WikiLeaks: Panama Papers Funded by US Against Russian President Putin

"La Révolution des Roses fanées" (made in USA) - Mikheil Saakachvili painted portrait DDC_7799.JPG

Image by thierry ehrmann via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

RT America on Apr 7, 2016

Washington is behind the recently released offshore revelations known as the Panama Papers, WikiLeaks has claimed, saying that the attack was “produced” to target Russia and President Vladimir Putin.

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Putin: The Spy Who Came in Out of the Cold

Vladimir Putin - Olympic Host

Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr

by Gaither Stewart
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Rome, Italy
April 6, 2016

In 1973, West German security services learned that Chancellor Willy Brandt’s personal assistant and friend, Günther Guillaume, was a spy for the East German Intelligence Agency, STASI. Despite the gravity of the discovery, the widespread media coverage of the event, the damage to the Chancellor’s image and the raging Cold War between East and West, Brandt remained as Chancellor afterwards—even taking a private vacation with Guillaume after the discovery. Only after Guillaume was arrested on April 24, 1974, did Brandt resign, on May 6, 1974, remaining however as Chairman of the Social Democratic Party until 1987.

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Chris Hedges: Why the Brutalized Become Brutal

Protest: No War in Iraq

Image by Dean Terry via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

teleSUR English on Apr 4, 2016

In this episode of Days of Revolt, Chris Hedges interviews two veterans of the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Michael Hanes and Rory Fanning. They lament the brutality of the American military presence, which they say creates the conditions for terrorism and fuels attacks in places like Brussels. They also speak out about the painful struggle of coping with PTSD, and the alienation faced by many soldiers when they come home.

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The Panama Papers: Victims of Offshore Financing

72% of Fortune 500 companies have subsidiaries in offshore tax havens.

Image by citizens4taxjustice via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

ICIJ on Apr 3, 2016

The Panama Papers is a global investigation into the sprawling, secretive industry of offshore that the world’s rich and powerful use to hide assets and skirt rules by setting up front companies in far-flung jurisdictions.

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The Stimulator: Paris is Burning! + Take-Down of “The Donald”

Donald Trump's Big Tent Party

Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr

Dandelion Salad on Apr 4, 2016

This week we take a look at the multiple converging flashpoints of resistance in France, which have combined into a popular movement that has inspired over a million peeps to take to the streets in a massive expression of collective rage.

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Abby Martin and Jill Stein: This Is A Multi-Organ Failure

Jill Stein Addressing the March

Image by Joe Brusky via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

Note: replaced video April 4, 2016

with Abby Martin

teleSUR English  on Apr 4, 2016

Part of the way the U.S. Empire’s elections are rigged is the corporate media’s censorship of third-party candidates, despite their nationwide campaign efforts.

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Paying for Single Payer Health Care with a Financial Tax by Jack Rasmus

Single payer healthcare now!

Image by David Drexler via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

by Jack Rasmus
TeleSUR, March 31, 2016
JackRamus, April 1, 2016
April 2, 2016

As U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has gained momentum in the presidential primaries, the attacks on his proposed economic programs have grown proportionally.

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Oscar Romero: Thou Shall Not Kill

Mural: Tribute to Archbishop Oscar Romero

Image by Franco Folini via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

“We are your people. The peasants you kill are your own brothers and sisters. When you hear the voice of the man commanding you to kill, remember instead the voice of God. Thou Shall Not Kill…. In the name of God, in the name of our tormented people whose cries rise up to heaven, I beseech you, I beg you, I command you, stop the repression.”– Oscar Romero, March 23, 1980

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The Lesser Evilism of Bernie Sanders by Sean Petty

Bernie Sanders - Painting

Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

by Sean Petty
Socialist Worker
March 31, 2016

Sean Petty, a pediatric ER nurse and member of the board of directors of the New York State Nurses Association, comments on a political endorsement in his union.

I AM a nurse and a socialist. In March, the board of directors of my union, the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA), voted to endorse Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. We joined the country’s largest nurses’ union, National Nurses United, in supporting Sanders, who regularly calls himself a democratic socialist.

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Blowback Denial, Climate Denial, and Apocalypse by David Swanson


Image by Revan Jinn via Flickr

by David Swanson
Writer, Dandelion Salad
American Herald Tribune
March 30, 2016

Last week Donald Trump suggested something Bernie Sanders would never dare: getting rid of NATO. I took some time to read people’s comments and tweets online about it, and a huge number seemed to believe that NATO and the U.S. military have been performing a service for Europe, and that it’s time for Europe to pay its own bills. But will someone explain to me what the service is?

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Chris Hedges: The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Emergence of Fascism

The Trump & Clinton Show

Image by brunosuras via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

CCTV America on Mar 26, 2016

For nearly two decades, Journalist Chris Hedges worked as a foreign correspondent in Central America, the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans. The Heat interviewed Chris Hedges. He brings us his unique perspective on the U.S. Presidential Race, mass incarceration, electronic surveillance, and income inequality in the United States.

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Chris Hedges and Michael Hudson: Junk Economics and the Future, Part 2

Fuck Capitalism!

Image by Kim Laurenson via Flickr

with Michael Hudson
Writer, Dandelion Salad
March 28, 2016

teleSUR English on Mar 29, 2016

In this episode of Days of Revolt, Chris Hedges continues his discussion with UMKC economics professor Michael Hudson on his new book Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy. Hedges and Hudson expose the liberal class’ allegiance to the predatory creditors on Wall Street and their indifference to real economic justice.

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How Putin’s Leverage Shaped the Syrian Ceasefire by Gareth Porter + Larry Wilkerson: Will the Syrian Ceasefire End the US-Russia Proxy War?

No war on Syria protest in San Francisco - August 29

Image by Steve Rhodes via Flickr

by Gareth Porter
Writer, Dandelion Salad
crossposted at Middle East Eye
March 28, 2016

By his military withdrawal, Putin was actually enhancing his leverage over both the military situation and the political negotiations still to come

When Russian President Vladimir Putin had a substantive meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry last week, it was an extremely rare departure from normal protocol.  There was some political logic to the meeting, however, because Putin and Kerry have clearly been the primary drivers of their respective governments’ policies toward Syria, and their negotiations have already led to a stunningly successful Syrian ceasefire and possible Syrian negotiations on a political settlement.

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Russia and America, One Hundred Years Face to Face by Gaither Stewart

Moscow August 2011

Image by Deck Accessory via Flickr

by Gaither Stewart
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Rome, Italy
March 27, 2016

As Stephen Lendman reported recently, Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister and a unique political figure of today’s world, wrote in a March 3 essay in Global Affairs magazine that his country stands “at the crossroads of key trends” in the field of international relations and underlined that Russia, has “a special role in European and global history.”

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John Michael Talbot: He Is Risen + Pope Francis: Use ‘Weapons of Love’ to Fight Evil of Terrorism


Image by fauxto_digit via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

Happy Easter!

“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. — Mark 16:6

DON TIPTON on Aug 11, 2012 Continue reading