Nuttify: Champion Websites Melbourne

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Champion Blog Posts

  • Champion SEO 101 Tweaks for CEOs

    Champion SEO 101 Tweaks for CEOs

    Now that we’ve covered some serious SEO basics in a previous post. Today, I’ll share with you how SEO is relevant to small business owners like you and me. More importantly, what you can do immediately to improve your website ranking and take your champion website to the next level. You’ll be surprised that a small […]

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  • nuttify-champion-gravity-forms

    WordPress and Gravity Forms: A Champion Combination

    Gravity Forms is a champion tool for WordPress. There are a few plugins for WordPress that do forms but none, in my opinion, is better than Gravity Forms. Gravity Forms is a premium plugin, but it’s not expensive. So if you have a single WordPress site, it’s $30 a year to use Gravity Forms which is chicken feed […]

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  • Champion SEO 101 Tweaks for CEOs

    Champion SEO for CEOs: Definitions

    There are a lot of SEO tasks and tricks that you can do yourself to save time and money. If you’re anything like me you get calls from SEO people and marketing companies all the time offering their services to help you improve your search engine optimisation. As a small business owner who has invested […]

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  • 5-things-you-need-champion-wordpress-website

    5 Things That You Need for a Champion WordPress Website

    Any business, regardless of its size, should have a website up to make sure it survives the competition. And I mean not just any website, but a Champion WordPress Website. (more…)

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  • Save Time by Automating your blog posts out to email via Mailchimp RSS

    Save Time with WordPress and Mailchimp

    Time is one thing that you can never get back. It’s the one resource that is non-renewable. Once you’ve spent that hour, it’s gone. So when you can automate some business tasks, then you get to claw back some time and spend it on more useful activities like improving your services, making more sales, or […]

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  • Ajax McKerral - Nuttify Champion WordPress Websites

    Will You Profit or Perish in 2016?

    Ajax McKerral, Managing Director of Nuttify: Champion Websites will be speaking at More Profit Less Time’s event on 4 December 2015 at the Knox Club, Wantirna. The event is titled “Will You Profit or Perish in 2016?” and features John Millar from CEO on demand and More Profit Less Time. Ajax will be speaking about […]

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