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April 15, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Live Blog: Clinton and Sanders Fight to a Draw in Debate

In large part, the evening's argument was about who was the stronger candidate. There was plenty of heat, but in the end the encounter probably did not shift many votes.


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Vote for Truthdig to Win Webby Award for Best Political Blog/Website

It happened again, and we couldn't be more honored: Truthdig has been nominated in the "Political Blog/Websites" category for the 2016 Webby Awards. Vote for us, and help us win a People's Voice Webby.
Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP

In America, Politicians Pay for Bucking Netanyahu

The Israeli prime minister’s hard-line, expansionist policies put Bernie Sanders' "Jewishness" to the test.
A/V Booth

Chris Hedges and two combat veterans analyze the realities of American intervention in the Middle East and explain why the brutalized become brutal.

The ruling class of America has been effective at labeling anti-poverty programs as a black phenomenon, even though the majority of people who benefit from government assistance are white.

‘Longtime Progressives’ Robert Scheer and Torie Osborn Debate Over Sanders and Clinton (Video)

In a tense debate between Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and liberal activist Torie Osborn, Scheer warned U.S. liberals against whitewashing Hillary Clinton’s record in the interest of getting her nominated during an election season when many voters recognize that the Democratic establishment has sold them out.

Three New European Union Laws May Limit Freedom of the Press

The European Parliament—the E.U.’s legislative arm—passed a controversial legislative package with the potential to allow member countries to restrict what journalists report.

How Bill O’Reilly Almost Made Donald Trump Look Good (Video)

In an interview with the presidential candidate about his plans to woo black voters, Fox’s “O’Reilly Factor” host sank to new lows.

Democracy Spring Activists Take Capitol Rotunda to Demand an End to Voter Suppression

Many Americans are fed up with a congressional majority bought and paid for by wealthy special interests. Fifteen protesters were arrested Friday in Washington, D.C., after voicing their disapproval.



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They Exist: ‘Bankers for Bernie’ Fight for Sanders in New York

A group of high-profile Wall Street figures “are prepared to abandon pure self-interest and embrace the radical financial reforms espoused by Bernie Sanders.”

This Is an Uprising

A few lessons about nonviolence “as a method of political conflict”: Nonviolent movements are twice as likely to succeed as violent insurgencies; success is practically guaranteed if 3.5 percent of the population actively takes part; and effective nonviolent protest is always disruptive and polarizing.

Make Trump Great Again! Taking The Donald to Toddler Town

“I almost feel sorry for Trump, because a man so programmed to grab for every headline and steal every show and say whatever he can to keep the hot lights of the media on him undoubtedly wasn’t listened to as a kid.”

Investors Warned: Forget Fossil Fuels

Historic change heralded as investors are told they face losing their money if they continue to back the industry that is causing global warming.

Oxfam Report Exposes How U.S. Companies Hide Profits and Avoid Taxes

Turns out U.S. corporations get workers’ hard-earned money in the form of tax breaks and then offload it in tax havens.



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Why My Mother Supports Bernie Sanders for President

“... Too many people have checked out of politics. Bernie is changing that, and with the enthusiasm he’s creating, with the ground he’s making with your generation, we could make it very difficult for those politicians to keep screwing with us.”

Old ‘Saturday Night Live’ Sketch Shows the Genius of Ronald Reagan (Video)

The 40th president had a reputation as a rube, but that persona may have been an act. Look no further than the late Phil Hartman’s impersonation of the former commander in chief in 1986.

Panama Papers Offer More Evidence That Free Trade Isn’t Really Free

As much as President Clinton and President Obama like to talk about “free trade” deals, the truth is that the working class ends up paying.

Dana Frank Responds to Hillary Clinton’s Defense of Her Role in Honduras

In an interview on “Democracy Now!,” Frank, an expert on human rights and U.S. policy in Honduras, takes the presidential contender to task over her statements about the 2009 ouster of the Honduras president.

Obama’s Trillion-Dollar Nuclear-Arms Train Wreck

As with his pledge to close the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, President Obama’s pledge to move the U.S. toward nuclear disarmament seems to have been abandoned.

Two Weeks Into a Major Uprising, French Activists Still Staying ‘Up All Night’

Like the Occupy Wall Street movement, the Paris “Nuit Debout” protests over labor reforms are fueled by social media, which allow people to communicate instantly with one another and bypass corporate media when it ignores them.

Why Americans Should Care About Political Murders in Bangladesh

Bloggers’ deaths are buried in the language of terrorism, but it’s much more complicated than that.

Bernie Sanders Rallies New York at the Gates of the Financial Establishment (Video)

“There are a lot of people here tonight!” the presidential contender shouted to an estimated 27,000 people in Manhattan’s Washington Square Park on Wednesday, ahead of New York’s primary Tuesday.

The Republican Party May Not Be Headed Toward the Demise Many Surmise

History shows that the GOP will probably survive Donald Trump; Ted Cruz once supported a ban on dildos; meanwhile, a New York Daily News writer argues vehemently against his paper’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Negotiations, ‘Elections’ and al-Qaida’s Assault on the Syrian Cease-Fire (Video)

There were five major stories in the U.S. and European press about Syria on Thursday.

Racism Creeps Into the Most Basic Aspects of Life

The lives of people of color are shaped by race in more ways than a white person might guess.