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We're the area's most active Japanese Meetup, with a lively group of people who speak or are learning Japanese. We have regular, casual meetings to socialize in Japanese and English, usually over dinner. Native speakers are welcomed, intermediate Japanese speakers get lots of practice, and beginners are encouraged to ask questions to learn more.

We rarely set an agenda. This isn't a classroom; it's primary an opportunity to get to know people who are connected to Japan in some way. Most of the time we go somewhere for dinner, but members sometimes plan coffee gatherings, local adventures, happy hours, or occasionally, structured events. If you're trying to learn something specific, please feel free to bring materials or books that cover your topic and feel free to ask for help. We don't have any formal lesson plans, but many people will be glad to help you out on something with which you're struggling.

Thursday night dinner Meetups: Always in Seattle, but the neighborhood varies. Once or twice a month: Coffee Meetup, usually in-city, now hosted rather irregularly, but you are welcome to step up. There's usually an event about once a month on the Eastside. Occasional events: Karaoke/Happy Hour. Irregular: Southend/Northend events, private home parties. (You can always volunteer to organize these) Please sign up to keep informed! Suggestions? Email Jason.

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Seattle's Japanese-Speaking Gathering

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Your organizer's refund policy for Open Seattle Japanese Language and Culture Meetup Group

Refunds are not offered for this Meetup.

Founded Nov 24, 2006

This Meetup is community funded


Member dues are used to:
  • Cover Meetup costs
  • Have a reserve fund
  • Provide supplies or equipment
  • Improve Meetups
  • While dues are voluntary, they make it easier to cover the costs of organizing and hosting the group, and the occasional hiccup that might happen with settling a bill. If you are a student or unemployed, don't feel obligated to contribute, but if you're i


Members are not required to pay dues, but are encouraged to chip in.

Cancel dues at any time.

Dues are billed each year.

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