NLR cover image


  1. Kasimierz Brandys: Reminiscences from Our Times
  2. Claude Bourdet: The Last Quarter of an Hour
  3. Raymond Williams: A Dialogue on Tragedy
  4. James Kincaid, Raphael Samuel, Elizabeth Slater: But Nothing Happens
  5. Jan and David Weir: Scotland: The Houses that Last a Thousand Years
  6. Audrey Harvey: Medical Rehousing
  7. Hazel Doone: Single Person Accommodation
  8. R. H. Tawney: On the Puritan Character [excerpt from 'Religion and the Rise of Capitalism']
  9. Jonathan Howard: Balance of Life
  10. Nicholas Walter: Damned Fools in Utopia
  11. Peter Sedgwick: The Reader's Digest
  12. Gabriel Pearson: Iris Murdoch and the Romantic Novel
  13. Perry Anderson: The Debate of the Central Committee of the Italian Communist Party on the 22nd Congress of the CPSU
  14. Italian Communist Party (PCI): Text of the Debate of the Central Committee of the Italian Communist Party on the 22nd Congress of the CPSU


  1. Geoffrey Nowell-Smith: L'Annee Derniere a Marienbad