the Greek financial situation? I was reading the Guardian’s live coverage of the forthcoming Greek proposals of how they’re going to pay off their debts, when a little blurb popped up explaining that the Greek markets were closed today bec...
http://www.GreekPod101.com/video Learn more about Greek culture with GreekPod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Greek holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Greece. In this video, you'll learn all about Clean Monday in Greece and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Greek vocabulary. Join Stefania for a dose of Greek culture! Visit us at GreekPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Greek audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there! Find out more, go to: http://www.greekpod101.com/2014/04/18/video-culture-class-greek-holidays-8-clean-monday/ http://www.Greek...
http://itunes.apple.com/album/come-clean/id315443998 After their huge hit "Everywhere" the guys from Master Blaster are back in Zooland Town with another awesome summerish tune called "Come Clean". This potential crossover smasher catches the first sunbeams by providing the crowds with crispy vocals and a catchy hookline. Must-Hear, Must-Have! -- Video by: Dirk "Hille" Hilgers / DHX Studios http://www.dhxstudios.com Follow us @ https://www.facebook.com/zoolandtv -- © Copyright protected work. ℗ by Zooland.TV - All rights reserved. Only for watching, listening and streaming. Downloading, copying, sharing and making available is strictly prohibited.
Baby ;) and I have been cleaning and recording, here are the results! Not as much as last weeks but we have to take it easy. Hope you understand! Please click thumbs up if you liked the video - thank you! ♥ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Vicina-Lucinda-957161017706199/?ref=hl Overworld by - Kubbi https://soundcloud.com/kubbi Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...
The flour fight, on the coastal road lining Galaxidiís old harbor, takes place on Clean Monday, the beginning of the 40-day Christian Lent fast that ends on Easter Sunday.
This is a video from the Clean Monday celebration in Panorama, Thessaloniki. (Clean Monday is the first day of Orthodox Christian Lent. This year it fell on Feb 19.)
See more about my New Life in Greece at my blog http://aNewLifeinGreece.blogspot.com Kathari Deftera or Clean Monday is the first day of lent for the Greek Orthodox church. It is a day of partying and feasting (but no meat) and flying kites. This video was taken at the celebrations in Agia Triada a small seafront village just south of Thessaloniki. With Perea and Nea Epivates, Agia Triada makes up a local municipality along 5 KM of beach. It is a great area frequented by Greek people themselves many coming from Thessaloniki especialy at wekends for the local tavernas wjho all have seating directly on the beach, which the favourite spot for everyone.
Ich hatte Paprika übrig und wusste nicht so recht, was ich damit machen sollte. Warum also nicht ein süß-saures buntes Paprikagemüse. Ultra lecker und schreit wieder nach nachmachen. Rezept 500g bunte Paprika, klein schneiden 1-2 EL Kokosöl erhitzen - Paprika darin anrüsten 1 Tasse Wasser zufügen und Paprika bei kleiner Hitze gar köcheln 50g Rosinen in heißem Wasser einweichen und zufügen 1 TL frischen Ingwer, 4 EL Zitrone, 3 EL Rohrohrzucker, 1 EL Garam Masala, 1 TL Curry, Salz, Pfeffer zufügen und kurz durchköcheln lassen Dazu passt am besten Reis, Quinoa oder Hirse Lasst es euch schmecken ------------------ Meine liebsten Küchenmaschinen*: Den Personalblender verwende ich für alle kleinen Mengen, die püriert, gemixt oder gemahlen werden müssen: http://amzn.to/23l7Hib Am liebs...
I hope you find some motivation in this video (I know I do when I watch cleaning videos haha!) i n s t a g r a m ↠ https://www.instagram.com/kelseyandfamily/ t w i t t e r ↠ https://twitter.com/kelseyandfamily p i n t e r e s t ↠ https://www.pinterest.com/kelseyandfamily/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - song credit: https://soundcloud.com/kentlugomusic/the-chainsmokers-closer-instrumental-prod-by-kent-lugo
Ich weiß nie so recht, was man mit Stangensellerie anfangen kann. Deswegen gibt es heute mal ein Curry daraus. Viel Spaß beim nachkochen Zutaten: - 1 EL Öl - 1 TL Senfkörner - 1 TL Cumin - 1 TL gemahlener Fenchel - 1 TL Bockhornkleesamen - 500 g Stangensellerie zerkleinern - 500g Tomaten enthäuten und würfeln - einfach anritzen, 3 min in kochendes wasser geben und abschrecken - 2 TL Thymian - etwas joghurt Gewürze in Öl anrösten, bis es duftet Sellerie zugeben und etwa 15 Min dünsten Tomaten zugeben und weitere 10-15 Min köcheln anrichten und Joghurt und Thymian darüberstreuen ------------------ Meine liebsten Küchenmaschinen*: Den Personalblender verwende ich für alle kleinen Mengen, die püriert, gemixt oder gemahlen werden müssen: http://amzn.to/23l7Hib Am liebsten nutze ich de...
Dieser Quinoabrei ist so unglaublich lecker und einfach gemacht. Gerade wenn man mal Lust auf süß und erfrischend hat, schreit dieses Rezept nach ausprobieren. Viel Spaß - 100g Quinoa in 250ml Milch etwa 15 Minuten köcheln - 3 EL Agavensüße und Saft + Abrieb von 2 Zitronen zufügen - Topf vom Herd nehmen und cremig rühren - Nun noch 1 klein geschnittene Banane zugeben und genießen ------------------ Meine liebsten Küchenmaschinen*: Den Personalblender verwende ich für alle kleinen Mengen, die püriert, gemixt oder gemahlen werden müssen: http://amzn.to/23l7Hib Am liebsten nutze ich den Reiskocher von Tefal, weil dieser noch den praktischen Dämpfaufsatz hat. So kann man 2 Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen: http://amzn.to/1PSlPZ9 Meine Moulinex ist ideal zum reiben für größere Mengen...
Today I share my Monday morning Cleaning Routine. It's a very simple routine... nothing fancy :) Make sure to check out the links below E N J O Y!!!!!! Previous Video: Whisper Challenge | With my Husband https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d228HXHta3E Cleaning Routine Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tprWbz7kSa4 *****************FOLLOW ME ON******************** (annettes_life) Twitter: https://twitter.com/annetteslife15 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annettes_life/ For Buisness or Sponsors annetteslife15@gmail.com
Einen leckeren Aufstrich kann man immer gebrauchen, warum nicht mal aus Tofu und Oliven. Unbedingt nachmachen. Einfach folgende Zutaten miteinander pürieren: - 200g Seidentofu - 1 TL Tomatenmark - 1 TL Agavendicksaft - 1 TL Rotweinessig - 2 EL frische Kräuter - Salz, Pfeffer Am Schluss noch 80g gehackte grüne Oliven unterheben. ------------------ Meine liebsten Küchenmaschinen*: Den Personalblender verwende ich für alle kleinen Mengen, die püriert, gemixt oder gemahlen werden müssen: http://amzn.to/23l7Hib Am liebsten nutze ich den Reiskocher von Tefal, weil dieser noch den praktischen Dämpfaufsatz hat. So kann man 2 Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen: http://amzn.to/1PSlPZ9 Meine Moulinex ist ideal zum reiben für größere Mengen oder hartes Gemüse: http://amzn.to/1Sgg3Cn Nie w...
Mail Call Mondays is our weekly Question and Answer session. This week we cover how to clean a bolt action precision rifle. Rifle Description: Remington 700 SPS-Varmint .308 Win Bell & Carlson Light Tactical Stock Timney 510 Trigger Eagle Stock Pack Seekins Precision Base Seekins Precision Rings Falcon Menace 4-14x44FFP Scope Index: Clearing 02:05 Bore Guide 04:50 Cleaning Rod Selection 07:20 Parker Hale Jag 09:30 Bore Brushes 10:05 Solvent/Needle Oiler Bottle 11:40 Cheap Patch/Solvent Catcher 12:00 Brushing the Bore 15:55 Cleaning the Bore Brush 19:40 Wet Patching 20:44 Dry Patching 26:27 Oiled Patch? 27:19 Cleaning Interval/Fouled Bore 29:00 Chamber Cleaning 30:25 Receiver Cleaning 34:10 Bolt Cleaning 34:45 Function Check 45:00 Quick Post-Firing Cleaning 46:30 Tactical Rifle Paintin...
Safranbolu ile kardeş şehir olan Yunanistan'ın Skydra kentinde geleneksel olarak kutlanan "Clean Monday" (Temiz Pazartesi) Bahar Şenlikleri için Safranbolu'dan katılım gerçekleştirdi.
- Download: http://dj.jabig.com/ - JaBig on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JaBig - JaBig on Instagram: http://instagram.com/JaBig (@JaBig) - JaBig on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/JaBig Intro (White Noise Protest - Klankbeeld) Alone (Paradise) Don Carlos Tropical (First Cut) IndySoul What It Means (Jose Marquez Remix) George Vibe, Brujita This Feelin (feat. Andy Allo) Miguel Migs My World (Gemini Boys Deeper Mix) Paso Doble Ft Amera Light You And Me F89 Shapes Huxley Take Me with You (feat. Rachel Fraser) Tony Lionni Clair De Lune (Prince Of Deep Edit) Flight Facilities & Christine Hoberg This Is How it Goes (Black Coffee Remix) Goldfish All Over Again Feat. Lisa Shaw (Rocco Deep Mix) Dario D'Attis, Lisa Shaw Rock My World (Jullian Gomes Remix) [feat. Soulstar] Black Coffee Time R...
As the body of Christ, we believe that we are His hands and feet, and it is our role to serve one another and to reach out to those among us. This is our way to witness to the community and the state of Hawaii. Compassion in Action in showing the Love of God in a Practical Way.
As the starry night reveals itself to introduce the calming darkness of which we originate, which cultivates quiet and spiritual openness, we become more receptive to spirit and open to capturing our life’s purpose. Join Doreen Virtue in this free guided meditation to enjoy a restful night’s sleep. Open yourself to the healing energy of the love that is in you in order to regain balance and become refreshed after a deep, restful sleep. Your spirit and body will bathe in the divine as you acknowledge that the source provides for all of your needs in life. You are loved and deserve this time of peace. Feel the blissfulness and release all barriers that keep you from enjoying your divine true essence.
Track List In Order Matt Simmons - Catch and Release (Deepend Remix) Hudson Taylor - World Without You (M WE Remix) Sam Feldt - Show Me Love (EDXs Indian Summer Remix) Robin Schulz - Headlights ft Ilsey Urban Cone ft Tove Lo - Come Back to Me Syn Cole - Bright Lights (Sam Feldt Remix) Alle Farben - She Moves (Mi Ka Remix) Oscar & The Wolf - Strange Entity ( Sander W & Fandar ft. Sakso Remix) Tom Rosenthal - Go Solo (Niklas Ibach Remix) Filous - How Hard I Try ft. James Hersey Right Away Great Captain - Love Come Save Me (Daniele Di Martino Remix) Anna Naklab ft. Alle Farben & YOUNOTUS - Supergirl (Radio Edit) Mandeh & Velvet - Give Me Milky Chance - Flashed Junk Mind (Filous Remix) Little May - Boardwalks (Sonny Alven Remix) Kygo ft. Conrad - Firestone Petit Biscuit - Sunset Lover
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Info on All Things Gym ►►► http://www.allthingsgym.com/atg-on-to... Subscribe ►►► http://bit.ly/subatg 0:36 Team Warm Up 4:06 Mohamed Warming up for Block Snatches 10:29 Mohamed 140kg x2 Snatches 12:00 Starting Power Clean Warm Up 14:34 Mohamed 150kg x2 Power Cleans 15:44 Starting Squat Warm Up 18:11 210kg x2 Squats 19:47 Stretching 21:33 Human Flag With Ezzeldin Thabet, Tarek Yehia, Sara Ahmed, Mohamed Ehssan, Ahmed Abdelaziz, Gaber Farhan Support ATG by buying an ATG Shirt ► http://store.hookgrip.com/product-category/atg/ Instagram ►►► @atginsta http://instagram.com/atginsta Facebook ►►► https://www.facebook.com/AllThingsGym/