Sinkhole reveals lost Egyptian temple0:46

An urban sinkhole in the Egyptian city of Abydos has revealed a lost memorial chapel to Pharaoh Mentuhotep II. Courtesy Luxor Times

What lies beneath ... workers excavate an ancient tomb in Egypt, found under a suburban street. Picture: Luxor Times

Jamie SeidelNews Corp Australia Network

A CRACK in the wall. A growing pothole. Strange rumblings in the night. When a sinkhole in suburban Abydos collapsed, it opened a portal to a long-lost temple of the dead.

The Luxor Times reports that late in April this year a mysterious subsidence in a narrow suburban alley was drawn to the attention of city municipality workers.

Urban decay ... Or is it? This sinkhole, which greeted workers in the Egyptian town of Abydos, contained an ancient mystery. Picture: Luxor Times

Urban decay ... Or is it? This sinkhole, which greeted workers in the Egyptian town of Abydos, contained an ancient mystery. Picture: Luxor TimesSource:Supplied

The street had collapsed into a hole dug from inside one of the neighbouring houses.

Only once workers entered the pit did they realise the dig was by illegal looters — and that they had uncovered an ancient construction.

Road works ... the full scale of the collapse — and the tightness of the suburban setting — is evident in this picture from the Luxor Times.

Road works ... the full scale of the collapse — and the tightness of the suburban setting — is evident in this picture from the Luxor Times.Source:Supplied

Egypt’s Tourism and Antiquities police were summoned, and the diggers arrested.

Egyptologists then set about examining exactly what lay beneath a suburb established in 1935, only some 150 metres from the renown Temple of Seti I.

Into the pit ... The sight that greeted workers and archaeologists, after the rubble and sewage system was removed. Picture: Luxor Times.

Into the pit ... The sight that greeted workers and archaeologists, after the rubble and sewage system was removed. Picture: Luxor Times.Source:Supplied

After shoring up the entrance and tunnel roof with timbers, a short climb revealed wonderful things. First it was just rubble. Then archaeologists had to dodge a leaking sewage tank.

Clean-up detail ... Mud, rubble and sewage is cleaned from the memorial chapel’s walls. Picture: Luxor Times.

Clean-up detail ... Mud, rubble and sewage is cleaned from the memorial chapel’s walls. Picture: Luxor Times.Source:Supplied

But a few metres beneath the street and the foundation of the houses were stained limestone blocks, marking the remains of an old wall.

Out of the past ... An archaeologist sits amid the motifs — and muck — filling the memorial chapel found under homes in Abydos. Picture: Luxor Times.

Out of the past ... An archaeologist sits amid the motifs — and muck — filling the memorial chapel found under homes in Abydos. Picture: Luxor Times.Source:Supplied

Once the excavators pushed their way inside, they were greeted with the crowded sight of neat rows of ancient hieroglyphs and high reliefs — proudly declaring the memorial chapel as belonging to Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II — who reigned about 2046-1995BC.

Identification ... Archaeologists point to a cartouche, or royal mark, declaring the chapel as belonging to Mentuhotep II. Picture: Luxor Times.

Identification ... Archaeologists point to a cartouche, or royal mark, declaring the chapel as belonging to Mentuhotep II. Picture: Luxor Times.Source:Supplied

Few artefacts and inscriptions dedicated to this pharaoh remain. Most are in and around Abydos, Aswan and Thebes.

Ancient unifier ... One of the few remaining depictions of Mentuhotep II.

Ancient unifier ... One of the few remaining depictions of Mentuhotep II.

Mentuhotep II reigned at a time of civil war in Egypt, continuing the fight against Lower-Egypt for 39 years of his reign.

His eventual victory saw him unify the two lands once again, and he was declared the first pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom.

His title means “Horus, he who invigorates the heart of the two lands”.

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Archaeologists have since removed the sewage tank — leakage from which was eroding the stone inscriptions — and have begun restoring the room to prevent further damage.

Excavator Ayman Damarany told the Luxor Times: “I expect there would be more to the site and maybe other sites of the era either former or later to Mentuhotep II.”

Further excavation of the site is restricted due to the many occupied buildings above.

In memoriam ... Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II, “Horus, he who invigorates the heart of the two lands”. Picture: Luxor Times

In memoriam ... Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II, “Horus, he who invigorates the heart of the two lands”. Picture: Luxor TimesSource:Supplied