The Nuttify Oak Tree website package

For businesses with big ambitions

With eCommerce and options to choose to add custom code, services or events

View the website comparison table to compare package benefits and features


Your home page

Your home page is the most important page of your site. Your homepage must engage with your visitor within 5 seconds of them opening the page. It is so important to get your key message across as soon as the page loads that we make this a huge focus of your website development.


Responsive Design

  Your website will work on any modern web platform – desktop, laptop, tablet, and smart phone. Your website will look fantastic, and will be easy to use on any modern web browser or smartphone your customers are using. Over 60% of Australians have a smartphone, and 31% of homes have a tablet. We know […]


Calls to action

You often get what you ask for. So we make sure that you ask people to take an action. Using inclusive action oriented language and Big Arsed Buttons™, we invite your customers to make the booking, contact you, or make that purchase.


Social Media Integration

We build your website to integrate with social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. How we do this depends on which social networks you are using. For example, we can set up the following for you: Auto post blog posts to your Facebook page Auto tweet your blog posts Show Instagram photos on […]



By using sliders on your homepage you can fit more messages into a small space and capture your visitor’s attention. Using stunning visuals, captivating text and bold calls to action, your sliders can convince your users that they are in the right place and that you can solve their problems. You can use sliders to […]



Your blog houses your news feed for your customers and prospects. You blog posts are short pieces of writing that provide high value to your readers. Posting regularly to your blog will build your authority and credibility in Google, helping you climb the search index and be found more easily by prospective customers. We also […]



Easily list your services and include examples of your work. You can add services as individual pages, and have them automatically listed on the “Services” page. You can also categorise your services and have these pages generated automatically. Edit once, display everywhere on any device. You can simplify the management of your services on your […]



You can simplify business process by having forms on your website. We will implement forms that meet your business objectives and save you time and money. Whether it’s feedback, stock management, order or enquiry forms, you can easily manage them and view and export the entries. We help you by making it easy for your […]



People love to read your “About us” page. This page is the one page where you can talk about yourself (a little bit) and your business, establish your credentials and authority. It is a good place to present an authentic representation of your business and your brand, what you stand for and why you do […]

Nuttify eCommerce solutions


Make it easy for people to buy from you with eCommerce on your site. Powered by the WooCommerce framework your shop will make it easy for people to buy directly on your website. With your online sales system you can: Create unlimited products and variations (without calling us) Automatically calculate shipping with Australia Post Easily […]



A page for people to easily get in contact with you. Listing: Your physical addresses with maps Contact phone number Form to send an email (spam filtered) Online social presences (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.)



We will set up your staff pages for you. As they change you can easily upload photos and biographies of your staff. You can also make it easy to have staff contact details so that your customers can contact them through your contact page.

Sydney Youth Orchestras - Events


Easily promote events on your website. Make it easy for people to book in to your events, and pay online. Our events functionality makes it easy to create and manage events, and specify start and end times and dates, categorize events, and add feature images and videos. Make it easy for your website visitors to […]

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Easily Embed Videos

It is ridiculously easy to embed a YouTube video into any part of your website. Just paste the video’s sharing link into a page or post, and when viewed, the video will automagically be displayed. We’ve got a great help article about embedding video’s in your website in the Nuttify Re-education camp:


Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides you with insights into your website traffic and the behaviour of your visitors. Nuttify will set up or transfer an existing analytics account to your new website. We set up weekly reports that are sent direct to your inbox, so that you stay on the pulse.


Search Engine Optimisation

Your online success depends on being found. Enter “search engine optimisation”, but what is search engine optimisation (SEO)? SEO is the art and science of being ranked highly in Google’s search results. When you get your website developed by Nuttify we optimise your pages and content to help you appear high in Google’s search results. […]

Get your Nuttify Oak Tree website package