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How to text girls-
Deadly "
Text messages mistakes that kill attraction
Part 1
It can be really frustrating when you get the number of a girl (who seems to like you) only to see that she goes "cold" and becomes "uninterested" after a text messages exchanges. Then, the really natural thing to do is to blame that girl.
"She's just a real flake" you may think to yourself.
Start thinking like this and you're probably missing out on the fact that the "solution" is a lot easier to fix in your game then you think.
Chances are, you may be making those exact same mistakes that other guys are making- and destroying any real chances to get her interested in you.
Mistake #1: Confusing response with attraction
If you've not gone out on your first date with her, unfortunately, there isn't any feeling of connection with you.
It's probably true you're not the only guy sending her text messages too.
So if you're getting responses from her and thinking that it's attraction- and that you're closer to building a relationship with her, the opposite may be true.
If you've been sending her lots of texts before actually meeting with her, this could mean that there's even a greater chance that the girl will never go out on a date with you.
More text messages doesn't get you closer to a date with her.
But say more with less, using simpler text messages to girls. Most guys send meaningless text messages to women. "how's your day?"
This text message type never brings you closer to a women. It just seems like a desperate attempt to get a response.
Good to ask: How is my text bringing this woman closer to a date?
Mistake #2: Your
Text Messages are "Boring- Not "
Here's what it is. Getting a number from a girl doesn't mean that she's got a contract to go out with you.She won't bother- until she thinks that going out with you will be fun.
How to text girls?
Show personality or even "fun" or- she's going to be bored.
Really fast.
Mistake #3: You
Don't Have your own
Text Messaging Style
If you're sending text messages to a really attractive woman, you're probably not the only one.
So many people vying for her attention. Poor girl. If you want to be far and apart from the crowd, you should have your own distinctive style.
Even before she gets a chance to see who the message is from- she should know it's from you. Which phrase, words or emoticons are your "trademarks?"
Mistake #4
Long winded text messages
Text messaging isn't the same with having a typical conversation.
Texting should be "awesome cool"- and leaving out the formalities work better.
If you talk to her on your phone, jump right into the meaty parts- start with teasing her with a nickname
.. etc.
Find a method to get her emotionally involved.
How to text girls- Deadly mistakes that kill attraction
Part 2:
Texting a girl can appear to be downright confusing..
"What to say"?
What to write this this time etc.."?
"Why is she ignoring my message?"
The worst has got to be when she totally ignores your message and never responds back. It could boil down to one of these mistakes which can destroy attraction fast.
Mistake #5: Not creating a flood of sparkling emotions before getting her out.
It's true. Another cold hard fact that a woman will almost certainly turn you down when this happens.
So how come?
The positive emotions that she's had for you has vanished.
And just the idea that she'll need to get dressed and go meet someone she barely knows (who can turn out to be a jerk) isn't worth the time.
Engage her on an emotional level first by "flirting" and "humor". The two best ways to do this are with flirting or humor. It's your job to remind her of your endearing qualities.
Mistake #6: He's just so predictable..
Okay, you've gone out on your date with this girl that you like.
The thing is to keep that engagement level high- so you never want to use the same old jokes, same text messages every time.
Make it spicy and break the flow once in a while- say to her you've got a surprise to show her in a bit.
Tell her that something reminded you of her but don't say what it is immediately. The goal here is to keep her guessing.
Mistake #7: You think she's..different.
I've said this so many times- never text a girl and tell her how you matter what...!
However, I get students that tell me that they "oops, they did it again"..And the next thing that happens? She's out of your life. The second you think that this girl is different, you're opening up the floodgates.
p.s- out of space here, please click for 3 cool, advanced techniques on how to text girls...and get her "thinking" about you constantly!
- published: 02 Feb 2013
- views: 17716