Climate change protesters removed ... from the Marble Foyer inside the main entrance of Parliament House, Canberra. Picture: Ray Strange

Kara Vickery and AAPNews Corp Australia Network

ABOUT 200 climate change activists have been dragged from Parliament House after staging a sit-in urging the Turnbull government to take stronger action.

As global talks in Paris continue, protesters occupied the Marble Foyer before being asked to leave.

The protests were also captured on Twitter with the hashtag of #peoplesparliament which has been trending across Australia on the social networking platform.

Climate change sit-in rally ... protesters inside Parliament House, Canberra. Picture: Ray Strange

Climate change sit-in rally ... protesters inside Parliament House, Canberra. Picture: Ray StrangeSource:News Corp Australia

When they decided to stay, security officers removed them.

They chanted slogans and held a sign saying “Put people ahead of polluters”.

Climate change protest ... one of them being handled by security and police. Picture: Ray Strange

Climate change protest ... one of them being handled by security and police. Picture: Ray StrangeSource:News Corp Australia

Greens leader Richard Di Natale along with MPs Adam Bandt, Scott Ludlam, Lee Rhiannon and Janet Rice joined the protesters.

Mr Bandt said the protest was a reflection of a national mood for change on climate change action.

Scuffle unfolds ... climate change protesters in the Marble Foyer inside the main entrance of Parliament House, Canberra. Picture: Ray Strange

Scuffle unfolds ... climate change protesters in the Marble Foyer inside the main entrance of Parliament House, Canberra. Picture: Ray StrangeSource:News Corp Australia

“People here in parliament today have said we’re running out of time,” he told AAP.

Removed by force ... climate change protesters were dragged out. Picture: Ray Strange

Removed by force ... climate change protesters were dragged out. Picture: Ray StrangeSource:News Corp Australia

“People in Australia feel so strongly about this and want the parliament to take the kind of action on climate change the science demands.”

Refusing to leave ... one climate change protester in the Marble Foyer. Picture: Ray Strange

Refusing to leave ... one climate change protester in the Marble Foyer. Picture: Ray StrangeSource:News Corp Australia

Greens leader Richard Di Natale described the protest as “inspirational” and said he would be taking their concerns to the Paris climate change summit next week.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull returned to Canberra today after spending two days at the summit.

Environment Minister Greg Hunt and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop will also attend.

Protesters are removed ... by security after attending a rally inside Parliament House. Picture: AAP

Protesters are removed ... by security after attending a rally inside Parliament House. Picture: AAPSource:AAP

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