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Is it time to abolish masculinity?

With men responsible for so many of the world’s problems you could be forgiven for thinking there is no hope left for masculinity. But what is masculinity, how can it be understood and taken apart for better? Shon Faye gives their two cents. What do you think? Comment on the hashtag #ShonThisWay

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5 Things You Need to Know About Indonesia's Occupation of West Papua

by Connor Woodman

Indonesia's president, Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo, signed five cooperation agreements with the UK during his recent tour of the EU despite the history of atrocities being committed in the country's easternmost provinces.
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Here’s what went down at #ResignCameron

Aaron Bastani visits a last-minute protest demanding the Prime Minister resigns over recent tax revelations. He came to ask protesters there thoughts, but made sure to troll the cops while he was there.

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Labour in Flux: Media and Movement

On this week's show Aaron Bastani and James Butler interview Momentum's James Schneider as they talk about the Labour party's media strategy and how it could integrate with movement building.

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2 Big Challenges to Universal Basic Income, and How to Answer Them

by Olly Lennard

Calls for a universal basic income (UBI) are only growing, and the idea is becoming increasingly prominent in the media. How should those who are pro-UBI tackle two of the biggest objections?
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Tata Steel, Cameron’s delusions and Fully Automated Luxury Communism

As Tata Steel and other manufacturers shut down British factories it's time to ask some serious questions about Britain's industrial policy. If the Conservatives proposals are fantasy and Labour haven't the nerve to call for nationalisation Aaron Bastani asks: What role does steel play in Fully Automated Luxury Communism.


Can the Junior Doctors’ strike save the NHS?

This week Michael Walker is joined by Aislinn Macklin-Doherty, Youssef El-Gingihy, Ellie-Mae O’Hagan and Paul McCrone to discuss the ongoing junior doctors' dispute and whether junior doctors can save our NHS from privatisation.