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7-Eleven victims 'scared' about future

Pranay Alawala risked deportation to come forward about 7-Eleven's 'half-pay' scam.
Adele Ferguson and Sarah Danckert

Those who have lodged claims against the retailer fear their identities will be exposed.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull  in Penrith on Wednesday Photo: Andrew Meares

How Turnbull found riches in Siberia

Peter Ker and Brian Robins

It was classic Malcolm Turnbull during the 1980s and 1990s, when he made a motza cutting in and out of sharemarket situations.

NAB is cutting its lending to foreign property investors.

NAB joins foreign investor crackdown

Clancy Yeates

National Australia Bank is clamping down on mortgage lending to foreign buyers of Australian property, joining other banks in requiring these customers to stump up bigger deposits.

'This is exploitation on an industrial scale', according to  Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

7-Eleven takes 'disturbing twist': Shorten

Adele Ferguson and Sarah Danckert

7-Eleven scandal has taken a 'new and disturbing twist' following the sacking of the independent panel.


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0.7344 -0.49%
0.6438 -0.33%
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0.5085 -0.47%

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Pigs can fly for Chinese billionaires

Pigs at a farm in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, China.
Hannah Yuan

China breeds more pigs and eats more pork than anywhere else on the planet, and it shows in these new tycoons' bank accounts.

Google to ban payday loan ads

Google is responsible for the comments it links to from search results, a court has found.

The search site will ban all payday loan ads from its site amid concerns the lending practice exploits the poor and vulnerable.



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Banking & Finance

Google to ban payday loan advertisements

Google is responsible for the comments it links to from search results, a court has found.
Andrea Peterson and Jonnelle Marte

The search site will ban all payday loan ads from its site amid concerns the lending practice exploits the poor and vulnerable via loans with sky-high interest rates.

Mining & Resources

World Business

Nissan said to buy a third of Mitsubishi

Mitsubishi admitted it overstated the fuel economy of four domestic mini-vehicle models in April.
John Lippert, Ed Hammond and Vinicy Chan

(Nissan Motor Co. is seeking a 33 percent stake in Mitsubishi Motors Corp., which has been battered by its fuel emissions-test scandal, said people familiar with the matter.

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Business Video

Are you a mining stock bull or bear?

Are mining stocks for short term traders or is there a bargain in the one-time market darling sector? Two stock pickers make their case.
