- published: 11 Jul 2016
- views: 1512
Gebhard (Gebhart) is a German given name, recorded from at least the 9th century. It is composed of the Old High German elements geb "gift" and hard "brave, hardy".
A police officer (also known as a policeman or police agent in some forces, particularly in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth nations) is a warranted law employee of a police force. In the United States, "officer" usually is the formal name of the lowest police rank. In many other countries, "officer" is a generic term not specifying a particular rank, and the lowest rank is often "constable". In some nations the use of the rank "officer" is legally reserved for military personnel. Police officers are generally charged with the apprehension of criminals and the prevention and detection of crime, protection and assistance of the general public, and the maintenance of public order. Police officers may be sworn to an oath, and have the power to arrest people and detain them for a limited time, along with other duties and powers. Some police officers may also be trained in special duties, such as counter-terrorism, surveillance, child protection, VIP protection, civil law enforcement, and investigation techniques into major crime including fraud, rape, murder, and drug trafficking. Although many police officers wear a corresponding uniform, some police officers are plain-clothed in order to dissimulate as ordinary citizens.
Actors: Mark Zak (actor), Alan Smithee (actor), Tim Bergmann (actor), Predrag Bjelac (actor), Klaus Nierhoff (actor), Dana Cebulla (actress), Frank Meter (miscellaneous crew), Chris Kraus (miscellaneous crew), Rolf Berg (actor), Stefan Preiss (actor), Arno Kempf (actor), Dennis Todorovic (director), Fang Yu (actor), Dennis Todorovic (writer), Markus Halberschmidt (miscellaneous crew),
Plot: While Sasha's mother is dreaming of her son's great career as a pianist, Sasha is left speechless for other reasons: his beloved piano teacher Mr. Weber tells him, he is leaving town forever. Sasha is heartbroken, and the only person in whom he can confide his feelings, is his best friend, Jiao. As a son of an Ex-Yugoslav family even in Germany one rarely lives outside the closet, and Sasha is grateful that his homophobic father believes Jiao is his girlfriend. But what begins as a useful lie becomes a large and complicated one, when Sasha's younger brother, begins an affair with Jiao. All lies get exposed and what appears to be a catastrophe is in fact the revelation of new possibilities in the lives of Sasha's family.
Keywords: actor-name-same-as-character, age-discordant-relation, attempted-murder, bar-fight, bar-keeper, best-friend, brother-brother-relationship, caught-in-the-rain, character-name-in-title, classical-musicActors: Andrea Sawatzki (actress), Jürgen Vogel (actor), Dietrich Hollinderbäumer (actor), Nadja Uhl (actress), Margit Carstensen (actress), Jan Tilman Schade (composer), Renate Merck (editor), Peter Davor (actor), Thomas Numberger (actor), Chris Kraus (writer), Chris Kraus (director), Chris Kraus (writer), Gioia Raspé (costume designer), Caroline Krebsfänger (miscellaneous crew), Roxanne Borski (actress),
Genres: Drama,Actors: Nicole Kidman (actress), Alex Menglet (actor), John Murphy (actor), Marcus Cole (writer), Greg Fleet (actor), Alethea McGrath (actress), Paula Duncan (actress), Edward Hepple (actor), Peter Kowitz (actor), Bruce Atkins (actor), Caroline Gillmer (actress), Mark Hennessy (actor), Bert Deling (writer), Damien Parer (producer), Ron Pinnell (actor),
Genres: Drama,Tyler Gebhard Killed by Off-Duty Police Officer Over Black Lives Matter Argument (Redsilverj) https://www.facebook.com/redsilverj https://www.twitter.com/redsilverj https://www.instagram.com/redsilverj Snapchat @ Redsilverj Man Killed by Off-Duty St. Louis Police Officer Was Ex-Southeast Missouri State Football Player http://www.riverfronttimes.com/newsblog/2016/07/10/man-killed-by-off-duty-st-louis-police-officer-was-ex-southest-missouri-state-football-player Off-duty cop shoots dead black football star, 20, who had bipolar disorder after he broke into the officer's home following an online argument about Black Lives Matter http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3683685/Off-duty-cop-shoots-dead-black-football-star-20-bipolar-disorder-broke-officer-s-home-following-online-argument-Bla...
Nachdem viele Menschen ihr „Aufwachen“ hinter sich haben, kommt die Frage, wie man denn als Einzelner aktiv werden kann, um der gefühlten Ohnmacht über die Verhältnisse auf dieser Welt ein Stück begegnen zu können? Zu Gast bei Robert Stein ist Anton Gebhard, Unternehmer aus Nandlstadt im Kreis Freising nördlich von München, der sich diese Frage ebenfalls gestellt hat. Er trägt durch die Organisation eines Stammtischs („Freidenker Stammtisch Nandlstadt - Der Blick hinter die Kulissen der Macht“) für alternative Themen seit dem Jahr 2013 seinen Teil dazu bei, interessierte und aufgeschlossene Menschen zusammenzubringen und das gemeinsame Bewusstsein weiter zu schärfen. Im Interview beschreibt Anton, warum er sich entschlossen hat, einen Stammtisch zu gründen und zu organisieren. Dabei war ih...
Beim Poetry Slam Finale im Schauspielhaus
Mit Weltumseglern Rollo und Angelika Gebhard und dem Pantomimen Andrey Alexander unterwegs auf der Donau und im Schwarzen Meer: Regensburg, Budapest, Belgrad, Donau-Delta, Odessa, Sewastopol, Balaklava, Jalta, Kaukasus, Sochi. Trailer zur 3teiligen TV- Serie und dem Buch: Mit Rollo auf Abenteuerkurs.
MAESTROS DE LA FORMA Y EL ESPACIO es una serie que revisa biografías de grandes arquitectos chilenos, que con su obra influenciaron el cotidiano urbano y que hasta el día de hoy inciden en la forma en que el habitante se relaciona con la ciudad en que vive. En esta edición abordaremos la vida de Enrique Gebhard, considerado uno de los urbanistas más influyentes de la Arquitectura Moderna, complementando la disciplina del urbanismo con el mejoramiento en la calidad de vida de las personas.
[The Emcee plays a recording on a phonograph.]
The sun on the meadow is summery warm.
The stag in the forest runs free.
But gather together to greet the storm.
Tomorrow belongs to me.
The branch of the linden is leafy and green,
The Rhine gives its gold to the sea.
But somewhere a glory awaits unseen.
Tomorrow belongs to me.
The babe in his cradle is closing his eyes
The blossom embraces the bee.
But soon, says a whisper;
"Arise, arise,
Tomorrow belongs..."
[EMCEE (spoken)]