NLR cover image


  1. Desmond Ryan: The Thatcher Government's Attack on Higher Education in Historical Perspective
  2. Judith Butler: Merely Cultural
  3. Dave Beech, John Roberts: Tolerating Impurities: On Ontology, Genalogy and Defence of Philistinism
  4. Oskar Lafontaine: The Future of German Social Democracy
  5. Donald Sassoon: Fin-de-Siecle Socialism: The United, Modest Left
  6. Pierre Bourdieu: A Reasoned Utopia and Economic Fatalism
  7. Ken Coates: Unemployed Europe and the Struggle for Alternatives
  8. Alex de Waal: Exploiting Slavery: Human Rights and Political Agendas in Sudan
  9. Tithi Bhattacharya: Dismantling Apathy: The Students' Occupation at SOAS


  1. Geoff Eley: Socialism by Any Other Name? Illusions and Renewal in the History of the Western European Left
  2. Göran Therborn: The Limits of Social Democratic Admirableness
  3. Kitty Hauser: Sensation: Young British Artists from the Saatchi Collection