Parents cereal offenders for bad brekkies

Parents cereal offenders for bad brekkies

BREAKFAST is supposed to be the most important meal of the day but many time-poor parents are basically feeding their kids just sugar and salt.

How many calories should you eat to lose weight?

How many calories should you eat to lose weight?

FOR years weight loss has been about counting calories. But they’re not all created equal. A nutritionist breaks down the numbers.

‘Eat like a man’ to lose weight

‘Eat like a man’ to lose weight

HAVE you ever noticed how simple it is for men to lose weight? They don’t overthink it, they just do it. Here’s how.

Why you should drink full-fat milk

Why you should drink full-fat milk

THERE is good news for those of us who love full-fat milk. It turns out it’s better for us than skim milk, which may carry a major health risk.

‘Is this what we have come to?’

‘Is this what we have come to?’

FITNESS guru and former Bachelor star Tim Robards has a big problem with the food being sold in Sydney’s public transport system.

Best breakfasts for losing weight

Best breakfasts for losing weight

A NEW study comparing breakfast options has shed light on the best morning meal for weight loss. It’s all about the dairy.

How to save time in the supermarket

How to save time in the supermarket

WHAT if we told you there are ways to grocery shop quicker, without compromising on healthy food? Nutritionist Stephanie Malouf shares her tips.

Japanese invent ‘salad’ cakes

Japanese invent ‘salad’ cakes

TRUST the Japanese to come up with the most genius idea for ‘healthy food’. But will Japan’s hot new food trend take off?

Which food tribe do you belong to?

Which food tribe do you belong to?

PALEO, gluten free, sugar free — 50 per cent of Australians are following some kind of diet these days. But who you are is not what you eat, says this nutritionist.

‘How I lost 40kg eating curry’

‘How I lost 40kg eating curry’

SHE’S been dubbed India’s answer to Nigella Lawson. And while being skinny was never Anjum Anand’s aim, but how she got there may surprise you.

How can people be bothered to do this?

How can people be bothered to do this?

WHILE most of us spend Sunday afternoons lying on the couch or at the pub, super healthy people are cooking up all their meals for the next week.

Work habits that are ruining your health

Work habits that are ruining your health

WE ALL spend more and more hours at the office these days. Here are some simple ways you can be a little healthier.

Five foods you can eat tonnes of

Five foods you can eat tonnes of

WE ARE constantly being told to eat less. But the good news is there are several foods you can eat as much of as you want without putting on weight.

Should you be allowed to drink raw milk?

Should you be allowed to drink raw milk?

THE FOOD Safety Information Council does not mince words when it comes to the topic of why raw milk is illegal in Australia.

Why must celebs lie about eating habits?

Why must celebs lie about eating habits?

WHY is it that the thinner the women of the red carpet are, the more they feel the need to tell us that they eat like pigs and never go to the gym?

How to burn off all those Easter treats

How to burn off all those Easter treats

CAN you guess how long it takes to burn off a Cadbury creme egg? What about a hot crossed bun? Let’s break it down.

Eat chocolate (and still lose weight)

Eat chocolate (and still lose weight)

IS IT possible to enjoy your Easter chocolate without putting on the kilos? Nutritionist Susie Burrell has the key, and it’s no dieting secret.

10 foods a nutritionist would never eat

10 foods a nutritionist would never eat

SOME of these may seem obvious and some may surprise you as they commonly masquerade as ‘healthy’ options.

Why this diet book is going nuts

Why this diet book is going nuts

IT’S breaking records all over place and flying off the shelves. But is this diet book all it’s cracked up to be? Our nutritionist puts it to the test.

How long it takes to work off your Easter eggs

How long it takes to work off your Easter eggs

SEE that delicious looking chocolate bunny? We hate to say it, but you will need to run like hell on the treadmill to burn off the calories.

Is Moon Dust only for space cadets?

Is Moon Dust only for space cadets?

GWYNETH PALTROW swears by adding a teaspoon of moon dust to her daily morning smoothie, but what is the mood-boosting powder and who created it?

Why this sugar tax won’t work

Why this sugar tax won’t work

AUSTRALIANS have been told to “pull your finger out” and introduce a tax on sugary drinks, but experts aren’t convinced.

Seven common diet myths busted

Seven common diet myths busted

WE’VE debunked some common food myths for you. These are the surprising foods you should eat and avoid.

The truth about sugar-free diets

The truth about sugar-free diets

SALLY Joseph was promoting sugar-free diets way before Sarah Wilson came on the scene. And she’s worried about a growing trend.

New fat fighter is a weighty shot

New fat fighter is a weighty shot

DIET not working? From today doctors have a new fat fighter — a weight control injection that can help you lose eight per cent of your body weight.

Can carbs give us lung cancer?

Can carbs give us lung cancer?

A NEW study claims foods with high GI increase your chances of developing lung cancer, and that nonsmokers are most at risk.

Paleo porn: what these statues reveal

Paleo porn: what these statues reveal

THE paleo diet is supposed to produce lean, mean cave-dwelling machines. But do these ancient artworks prove that some of the “cavemen” were actually obese?

These eating times are ruining your diet

These eating times are ruining your diet

THE time of day plays a surprisingly large role in determining what you should eat. These are the hours when you’re in danger of overeating.

How J Lo gets her insane body

How J Lo gets her insane body

WHEN a photo of 46-year-old J.Lo’s rock hard abs emerged last week, we couldn’t stop staring. So how the hell does she do it? asked her.

1966 v 2016: Look how we’ve grown

1966 v 2016: Look how we’ve grown

SOMETIMES bigger isn’t better – particularly when it affects our health. Two dress sizes and 7kg in 50 years — that’s how our bodies have changed over time. So what’s fuelling Australia’s weight crisis?

Everyday habits of slim people

Everyday habits of slim people

YOU know those people who stay slim, while you seem to gain weight just by looking at a slice of cake? Here’s how they do it.

The real reason we’re fat

The real reason we’re fat

IT IS the gutsy documentary which questions everything we know about weight loss and busting myths about what is really making us all so fat.

How to eat bread and lose weight

How to eat bread and lose weight

LONG popular in the bodybuilding community, ‘carb cycling’ has now gone mainstream.

The unhealthy side of this health fad

The unhealthy side of this health fad

IT SEEMS like everyone is going gluten free these days. But before you tuck into that GF brownie, read this. Because not all gluten free food is created equal.

Foods that contain hidden sugar

Foods that contain hidden sugar

WE KNOW that cakes and lollies are packed of sugar. But some of our “healthy” everyday foods can also contain loads of the stuff.

How your protein shake can kill

How your protein shake can kill

THEY’RE advertised as the miracle-workers that can help you lose weight or gain muscle. But over-the-counter supplements can have devastating effects.

Why you can’t get rid of belly fat

Why you can’t get rid of belly fat

WHY is the hardest fat to lose in the place we want to lose it most? Here are four science-backed ways to get rid of it for good.

The threat far worse than man flu

The threat far worse than man flu

AN ALARMING number of Queensland men face major health risks due to a growing scourge that rhymes with man flu.

‘Wouldn’t wish this on anyone’

‘Wouldn’t wish this on anyone’

A 27-YEAR-OLD WA man who nearly died after consuming two weight loss products has warned others about the dangers of some popular dietary supplements.

Real reason you must clean your kitchen

Real reason you must clean your kitchen

YOU may have heard that having a messy house equals a messy life. But if there’s one room you need to tidy, it’s the kitchen.

The best apps to help you lose weight

The best apps to help you lose weight

THE best apps for weight loss have been named by experts in a world-first study. These are the ones you should consider downloading.

10 foods not as healthy as you think

10 foods not as healthy as you think

IF IT looks healthy and sounds healthy, that doesn’t mean it is healthy! These foods really aren’t everything they’re cracked up to be.

Are nut milks all they’re cracked up to be?

Are nut milks all they’re cracked up to be?

NUT milks are all the rage, but are they really that healthy? Nutritionist Sally Joseph says they’re not created equal and there’s one ingredient you need to avoid.

Here’s the type of coffee you should drink

Here’s the type of coffee you should drink

LOVE your coffee, but want to make an informed choice when it comes to your daily dose? Here are the calorie counts for each type of coffee.

What the numbers on the scale really mean

What the numbers on the scale really mean

STEPPING in the scales can be either nerve-racking or motivating. But is it really a useful measurement? What do those numbers actually tell us?

Dad vows to eat only potatoes in 2016

Dad vows to eat only potatoes in 2016

A MELBOURNE man has vowed to eat nothing but potatoes this year — and he says he’s already lost 10kg.

Man’s insanely hardcore diet

Man’s insanely hardcore diet

THIS is Andrew Taylor, and in keeping with a truly weird New Year’s resolution, he’s only eating one type of food for a whole year. It’s an odd choice, too.

‘Miracle’ coffee: ‘It changes my brain’

‘Miracle’ coffee: ‘It changes my brain’

IT CAN help you lose weight, boost your energy and even make you smarter - at least, that’s what this coffee diet claims. Some celebrities swear by it.

A week of healthy dinner recipes

A week of healthy dinner recipes

WANT to eat healthy this week? Here’s how to make Jamie Oliver’s ‘mega veggie burger’. It’s a game-changer.

Why you can’t stop eating chocolate

Why you can’t stop eating chocolate

GOOD news! Now you can blame eating unhealthy food on something other than your lack of willpower.

‘I lost 50 kilos by eating pizza’

‘I lost 50 kilos by eating pizza’

A CHEF who has cooked for the likes of Jennifer Lawrence has managed to beat the bulge and slim down on a diet of pizza.

‘Healthy’ snacks that don’t work

‘Healthy’ snacks that don’t work

CHECK out these five surprising ‘healthy’ snacks that actually make you hungrier (plus easy fixes to make them more satisfying).

Don’t feed your baby almond milk

Don’t feed your baby almond milk

IT’S meant to be one of the healthiest dairy alternatives around, but almond milk has caused a baby to develop a disease from the 18th century.

Diet mistake you’re probably making

Diet mistake you’re probably making

YOU could be forgiven for thinking eating healthy “most” of the time is good enough. Researchers have some bad news for you.

Is this the key to weight loss?

Is this the key to weight loss?

A NEW study shows that this quick addition to your weekly routine can be a very effective tool when it comes to weight loss.

Diet hacks: Seven easy weight loss tricks

Diet hacks: Seven easy weight loss tricks

HERE’S a secret about weight loss: you don’t need an extremely restrictive diet to shed kilos. Here are seven much better ideas.

Top 5 tips to stay healthy and fit

Top 5 tips to stay healthy and fit

NEW Year’s health resolutions are usually running out of steam about now, so here are the top five things you can do daily to stay healthy.

How meal times will impact your weight

How meal times will impact your weight

NEW research has revealed that the time you eat your evening meal can have a major impact on your health and weight.

‘I can finally have sex with my husband’

‘I can finally have sex with my husband’

A 273-KILO woman who was too fat to have sex with her husband has finally slept with him — after losing more than 95 kilos.

Gwyneth‘s ridiculous $250 smoothies

Gwyneth‘s ridiculous $250 smoothies

AND you thought the paleo diet was hardcore. It’s nothing compared to Gwyneth Paltrow’s 2016 detox diet.

Four foods that improve your memory

Four foods that improve your memory

IS YOUR head feeling a little foggy this week after the return to work? We talked to a brain expert about which foods can improve memory and brain function.

Breakfast mistake we’ve all been making

Breakfast mistake we’ve all been making

WE all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day — but only if you’re doing it right. Sadly, it seems most of us are not.

‘Healthy’ smoothies as bad as Big Macs

‘Healthy’ smoothies as bad as Big Macs

THINK you’re being virtuous when you order that smoothie or frappé? Think again, warns a new health survey.

Australia’s 10 fattest professions

Australia’s 10 fattest professions

IF YOU work in one of these industries, there’s a good chance your waistline has seen much better days. Apparently your job really can help make you fat.

Woolies’ free fruit PR stunt backfires

Woolies’ free fruit PR stunt backfires

CUSTOMERS have attacked the supermarket giant’s scheme to get children munching on apples as their parents shop, calling it unhygienic and “cheap advertising”.

Booting the booze for a detox won’t work

Booting the booze for a detox won’t work

THINK dumping booze will make you healthier? Think again. If you’re planning on doing a detox, here’s why it won’t really work.

Six magic numbers for your health

Six magic numbers for your health

TAKE control of your health by learning these six numbers — they’ll help with everything from losing weight to protecting your heart.

Why this is the best diet for 2016

Why this is the best diet for 2016

DECIDING on the right diet has turned in to a minefield. Out of 38 eating plans, this panel of experts think they have landed ‘the one’.

Late-night snacks may ruin your memory

Late-night snacks may ruin your memory

NEW research finds that regular late-night fridge raids may affect your brain.

Eight common diet mistakes

Eight common diet mistakes

THINK all fats are bad and lifting weights will make you bulky? They’re just some of the common diet and exercise myths that could be undoing all your hard work.

Are you sick of seeing pics like this?

Are you sick of seeing pics like this?

HAVE you noticed that your Facebook and Instagram feeds are full of pics of perfect abs at the moment? Here’s why January is just a massive #fitspo.

Trick that may stop you eating junk food

Trick that may stop you eating junk food

NEW research reveals that if you eat junk food in front of the mirror, it makes it less delicious.

Eleven foods to reset your diet

Eleven foods to reset your diet

BEFORE you go and waste money on an expensive detox, you will be pleased to hear it’s easy to give your diet an overhaul.

Fancy trying the steak and chocolate diet?

Fancy trying the steak and chocolate diet?

A HEALTH expert has claimed that dieters should stop eliminating high-calorie fats because they can actually help you lose more weight.

Weight-loss tricks everyone will use

Weight-loss tricks everyone will use

LIKE fashion, food and diet trends are doomed to surge then die, particularly where everyone is looking for the next quick fix. What does 2016 have in store?

‘Alkaline juicing’ is all the rage

‘Alkaline juicing’ is all the rage

CELEBS have long spruiked the benefits of an alkaline diet. So it’s no surprise that two health trends have come together and behold: we have the ‘alkaline juicing’ craze.

Six ways you’ll actually lose weight

Six ways you’ll actually lose weight

IF YOU actually want to fulfil your health goals and resolutions for the new year, there are just six simple steps you need to follow.

Science could cure your sweet tooth

Science could cure your sweet tooth

SCIENTISTS might be one stop closer to curing a sweet tooth. Good news if you just can’t help yourself with the sweet stuff.

Is this the world’s worst wedding?

Is this the world’s worst wedding?

NO CAKE. No alcohol. No treats. Jessica wasn’t going to be a bride who bloated, and she ensured her guests wouldn’t either.

Oprah’s inspirational new role

Oprah’s inspirational new role

MANY were shocked when Oprah Winfrey bought a stake in Weight Watchers. But now she’s joining the program and sharing her journey to inspire others.

‘Stop being a fat bitch’

‘Stop being a fat bitch’

POPULAR nutritionist Lola Berry has been slammed over her new weight loss program, which she’s called “Stop being a fat bitch”.

How to suppress your sweet tooth

How to suppress your sweet tooth

HAD a few too many sweets over the Christmas period? A new scientific discovery may stop that happening again.

The easy way not to put on kilos at Christmas

The easy way not to put on kilos at Christmas

NO ONE wants to diet over Christmas but there are a few simple things you can do to make sure you don’t end up a kilo heavier in January.

Stunningly simple secret to weight loss

Stunningly simple secret to weight loss

COULD it really be true that such a simple tweak can have a big impact on weight loss? Let’s look at the science.

A perfectly balanced dinner plate

A perfectly balanced dinner plate

WHEN you are trying to eat well you could be forgiven for finding the ‘rules’ of good nutrition a little confusing at times.

The best celebrity smiles

The best celebrity smiles

THESE celebrities are proof that it doesn’t just take talent to break into the industry, sometimes a memorable smile can help seal the deal.

How much exercise to burn off a Big Mac?

How much exercise to burn off a Big Mac?

WANT to keep your waistline trim in time for the New Year’s Party? A new study reveals how much exercise you need to do to burn off junk food.

How to keep your smile happy this summer

How to keep your smile happy this summer

SUMMER is nearly upon us. Just because you’re taking a break from work, doesn’t mean you should take a holiday from caring for your teeth.

The science of a smile

The science of a smile

SMILING is undoubtedly the world’s most powerful human gesture. Here’s a look inside the power of a smile and what it can achieve.

Meal plan: A week of healthy dinners

Meal plan: A week of healthy dinners

COMING up with a week’s worth of delicious, healthy dinners can be a strain. So we’ve found 7 excellent recipes for you (including Pete Evans’ Raw Rainbow Pad Thai).

Common foods you should avoid

Common foods you should avoid

WE’RE often tricked into thinking certain foods at the supermarket are healthy. These are five of the worst offenders.

Two litres of energy drink, then a heart attack

Two litres of energy drink, then a heart attack

MARTIN BOWLING, 28, was spending $156 a week on energy drinks until one night at he downed eight cans at the pub. His body couldn’t take it anymore.

Six bad habits that will shorten your life

Six bad habits that will shorten your life

SMOKING and drinking aren’t the only vices that will take years off your life. Some unhealthy habits are far more innocuous, but almost as dangerous.

A week of healthy dinner recipes

A week of healthy dinner recipes

COMING up with a week’s worth of interesting, delicious, healthy recipes can be a strain. So we’ve found seven excellent recipes to take the hard work out of meal planning.

How your office is making you fat

How your office is making you fat

THE WORK expectations of modern life make weight control exceptionally challenging when you spend eight hours or more in an office.

How to love yourself skinny

How to love yourself skinny

MAGIC Barclay is half the person she used to be. The mother-of-two has lost a staggering 80kg. But wait until you see how she did it.

Healthy eating is harder if you’re poor

Healthy eating is harder if you’re poor

POORER children are more likely to be obese than their wealthier classmates, research shows. Here’s how you can beat the bulge on a budget.

A week of healthy dinner recipes

A week of healthy dinner recipes

COMING up with a week’s worth of delicious, healthy recipes can be a strain. So we’ve found seven excellent recipes to take the hard work out of meal planning.

Missing ingredient for a summer body

Missing ingredient for a summer body

WANT to look like this at the beach? There’s a very simple thing you need to get rid of, says Tim Robards, and the end of the year can be the hardest time to do it.

The five foods sabotaging your diet

The five foods sabotaging your diet

YOU know to avoid ice-cream, chocolate and chips, but not all of the foods that sabotage your diet are quite so easy to spot.