"Attached" is the 160th episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. The eighth episode of the seventh season.
Picard and Crusher discover they are increasingly linked to one another as they try to escape from one of a planet's two governments, as Riker tries from the Enterprise to work with the other government to effect their release.
Captain Picard and Dr. Crusher prepare to look into a diplomatic request from the Kes, one of the planet Kesprytt's two societies, who wants entrance into the Federation. This is unprecedented because the planet's other society, the Prytt, wish no contact with the Federation or anyone else—even the Kes. Worf attempts to transport Crusher and Picard to the Kes, but they do not arrive there. Instead, they end up in a Prytt prison cell, where they realize they both have strange electronic devices implanted in their necks. Minister Lorin of the Prytt informs Picard and Crusher that they are being held because of suspected conspiracy with the Kes, and that the devices in their necks will soon reveal the truth. Back on the USS Enterprise, Commander Riker sets up a meeting with Kes Ambassador Mauric to address the abduction. Meanwhile, Beverly mysteriously receives her tricorder hidden in a tray of food. She notices that a map has been added to her directory and, sensing it may come from the Kes, she and Picard use it to make their escape.