The Javan tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) is an extinct tiger subspecies that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the mid-1970s. It was one of the three subspecies limited to islands.
Javan tigers were very small compared to other subspecies of the Asian mainland, but larger in size than Bali tigers. Males weighed between 100 and 140 kg (220 and 310 lb) on average with a body length of 200 to 245 cm (79 to 96 in). Females were smaller than males and weighed between 75 and 115 kg (170 and 250 lb) on average. Their nose was long and narrow, occipital plane remarkably narrow and carnassials relatively long. They usually had long and thin stripes, which were slightly more numerous than of the Sumatran tiger.
The smaller body size of Javan tigers is attributed to Bergmann’s rule and the size of the available prey species in Java, which are smaller than the cervid and bovid species distributed on the Asian mainland. However, the diameter of their tracks are larger than of Bengal tiger in Bangladesh, India and Nepal.
Also serving as the Hebrew name for Greece or Greeks in general, Yavan or (Tiberian) Yāwān (יָוָן) is probably cognate with the name of the eastern Greeks, the Ionians (Greek Iōnes, earlier Ιαϝονες Iawones). The Greek race has been known by cognate names throughout the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond—even in Sanskrit (yavana). In Greek mythology, the eponymous forefather of the Ionians is similarly called Ion, a son of Apollo.
While Javan is generally associated with the ancient Greeks and Greece (cf. Gen. 10:2, Dan. 8:21, Zech. 9:13, etc.), his sons (as listed in Genesis 10) are usually associated with locations in the Northeastern Mediterranean Sea and Anatolia: Elishah (modern Cyprus), Tarshish (modern southern Turkey), Kittim (modern Cyprus), and Dodanim (alt. 1 Chron. 1:7 'Rodanim,' the island of Rhodes, west of modern Turkey between Cyprus and the mainland of Greece).
List of 7 animal species declared as extinct but are they? Recent claims of sighting probably show that these animals are still out there somewhere... Subscr...
The Javan Tiger
The Javan Tiger
The Javan Tiger
Hallie made Casey work very hard on this project.
Javan Leopard the last predator of Java anton 2012
Javan Leopard the last predator of Java anton 2012
Javan Leopard the last predator of Java anton 2012
Javan Leopard.
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers - Please take a moment to Like, Subscribe, and Comment on this video! View Our Channel To See More Cool Videos About Animals -
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javan tiger interesting facts
javan tiger fun facts
javan tiger interesting facts
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Javan tiger - Video Learning -
Javan tiger - Video Learning -
Javan tiger - Video Learning -
The "Javan tiger" is an extinct tiger subspecies that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the mid-1970s. It was one of the three subspecies limited to islands.
Javan tigers were very small compared to other subspecies of the Asian mainland, but larger in size than Bali tigers. They usually had long and thin stripes, which were slightly more numerous than of the Sumatran tiger. Their nose was long and narrow, occipital plane remarkably narrow and carnassials relatively long. Based on these cranial differences, the Javan tiger was proposed to be assigned to a distinct species, "Panthera sondaica".
Males had a mean body length
Javan Tiger PowerPoint
Javan Tiger PowerPoint
Javan Tiger PowerPoint
Sadly They Became Extinct Because We Humans Are Dangerous
絶滅したジャワトラ Javan Tiger
絶滅したジャワトラ Javan Tiger
絶滅したジャワトラ Javan Tiger
絶滅したジャワトラ Javan Tiger
Javan Tiger - MW3 Game Clip
Javan Tiger - MW3 Game Clip
Javan Tiger - MW3 Game Clip
Game Clip.
New Project 1.
Javan tiger Meaning
Javan tiger Meaning
Javan tiger Meaning
Video shows what Javan tiger means. An extinct tiger that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the 1980s,. Javan tiger Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say Javan tiger. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
Javan Tiger PSA
Javan Tiger PSA
Javan Tiger PSA
I created this video with the youtube Video Editor (
On the Trail of the Hyrcan Tiger (The Quest for the Allegedly Extinct Caspian Tiger in Iran)
On the Trail of the Hyrcan Tiger (The Quest for the Allegedly Extinct Caspian Tiger in Iran)
On the Trail of the Hyrcan Tiger (The Quest for the Allegedly Extinct Caspian Tiger in Iran)
“What man dare, I dare. Approach you like the rugged Russian bear, The armed rhinoceros, or th’ Hyrcan Tiger.” In Macbeth, Shakespeare talks about the Caspian tiger (also known as the Hyrcan tiger) maybe because Europeans and Westerners in general knew about the Hyrcan tiger before they knew about Indian or Siberian tigers. The history of this kind of tiger goes back to when the ancient Romans used Iranian lions and Caspian tigers in gladiatorial combats. The primary habitat of ancient tigers was Western Asia. What is known for sure is that they did not reach today’s America. In the 20th century, these great stripped cats have vanished from W
Tiger selfies, Javan rhinos & more big news from 2014
Tiger selfies, Javan rhinos & more big news from 2014
Tiger selfies, Javan rhinos & more big news from 2014
Subscribe to Earth Touch now for more amazing nature
Remember tiger selfies? We wish we didn't! In this special New Year's roundup of nature news, we're counting down some of the best and worst stories of the last year ... from that famous monkey selfie, to the best animal rescue DIY!
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List of 7 animal species declared as extinct but are they? Recent claims of sighting probably show that these animals are still out there somewhere... Subscr...
The Javan Tiger
The Javan Tiger
The Javan Tiger
Hallie made Casey work very hard on this project.
Javan Leopard the last predator of Java anton 2012
Javan Leopard the last predator of Java anton 2012
Javan Leopard the last predator of Java anton 2012
Javan Leopard.
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers - Please take a moment to Like, Subscribe, and Comment on this video! View Our Channel To See More Cool Videos About Animals -
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javan tiger interesting facts
javan tiger fun facts
javan tiger interesting facts
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tasmanian tiger
endangered species
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endangered animals
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tiger facts
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Javan tiger - Video Learning -
Javan tiger - Video Learning -
Javan tiger - Video Learning -
The "Javan tiger" is an extinct tiger subspecies that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the mid-1970s. It was one of the three subspecies limited to islands.
Javan tigers were very small compared to other subspecies of the Asian mainland, but larger in size than Bali tigers. They usually had long and thin stripes, which were slightly more numerous than of the Sumatran tiger. Their nose was long and narrow, occipital plane remarkably narrow and carnassials relatively long. Based on these cranial differences, the Javan tiger was proposed to be assigned to a distinct species, "Panthera sondaica".
Males had a mean body length
Javan Tiger PowerPoint
Javan Tiger PowerPoint
Javan Tiger PowerPoint
Sadly They Became Extinct Because We Humans Are Dangerous
絶滅したジャワトラ Javan Tiger
絶滅したジャワトラ Javan Tiger
絶滅したジャワトラ Javan Tiger
絶滅したジャワトラ Javan Tiger
Javan Tiger - MW3 Game Clip
Javan Tiger - MW3 Game Clip
Javan Tiger - MW3 Game Clip
Game Clip.
New Project 1.
Javan tiger Meaning
Javan tiger Meaning
Javan tiger Meaning
Video shows what Javan tiger means. An extinct tiger that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the 1980s,. Javan tiger Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say Javan tiger. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
Javan Tiger PSA
Javan Tiger PSA
Javan Tiger PSA
I created this video with the youtube Video Editor (
On the Trail of the Hyrcan Tiger (The Quest for the Allegedly Extinct Caspian Tiger in Iran)
On the Trail of the Hyrcan Tiger (The Quest for the Allegedly Extinct Caspian Tiger in Iran)
On the Trail of the Hyrcan Tiger (The Quest for the Allegedly Extinct Caspian Tiger in Iran)
“What man dare, I dare. Approach you like the rugged Russian bear, The armed rhinoceros, or th’ Hyrcan Tiger.” In Macbeth, Shakespeare talks about the Caspian tiger (also known as the Hyrcan tiger) maybe because Europeans and Westerners in general knew about the Hyrcan tiger before they knew about Indian or Siberian tigers. The history of this kind of tiger goes back to when the ancient Romans used Iranian lions and Caspian tigers in gladiatorial combats. The primary habitat of ancient tigers was Western Asia. What is known for sure is that they did not reach today’s America. In the 20th century, these great stripped cats have vanished from W
Tiger selfies, Javan rhinos & more big news from 2014
Tiger selfies, Javan rhinos & more big news from 2014
Tiger selfies, Javan rhinos & more big news from 2014
Subscribe to Earth Touch now for more amazing nature
Remember tiger selfies? We wish we didn't! In this special New Year's roundup of nature news, we're counting down some of the best and worst stories of the last year ... from that famous monkey selfie, to the best animal rescue DIY!
Earth Touch on Facebook
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Earth Touch on Google+
The Fate of Wild Tigers
The Fate of Wild Tigers
The Fate of Wild Tigers
Evolution final, I do not own the rights to the video footage BIBLIOGRAPHY ₁. Fate of Wild Tigers ₂.http://goa...
Javan tigers was declared extinct but there were sightings in 2000s. Could they still be in Java?
Javan tigers was declared extinct but there were sightings in 2000s. Could they still be in Java?
Javan tigers was declared extinct but there were sightings in 2000s. Could they still be in Java?
This tiger was seen in the 2000s, is this tiger still in the world today? People who help me is Leon: and richard
The javan tigers an extinct animal
The javan tigers an extinct animal
The javan tigers an extinct animal
I heard javan tigers could still roam java somewhere but why did we wipe out their population? Although tigers could kill you sometimes humans kill more tigers than they kill us.
10 Extinct Animals Alleged To Still Be Alive
10 Extinct Animals Alleged To Still Be Alive
10 Extinct Animals Alleged To Still Be Alive
Top 10 Extinct Animals Alleged To Still Be Alive 10: Woolly Mammoth 09: Passenger Pigeon 08: Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacine) 07: Baiji (Yangtze River Dophin) 06:...
25 Animals That Have Gone Extinct Within Past Decades
25 Animals That Have Gone Extinct Within Past Decades
25 Animals That Have Gone Extinct Within Past Decades
Extinction is a natural process; a typical species used to become extinct within 10 million years of its first appearance but these days, when the planet is bursting at the seams with over 7 billion humans, the species loss is now occurring at a rate more than 1,000 times greater than it would be without our “contribution”. Human expansion, hunting, and the destruction of natural habitats, climate changes, pollution and other factors are to blame for the loss of numerous animal species. However, on this post, we will show you 25. From the small bright Golden toad to the frightening looking Zanzibar leopard, these are 25 animals that have gone
Sumatran Tigers Up Close
Sumatran Tigers Up Close
Sumatran Tigers Up Close
The Sumatran Tiger is the smallest of the 5 remaining subspecies of tigers. There are only about 450 of them left in the whole world with only about half of ...
Top 7 Recently Extinct Animals
Top 7 Recently Extinct Animals
Top 7 Recently Extinct Animals
A video I created about some really cool animals that recently went extinct. Watch the video to learn more :-) It includes: Quagga (Plains Zebra, Amsterdam Z...
Top 10 Awesome Animals Humans Let Go Extinct
Top 10 Awesome Animals Humans Let Go Extinct
Top 10 Awesome Animals Humans Let Go Extinct
Top 10 Awesome Animals Humans Let Go Extinct
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Text version:
As conservationists and little kids donating quarters at zoos know perfectly well, the world is trying it’s darnedest to make sure that many of the awesome animals we have today will be preserved for posterity. Could you imagine growing up and not knowing what an elephant w
Six animals extinct because of humans
Six animals extinct because of humans
Six animals extinct because of humans
1. Thylacine(Tasmanian Tiger) 2. Quagga 3. Passenger Pigeon 4. Golden toad 5. Javan Tiger 6. Baiji River Dolphin.
List of 7 animal species declared as extinct but are they? Recent claims of sighting probably show that these animals are still out there somewhere... Subscr...
List of 7 animal species declared as extinct but are they? Recent claims of sighting probably show that these animals are still out there somewhere... Subscr...
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers - Please take a moment to Like, Subscribe, and Comment on this video! View Our Channel To See More Cool Videos About Animals -
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Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
Bali and Javan tigers were quite small, although male Javan tigers could grow larger than Sumatrans, perhaps due to Java’s large mammal community that is not present in Sumatra. There is also fossil evidence of tigers from Borneo and from Palawan in the Philippines, where they went extinct about 12,000 years ago. However, controversial evidence suggests those on Borneo may have survived until as recently as about 200 years ago.
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
101AnimalFacts 101AnimalFacts
By 1975, only 8 per cent of the forest remained. In this time, the human population had increased to 85 million people.
6. Rusa deer, the tiger's most important prey species, were lost to disease in several reserves and forests during the 1960s.
7. Rumoured sightings of the tigers persist to this day but unfortunately this creature is now considered officially extinct.
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers - Please take a moment to Like, Subscribe, and Comment on this video! View Our Channel To See More Cool Videos About Animals -
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javan tiger interesting facts
javan tiger fun facts
javan tiger interesting facts
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tiger facts for kids
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Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
Bali and Javan tigers were quite small, although male Javan tigers could grow larger than Sumatrans, perhaps due to Java’s large mammal community that is not present in Sumatra. There is also fossil evidence of tigers from Borneo and from Palawan in the Philippines, where they went extinct about 12,000 years ago. However, controversial evidence suggests those on Borneo may have survived until as recently as about 200 years ago.
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
101AnimalFacts 101AnimalFacts
By 1975, only 8 per cent of the forest remained. In this time, the human population had increased to 85 million people.
6. Rusa deer, the tiger's most important prey species, were lost to disease in several reserves and forests during the 1960s.
7. Rumoured sightings of the tigers persist to this day but unfortunately this creature is now considered officially extinct.
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
The "Javan tiger" is an extinct tiger subspecies that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the mid-1970s. It was one of the three subspecies limited to islands.
Javan tigers were very small compared to other subspecies of the Asian mainland, but larger in size than Bali tigers. They usually had long and thin stripes, which were slightly more numerous than of the Sumatran tiger. Their nose was long and narrow, occipital plane remarkably narrow and carnassials relatively long. Based on these cranial differences, the Javan tiger was proposed to be assigned to a distinct species, "Panthera sondaica".
Males had a mean body length of 248 cm and weighed between 100 and. Females were smaller than males and weighed between 75 and.
The smaller body size of Javan tigers is attributed to Bergmann’s rule and the size of the available prey species in Java, which are smaller than the cervid and bovid species distributed on the Asian mainland. However, the diameter of their tracks are larger than of Bengal tiger in Bangladesh, India and Nepal.
At the end of the 18th century, tigers inhabited most of Java. Around 1850, the people living in the rural areas still considered them a plague. By 1940, tigers had retreated to remote mountainous and forested areas. Around 1970, the only known tigers lived in the region of Mount Betiri, with an altitude of 1192 m the highest mountain in Java's southeast, which had not been settled due to the rugged and slopy terrain. In 1972, the 500 km2 area was gazetted as wildlife reserve. The last tigers were sighted there in 1976.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
The "Javan tiger" is an extinct tiger subspecies that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the mid-1970s. It was one of the three subspecies limited to islands.
Javan tigers were very small compared to other subspecies of the Asian mainland, but larger in size than Bali tigers. They usually had long and thin stripes, which were slightly more numerous than of the Sumatran tiger. Their nose was long and narrow, occipital plane remarkably narrow and carnassials relatively long. Based on these cranial differences, the Javan tiger was proposed to be assigned to a distinct species, "Panthera sondaica".
Males had a mean body length of 248 cm and weighed between 100 and. Females were smaller than males and weighed between 75 and.
The smaller body size of Javan tigers is attributed to Bergmann’s rule and the size of the available prey species in Java, which are smaller than the cervid and bovid species distributed on the Asian mainland. However, the diameter of their tracks are larger than of Bengal tiger in Bangladesh, India and Nepal.
At the end of the 18th century, tigers inhabited most of Java. Around 1850, the people living in the rural areas still considered them a plague. By 1940, tigers had retreated to remote mountainous and forested areas. Around 1970, the only known tigers lived in the region of Mount Betiri, with an altitude of 1192 m the highest mountain in Java's southeast, which had not been settled due to the rugged and slopy terrain. In 1972, the 500 km2 area was gazetted as wildlife reserve. The last tigers were sighted there in 1976.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
Video shows what Javan tiger means. An extinct tiger that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the 1980s,. Javan tiger Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say Javan tiger. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
Video shows what Javan tiger means. An extinct tiger that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the 1980s,. Javan tiger Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say Javan tiger. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
“What man dare, I dare. Approach you like the rugged Russian bear, The armed rhinoceros, or th’ Hyrcan Tiger.” In Macbeth, Shakespeare talks about the Caspian tiger (also known as the Hyrcan tiger) maybe because Europeans and Westerners in general knew about the Hyrcan tiger before they knew about Indian or Siberian tigers. The history of this kind of tiger goes back to when the ancient Romans used Iranian lions and Caspian tigers in gladiatorial combats. The primary habitat of ancient tigers was Western Asia. What is known for sure is that they did not reach today’s America. In the 20th century, these great stripped cats have vanished from Western Asia. Although this tiger is thought to be extinct in Iran, several sightings of it have been reported in recent years.
In “On the Trail of the Hyrcan Tiger”, a brief historical account of the origin and life of the Hyrcan tiger is provided, and then our adventurer starts his search for this extinct tiger in the picturesque jungles of Golestan Province, Iran. He has been working on this subject for years. During his quest, he talks with the nearby local residents and ecologists. Surprisingly, different accounts and stories are presented to him. To know what has happened to this tiger, watch our beautiful, exclusive documentary and enjoy the stunning views of Iran’s jungles as well.
PRESS TV Documentaries
“What man dare, I dare. Approach you like the rugged Russian bear, The armed rhinoceros, or th’ Hyrcan Tiger.” In Macbeth, Shakespeare talks about the Caspian tiger (also known as the Hyrcan tiger) maybe because Europeans and Westerners in general knew about the Hyrcan tiger before they knew about Indian or Siberian tigers. The history of this kind of tiger goes back to when the ancient Romans used Iranian lions and Caspian tigers in gladiatorial combats. The primary habitat of ancient tigers was Western Asia. What is known for sure is that they did not reach today’s America. In the 20th century, these great stripped cats have vanished from Western Asia. Although this tiger is thought to be extinct in Iran, several sightings of it have been reported in recent years.
In “On the Trail of the Hyrcan Tiger”, a brief historical account of the origin and life of the Hyrcan tiger is provided, and then our adventurer starts his search for this extinct tiger in the picturesque jungles of Golestan Province, Iran. He has been working on this subject for years. During his quest, he talks with the nearby local residents and ecologists. Surprisingly, different accounts and stories are presented to him. To know what has happened to this tiger, watch our beautiful, exclusive documentary and enjoy the stunning views of Iran’s jungles as well.
PRESS TV Documentaries
published:22 Nov 2014
Tiger selfies, Javan rhinos & more big news from 2014
Subscribe to Earth Touch now for more amazing nature
Remember tiger selfies? We wish we didn't! In this special New Year's roundup of nature news, we're counting down some of the best and worst stories of the last year ... from that famous monkey selfie, to the best animal rescue DIY!
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Subscribe to Earth Touch now for more amazing nature
Remember tiger selfies? We wish we didn't! In this special New Year's roundup of nature news, we're counting down some of the best and worst stories of the last year ... from that famous monkey selfie, to the best animal rescue DIY!
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Evolution final, I do not own the rights to the video footage BIBLIOGRAPHY ₁. Fate of Wild Tigers ₂.http://goa...
Evolution final, I do not own the rights to the video footage BIBLIOGRAPHY ₁. Fate of Wild Tigers ₂.http://goa...
This tiger was seen in the 2000s, is this tiger still in the world today? People who help me is Leon: and richard
This tiger was seen in the 2000s, is this tiger still in the world today? People who help me is Leon: and richard
I heard javan tigers could still roam java somewhere but why did we wipe out their population? Although tigers could kill you sometimes humans kill more tigers than they kill us.
I heard javan tigers could still roam java somewhere but why did we wipe out their population? Although tigers could kill you sometimes humans kill more tigers than they kill us.
Top 10 Extinct Animals Alleged To Still Be Alive 10: Woolly Mammoth 09: Passenger Pigeon 08: Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacine) 07: Baiji (Yangtze River Dophin) 06:...
Top 10 Extinct Animals Alleged To Still Be Alive 10: Woolly Mammoth 09: Passenger Pigeon 08: Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacine) 07: Baiji (Yangtze River Dophin) 06:...
Extinction is a natural process; a typical species used to become extinct within 10 million years of its first appearance but these days, when the planet is bursting at the seams with over 7 billion humans, the species loss is now occurring at a rate more than 1,000 times greater than it would be without our “contribution”. Human expansion, hunting, and the destruction of natural habitats, climate changes, pollution and other factors are to blame for the loss of numerous animal species. However, on this post, we will show you 25. From the small bright Golden toad to the frightening looking Zanzibar leopard, these are 25 animals that have gone extinct within past decades.
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Vietnamese rhinoceros
Canary Islands oystercatcher
Formosan clouded leopard
Smith Island cottontail
Mariana mallard
San Quintin kangaroo rat
Chinese paddlefish
Javan tiger
Dusky seaside sparrow
Pyrenean ibex
Golden toad
Tecopa pupfish
Norflok boobook
Black-faced honeycreeper
Western black rhino
Guam flying fox
Caribbean monk seal
Pinta Island tortoise
Caspian tiger
Zanzibar leopard
Christmas Island shrew
Malagasy hippopotamus
Yunnan lake newt
Round Island burrowing boa
Extinction is a natural process; a typical species used to become extinct within 10 million years of its first appearance but these days, when the planet is bursting at the seams with over 7 billion humans, the species loss is now occurring at a rate more than 1,000 times greater than it would be without our “contribution”. Human expansion, hunting, and the destruction of natural habitats, climate changes, pollution and other factors are to blame for the loss of numerous animal species. However, on this post, we will show you 25. From the small bright Golden toad to the frightening looking Zanzibar leopard, these are 25 animals that have gone extinct within past decades.
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Check out the physical list at -
Vietnamese rhinoceros
Canary Islands oystercatcher
Formosan clouded leopard
Smith Island cottontail
Mariana mallard
San Quintin kangaroo rat
Chinese paddlefish
Javan tiger
Dusky seaside sparrow
Pyrenean ibex
Golden toad
Tecopa pupfish
Norflok boobook
Black-faced honeycreeper
Western black rhino
Guam flying fox
Caribbean monk seal
Pinta Island tortoise
Caspian tiger
Zanzibar leopard
Christmas Island shrew
Malagasy hippopotamus
Yunnan lake newt
Round Island burrowing boa
The Sumatran Tiger is the smallest of the 5 remaining subspecies of tigers. There are only about 450 of them left in the whole world with only about half of ...
The Sumatran Tiger is the smallest of the 5 remaining subspecies of tigers. There are only about 450 of them left in the whole world with only about half of ...
A video I created about some really cool animals that recently went extinct. Watch the video to learn more :-) It includes: Quagga (Plains Zebra, Amsterdam Z...
A video I created about some really cool animals that recently went extinct. Watch the video to learn more :-) It includes: Quagga (Plains Zebra, Amsterdam Z...
Top 10 Awesome Animals Humans Let Go Extinct
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Top 10 Animals That Do Drugs
Top 10 Fascinating Facts About T-Rex
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As conservationists and little kids donating quarters at zoos know perfectly well, the world is trying it’s darnedest to make sure that many of the awesome animals we have today will be preserved for posterity. Could you imagine growing up and not knowing what an elephant was? Here’s a list of animals we can’t really believe people will grow up without.
Coming up:
10) Chinese Paddlefish
9) Zanzibar Leopard
8) Quagga
7) Mexican Grizzly Bear
6) Great Auk
5) Three Different Species of Rhinoceros
4) Javan Tigers
3) Falkland Islands Wolf
2) Guadalupe Caracara
1) Thylacine
Source/Other reading:;=MF5Qq9mhrrw,%20
Top 10 Awesome Animals Humans Let Go Extinct
Other TopTenz Videos:
Top 10 Animals That Do Drugs
Top 10 Fascinating Facts About T-Rex
Subscribe to TopTenzNet:
Text version:
As conservationists and little kids donating quarters at zoos know perfectly well, the world is trying it’s darnedest to make sure that many of the awesome animals we have today will be preserved for posterity. Could you imagine growing up and not knowing what an elephant was? Here’s a list of animals we can’t really believe people will grow up without.
Coming up:
10) Chinese Paddlefish
9) Zanzibar Leopard
8) Quagga
7) Mexican Grizzly Bear
6) Great Auk
5) Three Different Species of Rhinoceros
4) Javan Tigers
3) Falkland Islands Wolf
2) Guadalupe Caracara
1) Thylacine
Source/Other reading:;=MF5Qq9mhrrw,%20
*RARE* Endangered Sumatran Tigers Playing at the Atlanta Zoo Amazing Creatures!
*RARE* Endangered Sumatran Tigers Playing at the Atlanta Zoo Amazing Creatures!
*RARE* Endangered Sumatran Tigers Playing at the Atlanta Zoo Amazing Creatures!
The Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is a rare tiger subspecies that inhabits the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It was classified as critically enda...
The Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is a rare tiger subspecies that inhabits the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It was classified as critically enda...
The Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is a rare tiger subspecies that inhabits the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It was classified as critically enda...
CRYPTOZOOLOGY: On the Track (Of Unknown Animals) Episode 16 (January 2009)
CRYPTOZOOLOGY: On the Track (Of Unknown Animals) Episode 16 (January 2009)
CRYPTOZOOLOGY: On the Track (Of Unknown Animals) Episode 16 (January 2009)
The latest edition of a monthly webTV show from the CFZ and CFZtv, bringing you the latest cryptozoological, and monster hunting news from around the world. ...
League of Legends - Team WE vs. GE Tigers - IEM Katowice 2015 - Semifinal - Map 2
League of Legends - Team WE vs. GE Tigers - IEM Katowice 2015 - Semifinal - Map 2
League of Legends - Team WE vs. GE Tigers - IEM Katowice 2015 - Semifinal - Map 2
Team WE battle it out against GE Tigers. See who makes it out on top and moves on for a chance at glory!
Watch more IEM League of Legends action here:;=50&sort;=dd
Intel Extreme Masters Season 9
March 12th-15th 2015 Katowice, Poland
Music: Alexis Troy Silent Runner (Intel Extreme Masters Theme)
Buy the official Intel Extreme Masters Theme Song
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theScore eSports is the ultimate mobile eSports experience. It’s the best w
The Lost Rhinos of Vietnam - Javan (Sunda) rhino driven to extinction in Vietnam
The Lost Rhinos of Vietnam - Javan (Sunda) rhino driven to extinction in Vietnam
The Lost Rhinos of Vietnam - Javan (Sunda) rhino driven to extinction in Vietnam
The Sunda rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) or lesser one-horned rhinoceros, or more popular as Javan rhinoceros, is a very rare member of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of five extant rhinoceroses. It belongs to the same genus as the Indian rhinoceros, and has similar mosaicked skin, which resembles armour, but at 3.1–3.2 m (10–10.5 feet) in length and 1.4–1.7 m (4.6–5.8 ft) in height, it is smaller (in fact, it is closer in size to the black rhinoceros of the genus Diceros). Its horn is usually less than 25 cm (10 inches), smaller than those of the other rhino species. Only adult males have horns; females lack them altogether.
Once the
Full Documentary. Komodo Dragon | Land of Dragons - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
Full Documentary. Komodo Dragon | Land of Dragons - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
Full Documentary. Komodo Dragon | Land of Dragons - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
Land of dragons is a full documentary that shows us the Komodo dragon, one of the animals most feared by man who lives in the jungle of indonesia.
SUBSCRIBE! Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!
02:15 During the glaciations of the Pleistocene era, the polar icecaps increased in size, and the level of the sea fell. Some islands, now known as Indonesia, remained isolated while others became joined to the continent. Java was one of these. Once the glaciation was over, the sea returned to its original level, and Java once more became an island, cut off from
SKT T1 Faker Javan vs Vladimir - KR SoloQ - Patch 5.15 [15.Aug.2015]
SKT T1 Faker Javan vs Vladimir - KR SoloQ - Patch 5.15 [15.Aug.2015]
SKT T1 Faker Javan vs Vladimir - KR SoloQ - Patch 5.15 [15.Aug.2015]
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Ranked Challenger Pro Replay Jarvan IV vs Jayce Kr SoloQ Season 5
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'Tiger Power': Is Tiger Penis Used As Viagra In China, Poachers Arrest Reveals in K'taka - TV9
'Tiger Power': Is Tiger Penis Used As Viagra In China, Poachers Arrest Reveals in K'taka - TV9
'Tiger Power': Is Tiger Penis Used As Viagra In China, Poachers Arrest Reveals in K'taka - TV9
TV9 Discussion: 'Tiger Power': Is Tiger Penis Used As Viagra In China, Two Poachers Arrest Reveals - Full...,
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In traditional Chinese medicine, a tiger penis (Vietnamese: Pín hổ; Chinese: pinyin: hǔ biān) is said to have important therapeutic properties. However, modern science does not support the belief that the tiger penis (usually prepared as part of a
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Zedbazi Documentary OFFICIAL VIDEO
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Zedbazi Documentary Directed by Ardeshir Ahmadi.
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LCK Summer 2015 : Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 1
Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 2 - LCK Summer 2015 [07.Aug.2015]
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Let's Play ZOO TYCOON #09 | Auswildern und Tiger | FaceCam | XBOX ONE [1080p]
Let's Play ZOO TYCOON #09 | Auswildern und Tiger | FaceCam | XBOX ONE [1080p]
Let's Play ZOO TYCOON #09 | Auswildern und Tiger | FaceCam | XBOX ONE [1080p]
Wir bauen weiter und stellen uns vieler Herausforderungen. Das große Tropengehege, Auswilderungen und Tiger - das sind die Themen.
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KT Prime Javan IV Junger ft. SKT T1 Picaboo Janna sp
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KT Prime Javan IV Junger ft. SKT T1 Picaboo Janna sp Grenadier Yogender Singh Yadav, 18 Grenadiers, in the wee morning hours of 04 July 1999 was part of the Commando 'Ghatak' Platoon task...
抚州寻虎-A trip in South China seekin' wild extinct species-South China Tiger
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中國中央電視臺出品字幕/Subtitle:簡體中文/Simplified Chinese 語言/Language:普通話(國語)/Mandarin.
374. SKT T1 Faker (7-2-1) TOP Jarvan IV vs Renekton - SoloQ Challenger 4.21
374. SKT T1 Faker (7-2-1) TOP Jarvan IV vs Renekton - SoloQ Challenger 4.21
374. SKT T1 Faker (7-2-1) TOP Jarvan IV vs Renekton - SoloQ Challenger 4.21
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Say No to Forest Conversion in Masurai
Say No to Forest Conversion in Masurai
Say No to Forest Conversion in Masurai
Jambi province in Sumatra is known for its lowland rainforest, rich with natural resources, rare flora and fauna like sumatran tiger, sumatran elephant, jerenang rattan, and other rattans can be found in jambi’s natural forests. However 2.1 million hectares of Jambi’s natural forest is not as lush as it used to be, forest conversion and the many consessions for large-scale estates, industrial plantations, and mining wiping out jambi’s natural forest cover, destruction of jambi’s natural forest has reached 1 million hectares. In Merangin district community members from 53 villages in 6 sub-district attempt to defend their natural forests, they
HFL SoFm Javan IV vs Nidale Arnbition , KR LOL Challenger 12 3 2015
HFL SoFm Javan IV vs Nidale Arnbition , KR LOL Challenger 12 3 2015
HFL SoFm Javan IV vs Nidale Arnbition , KR LOL Challenger 12 3 2015
i do not own this video, just my collections of my LOL idols
Lions and tiger and bears 2_0001.wmv
Lions and tiger and bears 2_0001.wmv
Lions and tiger and bears 2_0001.wmv
My latest roller coaster park built around a wild animal park. Go full screen and enjoy the ride and animals.
Animals Funny Videos | Funny Cat | Funny Dog Videos | Funny Cat Videos | Funny Videos, 2015
Cat ( )
The domestic cat[1][2] (Felis catus or Felis silvestris catus)[2][4] is a small, usually furry, domesticated, and carnivorous mammal. They are often called housecats when kept as an indoor pet or simply cats when there is no need to distinguish them from other felids and felines.[6] Cats are often valued by humans for companionship and their ability to hunt pests.
Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with strong, flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing
CRYPTOZOOLOGY: On the Track (Of Unknown Animals) Episode 16 (January 2009)
The latest edition of a monthly webTV show from the CFZ and CFZtv, bringing you the latest cryptozoological, and monster hunting news from around the world. ...
The latest edition of a monthly webTV show from the CFZ and CFZtv, bringing you the latest cryptozoological, and monster hunting news from around the world. ...
Team WE battle it out against GE Tigers. See who makes it out on top and moves on for a chance at glory!
Watch more IEM League of Legends action here:;=50&sort;=dd
Intel Extreme Masters Season 9
March 12th-15th 2015 Katowice, Poland
Music: Alexis Troy Silent Runner (Intel Extreme Masters Theme)
Buy the official Intel Extreme Masters Theme Song
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theScore eSports is the ultimate mobile eSports experience. It’s the best way to follow breaking news and live scoring coverage from your favorite games. Download it here -
Team WE battle it out against GE Tigers. See who makes it out on top and moves on for a chance at glory!
Watch more IEM League of Legends action here:;=50&sort;=dd
Intel Extreme Masters Season 9
March 12th-15th 2015 Katowice, Poland
Music: Alexis Troy Silent Runner (Intel Extreme Masters Theme)
Buy the official Intel Extreme Masters Theme Song
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theScore eSports is the ultimate mobile eSports experience. It’s the best way to follow breaking news and live scoring coverage from your favorite games. Download it here -
published:14 Mar 2015
The Lost Rhinos of Vietnam - Javan (Sunda) rhino driven to extinction in Vietnam
The Sunda rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) or lesser one-horned rhinoceros, or more popular as Javan rhinoceros, is a very rare member of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of five extant rhinoceroses. It belongs to the same genus as the Indian rhinoceros, and has similar mosaicked skin, which resembles armour, but at 3.1–3.2 m (10–10.5 feet) in length and 1.4–1.7 m (4.6–5.8 ft) in height, it is smaller (in fact, it is closer in size to the black rhinoceros of the genus Diceros). Its horn is usually less than 25 cm (10 inches), smaller than those of the other rhino species. Only adult males have horns; females lack them altogether.
Once the most widespread of Asian rhinoceroses, the Sunda rhinoceros ranged from the islands of Java and Sumatra, throughout Southeast Asia, and into India and China. The species is critically endangered, with only one known population in the wild, and no individuals in captivity. It is possibly the rarest large mammal on earth,:21 with a population of as few as 40 in Ujung Kulon National Park at the western tip of Java in Indonesia. A second population in Cat Tien National Park in Vietnam was confirmed as extinct in 2011. The decline of the Sunda rhinoceros is attributed to poaching, primarily for their horns, which are highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine, fetching as much as US$30,000 per kilogramme on the black market.:31 As European presence in their range increased, trophy hunting also became a serious threat. Loss of habitat, especially as the result of wars, such as the Vietnam War, in Southeast Asia, has also contributed to the species' decline and hindered recovery. The remaining range is within one nationally protected area, but the rhinos are still at risk from poachers, disease and loss of genetic diversity leading to inbreeding depression.
The Sunda rhino can live approximately 30–45 years in the wild. It historically inhabited lowland rain forest, wet grasslands and large floodplains. The Sunda rhino is mostly solitary, except for courtship and offspring-rearing, though groups may occasionally congregate near wallows and salt licks. Aside from humans, adults have no predators in their range. The Sunda rhino usually avoids humans, but will attack when it feels threatened. Scientists and conservationists rarely study the animals directly due to their extreme rarity and the danger of interfering with such an endangered species. Researchers rely on camera traps and fecal samples to gauge health and behavior. Consequently, the Sunda rhino is the least studied of all rhino species. Two adult rhinos with their calves were filmed in a motion-triggered video released on February 28, 2011 by WWF and Indonesia's National Park Authority, which proved it is still breeding in the wild. In April 2012, the National Parks Authority released video showing 35 individual Sunda rhinos, including mother/offspring pairs and courting adults.
The Sunda rhinoceros is a solitary animal with the exception of breeding pairs and mothers with calves. They will sometimes congregate in small groups at salt licks and mud wallows. Wallowing in mud is a common behavior for all rhinos; the activity allows them to maintain cool body temperatures and helps prevent disease and parasite infestation. The Sunda rhinoceros does not generally dig its own mud wallows, preferring to use other animals' wallows or naturally occurring pits, which it will use its horn to enlarge. Salt licks are also very important because of the essential nutrients the rhino receives from the salt. Male home ranges are larger at 12–20 km² (5–8 miles²) compared to the female, which are around 3–14 km² (1–5 mi²). Male territories overlap each other less than those of the female. It is not known if there are territorial fights.
Males mark their territories with dung piles and by urine spraying. Scrapes made by the feet in the ground and twisted saplings also seem to be used for communication.
The Sunda rhinoceros is herbivorous, eating diverse plant species, especially their shoots, twigs, young foliage and fallen fruit. Most of the plants favored by the species grow in sunny areas in forest clearings, shrubland and other vegetation types with no large trees. The rhino knocks down saplings to reach its food and grabs it with its prehensile upper lip. It is the most adaptable feeder of all the rhino species. Currently, it is a pure browser, but probably once both browsed and grazed in its historical range. The rhino eats an estimated 50 kg (110 lb) of food daily. Like the Sumatran rhino, it needs salt in its diet. The salt licks common in its historical range do not exist in Ujung Kulon, but the rhinos there have been observed drinking seawater, likely for the same nutritional need.
The Sunda rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) or lesser one-horned rhinoceros, or more popular as Javan rhinoceros, is a very rare member of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of five extant rhinoceroses. It belongs to the same genus as the Indian rhinoceros, and has similar mosaicked skin, which resembles armour, but at 3.1–3.2 m (10–10.5 feet) in length and 1.4–1.7 m (4.6–5.8 ft) in height, it is smaller (in fact, it is closer in size to the black rhinoceros of the genus Diceros). Its horn is usually less than 25 cm (10 inches), smaller than those of the other rhino species. Only adult males have horns; females lack them altogether.
Once the most widespread of Asian rhinoceroses, the Sunda rhinoceros ranged from the islands of Java and Sumatra, throughout Southeast Asia, and into India and China. The species is critically endangered, with only one known population in the wild, and no individuals in captivity. It is possibly the rarest large mammal on earth,:21 with a population of as few as 40 in Ujung Kulon National Park at the western tip of Java in Indonesia. A second population in Cat Tien National Park in Vietnam was confirmed as extinct in 2011. The decline of the Sunda rhinoceros is attributed to poaching, primarily for their horns, which are highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine, fetching as much as US$30,000 per kilogramme on the black market.:31 As European presence in their range increased, trophy hunting also became a serious threat. Loss of habitat, especially as the result of wars, such as the Vietnam War, in Southeast Asia, has also contributed to the species' decline and hindered recovery. The remaining range is within one nationally protected area, but the rhinos are still at risk from poachers, disease and loss of genetic diversity leading to inbreeding depression.
The Sunda rhino can live approximately 30–45 years in the wild. It historically inhabited lowland rain forest, wet grasslands and large floodplains. The Sunda rhino is mostly solitary, except for courtship and offspring-rearing, though groups may occasionally congregate near wallows and salt licks. Aside from humans, adults have no predators in their range. The Sunda rhino usually avoids humans, but will attack when it feels threatened. Scientists and conservationists rarely study the animals directly due to their extreme rarity and the danger of interfering with such an endangered species. Researchers rely on camera traps and fecal samples to gauge health and behavior. Consequently, the Sunda rhino is the least studied of all rhino species. Two adult rhinos with their calves were filmed in a motion-triggered video released on February 28, 2011 by WWF and Indonesia's National Park Authority, which proved it is still breeding in the wild. In April 2012, the National Parks Authority released video showing 35 individual Sunda rhinos, including mother/offspring pairs and courting adults.
The Sunda rhinoceros is a solitary animal with the exception of breeding pairs and mothers with calves. They will sometimes congregate in small groups at salt licks and mud wallows. Wallowing in mud is a common behavior for all rhinos; the activity allows them to maintain cool body temperatures and helps prevent disease and parasite infestation. The Sunda rhinoceros does not generally dig its own mud wallows, preferring to use other animals' wallows or naturally occurring pits, which it will use its horn to enlarge. Salt licks are also very important because of the essential nutrients the rhino receives from the salt. Male home ranges are larger at 12–20 km² (5–8 miles²) compared to the female, which are around 3–14 km² (1–5 mi²). Male territories overlap each other less than those of the female. It is not known if there are territorial fights.
Males mark their territories with dung piles and by urine spraying. Scrapes made by the feet in the ground and twisted saplings also seem to be used for communication.
The Sunda rhinoceros is herbivorous, eating diverse plant species, especially their shoots, twigs, young foliage and fallen fruit. Most of the plants favored by the species grow in sunny areas in forest clearings, shrubland and other vegetation types with no large trees. The rhino knocks down saplings to reach its food and grabs it with its prehensile upper lip. It is the most adaptable feeder of all the rhino species. Currently, it is a pure browser, but probably once both browsed and grazed in its historical range. The rhino eats an estimated 50 kg (110 lb) of food daily. Like the Sumatran rhino, it needs salt in its diet. The salt licks common in its historical range do not exist in Ujung Kulon, but the rhinos there have been observed drinking seawater, likely for the same nutritional need.
published:12 Apr 2015
Full Documentary. Komodo Dragon | Land of Dragons - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
Land of dragons is a full documentary that shows us the Komodo dragon, one of the animals most feared by man who lives in the jungle of indonesia.
SUBSCRIBE! Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!
02:15 During the glaciations of the Pleistocene era, the polar icecaps increased in size, and the level of the sea fell. Some islands, now known as Indonesia, remained isolated while others became joined to the continent. Java was one of these. Once the glaciation was over, the sea returned to its original level, and Java once more became an island, cut off from mainland Asia.
08:25 Isolation gave rise to many endemic species, and incredible biological diversity. In some cases, the species are exclusive to the archipelago, or may be even be restricted to a single island. This is the case of the second largest bovine in the world, the banteng. This is the case of the second largest bovine in the world, the banteng. Unlike man, few predators would even attempt to fell a prey of this size. Their main enemy lies hidden in the depths of the jungle, where it is virtually invisible.
It is the largest predator on the island, an animal feared and venerated by man since ancient times, the tiger.
11:36 It was precisely on this island, Java, that the first explorers found one of the most mysterious animals of the archipelago. The Javan rhinoceros is one of the rarest mammals on earth.
16:05 In the coral reef coexist many species. The marine fauna and flora have here found conditions favourable to life. The clown fish, for example, does not rub against a plant, but rather an anemone, an animal of the polyp family.
20:56 Beyond the coral reef, lie the open waters of the ocean, one of the environments most feared by man since ancient times. The seabed is lost in the dark depths, and all that can be seen is the so-called Great Blue, the immensity of the ocean. This is a world almost without colour, dominated by the great sea predators, the territory of the most feared ocean animal, the shark.
23:03 The fiddler crab is another species that live in the archipelago. It’s name comes from it’s enormous claws, almost equal in size as the rest of its body. This outsized claw serves two basic functions: to mark his territory, and attract the females.
24:21 The male can only use one of his claws. The other is so big that it is useless for collecting mud. The females don’t have this problem.
27:30 The mudskipper is one of the few species of fish in the world capable of living out of the water.
28:01 Courtship also takes place on land. The male shows off his dorsal fin to the females.
31:32 The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard in the world. It can measure 3 metres in length, and weigh 70 kilos. It’s sight and hearing are not very well-developed. To hunt, it relies on smell.
34:17 Such is the voracity of these animals that the adults do not hesitate to attack the young of the species. To avoid being detected, these cover themselves in faeces to disguise their natural smell, and climb up into the trees, where they will remain until the predator has moved off.
35:44 The inhabitants of Komodo leave the dead bodies of their cattle for the great predator, as payment for the use of the meadows.
The more deaths there are, the less likely it is the reptiles will collect the debt by attacking the live cattle.
39: 47 Man has lived alongside the giant lizards since time immemorial. Over generations, children and adults who strayed from the settlements have disappeared in the jungle, leaving no trace.
40:17 Today, about 2,500 people live on Komodo and Rinca, two of the four islands on which dragons are still extant.
47: 49 Competition between the dragons and man has brought them to the verge of extinction. Just four years after they were discovered, they were already a protected species but, despite this, numbers continue to fall. It was only 31 years later, in 1936, that the government understood that protecting them would be useless if they didn’t also conserve their natural habitat. The islands on which they still lived were declared sanctuaries and their ecosystems protected.
49:20 The archipelago is, at one and the same time, myth and reality, the place where science and fantasy meet. The movement of the continental plates created it. The glaciations and the sea gave it life, and evolution and isolation have converted it into a legend.
Land of dragons is a full documentary that shows us the Komodo dragon, one of the animals most feared by man who lives in the jungle of indonesia.
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02:15 During the glaciations of the Pleistocene era, the polar icecaps increased in size, and the level of the sea fell. Some islands, now known as Indonesia, remained isolated while others became joined to the continent. Java was one of these. Once the glaciation was over, the sea returned to its original level, and Java once more became an island, cut off from mainland Asia.
08:25 Isolation gave rise to many endemic species, and incredible biological diversity. In some cases, the species are exclusive to the archipelago, or may be even be restricted to a single island. This is the case of the second largest bovine in the world, the banteng. This is the case of the second largest bovine in the world, the banteng. Unlike man, few predators would even attempt to fell a prey of this size. Their main enemy lies hidden in the depths of the jungle, where it is virtually invisible.
It is the largest predator on the island, an animal feared and venerated by man since ancient times, the tiger.
11:36 It was precisely on this island, Java, that the first explorers found one of the most mysterious animals of the archipelago. The Javan rhinoceros is one of the rarest mammals on earth.
16:05 In the coral reef coexist many species. The marine fauna and flora have here found conditions favourable to life. The clown fish, for example, does not rub against a plant, but rather an anemone, an animal of the polyp family.
20:56 Beyond the coral reef, lie the open waters of the ocean, one of the environments most feared by man since ancient times. The seabed is lost in the dark depths, and all that can be seen is the so-called Great Blue, the immensity of the ocean. This is a world almost without colour, dominated by the great sea predators, the territory of the most feared ocean animal, the shark.
23:03 The fiddler crab is another species that live in the archipelago. It’s name comes from it’s enormous claws, almost equal in size as the rest of its body. This outsized claw serves two basic functions: to mark his territory, and attract the females.
24:21 The male can only use one of his claws. The other is so big that it is useless for collecting mud. The females don’t have this problem.
27:30 The mudskipper is one of the few species of fish in the world capable of living out of the water.
28:01 Courtship also takes place on land. The male shows off his dorsal fin to the females.
31:32 The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard in the world. It can measure 3 metres in length, and weigh 70 kilos. It’s sight and hearing are not very well-developed. To hunt, it relies on smell.
34:17 Such is the voracity of these animals that the adults do not hesitate to attack the young of the species. To avoid being detected, these cover themselves in faeces to disguise their natural smell, and climb up into the trees, where they will remain until the predator has moved off.
35:44 The inhabitants of Komodo leave the dead bodies of their cattle for the great predator, as payment for the use of the meadows.
The more deaths there are, the less likely it is the reptiles will collect the debt by attacking the live cattle.
39: 47 Man has lived alongside the giant lizards since time immemorial. Over generations, children and adults who strayed from the settlements have disappeared in the jungle, leaving no trace.
40:17 Today, about 2,500 people live on Komodo and Rinca, two of the four islands on which dragons are still extant.
47: 49 Competition between the dragons and man has brought them to the verge of extinction. Just four years after they were discovered, they were already a protected species but, despite this, numbers continue to fall. It was only 31 years later, in 1936, that the government understood that protecting them would be useless if they didn’t also conserve their natural habitat. The islands on which they still lived were declared sanctuaries and their ecosystems protected.
49:20 The archipelago is, at one and the same time, myth and reality, the place where science and fantasy meet. The movement of the continental plates created it. The glaciations and the sea gave it life, and evolution and isolation have converted it into a legend.
published:30 Aug 2014
SKT T1 Faker Javan vs Vladimir - KR SoloQ - Patch 5.15 [15.Aug.2015]
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Ranked Challenger Pro Replay Jarvan IV vs Jayce Kr SoloQ Season 5
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SKT T1 Faker Jarvan IV vs Jayce MID Ranked Challenger Korea [Patch 4.21] League of Legends Gameplay Faker as Jarvan IV 4.21
Ranked Challenger Pro Replay Jarvan IV vs Jayce Kr SoloQ Season 5
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published:16 Dec 2014
'Tiger Power': Is Tiger Penis Used As Viagra In China, Poachers Arrest Reveals in K'taka - TV9
TV9 Discussion: 'Tiger Power': Is Tiger Penis Used As Viagra In China, Two Poachers Arrest Reveals - Full...,
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In traditional Chinese medicine, a tiger penis (Vietnamese: Pín hổ; Chinese: pinyin: hǔ biān) is said to have important therapeutic properties. However, modern science does not support the belief that the tiger penis (usually prepared as part of a dish) possesses any special potency. Furthermore, the demand for tiger parts exacerbates the endangered status of the tiger by providing a market for poachers. While the tiger penis is consumed in parts of China and Southeast Asia, particularly in Laos and Cambodia, its preparation is generally condemned by modern nations.
The penis of a tiger when consumed is said to enhance male virility and be an aphrodisiac, although no scientific studies support these claims.[2] In parts of southeast Asia it is seen as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.[3] This has contributed to the poaching of tigers for their presumed benefits, the penis being just one of many of its assets.[2] As a result the tiger penis is usually sold on the black market in China.[2]
Medical studies conducted by scholars at the University of New South Wales and the University of Alaska claim that as Chinese are rapidly modernizing, more and more men are purchasing Viagra instead of tiger penis to cure erectile dysfunction.[4] The researchers surveyed 256 Chinese men, aged 50 to 76, who sought treatment at a large TCM clinic in Hong Kong over their methods to treat impotence.[4] Although the studies indicated that older men in China are finding Viagra a more effective stimulant, they also indicated that they still resort to traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of ailments such as arthritis, indigestion and gout.
Tags; Tiger Penis, Tiger penis in China, Tiger penis Viagra, potency, tiger parts, Chinese medicine, male virility, erectile dysfunction, Viagra, Tiger Penis Viagra, Tiger Hunting, Poachers Hunt Tigers, TV9, News, Videos..,
TV9 Discussion: 'Tiger Power': Is Tiger Penis Used As Viagra In China, Two Poachers Arrest Reveals - Full...,
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In traditional Chinese medicine, a tiger penis (Vietnamese: Pín hổ; Chinese: pinyin: hǔ biān) is said to have important therapeutic properties. However, modern science does not support the belief that the tiger penis (usually prepared as part of a dish) possesses any special potency. Furthermore, the demand for tiger parts exacerbates the endangered status of the tiger by providing a market for poachers. While the tiger penis is consumed in parts of China and Southeast Asia, particularly in Laos and Cambodia, its preparation is generally condemned by modern nations.
The penis of a tiger when consumed is said to enhance male virility and be an aphrodisiac, although no scientific studies support these claims.[2] In parts of southeast Asia it is seen as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.[3] This has contributed to the poaching of tigers for their presumed benefits, the penis being just one of many of its assets.[2] As a result the tiger penis is usually sold on the black market in China.[2]
Medical studies conducted by scholars at the University of New South Wales and the University of Alaska claim that as Chinese are rapidly modernizing, more and more men are purchasing Viagra instead of tiger penis to cure erectile dysfunction.[4] The researchers surveyed 256 Chinese men, aged 50 to 76, who sought treatment at a large TCM clinic in Hong Kong over their methods to treat impotence.[4] Although the studies indicated that older men in China are finding Viagra a more effective stimulant, they also indicated that they still resort to traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of ailments such as arthritis, indigestion and gout.
Tags; Tiger Penis, Tiger penis in China, Tiger penis Viagra, potency, tiger parts, Chinese medicine, male virility, erectile dysfunction, Viagra, Tiger Penis Viagra, Tiger Hunting, Poachers Hunt Tigers, TV9, News, Videos..,
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Wir bauen weiter und stellen uns vieler Herausforderungen. Das große Tropengehege, Auswilderungen und Tiger - das sind die Themen.
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Wir bauen weiter und stellen uns vieler Herausforderungen. Das große Tropengehege, Auswilderungen und Tiger - das sind die Themen.
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published:02 Feb 2014
KT Prime Javan IV Junger ft. SKT T1 Picaboo Janna sp Grenadier Yogender Singh Yadav, 18 Grenadiers, in the wee morning hours of 04 July 1999 was part of the Commando 'Ghatak' Platoon task... Grenadier Yogender Singh Yadav, 18 Grenadiers, in the wee morning hours of 04 July 1999 was part of the Commando 'Ghatak' Platoon task...
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Jambi province in Sumatra is known for its lowland rainforest, rich with natural resources, rare flora and fauna like sumatran tiger, sumatran elephant, jerenang rattan, and other rattans can be found in jambi’s natural forests. However 2.1 million hectares of Jambi’s natural forest is not as lush as it used to be, forest conversion and the many consessions for large-scale estates, industrial plantations, and mining wiping out jambi’s natural forest cover, destruction of jambi’s natural forest has reached 1 million hectares. In Merangin district community members from 53 villages in 6 sub-district attempt to defend their natural forests, they rejected having an industrial plantation consessions enter their land. Directed by Een Irawan Putra and edited by Rifky, this video produced by Walhi, Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (The Indonesian Forum for Environment) Jambi.
Jambi province in Sumatra is known for its lowland rainforest, rich with natural resources, rare flora and fauna like sumatran tiger, sumatran elephant, jerenang rattan, and other rattans can be found in jambi’s natural forests. However 2.1 million hectares of Jambi’s natural forest is not as lush as it used to be, forest conversion and the many consessions for large-scale estates, industrial plantations, and mining wiping out jambi’s natural forest cover, destruction of jambi’s natural forest has reached 1 million hectares. In Merangin district community members from 53 villages in 6 sub-district attempt to defend their natural forests, they rejected having an industrial plantation consessions enter their land. Directed by Een Irawan Putra and edited by Rifky, this video produced by Walhi, Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (The Indonesian Forum for Environment) Jambi.
published:11 Oct 2014
HFL SoFm Javan IV vs Nidale Arnbition , KR LOL Challenger 12 3 2015
Animals Funny Videos | Funny Cat | Funny Dog Videos | Funny Cat Videos | Funny Videos, 2015
Cat ( )
The domestic cat[1][2] (Felis catus or Felis silvestris catus)[2][4] is a small, usually furry, domesticated, and carnivorous mammal. They are often called housecats when kept as an indoor pet or simply cats when there is no need to distinguish them from other felids and felines.[6] Cats are often valued by humans for companionship and their ability to hunt pests.
Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with strong, flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit a crepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small animals.
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Dog ( )
The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) is a domesticated canid which has been selectively bred for millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes.[2]
Although initially thought to have originated as a manmade variant of an extant canid species (variously supposed as being the dhole,[3] golden jackal,[4] or gray wolf[5]), extensive genetic studies undertaken during the 2010s indicate that dogs diverged from a now-extinct canid in Eurasia 40,000 years ago.[6] Being the oldest domesticated animals, their long association with people has allowed dogs to be uniquely attuned to human behavior,[7] as well as thrive on a starch-rich diet which would be inadequate for other canid species.[8]
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Tiger ( )
The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.38 m (11.1 ft) over curves and exceptionally weighing up to 388.7 kg (857 lb) in the wild. Its most recognisable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard. Tigers are apex predators, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and bovids. They are territorial and generally solitary but social animals, often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey requirements.
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Monkey ( )
Monkeys are haplorhine ("dry-nosed") primates, a group generally possessing tails and consisting of approximately 260 known living species. Many monkey species are tree-dwelling (arboreal), although there are species that live primarily on the ground, such as baboons. Most species are also active during the day (diurnal). Monkeys are generally considered to be intelligent, particularly Old World monkeys.
Lemurs, lorises, and galagos are not monkeys; instead they are strepsirrhine ("wet-nosed") primates. Like monkeys, tarsiers are haplorhine primates; however, they are also not monkeys. There are two major types of monkey: New World monkeys (platyrrhines) from South and Central America and Old World monkeys (catarrhines of the superfamily Cercopithecoidea) from Africa and Asia. Hominoid apes (gibbons, orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans), which all lack tails, are also catarrhines but are not considered monkeys.
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2015, aarm201520152015, Thank You for reading.
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Animals Funny Videos | Funny Cat | Funny Dog Videos | Funny Cat Videos | Funny Videos, 2015
Cat ( )
The domestic cat[1][2] (Felis catus or Felis silvestris catus)[2][4] is a small, usually furry, domesticated, and carnivorous mammal. They are often called housecats when kept as an indoor pet or simply cats when there is no need to distinguish them from other felids and felines.[6] Cats are often valued by humans for companionship and their ability to hunt pests.
Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with strong, flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit a crepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small animals.
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Dog ( )
The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) is a domesticated canid which has been selectively bred for millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes.[2]
Although initially thought to have originated as a manmade variant of an extant canid species (variously supposed as being the dhole,[3] golden jackal,[4] or gray wolf[5]), extensive genetic studies undertaken during the 2010s indicate that dogs diverged from a now-extinct canid in Eurasia 40,000 years ago.[6] Being the oldest domesticated animals, their long association with people has allowed dogs to be uniquely attuned to human behavior,[7] as well as thrive on a starch-rich diet which would be inadequate for other canid species.[8]
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Tiger ( )
The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.38 m (11.1 ft) over curves and exceptionally weighing up to 388.7 kg (857 lb) in the wild. Its most recognisable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard. Tigers are apex predators, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and bovids. They are territorial and generally solitary but social animals, often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey requirements.
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Monkey ( )
Monkeys are haplorhine ("dry-nosed") primates, a group generally possessing tails and consisting of approximately 260 known living species. Many monkey species are tree-dwelling (arboreal), although there are species that live primarily on the ground, such as baboons. Most species are also active during the day (diurnal). Monkeys are generally considered to be intelligent, particularly Old World monkeys.
Lemurs, lorises, and galagos are not monkeys; instead they are strepsirrhine ("wet-nosed") primates. Like monkeys, tarsiers are haplorhine primates; however, they are also not monkeys. There are two major types of monkey: New World monkeys (platyrrhines) from South and Central America and Old World monkeys (catarrhines of the superfamily Cercopithecoidea) from Africa and Asia. Hominoid apes (gibbons, orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans), which all lack tails, are also catarrhines but are not considered monkeys.
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List of 7 animal species declared as extinct but are they? Recent claims of sighting probably show that these animals are still out there somewhere... Subscr...
The Javan Tiger
Hallie made Casey work very hard on this project....
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers - Please take a moment to Like, Subscribe, an...
published:14 Oct 2014
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
published:14 Oct 2014
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers - Please take a moment to Like, Subscribe, and Comment on this video! View Our Channel To See More Cool Videos About Animals -
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Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
Bali and Javan tigers were quite small, although male Javan tigers could grow larger than Sumatrans, perhaps due to Java’s large mammal community that is not present in Sumatra. There is also fossil evidence of tigers from Borneo and from Palawan in the Philippines, where they went extinct about 12,000 years ago. However, controversial evidence suggests those on Borneo may have survived until as recently as about 200 years ago.
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
101AnimalFacts 101AnimalFacts
By 1975, only 8 per cent of the forest remained. In this time, the human population had increased to 85 million people.
6. Rusa deer, the tiger's most important prey species, were lost to disease in several reserves and forests during the 1960s.
7. Rumoured sightings of the tigers persist to this day but unfortunately this creature is now considered officially extinct.
Javan Tiger Facts - Facts About Javan Tigers
Javan tiger - Video Learning -
The "Javan tiger" is an extinct tiger subspecies that inhabited the Indonesian island of...
published:11 Aug 2015
Javan tiger - Video Learning -
Javan tiger - Video Learning -
published:11 Aug 2015
The "Javan tiger" is an extinct tiger subspecies that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the mid-1970s. It was one of the three subspecies limited to islands.
Javan tigers were very small compared to other subspecies of the Asian mainland, but larger in size than Bali tigers. They usually had long and thin stripes, which were slightly more numerous than of the Sumatran tiger. Their nose was long and narrow, occipital plane remarkably narrow and carnassials relatively long. Based on these cranial differences, the Javan tiger was proposed to be assigned to a distinct species, "Panthera sondaica".
Males had a mean body length of 248 cm and weighed between 100 and. Females were smaller than males and weighed between 75 and.
The smaller body size of Javan tigers is attributed to Bergmann’s rule and the size of the available prey species in Java, which are smaller than the cervid and bovid species distributed on the Asian mainland. However, the diameter of their tracks are larger than of Bengal tiger in Bangladesh, India and Nepal.
At the end of the 18th century, tigers inhabited most of Java. Around 1850, the people living in the rural areas still considered them a plague. By 1940, tigers had retreated to remote mountainous and forested areas. Around 1970, the only known tigers lived in the region of Mount Betiri, with an altitude of 1192 m the highest mountain in Java's southeast, which had not been settled due to the rugged and slopy terrain. In 1972, the 500 km2 area was gazetted as wildlife reserve. The last tigers were sighted there in 1976.
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Javan Tiger PowerPoint
Sadly They Became Extinct Because We Humans Are Dangerous...
published:08 Oct 2014
Javan Tiger PowerPoint
Javan Tiger PowerPoint
published:08 Oct 2014
Sadly They Became Extinct Because We Humans Are Dangerous
Video shows what Javan tiger means. An extinct tiger that inhabited the Indonesian island ...
published:19 May 2015
Javan tiger Meaning
Javan tiger Meaning
published:19 May 2015
Video shows what Javan tiger means. An extinct tiger that inhabited the Indonesian island of Java until the 1980s,. Javan tiger Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say Javan tiger. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
Javan Tiger PSA
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I created this video with the youtube Video Editor (
On the Trail of the Hyrcan Tiger (The Quest for the Allegedly Extinct Caspian Tiger in Iran)
“What man dare, I dare. Approach you like the rugged Russian bear, The armed rhinoceros, o...
published:22 Nov 2014
On the Trail of the Hyrcan Tiger (The Quest for the Allegedly Extinct Caspian Tiger in Iran)
On the Trail of the Hyrcan Tiger (The Quest for the Allegedly Extinct Caspian Tiger in Iran)
published:22 Nov 2014
“What man dare, I dare. Approach you like the rugged Russian bear, The armed rhinoceros, or th’ Hyrcan Tiger.” In Macbeth, Shakespeare talks about the Caspian tiger (also known as the Hyrcan tiger) maybe because Europeans and Westerners in general knew about the Hyrcan tiger before they knew about Indian or Siberian tigers. The history of this kind of tiger goes back to when the ancient Romans used Iranian lions and Caspian tigers in gladiatorial combats. The primary habitat of ancient tigers was Western Asia. What is known for sure is that they did not reach today’s America. In the 20th century, these great stripped cats have vanished from Western Asia. Although this tiger is thought to be extinct in Iran, several sightings of it have been reported in recent years.
In “On the Trail of the Hyrcan Tiger”, a brief historical account of the origin and life of the Hyrcan tiger is provided, and then our adventurer starts his search for this extinct tiger in the picturesque jungles of Golestan Province, Iran. He has been working on this subject for years. During his quest, he talks with the nearby local residents and ecologists. Surprisingly, different accounts and stories are presented to him. To know what has happened to this tiger, watch our beautiful, exclusive documentary and enjoy the stunning views of Iran’s jungles as well.
PRESS TV Documentaries
Tiger selfies, Javan rhinos & more big news from 2014
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published:31 Dec 2014
Tiger selfies, Javan rhinos & more big news from 2014
Tiger selfies, Javan rhinos & more big news from 2014
published:31 Dec 2014
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Remember tiger selfies? We wish we didn't! In this special New Year's roundup of nature news, we're counting down some of the best and worst stories of the last year ... from that famous monkey selfie, to the best animal rescue DIY!
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The Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is a rare tiger subspecies that inhabits the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It was classified as critically enda...
The latest edition of a monthly webTV show from the CFZ and CFZtv, bringing you the latest cryptozoological, and monster hunting news from around the world. ...
League of Legends - Team WE vs. GE Tigers - IEM Katowice 2015 - Semifinal - Map 2
Team WE battle it out against GE Tigers. See who makes it out on top and moves on for a ch...
published:14 Mar 2015
League of Legends - Team WE vs. GE Tigers - IEM Katowice 2015 - Semifinal - Map 2
League of Legends - Team WE vs. GE Tigers - IEM Katowice 2015 - Semifinal - Map 2
published:14 Mar 2015
Team WE battle it out against GE Tigers. See who makes it out on top and moves on for a chance at glory!
Watch more IEM League of Legends action here:;=50&sort;=dd
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The Lost Rhinos of Vietnam - Javan (Sunda) rhino driven to extinction in Vietnam
The Sunda rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) or lesser one-horned rhinoceros, or more popul...
published:12 Apr 2015
The Lost Rhinos of Vietnam - Javan (Sunda) rhino driven to extinction in Vietnam
The Lost Rhinos of Vietnam - Javan (Sunda) rhino driven to extinction in Vietnam
published:12 Apr 2015
The Sunda rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) or lesser one-horned rhinoceros, or more popular as Javan rhinoceros, is a very rare member of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of five extant rhinoceroses. It belongs to the same genus as the Indian rhinoceros, and has similar mosaicked skin, which resembles armour, but at 3.1–3.2 m (10–10.5 feet) in length and 1.4–1.7 m (4.6–5.8 ft) in height, it is smaller (in fact, it is closer in size to the black rhinoceros of the genus Diceros). Its horn is usually less than 25 cm (10 inches), smaller than those of the other rhino species. Only adult males have horns; females lack them altogether.
Once the most widespread of Asian rhinoceroses, the Sunda rhinoceros ranged from the islands of Java and Sumatra, throughout Southeast Asia, and into India and China. The species is critically endangered, with only one known population in the wild, and no individuals in captivity. It is possibly the rarest large mammal on earth,:21 with a population of as few as 40 in Ujung Kulon National Park at the western tip of Java in Indonesia. A second population in Cat Tien National Park in Vietnam was confirmed as extinct in 2011. The decline of the Sunda rhinoceros is attributed to poaching, primarily for their horns, which are highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine, fetching as much as US$30,000 per kilogramme on the black market.:31 As European presence in their range increased, trophy hunting also became a serious threat. Loss of habitat, especially as the result of wars, such as the Vietnam War, in Southeast Asia, has also contributed to the species' decline and hindered recovery. The remaining range is within one nationally protected area, but the rhinos are still at risk from poachers, disease and loss of genetic diversity leading to inbreeding depression.
The Sunda rhino can live approximately 30–45 years in the wild. It historically inhabited lowland rain forest, wet grasslands and large floodplains. The Sunda rhino is mostly solitary, except for courtship and offspring-rearing, though groups may occasionally congregate near wallows and salt licks. Aside from humans, adults have no predators in their range. The Sunda rhino usually avoids humans, but will attack when it feels threatened. Scientists and conservationists rarely study the animals directly due to their extreme rarity and the danger of interfering with such an endangered species. Researchers rely on camera traps and fecal samples to gauge health and behavior. Consequently, the Sunda rhino is the least studied of all rhino species. Two adult rhinos with their calves were filmed in a motion-triggered video released on February 28, 2011 by WWF and Indonesia's National Park Authority, which proved it is still breeding in the wild. In April 2012, the National Parks Authority released video showing 35 individual Sunda rhinos, including mother/offspring pairs and courting adults.
The Sunda rhinoceros is a solitary animal with the exception of breeding pairs and mothers with calves. They will sometimes congregate in small groups at salt licks and mud wallows. Wallowing in mud is a common behavior for all rhinos; the activity allows them to maintain cool body temperatures and helps prevent disease and parasite infestation. The Sunda rhinoceros does not generally dig its own mud wallows, preferring to use other animals' wallows or naturally occurring pits, which it will use its horn to enlarge. Salt licks are also very important because of the essential nutrients the rhino receives from the salt. Male home ranges are larger at 12–20 km² (5–8 miles²) compared to the female, which are around 3–14 km² (1–5 mi²). Male territories overlap each other less than those of the female. It is not known if there are territorial fights.
Males mark their territories with dung piles and by urine spraying. Scrapes made by the feet in the ground and twisted saplings also seem to be used for communication.
The Sunda rhinoceros is herbivorous, eating diverse plant species, especially their shoots, twigs, young foliage and fallen fruit. Most of the plants favored by the species grow in sunny areas in forest clearings, shrubland and other vegetation types with no large trees. The rhino knocks down saplings to reach its food and grabs it with its prehensile upper lip. It is the most adaptable feeder of all the rhino species. Currently, it is a pure browser, but probably once both browsed and grazed in its historical range. The rhino eats an estimated 50 kg (110 lb) of food daily. Like the Sumatran rhino, it needs salt in its diet. The salt licks common in its historical range do not exist in Ujung Kulon, but the rhinos there have been observed drinking seawater, likely for the same nutritional need.
Full Documentary. Komodo Dragon | Land of Dragons - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
Land of dragons is a full documentary that shows us the Komodo dragon, one of the animals ...
published:30 Aug 2014
Full Documentary. Komodo Dragon | Land of Dragons - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
Full Documentary. Komodo Dragon | Land of Dragons - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
published:30 Aug 2014
Land of dragons is a full documentary that shows us the Komodo dragon, one of the animals most feared by man who lives in the jungle of indonesia.
SUBSCRIBE! Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!
02:15 During the glaciations of the Pleistocene era, the polar icecaps increased in size, and the level of the sea fell. Some islands, now known as Indonesia, remained isolated while others became joined to the continent. Java was one of these. Once the glaciation was over, the sea returned to its original level, and Java once more became an island, cut off from mainland Asia.
08:25 Isolation gave rise to many endemic species, and incredible biological diversity. In some cases, the species are exclusive to the archipelago, or may be even be restricted to a single island. This is the case of the second largest bovine in the world, the banteng. This is the case of the second largest bovine in the world, the banteng. Unlike man, few predators would even attempt to fell a prey of this size. Their main enemy lies hidden in the depths of the jungle, where it is virtually invisible.
It is the largest predator on the island, an animal feared and venerated by man since ancient times, the tiger.
11:36 It was precisely on this island, Java, that the first explorers found one of the most mysterious animals of the archipelago. The Javan rhinoceros is one of the rarest mammals on earth.
16:05 In the coral reef coexist many species. The marine fauna and flora have here found conditions favourable to life. The clown fish, for example, does not rub against a plant, but rather an anemone, an animal of the polyp family.
20:56 Beyond the coral reef, lie the open waters of the ocean, one of the environments most feared by man since ancient times. The seabed is lost in the dark depths, and all that can be seen is the so-called Great Blue, the immensity of the ocean. This is a world almost without colour, dominated by the great sea predators, the territory of the most feared ocean animal, the shark.
23:03 The fiddler crab is another species that live in the archipelago. It’s name comes from it’s enormous claws, almost equal in size as the rest of its body. This outsized claw serves two basic functions: to mark his territory, and attract the females.
24:21 The male can only use one of his claws. The other is so big that it is useless for collecting mud. The females don’t have this problem.
27:30 The mudskipper is one of the few species of fish in the world capable of living out of the water.
28:01 Courtship also takes place on land. The male shows off his dorsal fin to the females.
31:32 The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard in the world. It can measure 3 metres in length, and weigh 70 kilos. It’s sight and hearing are not very well-developed. To hunt, it relies on smell.
34:17 Such is the voracity of these animals that the adults do not hesitate to attack the young of the species. To avoid being detected, these cover themselves in faeces to disguise their natural smell, and climb up into the trees, where they will remain until the predator has moved off.
35:44 The inhabitants of Komodo leave the dead bodies of their cattle for the great predator, as payment for the use of the meadows.
The more deaths there are, the less likely it is the reptiles will collect the debt by attacking the live cattle.
39: 47 Man has lived alongside the giant lizards since time immemorial. Over generations, children and adults who strayed from the settlements have disappeared in the jungle, leaving no trace.
40:17 Today, about 2,500 people live on Komodo and Rinca, two of the four islands on which dragons are still extant.
47: 49 Competition between the dragons and man has brought them to the verge of extinction. Just four years after they were discovered, they were already a protected species but, despite this, numbers continue to fall. It was only 31 years later, in 1936, that the government understood that protecting them would be useless if they didn’t also conserve their natural habitat. The islands on which they still lived were declared sanctuaries and their ecosystems protected.
49:20 The archipelago is, at one and the same time, myth and reality, the place where science and fantasy meet. The movement of the continental plates created it. The glaciations and the sea gave it life, and evolution and isolation have converted it into a legend.
SKT T1 Faker Javan vs Vladimir - KR SoloQ - Patch 5.15 [15.Aug.2015]
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SKT T1 Faker Javan vs Vladimir - KR SoloQ - Patch 5.15 [15.Aug.2015]
published:15 Aug 2015
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SKT T1 Faker - Jarvan IV Mid Lane - KR SoloQ
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SKT T1 Faker - Jarvan IV Mid Lane - KR SoloQ
SKT T1 Faker - Jarvan IV Mid Lane - KR SoloQ
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SKT T1 Faker Jarvan IV vs Jayce MID Ranked Challenger Korea [Patch 4.21]
SKT T1 Faker Jarvan IV vs Jayce MID Ranked Challenger Korea [Patch 4.21] League of Legends...
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SKT T1 Faker Jarvan IV vs Jayce MID Ranked Challenger Korea [Patch 4.21]
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SKT T1 Faker Jarvan IV vs Jayce MID Ranked Challenger Korea [Patch 4.21] League of Legends Gameplay Faker as Jarvan IV 4.21
Ranked Challenger Pro Replay Jarvan IV vs Jayce Kr SoloQ Season 5
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'Tiger Power': Is Tiger Penis Used As Viagra In China, Poachers Arrest Reveals in K'taka - TV9
TV9 Discussion: 'Tiger Power': Is Tiger Penis Used As Viagra In China, Two Poachers Arrest...
published:25 Oct 2014
'Tiger Power': Is Tiger Penis Used As Viagra In China, Poachers Arrest Reveals in K'taka - TV9
'Tiger Power': Is Tiger Penis Used As Viagra In China, Poachers Arrest Reveals in K'taka - TV9
published:25 Oct 2014
TV9 Discussion: 'Tiger Power': Is Tiger Penis Used As Viagra In China, Two Poachers Arrest Reveals - Full...,
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In traditional Chinese medicine, a tiger penis (Vietnamese: Pín hổ; Chinese: pinyin: hǔ biān) is said to have important therapeutic properties. However, modern science does not support the belief that the tiger penis (usually prepared as part of a dish) possesses any special potency. Furthermore, the demand for tiger parts exacerbates the endangered status of the tiger by providing a market for poachers. While the tiger penis is consumed in parts of China and Southeast Asia, particularly in Laos and Cambodia, its preparation is generally condemned by modern nations.
The penis of a tiger when consumed is said to enhance male virility and be an aphrodisiac, although no scientific studies support these claims.[2] In parts of southeast Asia it is seen as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.[3] This has contributed to the poaching of tigers for their presumed benefits, the penis being just one of many of its assets.[2] As a result the tiger penis is usually sold on the black market in China.[2]
Medical studies conducted by scholars at the University of New South Wales and the University of Alaska claim that as Chinese are rapidly modernizing, more and more men are purchasing Viagra instead of tiger penis to cure erectile dysfunction.[4] The researchers surveyed 256 Chinese men, aged 50 to 76, who sought treatment at a large TCM clinic in Hong Kong over their methods to treat impotence.[4] Although the studies indicated that older men in China are finding Viagra a more effective stimulant, they also indicated that they still resort to traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of ailments such as arthritis, indigestion and gout.
Tags; Tiger Penis, Tiger penis in China, Tiger penis Viagra, potency, tiger parts, Chinese medicine, male virility, erectile dysfunction, Viagra, Tiger Penis Viagra, Tiger Hunting, Poachers Hunt Tigers, TV9, News, Videos..,
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LCK Summer 2015 : Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 1...
published:07 Aug 2015
Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 1 - LCK Summer 2015 [07.Aug.2015]
Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 1 - LCK Summer 2015 [07.Aug.2015]
published:07 Aug 2015
Latest Match : 08 Aug 2015
LCK Summer 2015 : Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 1
Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 2 - LCK Summer 2015 [07.Aug.2015]
LCK mùa hè 2015 : Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 2...
published:07 Aug 2015
Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 2 - LCK Summer 2015 [07.Aug.2015]
Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 2 - LCK Summer 2015 [07.Aug.2015]
published:07 Aug 2015
LCK mùa hè 2015 : Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 2
Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 3 - LCK Summer 2015 [07.Aug.2015]
Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 3 - LCK Summer 2015 [07.Aug.2015]...
published:07 Aug 2015
Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 3 - LCK Summer 2015 [07.Aug.2015]
Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 3 - LCK Summer 2015 [07.Aug.2015]
published:07 Aug 2015
Jin Air vs KOO Tigers Game 3 - LCK Summer 2015 [07.Aug.2015]
Let's Play ZOO TYCOON #09 | Auswildern und Tiger | FaceCam | XBOX ONE [1080p]
Wir bauen weiter und stellen uns vieler Herausforderungen. Das große Tropengehege, Auswild...
published:02 Feb 2014
Let's Play ZOO TYCOON #09 | Auswildern und Tiger | FaceCam | XBOX ONE [1080p]
Let's Play ZOO TYCOON #09 | Auswildern und Tiger | FaceCam | XBOX ONE [1080p]
published:02 Feb 2014
Wir bauen weiter und stellen uns vieler Herausforderungen. Das große Tropengehege, Auswilderungen und Tiger - das sind die Themen.
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Could Nikki Mudarris and MallyMall be the next Mimi and Nikko? The on-again, off-again couple just had a sex tape leak but Nikki says the video was made public without her consent. Embedded from ... This was a total violation of my privacy ... This is beyond embarrassing and hurtful ... ....
Article by Correspondent DallasDarling... But as if it was difficult enough to finally observe and prove and catalog the many viruses found throughout the world, now, thanks to human-induced global warming and the thawing of Arctic ice sheets, two new viruses have been revealed. They are, however, not that new ... The exact same fossil fuels, that is, which cause the Earth’s surface and its oceans to warm and rapid glacial melting....
UNITED NATIONS (New York). Israel's prime minister went to the United Nations on Thursday to call for an immediate resumption of peace talks with the Palestinians and to savage the international community's nuclear deal with Iran. "I am prepared to immediately, immediately resume direct peace negotiations with the Palestinians without any conditions whatsoever," Benjamin Netanyahu told the general assembly ... I know it's hard ... ....
(Source. CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial ResearchOrganisation). When you think of extinct animals, what comes to mind? The JavanTiger? The Dodo? The thylacine (Tasmanian tiger)? Sadly, there are too many creatures disappearing from our planet. This is why the story of Phasmid, or the Lord Howe Island Stick Insect, is so special - and why it's being told in a new children's book ... The book, titled Phasmid ... distributed by....
InternationalTiger Day is a day to celebrate, raise awareness and protect the animals, and their natural habitat ... The lion may be the king of the jungle, but it's the tiger that holds mystique and charisma ... In Indonesia, there remain as few as 400 Sumatran tigers, while both Bali and JavanTigers are already extinct ... Habitat loss is behind the dwindling number of tigers left in the wild....
There are many instances of people who, in their urge to photograph the wildlife especially tigers, create problems for forest staff and other visitors ... And all of them want to photograph tigers ... Today is InternationalTiger Day ... Karnataka has 406 out of 2,226 tigers in India ... In other regions, its names are CaspianTiger, SiberianTiger, South ChinaTiger, JavanTiger, Indochinese Tiger, MalayanTiger, Sumatran Tiger and BalineseTiger....
The conventional classification of tigers into nine sub-species has been challenged by an international group of scientists after detailed study of various traits ...Less than 4000 tigers of all sub species put together are estimated to live currently ... South Chinatiger numbers are so low now, for example, that unless something big is done to save them, they will join Caspian, Bali and Javantigers on the extinct list....
Pangolins and cockatoos, two species native to Indonesia, command high value ... The Balitiger, the Javantiger and the West Kalimantan rhino are believed to have already become extinct ... In 2014 the group counted no fewer that 3,640 online ads offering the Javan hawk-eagle, Siamang gibbon, Surili, Javan langur, palm cockatoo, black-capped lory, slow loris and eclectus parrot, Profauna stated in a January 2015 report ... On Oct ... Tweet ....
Map. Sumatra The Sumatran Tiger could be next to join the Balinese and JavanTigers in extinction, with as little as 300 left in the wild, one expert says.Habitat loss and poaching are behind the ... ....
The Sumatran Tiger could be next to join the Balinese and Javantigers in extinction, with as little as 300 left in the wild. The InternationalTigerProject launched at Taronga Zoo in Sydney today to stop the rapid decline of the species due to poaching and habitat loss. But restoring tiger populations could have some unintended consequences. ....
From the great dinosaurs of the past to the birds and mammals who have vanished in our era, are vast numbers of animals have gone extinct, never to be seen again. And while large-scale planetary upheavals caused most of prehistory's extinctions, man has been the primary culprit during the current 12-million-year-old Holocene Era... Nor the Javantiger (Panthera tigris sondaica), which lived on its Indonesian island namesake, ... > ....
October 16, 2014 -- Updated 1910 GMT (0310 HKT). Ankle design, larger hips and knees suggest that sthenurines could put their weight on one leg at a time, an essential capability for walking on two feet ...Instead of hopping around like its modern cousin, it walked upright, one foot in front of the other, like a human ... Their anatomy helped ... The final days of the Sumatran tiger? ... Ever heard of a BalineseTiger? How about a JavanTiger? ... U.S. ....
July 29 marks the InternationalTiger Day, an annual celebration to raise awareness for tiger conservation ... The Balitiger (extinct since 1937), the Caspiantiger (extinct since the 1950's) and the Javantiger (extinct since 1980's)....
Javantigers were slightly smaller than their mainland cousins but were renowned for their especially long whiskers ... The Javantiger was quite similar in appearance to the still existing Sumatran tiger, but had darker and more numerous black stripes....
For a long time the number of tigers in Nepal was decreasing at an alarming rate. According to a survey conducted by the World Wildlife Fund, the number of tigers in the Sukla Phanta Wildlife Reserve in Nepal fell by about 30% between 2005 and 2008. The decline was such that there were only an estimated six tigers in the reserve in 2009 ...Save the tiger ... Save the tiger. 7 saddening facts about the extinction of Javantigers. Save the tiger....
Global experts reckon that the wild tiger population has dropped by 97 per cent since 1900...Tomorrow is InternationalTiger Day, and The Independent is working with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to highlight the plight of the tiger ... But even that figure required significant guesswork, as many countries at that time had not undertaken systematic national tiger surveys ... 7 saddening facts about the extinction of Javantigers....