A storybook wedding - except for one thing1:32

About 15 million girls will be married as children this year ? their right to a childhood ripped away. This video produced with Bridal Musings, one of the world's most influential wedding blogs, aims to put a spotlight on this grim reality. Courtesy: UNICEF

Lily, 11, features in a clip as part of an international campaign from UNICEF to put a spotlight on the grim reality of child marriages.

A YOUNG girl’s bouncy curls fall softly around her face as her bright blue eyes are framed with a shimmery gold shadow and her lips are painted red.

She slips into a white lace dress ironed by her mother then almost disappears under a long, thin veil.

Her husband-to-be, John, 35, stands at the alter, waiting for her hand in marriage in front of a small crowd of family and friends.

Lily is 11-years-old and today is her wedding day.

Fortunately for this little girl, she is only acting as part of an international campaign from UNICEF to put a spotlight on the grim reality of child marriages.

But for 41,000 girls under the age of 18 who are married off all over the world every day, the scenario depicted in the clip is all too real.

The clip featuring actors Lily and John was released as part of a global effort to prevent children from marrying and to support those already wed in 12 countries across Africa, Asia and the Middle East where child marriage rates are high.

Produced by one of the world’s most influential wedding blogs, Bridal Musings, it has gone viral with more than 10 million views and 150,000 shares on social media since it went live just a few days ago.

According to UNICEF, the reality of 15 million girls globally being married before their 18th birthdays, has “resonated with Australians”.

“That is sickening ... I can just imagine what those girls are going through,” one social media user wrote.

A clip about child marriage has been produced by Bridal Musings, one of the world’s most influential wedding blogs, for UNICEF in a bid to save thousands of young girls.

A clip about child marriage has been produced by Bridal Musings, one of the world’s most influential wedding blogs, for UNICEF in a bid to save thousands of young girls.Source:Supplied

But it’s not just the alarming numbers of child brides that has struck a chord with viewers of the clip.

Many have pointed out that the characters shouldn’t have been portrayed by “white and blue-eyed” actors from Western countries where child marriage rates are lower than elsewhere.

“Just wondering why you chose to feature a blonde, Caucasian girl? one social media user wrote to UNICEF.

“Doesn’t really reflect the majority of children subjected to child marriage.”

According to a spokesperson for the children’s charity, the casting decision was a deliberate move to “provoke conversations on equal rights”.

“Child marriage affects girls in all regions of the world but it is true that the highest prevalence rates are in Africa and South Asia,” a statement from UNICEF read.

“We hope that by casting a girl who may not seem at risk of child marriage, and replicating a highly stylised “Western” wedding video, we will provoke conversations on equal rights for girls everywhere.

“For example, if this story is shocking and unacceptable in an Australian or North American context, aren’t girls in Niger, India or Lebanon equally deserving of our protection?

“Thanks for your interest and support.”

The UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage announced this week will involve families, communities, governments and young people in a bid to combat the problem.

UNFPA executive director Dr Babatunde Osotimehin said choosing when and who to marry was one of life’s most important decisions.

“Child marriage denies millions of girls this choice each year,” Dr Osotimehin said.

“As part of this global program, we will work with governments of countries with a high prevalence of child marriage to uphold the rights of adolescent girls, so that girls can reach their potential and countries can attain their social and economic development goals.”

UNICEF executive director Anthony Lake said the program “will help drive action to reach the girls at greatest risk — and help more girls and young women realise their right to dictate their own destinies”.

“This is critical now because if current trends continue, the number of girls and women married as children will reach nearly one billion by 2030 — one billion childhoods lost, one billion futures blighted.”

According to UNICEF, girls who are married as children are more likely to be out of school, suffer domestic violence, contract HIV/AIDS and die as a result of complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

He said child marriage was also a violation of human rights.

I Am A Girl87:52

An inspirational feature-length documentary that paints a clear picture of the reality of what it means to be a girl in the 21st century around the globe including Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Cameroon, Afghanistan, USA and Australia.