Graeme Wallace receives his award and (right) the cheeky comment on the cans. Picture: Twitter

The Sun

A BREWERY worker was ‘hoppy’ to be presented with an Employee of the Month award after his cheeky prank caused a batch of 200,000 beer cans to be recalled.

Graeme Wallace, who works as a packing manager for craft beer company BrewDog in the UK, took umbrage after the brand was accused of not being “punk enough”.

Brewers print rude message on bottom of beer cans. Picture: Twitter

Brewers print rude message on bottom of beer cans. Picture: TwitterSource:Twitter

To prove them wrong, he changed the wording on the bottom of their flagship beer, Punk IPA, to read “MOTHER F****R DAY”, reports The Sun.

The batch was then allegedly shipped out across the UK.

BrewDog was only alerted to Graeme’s joke when confused customers started tweeting pictures of the rude message, asking if all cans were labelled like that.

The 200,000-strong batch then reportedly had to be recalled.

Someone also posted a snap of the cans on picture sharing website imgur, writing: “Have to take all these beers off sale because someone had a bad day.”

But rather than give him the sack, bosses saw the funny side and praised Mr Wallace for his bold prank.

A company spokesperson said: “At another company, someone responsible for a prank like this might have been given the heave ho. At BrewDog, Graeme was awarded Employee of the Month.”

We think Graeme sounds like a barrel of laughs ...

This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission

This Beer Pong Trick Shot Must Have Taken Forever0:23

Andrew has previously shown us his trick shot skills, but this one must have taken a long time! Standing at one end of a ping pong table, Andrew hit six consecutive bullseyes, landing in each consecutive cup. The reaction was understandably one of relief rather than elation. Credit: YouTube/BBsDoingNothing