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17th Apr 2009

The searcher only want to see unique results and therefore search engines try to index and display the original or “canonical” content. This is creating a serious thought

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23rd Jan 2010

When it comes to online shopping and e-commerce with shopping cart use must always be kept in mind that we enter a

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8th May 2009

Many open source Content Management Systems are available in market to download and integrate in your website or blog. The main benefit for using open source application is that they are free of cost. Some of the popular open source CMS available in market are WordPress, Joomla, Drupal & Mambo. They are quite known to […]

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10th Nov 2011

In this wide world of web, where every minute innovation takes place it becomes even more important to make use of the best technology and the best experts to stay ahead of your competitors. In today’s times, various programming languages and open source frameworks exist and are constantly being discovered to help create a firm’s […]

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18th May 2009

Lately, I see many articles floating in SEO world about effective use of Twitter.com (a short information sharing website). I’ve read some of articles and it gave me really very beautiful insight on using this application. So I just thought of compiling few good articles and sharing them with our readers. I am trying to […]

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29th Jan 2013

Magento, an open source e-commerce web application which is mainly used for web-shopping and shopping cart development. Founded by Roy Rubin and Yoav Kutner it was launched on 31st March, 2008. It uses EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value) database model for storing data. The only version of Magento which is free now is the Magento Community Edition. The […]

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2nd Jun 2009

The idea that bids are the mechanism, by which you determine where and when your ads appear, and how much you spend for the clicks you receive, is central to the core conception most people have about PPC advertising. But that is not the true scenario of how the paid search works. On Google the […]

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8th Jun 2009

How well does my site perform on search engines? Which keywords are of interest to me? How do my competitors perform on-line? These questions are very important for nearly every organization. Search engines play an increasingly important role when it comes to reaching the (future) customers. For you as an advertiser, there are good opportunities […]

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17th Jun 2009

The long awaited Microsoft’s new search engine Bing! Is now publicly available, you can access it at www.bing.com. Whether Bing ultimately succeeds or not, but it seems it will ensure that Google doesn’t get too greedy. Microsoft is expected to spend $80 million to $100 million on Bing marketing which is a pretty big budget. […]

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9th Jul 2009

Listed below are some of the commonly asked questions about Bing! by SEO point of view:- Q: Bing isn’t crawling or is only partially crawling my site, why? Depth of crawl varies based on different factors, like how your site ranks and the architecture & usability of your site. Here mentioned is a small check […]

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