''Mila Rodino'' (''"Мила Родино"'' , translated as ''"Dear Motherland"'' or ''"Dear native land"'') is the current national anthem of Bulgaria. It is based on the music and text of the song ''"Gorda Stara Planina"'' by Tsvetan Radoslavov, written and composed as he left to fight in the Serbo-Bulgarian War in 1885. The anthem was adopted in 1964. The text has been changed many times, most recently in 1990.
Between 1886 and 1944, the Bulgarian national anthem was ''Shumi Maritsa'' (''"Шуми Марица"''); from 1950 to 1964, it was ''Balgariyo mila, zemya na geroi'' ("Българийо мила, земя на герои"); in the brief period between these two, the march ''"Republiko nasha, zdravey"'' ("Републико наша, здравей!")
{| summary="Lyrics of Mila Rodino, in Bulgarian, transliterated, and translated into English"
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''Мила Родино'' (Bulgarian Cyrillic)
! style="text-align:left;" width="33%" |
''Mila Rodino'' (Transliteration)
! style="text-align:left;" width="33%" |
''Dear Motherland'' (English translation)
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Горда Стара планина,
до ней Дунава синей,
слънце Тракия огрява,
над Пирина пламеней.
''Припев:'' (2 пъти)
Mила Родино,
ти си земен рай,
твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
ах, те нямат край.
Паднаха борци безчет,
за народа наш любим,
майко, дай ни мъжка сила,
пътя им да продължим.*
Дружно, братя българи!
С нас Москва е в мир и в бой!
Партия велика води
нашия победен строй.*
Gorda Stara planina,
do ney Dunava siney,
slantse Trakiya ogryava,
nad Pirina plameney.
''Refrain:'' (twice)
Mila Rodino,
ti si zemen ray,
tvoyta hubost, tvoyta prelest,
ah, te nyamat kray.
Padnaha bortsi bezchet,
za naroda nash lyubim,
mayko, day ni mazhka sila
patja im da prodalzhim.*
Druzhno, bratya balgari!
S nas Moskva e v mir i boy!
Partiya velika vodi
Nashiya pobeden stroy.*
Proud Stara Planina,
next to it the Danube sparkles,
the sun shines over Thrace,
and blazes over the Pirin.
''Refrain:'' (twice)
Dear Motherland,
you are heaven on earth,
your beauty, your loveliness,
ah, they are boundless.
Countless fighters died,
for our beloved nation,
mother, give us manly strength
to continue their path.*
Together, Bulgarian brothers!
Moscow is with us in peace and war!
A great Party leads
Our victorious society.*
During Communist rule, two additional verses were added (marked above in gray) that referred to Moscow (under direct instructions of Todor Zhivkov) and the Bulgarian Communist Party, as well as the fallen fighters for Bulgaria. After the changes in 1989, that part of the anthem was removed.
Original Lyrics
{| summary="Lyrics of Mila Rodino, in Bulgarian, transliterated, and translated into English"
! style="text-align:left;" width="33%" |
''Мила Родино'' (Bulgarian Cyrillic)
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''Mila Rodino'' (Transliteration)
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''Dear Motherland'' (English translation)
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Родино мила, теб привет,
о, майко теб привет!
Теб Българийо чада сме,
ти си наший дом свещен!
Ти си наший кът любим,
кът за щастие отреден!
Мил си край незабравим,
с чудна прелест надарен!
Как щедро, майко, е
земята твоя осеяна с брилянти!
Сред тях прекрасен свети
Балканът горд напет -
о, виж го как сияй!
Ний благоговеем пред него и пеем:
Горда стара планина,
до ней север се синей
Слънце Витош позлатява
към Цариград се белей.
Мила Родино,
ти си земен рай,
твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
ах, те нямат край.
Хайде братя българи,
към Балкана да вървим.
Там се готви бой юнашки,
за свобода, правдини.
''Припев:'' Мила...
Rodino mila, teb privet,
o , maĭko teb privet!
Teb Bŭlgariĭo chada sme,
ti si nashiĭ dom sveshten!
Ti si nashiĭ kŭt lyubim,
kŭt za shtastie otreden!
Mil si kraĭ nezabravim,
s chudna prelest nadaren!
Kak shtedro, maĭko, e
Zemyata tvoya oseyana s brilyanti!
Sred tyakh prekrasen sveti
Balkanŭt gord napet -
o , vizh go kak siyaĭ !
Niĭ blagogoveem pred nego i peem :
Gorda Stara Planina,
do ney sever se siney.
Slantse Vitosh' pozlatyava
kam Tsarigrad se beley.
Mila Rodino,
ti si zemen ray,
tvojta hubost, tvojta prelest,
ah, te nyamat kray.
Hayde bratya balgari,
kam Balkana da varvim.
Tam se gotvi boy yunashki,
za svoboda, pravdini.
''Refrain:'' Mila...
Dear Montherland, Greetings to you,
Oh, Mother welcomes you!
You are Bulgarian children,
You are our sacred home!
You are our favorite playground,
area destined for happiness!
Their nice end is unforgettable,
endowed with wondrous beauty!
How generous, Mother is
your land studded with diamonds!
Among these wonderful lights
Balkan proud spruce -
Oh, look how radiant!
Reverence us, before him and sing:
Proud Stara Planina,
next to it the north sparkles,
the sun gilds Vitosha
towards Tsarigrad it shines white.
Dear Motherland,
you are heaven on earth,
your beauty, your loveliness,
ah, they are boundless.
Bulgarian brothers, let's go
to the Balkan.
There a heroic battle is approaching,
for freedom, justice.
''Refrain:'' Dear...
See also
Coat of arms of Bulgaria
Flag of Bulgaria
National Guards Unit of Bulgaria
External links
President of the Republic of Bulgaria — The President's website has a page on the national symbols of Bulgaria, including a vocal version of the anthem.
Government of Bulgaria — The Government website also has a National Symbols page, with an instrumental version of the anthem.
Category:Bulgarian songs
Category:National anthems
Category:National symbols of Bulgaria
ast:Mila Rodino
be:Гімн Балгарыі
be-x-old:Гімн Баўгарыі
bs:Mila Rodino
bg:Мила Родино
ca:Mila Rodino
cv:Болгари патшалăхĕн гимнĕ
cs:Bulharská hymna
cy:Mila Rodino
de:Nationalhymne Bulgariens
el:Μίλα Ρόντινο
es:Himno nacional de Bulgaria
eo:Nacia himno de Bulgario
eu:Mila Rodino
fr:Mila Rodino
gl:Mila Rodino
ko:불가리아의 국가
hr:Mila Rodino
id:Mila Rodino
it:Mila Rodino
he:המנון בולגריה
jv:Mila Rodino
lt:Bulgarijos himnas
hu:Bulgária himnusza
mk:Мила татковино
ms:Mila Rodino
nl:Mila Rodino
pl:Hymn Bułgarii
pt:Mila Rodino
ro:Mila Rodino
ru:Гимн Болгарии
sk:Mila Rodino
sr:Химна Бугарске
fi:Mila Rodino
sv:Mila Rodino
th:มิลา โรดิโน
tg:Суруди миллии Булғористон
tr:Mila Rodino
uk:Державний Гімн Болгарії
vo:Mila Rodino
yo:Mila Rodino