16 April 2016

US defence secretary sends menacing message to China

By Peter Symonds, 16 April 2016

Carter used his visit to the Philippines to unveil the basing of US military forces in the country and again blame China for mounting tensions in the South China Sea.

Kerry in Hiroshima

US provocations against China threaten world war

Australian prime minister skirts controversy in China

By James Cogan, 16 April 2016

Turnbull carefully avoided any contentious public remarks on the US-China confrontation in the South China Sea.

More on the South China Sea crisis »

UK Brexit referendum campaigns officially begin

By Jordan Shilton, 16 April 2016

The referendum on the UK’s membership in the European Union is taking place under conditions of a deepening crisis for the Conservative government of David Cameron.

Labour’s Corbyn pledges to lead pro-EU referendum campaign in UK

The class issues in the Brexit referendum

“There is a lot of frustration about going back to work in 2011 without a contract”
Tensions mount as Verizon strike continues

By our reporters, 16 April 2016

Striking workers said they are determined to continue the struggle in the face of open strikebreaking by the company, which has trained 20,000 nonunion management personnel as replacements.

The political issues in the Verizon strike

“Not just for us, but for other workers too”
Verizon workers discuss political issues in strike

Video: Striking Verizon workers speak out

By Samuel Davidson and Zac Corrigan, 15 April 2016

More on the Verizon strike »

Stimulus measures ease slowdown in Chinese growth

By Nick Beams, 16 April 2016

While government stimulus measures helped to ease the slowdown in Chinese growth, trade figures continued to slump, reflecting stagnation in the world economy as a whole.

Financial instability far from over, says IMF

IMF downgrades growth projections, warns of “synchronized slowdown”

Conflicts over European financial policy point to coming attacks on workers

By Alex Lantier, 16 April 2016

Criticisms by German officials of easy-money policies at the European Central Bank were bitterly denounced by British, French, and US media and politicians.

Amid deepening slump, geopolitical and class tensions mount

New testimony exposes Mexican government’s complicity in Ayotzinapa massacre

By Neil Hardt, 16 April 2016

Previously unreported testimony shows that federal police were involved in the September 2014 attacks that resulted in the disappearance of 43 student teachers.

Microsoft sues US Justice Department over secret data requests

By Josh Varlin, 16 April 2016

The company’s complaint makes clear that it regularly receives requests from the government for its customers’ private data stored on Microsoft’s remote servers.

Financial crisis panel urged Obama administration to prosecute top bankers

By Gabriel Black, 16 April 2016

Not a single bank executive or government official referred by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission to the Obama Justice Department for criminal investigation has been prosecuted.

The business of baseball and the Cuban national pastime

By Carl Bronski, 16 April 2016

The defection in 2015 of almost 150 players, most of them to the US, has hollowed out Cuba’s winter league Serie Nacional.

Canada: Attawapiskat First Nation declares state of emergency over attempted youth suicides

By Laurent Lafrance, 16 April 2016

Even sections of the corporate media have had to concede that Parliament’s emergency debate on the Attawapiskat crisis will do nothing to end chronic poverty and social deprivation.

Cost of elderly care increasing throughout the UK

By Dennis Moore, 16 April 2016

In the period from 2004 to 2014, state funding for care of the elderly plunged by a third.

Notes on London’s housing crisis
Hundreds demonstrate in London against proposed Housing Bill

By Thomas Scripps, 16 April 2016

Set to be passed this month, the bill would put an end to secure tenancy agreements for new social renters and impose higher rents.

Police attack student protests in Sydney and Melbourne

By Oscar Grenfell, 16 April 2016

The violent actions of the police against a handful of student protesters are a warning of the preparations for a broader crackdown on any opposition to austerity cuts and war.

IMF attaches harsh austerity measures to Sri Lankan bailout

By Saman Gunadasa, 16 April 2016

“Reforms” demanded by the IMF will produce further attacks on working class living standards.

New in Turkish

B Planı: CIA Suriyeli “asiler”i uçaksavarlarla silahlandırmaya hazırlanıyor

Bill Van Auken, 16 Nisan 2016

ABD jeopolitik ve askeri stratejisi, Washington’ın Ortadoğu’da, Orta Asya’da ve Doğu Avrupa’da Amerikan hegemonyasını dayatma yönelimine Rusya’nın bir engel oluşturmasını önlemeyi amaçlamaktadır.

New in French

Bruxelles: reprise du travail des aiguilleurs du ciel alors que grandit le scandale relatif aux attentats du 22 mars

Par Alex Lantier, 16 avril 2016

Les syndicats négocient avec Belgocontrol et l'État belge un contrat réactionnaire qui impose une augmentation de trois ans de l'âge de la retraite, le portant à 58 ans.

Le virus Zika, l’inégalité sociale et le capitalisme

Par Bill Van Auken, 16 avril 2016

L’indifférence criminelle du Congrès américain devant la propagation du virus Zika est une condamnation d’un système social qui subordonne les besoins vitaux de l’humanité à l’accumulation de richesse par une petite oligarchie

Canada: Le NPD se débarrasse de son chef Mulcair

Par Roger Jordan, 16 avril 2016

Le large appui au sein du NPD pour le départ de Mulcair reflète le sentiment qu’il s’est trop compromis aux yeux de la population pour pouvoir donner un vernis «progressiste» au NPD pro-austérité et pro-guerre.

New in German

Die US-Wahlen und die soziale Wirklichkeit

Von Niles Williamson, 16. April 2016

Eine neue Studie beleuchtet den Zusammenhang zwischen der Lebenserwartung von Millionen von Amerikanern und ihrem Einkommen.

Merkel ermöglicht Strafverfahren gegen Böhmermann

Von Peter Schwarz, 16. April 2016

Die Bundesregierung hat dem Druck der türkischen Regierung nachgegeben, die auf ein Verfahren gegen den Satiriker Böhmermann wegen Beleidigung des türkischen Staatschefs Erdogan drängt.

Die Gier der VW-Oligarchen

Von Dietmar Henning, 16. April 2016

Trotz Abgasskandal und massiven Verlusten verteidigen VW-Spitzenmanager den Großteil ihrer Super-Einkommen in Millionenhöhe.

Verizon-Beschäftigte diskutieren über politische Fragen im Streik
„Es geht nicht nur um uns, sondern auch um andere Arbeiter“

Von unseren Reportern, 16. April 2016

Reporter der WSWS sprachen an Streikposten in New York, Virginia und Pennsylvania mit Streikenden über die Bedeutung des Ausstandes der 39.000 Verizon-Beschäftigten.

Gerichtsprozess zur Duisburger Loveparade geplatzt

Von Philipp Frisch, 16. April 2016

Das Landgericht Duisburg hat die Anklage der Staatsanwaltschaft abgelehnt. Das ist ein erneuter Schlag ins Gesicht der Angehörigen von 21 Toten.

Labour-Chef Corbyn will Kampagne zum Verbleib Großbritanniens in der EU führen

Von Chris Marsden, 16. April 2016

Weil die Feindschaft gegen die Regierung Cameron in der Bevölkerung weiter zunimmt, ist es für die herrschende Elite wichtig, dass Jeremy Corbyn sich für den Verbleib Großbritanniens in der EU stark macht.

Other Languages


Where’s the socialism in the Sanders campaign?

16 April 2016

In Thursday’s debate in Brooklyn, as throughout his campaign, Sanders offered nothing more than minor reforms of the capitalist system.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialism and the Fight Against War
Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 18 February 2016


German Chancellor Merkel gives green light for prosecution of satirist Jan Böhmermann

By Peter Schwartz, 16 April 2016

The prosecution of Böhmermann for his denunciations of the Turkish president sets a precedent for censorship and political repression in Germany.

Behind the designation of Russia and China as “imperialist”: A case study in theoretical charlatanry

By Johannes Stern, 14 April 2016

Zika, social inequality and capitalism

By Bill Van Auken, 15 April 2016

White Paper 2016: Blueprint for a new German police and military state

By Johannes Stern, 15 April 2016

Ex-car czar Steven Rattner touts Obama’s “pro-worker” record

US corporate tax cheats hiding $1.4 trillion in profits in offshore accounts

Protests in Chicago after police kill 16-year-old boy

Economic nationalism and the global steel crisis

Plan B: CIA prepares to arm Syrian “rebels” with antiaircraft weapons

Arts Review

Colonia: Under Pinochet, a disposal center for enemies of the state

By David Walsh, 16 April 2016

German director Florian Gallenberger’s political thriller Colonia takes place during and after the US-backed Chilean military coup in September 1973.

Midnight Special: “Shining the light” on unfreedom in America

By Joanne Laurier, 15 April 2016

The 2016 US elections

Thousands attend Sanders rally in New York ahead of primary

By a WSWS reporting team, 15 April 2016

US elections: Republican crisis deepens over prospect of contested convention

The social reality behind the US elections

Is Sanders’ call to “break up the banks” a socialist demand?

Paul Krugman smears Bernie Sanders

More on the 2016 US elections »

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

16 April 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

The crisis in Detroit and Flint

Research team confirms dangerous levels of lead still contaminate Flint water supply

By Carlos Delgado, 14 April 2016

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

Socialist Equality Party

SEP/IYSSE meetings in California: Art, War and Social Revolution

14 April 2016

SEP public meetings: For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum! For the United Socialist States of Europe!

SEP meetings in the US: Socialism and the fight against war

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Oppose the drive to war, austerity and the assault on democratic rights!
Build the International Youth and Students for Social Equality!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Australia), 13 April 2016

25 years ago: Bush reverses “neutrality” in northern Iraq civil war

On April 16, 1991, President Bush announced that America would belatedly join plans for an imperialist occupation of the northern part of Iraq.

More »

50 years ago: Premier Ky agrees to elections in South Vietnam

On April 14, 1966, the military dictatorship in South Vietnam announced that elections to a constituent assembly would be held within three to five months.

More »

75 years ago: Stalin clings to the Axis

On April 13, 1941 Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin signed a five-year pact with Japanese Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka.

More »


100 years ago: Scottish workers’ leaders convicted of sedition in Britain

On April 11, 1916, John Maclean, a socialist workers leader in the area of Glasgow, Scotland dubbed “Red Clydeside,” was convicted of sedition by British authorities.

More »