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Maricar Virata in her Darwin home found herself working up to 18 hours a day, and paid as little as $3 an hour.

'$3 an hour' then sacked via email

Bianca Hall

Despite have been made to work up to 18 hours a day, motel cleaner Maricar Virata was sacked when she went on holiday. The Fair Work Ombudsman is now looking to sue her employer.

The prices Telstra can charge on its cable network have been reduced.

Price ruling will help competition: ACCC

Max Mason

ACCC chairman Rod Sims says the regulator's ruling on the price that Telstra can charge its rivals for using its cable network will promote competition, but the telco giant's competitors argue Tasmanians will get a raw deal.


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The Economy


Banking & Finance

PM hauls in bank chiefs

PM Malcolm Turnbull on Thursday in Sydney.
James Massola

The Prime Minister and Treasurer have hauled in Australia's big four bank chiefs and warned them not to pass on to customers additional costs arising from a $121 million funding package for the corporate regulator.

Banks pledge commission crackdown

The Australian Bankers' Association on Thursday announced a review of conflicted payments to staff, including ...
Clancy Yeates and James Eyers

The banking industry will launch a broad review of commissions paid to sales staff and has committed to improving protection for whistleblowers.

Mining & Resources

It's a deal, but where's the steel?

Leighton examined over bribery and money laundering: Former Leighton CFO Peter Gregg.
Nick McKenzie, Richard Baker

April 2011 was crunch time for Australian corporate high flyer Peter Gregg.

World Business

Mitsubishi's `shameful' cheating could put it on brink

Mitsubishi Mirage
Ma Jie, Yuki Hagiwara and Craig Trudell

​Mitsubishi.'s disclosure that it manipulated fuel economy tests risks putting the Japanese carmaker back in a familiar position: needing help from Mitsubishi group companies to stay in business.

Consumer Affairs

How to avoid slavery in your fashion

A child garment worker.
Esther Han

In the wake of the Rana Plaza factory collapse some Australian fashion brands have made huge leaps in stamping out exploitation from their supply chains. Others have not.

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Property Focus

Strata deals straight on

An investor paid $1.75 million for a 320-square-metre whole floor at 21 Victoria Street, Melbourne.
Nicole Lindsay

Investors put off by the tightening yields on strata shops in Melbourne's CBD are looking upwards to strata offices.

Who turned off the lights in Sydney?

Kymbal Dunne

Neon sky signs once glowed across Sydney's CBD and North Sydney but over time some of the proud names, which still stand, are lifeless at night.

Executive Style


Small Business

The upside of a bad mood

James Adonis dinkus
James Adonis

Bad moods may not be such a bad thing and can even be empowering and motivating.

Business Video

Healthcare stocks: Primary vs Ramsay

Primary Health Care and Ramsay Health Care share similar exposure to promising demographic trends, but one of them has a clear competitive edge, says Bennelong's Julian Beaumont.
