PM: ‘Every dollar ... will be funded’

PM: ‘Every dollar ... will be funded’

MATHIAS Cormann appeared unconcerned about threats to Australia’s AAA credit rating, as Malcolm Turnbull said every dollar in the Federal Budget will be funded.

Budget looks at tobacco excise rise

Budget looks at tobacco excise rise

AS the Turnbull government faces the risk of Australia losing its AAA credit rating, an increase in tobacco excise will reportedly be part of this year’s Federal Budget.

Australia’s AAA rating at risk

Australia’s AAA rating at risk

THE National Australia Bank has warned that Australia faces losing its AAA credit rating, unless spending is reined in for the Federal Budget.

Get ready to pay even after you die

Get ready to pay even after you die

IT’S a multi-billion dollar problem with a controversial solution. Could you be made to pay back your student loans after you die?

Got a uni debt? Prepare to pay up

Got a uni debt? Prepare to pay up

A CRACKDOWN on uni loans is seeming more likely after new analysis showed just how much they will cost the government.

Monster eating into our pay packets

Monster eating into our pay packets

INCOME tax has become a monster that takes a $170 billion bite out of our wages each year — and it is set to chew through even more.

Morrison: ‘The PM called your bluff’

Morrison: ‘The PM called your bluff’

TREASURER Scott Morrison has indicated the idea to allow states to raise their own income tax was a high-stakes game of chicken.

Whoa, what happened this week?

Whoa, what happened this week?

MALCOLM Turnbull had a big week, floating ‘once in a generation’ reforms. But by Friday his ‘ideas boom’ had busted.

The pros and cons of Malcolm’s big plan

The pros and cons of Malcolm’s big plan

THE response to Malcolm Turnbull’s education bombshell has been broadly negative. Is that fair? We’ve gone through the pros and cons.

‘Tax supermarket’ not the solution

‘Tax supermarket’ not the solution

GOING to the ‘tax supermarket’ and taking every tax off the shelf is not the solution to the budget problem, Scott Morrison says.

Bad news for those with uni debt

Bad news for those with uni debt

MANY university and other graduates never pay off their student debt but a government crackdown may force them to start paying their debt back sooner.

Malcolm Turnbull hints at big tax changes

Malcolm Turnbull hints at big tax changes

MALCOLM Turnbull has confirmed there will be “important changes to tax” as he continues to fight the tag of being a do-nothing prime minister.

‘Tax on the poor’ a good idea?

‘Tax on the poor’ a good idea?

IF YOU’RE rich, then you might not think twice about a tax like this. But this ‘feel good’ tax proposal has a dark side.

Forget big tax cuts in the Budget

Forget big tax cuts in the Budget

IF YOU were hoping for tax relief in the Budget, don’t hold your breath, because the Treasurer has poured cold water on the prospect.

Why cheaper homes won’t happen

Why cheaper homes won’t happen

IF FIRST home buyers were hopeful that cheaper housing could finally be on the horizon, they may well be disappointed.

Unexpected benefit of slugging the rich

Unexpected benefit of slugging the rich

AS DEBATE moves away from the GST, other options to raise money are being explored, and some could have interesting impacts.

Astonishing debt buried in budget review

Astonishing debt buried in budget review

THE Treasurer says the economy is on track, but a breakdown of the budget forecast reveals a projected national debt equivalent to $30,000 per person.

Turnbull’s $250m health research splurge

Turnbull’s $250m health research splurge

THE Federal Government has announced the creation of a new research fund designed to take medical breakthroughs from the laboratory to the hospital bedside.

Why we should pay HECS when we die

Why we should pay HECS when we die

ONE of the biggest beneficiaries of unpaid HECS debt write-offs prove why collecting money from the dead is not as cruel as it sounds.

Turnbull farewells Abbott era

Turnbull farewells Abbott era

MALCOLM Turnbull is making a clear break from the Abbott government, today meeting with colleagues and business leaders, all policies are “on the table.”

Concerns over cashless welfare cards

Concerns over cashless welfare cards

DETRACTORS have called it ‘an insult to all Australians’ but is the cashless welfare card a good idea?

Turnbull government’s new mantra

Turnbull government’s new mantra

THE Turnbull Government has scrapped Tony Abbott’s “morbid joke” to make “taxes lower, simpler and fairer”.

Border Force’s new embarrassment

Border Force’s new embarrassment

WHAT’S soft, fluffy and worth $15,000 of taxpayer dollars? The secretive Australian Border Force’s latest debacle.

Would you pay more? Push to raise GST

Would you pay more? Push to raise GST

IT could be the only way to prevent Australia from “tumbling off a fiscal cliff”, but would you be happy to pay more for everyday goods and services?

Get ready to pay more for petrol

Get ready to pay more for petrol

THE cost of running the family car is now certain to keep rising after Labor today said it would back legislation to make petrol tax increases law.

How your $2 is fixing the economy

How your $2 is fixing the economy

BAD news Australia, the government has decided you’re not going to get an extra couple of dollars in your pay packet. On the plus side, you’re saving the economy.

Labor ambushes Government — by agreeing with it

Labor ambushes Government — by agreeing with it

LABOR today ambushed and embarrassed the Government — by agreeing to do what it wanted.

Government’s $1.5 billion roll on the dole

Government’s $1.5 billion roll on the dole

MR Morrison told reporters in Canberra today that “choosing welfare is not the career we want for” young people.

Our staggering daily defence bill

Our staggering daily defence bill

TAXPAYERS are forking out $87 million every day for the upkeep of our defence forces — and analysts are warning the figure will blow out even further within six years.

Now it’s Shorten’s turn to squirm

Now it’s Shorten’s turn to squirm

A FORMER Labor heavyweight says Bill Shorten’s days are numbered, but has the party really turned against him already?

‘Hidden hit’: Problem with PM’s ‘fair’ budget

‘Hidden hit’: Problem with PM’s ‘fair’ budget

AS THE Abbott Government enjoys a bump in the polls for its self-styled ‘fairness’, new modelling suggests we may have been misled.

Libs gut $1.5bn from family budgets

Libs gut $1.5bn from family budgets

FAMILIES could end up being more than $1.5 billion a year worse off as a consequence of the combined effect of Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s first two budgets.

Why the ‘Google tax’ will fail

Why the ‘Google tax’ will fail

EXPERTS have warned that Treasurer Joe Hockey’s crackdown on multinational tax avoidance is doomed to be the ‘Mining Tax 2.0’.

A super election is coming

A super election is coming

CHRIS Bowen has taken Tony Abbott’s bait and wants to fight head on about superannuation.

Parental leave cuts may backfire

Parental leave cuts may backfire

THE Federal Government could end up spending more on childcare subsidies for new mums than if it had allowed them to stay home for an extra 18 weeks on maternity leave.

The $20 million project nobody wants

The $20 million project nobody wants

IT’S one of the headline measures in the Abbott government’s Budget, with $20 million in funding. But the people it’s supposed to benefit don’t want it.

Tony’s Tradies set for new wheels

Tony’s Tradies set for new wheels

THE cost of some cars will almost halve for eligible businesses and sole traders following the recent Federal Budget. Here are the vehicles they’ll be looking at.

What we’re doing to our grandkids

What we’re doing to our grandkids

THE Federal Budget has generated positive buzz for the government, but Anthony Keane warns Australia is not facing up to the stark reality of its financial future.

Child dental care to go up $75

Child dental care to go up $75

FAMILIES are facing gap fees of up to $75 for their child’s dental care after Federal Government froze indexation of Medicare rebates in the budget.

Why can’t we have more child care?

Why can’t we have more child care?

WHY is it so hard to open more child care centres in areas where parents are crying out for extra services? And will the new Budget measures help?

Shorten’s surprise sell to business

Shorten’s surprise sell to business

BILL Shorten has made a surprise pitch to business by calling for company tax to be slashed 5 per cent in a big-spending Federal Budget reply.

Illness: Keep it 9-to-5, or suffer

Illness: Keep it 9-to-5, or suffer

OUT-of hours health care is set to become chaotic with the popular GP helpline to be axed and at least one after-hours service threatening to close.

How Labor would spend our money

How Labor would spend our money

BILL Shorten tonight launched Labor’s plan to harness technological innovation through specialist training to create the jobs of the coming two decades.

Shorten tosses $4b spanner in the works

Shorten tosses $4b spanner in the works

BILL Shorten has vowed to slash small business tax to an historical low of 25 per cent in a challenge to the Government’s 1.5 per cent cut announced in the budget.

Big problem at the centre of Joe’s budget

Big problem at the centre of Joe’s budget

EVERYONE’S talking about the benefits, but there is a very big problem with the centrepiece of Joe Hockey’s budget that hasn’t been touched on yet.

What Bill Shorten’s really planning

What Bill Shorten’s really planning

HE’S under pressure to show the country he’s ‘got what it takes’ to be Prime Minister. Tonight, Bill Shorten will have our full attention.

Hockey’s ‘Mark Zuckerberg’ budget

Hockey’s ‘Mark Zuckerberg’ budget

IT’S not just small business — and big retailers — who are happy about Joe Hockey’s second budget. The Treasurer has won over a surprising group.

Bill Shorten’s budget reply tactic

Bill Shorten’s budget reply tactic

OPPOSITION leader Bill Shorten will deliver his budget reply speech tonight. Here’s his plan to attack the government.

Shorten backs small business plan

Shorten backs small business plan

BILL Shorten has vowed to support the Government’s $5.5 billion small business package, but will block a bid to end paid parental leave double-dipping.

Why your breakfast is going to get more expensive

Why your breakfast is going to get more expensive

THE Budget will force up the cost of a healthy breakfast, but don’t blame the Government. Blame the banana freckle.

GST can kill ‘Zombie’ GP fee

GST can kill ‘Zombie’ GP fee

THE controversial $5 GP fee has mutated: Now patients face being bitten by an extra $8 charge to see a doctor as a result of a new freeze on Medicare rebates in the Budget.

‘Give us backpackers not bludgers’

‘Give us backpackers not bludgers’

FARMERS want backpackers to do their fruitpicking but fear changes to the working holiday visa are about making them hire “dole bludgers” instead.

Military costs up by $713 million

Military costs up by $713 million

IT will cost taxpayers an extra $713 million next year to fund Australia’s military forces as the dollar falls procurement project costs rise and international commitments grow.

Volunteers get to keep childcare

Volunteers get to keep childcare

STAY-at-home mums would need to undertake four hours of volunteer work a week to access three days of subsidised childcare under the Government’s new activity test.

Hidden Budget nasties you missed

Hidden Budget nasties you missed

WITH so many sweeping changes announced in the Budget, it’s easy to lose track. Here are the hidden nasties (and surprise sweeteners) that you may have missed.

The budget feeding frenzy has begun

The budget feeding frenzy has begun

RETAILERS are already rubbing their hands in anticipation as small business owners set their eyes on big-ticket purchases to claim the $20,000 tax break.

Yes, Pyne’s a ‘Fixer’ after all

Yes, Pyne’s a ‘Fixer’ after all

HE FAMOUSLY said he would fix it, and now it’s done. Sort of. So what exactly was the “surprise” Christopher Pyne promised taxpayers?

Massive problem Budget ignored

Massive problem Budget ignored

IT’S the elephant in the room. The massive problem everyday Aussies are struggling with, but it didn’t rate a mention in the Budget and it appears there is no plan to fix it.

Are you eligible for a $20K tax break?

Are you eligible for a $20K tax break?

EVERYONE is talking about the $20,000 tax deduction for small businesses announced in last night’s budget. But what exactly is it and are you eligible?

How to claim $20,000 tax break

How to claim $20,000 tax break

SMALL businesses were the big winners of the Budget. Many Aussies will be able to claim a $20,000 tax break - here’s how.

The hidden meaning behind the Budget

The hidden meaning behind the Budget

WE’VE cut through the spin. Deciphered the polliespeak. And hidden behind the words of Joe Hockey’s speech were some interesting meanings.

It’s Joe Hockey’s ‘Viagra Budget’

It’s Joe Hockey’s ‘Viagra Budget’

THE Treasurer’s second attempt at a Budget has been labelled his “Viagra Budget” because it delivers “excessive stimulation”.

Why Julie Bishop looked so unhappy

Why Julie Bishop looked so unhappy

SHE was the supportive minister in the background as Treasurer Joe Hockey made his Budget speech last night, but her face told a different story.

One Budget speech is on everyone’s lips

One Budget speech is on everyone’s lips

THE Government may have glossed over one of the nation’s biggest social issues, but Waleed Aly has tackled it head-on.

The people who got nothing in the Budget

The people who got nothing in the Budget

IN EVERY Budget, and at every election, there’s one important group of people who are ignored by politicians - and they’re sick of it.

What’s wrong with the Budget?

What’s wrong with the Budget?

ECONOMISTS and small business give their verdicts on the Coalition’s Budget 2.0, with one analyst saying it’s like a safari suit. Maybe they’re back in fashion?

What the government’s really up to

What the government’s really up to

JOE Hockey’s choice of words during the Budget bonanza last night was very interesting. This is what he and Tony Abbott are thinking.

Teachers targeted in Budget crackdown

Teachers targeted in Budget crackdown

LOW quality teachers and expat Aussies who fail to pay their university debts are the focus of tough new measures revealed in the Budget.

Expect to pay $5 more for a script

Expect to pay $5 more for a script

WHILE the controversial $5 GP fee from last years budget has been scrapped the government plans to persist with the $5 hike in prescription costs.

‘Is this what political retreat looks like?’

‘Is this what political retreat looks like?’

HOW did Treasurer Joe Hockey respond to that question from 7.30’s Leigh Sales straight after delivering the Government’s second Budget in Parliament?

The winners and losers of the Budget

The winners and losers of the Budget

THE Budget is full of sweeteners for small businesses and families, with the aim of securing Joe Hockey and Tony Abbott’s jobs.

Absurd things you’re paying for in the Budget

Absurd things you’re paying for in the Budget

HIDDEN between the many, many pages of the Federal Budget are some doozies. This is how the government is using your money.

What the Budget means for you

What the Budget means for you

WITH sweeping changes for young people, parents, businesses, consumers and job seekers, here’s how the Budget will affect your hip pocket.

The Budget: Your 5-minute guide

The Budget: Your 5-minute guide

HOW will the 2015 Budget affect you? Are you a winner or a loser? This five-minute guide gives you the rundown on all you need to know.

MH370 search to blow out to $100M

MH370 search to blow out to $100M

SEARCHING for missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 is proving a costly exercise with Australia’s contribution nearing $80 million in two years.

Budget’s real winners and losers

Budget’s real winners and losers

SOME people won big time, and some really lost out. How did your Budget scorecard fare this year? We have the answers.

Government won’t give up on e-health

Government won’t give up on e-health

MORE than $1 billion has been wasted on a failed patient e-health record few doctors use, now the government will spend a further $485 million trying to make it work.

Spies needed for new embassies

Spies needed for new embassies

The Government is spending money on new foreign embassies in some of the world’s most volatile regions, which means more money for spies.

What Kochie thinks of the Budget

What Kochie thinks of the Budget

AFTER last year’s disaster, this Budget was solely designed to get you thinking glass half full rather than half empty. Has it delivered? David Koch takes a look.

‘Cancer cure’ fund loses $10 million

‘Cancer cure’ fund loses $10 million

THE $20 billion research fund set up to sweeten last year’s Budget and possibly help find a cure for cancer has been delayed and slashed by $10 million.

Visiting doctor gets a revamp

Visiting doctor gets a revamp

THE Budget has set a course to drastically change the way you pay doctor, how much you pay, and what the doctor does during your visit.

No more six-month wait for dole

No more six-month wait for dole

YOUNG Australians who want the dole were told last year they’d have to wait six months to collect any cash. Now that time has been slashed.

Budget takes aim at terrorists

Budget takes aim at terrorists

GLOBAL extremism has prompted the government to devote an extra $1.2 billion to national security and another more cash to fight online terror propaganda.

Huge cash splash for Defence Force

Huge cash splash for Defence Force

THE Defence budget will jump by more than $2.5 billion to $31.8 billion with most of the cash going towards overseas operations and new equipment.

Netflix is about to cost more

Netflix is about to cost more

THE price of Netflix subscriptions, Amazon e-books and many apps looks set to rise in Australia in a plan to close a “digital tax loophole”.

Hockey upstaged by photobomber

Hockey upstaged by photobomber

IT’S supposed to be Hockey’s big day but already a photobomber has stolen his spotlight while others predict a budget ‘horror story written by Stephen King.’

Budget: What we already know

Budget: What we already know

IT’S the document that could doom or save Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey. Here’s what we already know about the Federal Budget.

Should women be allowed to double dip?

Should women be allowed to double dip?

CAN we really afford parental leave? The government’s crackdown has sparked renewed debate about the benefits of the scheme. So where do Aussies stand?

Abbott rips apart Howard legacy

Abbott rips apart Howard legacy

IT was the policy that kept the Coalition politically successful for 11 years. Tomorrow, Tony Abbott will break it to pieces.

Eight things Abbott wishes he could do over

Eight things Abbott wishes he could do over

LAST year’s stinker of a Budget had most up in arms over its harsh proposals and surprises, from cuts to more cuts. But did any of it actually get passed?

Why childcare plans are an insult

Why childcare plans are an insult

A MOTHER’S Day gift? You must be joking. The childcare policy announced yesterday was more like a slap in the face.

Lisa Wilkinson’s fiery interview

Lisa Wilkinson’s fiery interview

IN A testy interview this morning, Lisa Wilkinson kept pressing the man who is stealing all of Joe Hockey’s thunder. His answers didn’t satisfy her.

What we know about the Budget

What we know about the Budget

JOE Hockey caught families off guard yesterday, and there’s more coming in the Budget this week. Here’s what we know.

‘When farmers have problems, everyone does’

‘When farmers have problems, everyone does’

DROUGHT-HIT farmers will get another $333 million in federal support as part of an expanded package of measures designed to stimulate local economies.

Budget devoid of ‘courage’

Budget devoid of ‘courage’

OPINION: The Abbott Government does not have the wisdom or guts to place the nation above their own petty agenda.

‘We don’t need your aid anyway’

‘We don’t need your aid anyway’

INDONESIA has hit back at reports Australia will slash its foreign aid program in next week’s budget, saying it doesn’t need our money and is not asking.

Charity tax loophole plugged

Charity tax loophole plugged

CHARITY workers will no longer be able to salary sacrifice entertainment like meals, ­alcohol, cruises, holidays overseas and birthday parties.

Get ready for the ‘Nice Budget’

Get ready for the ‘Nice Budget’

AFTER last year’s brutal ambush of household expenses the 2015-16 economic statement will have winners who need a hand and losers the Government will argue can afford to be slightly worse off.

The truth about negative gearing

The truth about negative gearing

IT’S Australia’s ‘N’ word — equally loved and loathed, depending on who you talk to. But beyond the myths and the sledging, what are the facts?

Abbott: Hockey is here to stay

Abbott: Hockey is here to stay

TONY Abbott says Joe Hockey won’t be sacked if the Budget is a flop and that all ministers involved in the decision making need to be held responsible.