The Magazine

  • Vol. 27 No. 2
    Spring 2016



    • Crashing the Party

      Eliza Newlin Carney

      An earthquake has hit the GOP, and it’s shaking up Democrats as well. The election poses dangers for both parties, but Republicans face the greater peril; even if they win the White House, they will have lost their party.
    • Toward a 21st-Century Labor Movement

      David Rolf

      The old model of collective bargaining can’t be resurrected. Herewith, some new models of how workers can win and wield power.
    • Heights of Privilege

      James Parrott

      How the rich get relief on property taxes—and what to do about it.
    • Maryland Senate Showdown Pits Left Against Lefter

      Nathalie Baptiste

      In the state's Senate primary, an establishment progressive faces a more progressive outsider. Sound familiar?


    • Can the Working Family Work in America?

      Stephanie Coontz

      America still hasn’t adjusted to family realities in the 21st century. Here’s what needs to be done and why we need to do it. 
    • Worlds of Inequality

      Miles Corak

      The winners and losers of globalization. Must it be this way?
    • A Class Act?

      Rich Yeselson

      If the new proletariat starts identifying as a class, it could transform politics. 
    • The Bankers' Bank

      Mike Konczal

      Does the Federal Reserve govern the banking system—or vice versa? 


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