‘The infection is eating my nose’

‘The infection is eating my nose’

AN air steward who spent $600,000 to look like a real life Ken doll has been rushed to hospital after a hole appeared in his nose.

Woman’s hair cut off in bus attack

Woman’s hair cut off in bus attack

A WOMAN got a horrible shock during her morning commute when two passengers cut off a portion of her hair.

When did stalking become a love story?

When did stalking become a love story?

WHY in the hell would anyone think it was OK to take a photograph of a stranger without their knowledge because they have a crush on them?

Werewolf boy bullied and loved like a god

Werewolf boy bullied and loved like a god

DOCTORS can’t explain his extreme hair growth, but this Indonesian teenager is taking it all in his stride.

Is this real footage of a ghost man?

Is this real footage of a ghost man?

IT’S A mystery everyone has an opinion on: is this really a ghost on camera. Watch and decide for yourself.

Cheating girlfriend not the worst part

Cheating girlfriend not the worst part

MOST men would be devastated to learn their girlfriend cheated. But for one particular bloke, that was far from the worst part of the story.

Store’s anger over ‘Cool Yoghurt Guy’

Store’s anger over ‘Cool Yoghurt Guy’

OWNERS of an art supply store in Auckland are so sick of someone sticking yoghurt lids to their windows they’ve been forced to leave a blunt message for the offender.

Giant ‘Ratzilla’ caught outside home

Giant ‘Ratzilla’ caught outside home

A MASSIVE rat has left residents of a quiet town terrified, amid fears that a plague could soon be roaming their local streets.

Wedding crasher cops honeymoon in jail

Wedding crasher cops honeymoon in jail

THIS wasn’t your Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn variety wedding crasher. This woman will be spending her ‘honeymoon’ in jail for stealing from guests.

Is that a ghost on breakfast TV?

Is that a ghost on breakfast TV?

SO FAR it is unexplained, but it hasn’t stopped viewers from speculating about something really weird that took place on morning TV.

Louis Theroux stalked by Scientologists

Louis Theroux stalked by Scientologists

TV PERSONALITY Louis Theroux has revealed he was stalked by Scientologists while making a documentary about the controversial church.

Knox’s ex now TV ‘murder expert’

Knox’s ex now TV ‘murder expert’

AMANDA Knox’s ex-boyfriend, who was convicted and then acquitted of killing a British student, has landed a job as a ‘murder expert’ on a new TV show.

Racist remark to flatmate goes bananas

Racist remark to flatmate goes bananas

A RACIST comment directed at a university student on a bunch of bananas has sparked an investigation and an outpouring of outrage.

This woman wants to be a real life dragon

This woman wants to be a real life dragon

WARNING: GRAPHIC. This former banker really wants to be a real life human dragon, cutting off ears and nose in the process.

Mum blasts son’s Facebook meme

Mum blasts son’s Facebook meme

WHEN a man posted a meme on Facebook about the unfair expectations placed on men around the world, his mother wasn’t happy.

Buffet wars: Food fight erupts

Buffet wars: Food fight erupts

A MASSIVE brawl took place in a buffet line after a couple became incensed over the amount of crab claws a young man was taking.

Video shows woman’s epic car attack

Video shows woman’s epic car attack

A FUMING woman climbed on a car and launched a frenzied attack on the vehicle only for the driver to speed off with her on the roof. Watch the video.

Man threatens to burn judge alive

Man threatens to burn judge alive

A MAN douses a judge in petrol, threatening to burn her alive if she found him guilty of assaulting his wife. WARNING: Graphic

Team protests racism with blackface

Team protests racism with blackface

A FOOTBALL club has come under fire after digitally altering its team photo to make the players appear black in a protest against a racist attack.

Why it’s not OK to leave this note

Why it’s not OK to leave this note

OPINION: WHEN will people realise the only thing angry anonymous notes are good for is making people giggle?

Married teachers ‘had sex with students’

Married teachers ‘had sex with students’

A TEACHER working at a private Christian school has been arrested for allegedly having sex with a student just days after his wife was detained on the same charge.

Hijacked cabbie forced to rob bank

Hijacked cabbie forced to rob bank

CABBIE Alistair Rankin feared he’d be blown up as a crazed thief forced him to demand cash from a Bank of Scotland employee, a court has heard.

The secret plan to rename Victoria

The secret plan to rename Victoria

IT’S the bizarre proposal to rename our second most populous state. But is it a “fitting tribute” or a “billion dollar brain fart”?

What happens to our body when we die?

What happens to our body when we die?

EVER pondered the freaky facts about what our bodies go through when we die? It’s gross and fascinating at the same time.

Woman rings 911 over botched pizza

Woman rings 911 over botched pizza

IT TURNS out calling the police is not an appropriate response to a pizza shop getting your order wrong. And one American woman just learnt it the hard way.

Superhero stunt goes horribly wrong

Superhero stunt goes horribly wrong

IT TOOK firefighters 90 minutes to cut a five-year-old boy free from a plastic water pipe after he attempted to use it as a superhero helmet at a family wedding.

Bizarre day in court for ‘spoiled’ artist

Bizarre day in court for ‘spoiled’ artist

A SPOILED, tiara-obsessed artist charged with biting a woman on a flight said from court that “she could as easily be sitting at a White House dinner.”

Nurse took photos of patient’s genitals

Nurse took photos of patient’s genitals

A NURSE has been struck off after taking lewd photographs of a patient’s penis with a smartphone and sending them to her co-workers.

Men are loving the poo-handbag woman

Men are loving the poo-handbag woman

THE woman who hid a ‘poop’ in her handbag has been inundated with offers of dates from male admirers.

Instagram users vote on ‘executions’

Instagram users vote on ‘executions’

AN Iraqi militant group has set up a number of sick Instagram accounts that urge social media users to determine the fate of captured ISIS fighters.

Ebola meth joke leads to arrest

Ebola meth joke leads to arrest

POLICE have arrested a woman after she responded to a hoax Facebook post warning of Ebola-tainted drugs by bringing her meth to the station for testing.

Tourist ‘tried to swim to cruise ship’

Tourist ‘tried to swim to cruise ship’

A 65-YEAR-OLD woman has been rescued from the sea by fishermen after attempting to swim out to a passing cruise ship in Portugal.

‘It was literally like meeting God’

‘It was literally like meeting God’

HE WAS a war hero turned jujitsu expert, suspected bank robber and stuntman. Many still think he was some sort of god.

‘It’s ironic he’s watching porn’

‘It’s ironic he’s watching porn’

SERIAL rapist killed by a runaway trailer as he looked at porn on his phone. A witness said the death dealt with some of his crimes.

‘A viral meme ruined my life’

‘A viral meme ruined my life’

JESSI Slaughter was turned into an internet meme at the age of 11. The notoriety had a devastating impact on her life.

Crazed parents ruin kids’ Easter egg hunt

Crazed parents ruin kids’ Easter egg hunt

A CHILDREN’S Easter egg hunt descended into chaos and left injured kids in floods of tears when the field was stormed by out of control parents.

Used syringe found in Easter egg

Used syringe found in Easter egg

A MELBOURNE man was shocked to discover a used syringe inside of a Cadbury white chocolate Dream Easter egg on Good Friday.

What was Aldi thinking?

What was Aldi thinking?

PAINT colours don’t just come in ‘red’ or ‘blue’, but Aldi’s had to rename one of its mixes after sexual abuse victims complained.

Truly weird stuff celebs believe

Truly weird stuff celebs believe

ONE celebrity thinks she had sex with a ghost, and wears a placenta necklace. Here’s the list of totally crazy beliefs you need to read.

Woman posed as boy to sleep with girls

Woman posed as boy to sleep with girls

A 23-YEAR-OLD British woman has been jailed after posing as a man to trick teenage girls into sexual intercourse.

Crashed driver’s perfect parking feat

Crashed driver’s perfect parking feat

AWKWARD pictures have emerged of a BMW driver who achieved a seemingly impossible feat of parking after losing control of her vehicle.

This story is ridiculous but amazing

This story is ridiculous but amazing

THIS woman went on a date and needed to poo. So she did, at her date’s house. Things all went downhill from there, and she’s live tweeted the whole thing for your reading pleasure.

Man’s nasty plan for friend’s cut-off penis

Man’s nasty plan for friend’s cut-off penis

A MAN jailed for cutting off his friend’s penis in a horrific attack may have had some bizarre designs on it.

Anne Frank Escape Game Stirs Outrage

Anne Frank Escape Game Stirs Outrage

AN attraction in the Netherlands that puts visitors in a mock-up of Anne Frank’s apartment and challenges them to escape has been assailed by critics who say it disrespects Holocaust victims.

Teen’s bleeding eyes stump doctors

Teen’s bleeding eyes stump doctors

BRITISH 17-year-old Marnie-Rae Harvey says her life has been put on hold as doctors sort out why she cries tears of blood for no apparent reason. WARNING: Graphic

Woman engulfed by flaming cocktail

Woman engulfed by flaming cocktail

A WOMAN has received almost $40,000 after a bartender set her on fire while making a flaming cocktail. WARNING: Disturbing footage

‘I wish they had raped you’

‘I wish they had raped you’

AFTER a stranger pulled down her pants in public, Andrea turned to the internet for help. The response was sickening.

15 years’ hard labour for stealing poster

15 years’ hard labour for stealing poster

THE White House has condemned North Korea for sentencing a US student who tried to steal a propaganda banner to 15 years of hard labour.

People turning up at their own wakes

People turning up at their own wakes

TAKE a quick glance at Fernando de Jesús Díaz Beato, and you’d think he’s any regular bloke relaxing in a chair. Except he isn’t.

This tomato video is going bonkers

This tomato video is going bonkers

A STRANGELY hypnotic clip of a man chopping a tomato in reverse has gone viral. Apparently, it’s giving some people a ‘brain orgasm’.

Even ducks are being carb-shamed

Even ducks are being carb-shamed

THE war against bread doesn’t just apply to humans, it’s important to ducks who have over-populated and over-pooped thanks to the carb hit.

Sinkhole could be half a kilometre deep

Sinkhole could be half a kilometre deep

A MASSIVE sinkhole has opened up in the backyard of a suburban house in England, exposing a mine shaft that’s so deep it’s impossible to see the bottom.

This man is in deep poo

This man is in deep poo

A MAN stopped for speeding told cops that he was rushing to go to the loo. He refused to get out of his car — and they now know why.

The scariest pitch invader ever

The scariest pitch invader ever

JUNIOR football season is off and running, but it was the players who were running scared at one southeast Queensland season opener at the weekend.

Woman’s awkward texts with taxi driver

Woman’s awkward texts with taxi driver

GIVE this taxi driver credit. He was very professional while texting a passenger to tell her she’d left a “personal item” in the back seat.

‘We have no idea what animal this is’

‘We have no idea what animal this is’

A WEIRD, blob-like sea monster has washed up on a popular beach, leaving tourists shocked and experts baffled.

Severed head found outside cafe

Severed head found outside cafe

A SEVERED head has been found outside a smoking lounge, a day after a headless body was discovered in a burnt-out car. WARNING: Graphic.

Sleazy spa with ‘underwater sex’

Sleazy spa with ‘underwater sex’

THE Spa Castle in New York is billed as a sprawling, 22-pool Disneyland of soaks and steams. But some patrons are anything but G-rated.

Diver sucked into nuclear pipe

Diver sucked into nuclear pipe

A SCUBA diver was sucked into an intake pipe at a nuclear power plant in a terrifying ride. Here is how he survived the ordeal.

The strangest sex ed video ever made

The strangest sex ed video ever made

A DANCING vagina and smiling penis, this might be the strangest way to teach young people about sexual consent that we have ever seen.

You’re using Post-It notes all wrong

You’re using Post-It notes all wrong

DID you have your mind blown by the whole ‘you’re-using-chopsticks-wrong’ thing last month? Well there’s another item you’re using incorrectly (you twit).

‘We don’t need a**hole neighbours’

‘We don’t need a**hole neighbours’

THIS is the angry note a very unhappy man posted on his next door neighbour’s door, after he hosted a noisy house warming party.

China’s creepy corpse brides

China’s creepy corpse brides

THEY can fetch up to $20,000 a body. And desperate relatives are more than happy to pay up to get their hands on a corpse bride.

Fish ‘with legs’ leaves fisherman baffled

Fish ‘with legs’ leaves fisherman baffled

WHEN a fisherman pulled this odd creature out of a river, he couldn’t believe his eyes — because at first glance, the creature looks to have legs.

Who brought home Kevin Bacon?

Who brought home Kevin Bacon?

A FAMILY were suffering extreme degrees of Kevin Bacon separation when their pet disappeared. And when he turned up there was something weird about this big piggy.

Shopping with a ‘dangerous’ twist

Shopping with a ‘dangerous’ twist

SHOPPERS will be able to drop from the top floor at death-defying speeds — but would you take the risk?

Schoolboy wins month with porn star

Schoolboy wins month with porn star

A TEENAGER has told how he’s “so happy” and “boiling inside” after winning a month living in a hotel room with a porn star in an online competition.

Puppy shot 18 times with BB gun

Puppy shot 18 times with BB gun

A DETERMINED puppy has made a “remarkable” recovery after being shot at least 18 times with a BB gun in a horrific attack.

Who said white men can’t jump?

Who said white men can’t jump?

AN incredible photo of an American high school basketball player who appears to be “levitating” in the air has the internet in a spin.

Man drags shark from water for pic

Man drags shark from water for pic

A BEACHGOER has been filmed pulling a thrashing shark out of the shallows by the tail and pinning it down to pose for photos.

Hitler may not have had tiny penis

Hitler may not have had tiny penis

IT WAS the news we had always suspected — Hitler had a deformed appendage. But the historian behind the claim has more to say about his small manhood.

Hitler had deformed ‘micro-penis’

Hitler had deformed ‘micro-penis’

HISTORIANS have revealed Adolf Hitler suffered from an embarrassing condition that may be able to explain his rage.

‘Don’t think I’ll be at work Friday’

‘Don’t think I’ll be at work Friday’

A YOUNG British woman learnt the hard way that you shouldn’t apply bronzer with a paint roller.

Video shows baby on window ledge

Video shows baby on window ledge

VIDEO of a toddler walking out onto a window ledge and hanging precariously above a street has gone viral as the family responds to calls of neglect.

‘Look what you did to my hair’

‘Look what you did to my hair’

ADRIAN Blanche Swain had a trim at her local barber’s shop and left a $20 tip. Imagine the barber’s surprise when she returned pointing a gun.

Dumbest ways people are dying

Dumbest ways people are dying

AUSSIES are regarded as being a pretty intrepid and adventurous bunch. But our eagerness to take part can land us in a whole lot of trouble.

Google Street View’s creepiest photo

Google Street View’s creepiest photo

GHOST hunters have been whipped into a frenzy after a Twitter user posted a picture of a spooky apparition in a haunted UK pub window.

Killers who eat their victims

Killers who eat their victims

AN AUSTRALIAN woman decapitated her husband and served his head to her children. Disturbingly, cannibal killers are more common than you think.

Drunk mum, gran attacked for looking after kids

Drunk mum, gran attacked for looking after kids

THIS is the shocking moment strangers brutally attacked a mother and grandmother because they were “outraged” by their drunkenness.

Domino’s driver sacked for weird texts

Domino’s driver sacked for weird texts

A CREEPY Domino’s delivery driver was sacked after bombarding a young woman he delivered pizza to with “freaky” text messages.

Boy dangles headfirst after horror crash

Boy dangles headfirst after horror crash

DRAMATIC footage shows a child hanging upside down from a bridge and clinging on for his life after a horrific road accident in Israel.

‘Is it a bear or a bloody yeti?’

‘Is it a bear or a bloody yeti?’

SKIERS are on high alert after a witness photographed an ‘abominable snowman’ wandering the mountains of a popular ski slope.

Prisoner hid four phones up backside

Prisoner hid four phones up backside

AN INMATE stunned prison officers when they caught him with four mobile phones, four chargers and four SIM cards hidden inside his anus.

This brave man hugged a massive crab

This brave man hugged a massive crab

THIS guy’s crazier than a coconut. Mark Pierrot was game enough to cuddle up to the monstrous coconut crab on a visit to Christmas Island.

Man dies, gets stuck to sex worker

Man dies, gets stuck to sex worker

WARNING: Disturbing content. Bizarre footage shows an elderly man still attached to a sex worker after dying in bed with her.

Rape leader runs scared after backlash

Rape leader runs scared after backlash

THE misogynist blogger who called for the legalisation rape on private property has cancelled his meet-ups in Australia and around the world — for “safety” reasons.

Man kept girlfriend in pit for months

Man kept girlfriend in pit for months

POLICE received a tip-off from suspicious neighbours that someone was being held captive. But they didn’t expect to find something so horrific.

Roosh V cancels ‘legal rape’ events

Roosh V cancels ‘legal rape’ events

THE controversial founder of pro-rape group Return of Kings has pulled the plug on events around Australia after public backlash.

Girl’s ear infested with giant ants

Girl’s ear infested with giant ants

VISION has emerged of the moment doctors discovered an entire ants nest inside a girl’s head. WARNING: Graphic.

Teen posts video of horrific beating

Teen posts video of horrific beating

A TEENAGE girl who was viciously beaten and knocked unconscious in her high school toilet has posted a video of the incident in an attempt to defy her attackers.

Creepy condom note in woman’s car

Creepy condom note in woman’s car

THERE are just some things you don’t expect to find after your car has been shipped across the country. This is one of them.

The secret question ‘legal rape’ creeps use

The secret question ‘legal rape’ creeps use

THE followers of “legal rape” advocate Roosh V supposedly use a code to identify each other. It’s all enshrined in one innocuous question.

‘I’ll find a way, I won’t be stopped’

‘I’ll find a way, I won’t be stopped’

THE anti-women advocate Daryush Valizadeh is threatening to enter Australia regardless of the Immigration Minister’s visa decision.

The seagull story blowing up Facebook

The seagull story blowing up Facebook

FACEBOOK occasionally serves up something that reminds you why you’re still on the social media merry-go-round. Today is one of those days.

Rape advocate’s bizarre tweet

Rape advocate’s bizarre tweet

AS AUSTRALIANS pile on “legal rape” advocate and self-confessed pick-up artist Roosh V, the American posted a bizarre threat.

Hardcore porn played at baby’s funeral

Hardcore porn played at baby’s funeral

THE grieving family of a father and baby killed in a car crash has lashed out after a porn video was accidentally played at the funeral.

‘Caught at my lowest moment’

‘Caught at my lowest moment’

A PINT-SIZED doctor filmed assaulting an Uber driver has offered a million excuses for her bad behaviour.

Extreme timesaving hacks

Extreme timesaving hacks

WE all like a timesaving hack but can you imagine washing your dishes in the shower, or using a coffee pot as an iron?

Blow-up doll sparks water rescue

Blow-up doll sparks water rescue

LIFEGUARDS, the Coastguard and a rescue chopper worked for 90 minutes to find a drowning person — only to discover it was an inflatable doll.

You can now buy airline seats for dolls

You can now buy airline seats for dolls

WOULD you pay full price for a plane ticket for a doll? One Thai airline is offering you the chance to do just that.