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April 10, 2016
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In Reckless Hands

In Reckless Hands

By Victoria Nourse

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Noise Machine Blocks Reporters From Hearing What Hillary Said at Fundraiser With ‘1 Percent’ (Video)

Reporters can’t tell you what Hillary Clinton said at a fundraiser for wealthy donors in Denver on Thursday because her campaign apparently employed a noise machine that prevented anyone outside the grounds from hearing.

Posted on Apr 9, 2016 WATCH & LISTEN


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‘Left, Right & Center’: Who Is Qualified to Be President? (Audio)

On “Left, Right & Center” on Friday, Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and the other panelists got into a tough debate over the Democratic presidential campaign, with special attention to the matter of who recently called whom “unqualified.”

Posted on Apr 9, 2016 WATCH & LISTEN

Bill Clinton, Black Lives Matter Protesters Clash Over Hillary’s Then-Support of 1994 Crime Bill

The former president verbally takes on protesters at a Philadelphia campaign event for his wife, Hillary Clinton, who as first lady had expressed support for the crime bill he signed during his first term.

Posted on Apr 7, 2016 WATCH & LISTEN

Bernie Sanders Says Hillary Clinton Is Not Qualified to Be President (Video)

The race for the Democratic nomination is heating up, and the Vermont senator has no plans to concede his bid to the former secretary of state.

Posted on Apr 7, 2016 WATCH & LISTEN

George Mason University Announces New, Unfortunate Name for Law School, Honoring Antonin Scalia

Even some news anchors couldn’t keep it together when reporting on the new name—since tweaked—in honor of the late Supreme Court justice.

Posted on Apr 6, 2016 WATCH & LISTEN

‘Young Turks’ Shows How DNC and 33 State Parties Used Loopholes to Put Millions Into ‘Hillary Fund’

By Alexandra Rosenmann / AlterNet

Twenty-six million dollars went into the Clinton campaign before a single vote was cast.

Posted on Apr 6, 2016 WATCH & LISTEN

Bernie Sanders Is Longtime Foe of Tax Havens in Panama—He Denounced Trade Deal in 2011 (Video)

Long before the Panama Papers made headlines, the Democratic presidential candidate opposed tax-haven abuse in Panama.

Posted on Apr 5, 2016 WATCH & LISTEN

Samantha Bee Takes a Hilariously Cringing Look at Ted Cruz’s Supporters (Video)

By Kali Holloway / AlterNet

The religious leaders in Wisconsin front-runner Cruz’s camp are as terrible as you might expect, and then some.

Posted on Apr 5, 2016 WATCH & LISTEN

Did Trevor Noah Blow His Chance to Get Real Answers Out of Debbie Wasserman Schultz? (Video)

“Doesn’t the idea of a superdelegate go against the very idea that people should be voting for the people who represent them at the convention?” the host of “The Daily Show” asked the Democratic National Committee chair in a recent interview.

Posted on Apr 5, 2016 WATCH & LISTEN

Every ‘SNL’ Video About Hillary Clinton You Ever Wanted to Watch, All in One Place (Videos)

Take a look at how parodies of Hillary Clinton have evolved on “Saturday Night Live,” from Amy Poehler’s portrayal of the Democratic candidate during the 2008 primaries to Kate McKinnon’s take on the current campaign season.

Posted on Apr 5, 2016 WATCH & LISTEN

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