NLR cover image


  1. Stuart Hall: Introducing NLR
  2. Ralph Miliband: The Sickness of Labourism
  3. Raphael Samuel: The Deference Voter
  4. Mervyn Jones: The Man from Labour
  5. Frank Allaun: CND After the Election
  6. Christopher Farley: CND after the Elections
  7. Michael Kullman: Notting Hill Hustings
  8. Clancy Sigal: Open Letter to the Left
  9. Richard Hoggart, Raymond Williams: Working Class Attitudes (Discussion)
  10. John Braine: The Bug House
  11. Arnold Wesker: The Kitchen
  12. Michael Barratt Brown: Jugoslavia Revisited (Part I)
  13. Robert F. Williams: Can Negroes Afford to Be Pacifists?
  14. Dave Dellinger: Are Pacifists Willing to be Negroes?
  15. Bill Holdsworth: Songs of the People
  16. Brian Groombridge, Paddy Whannel: Something Rotten on Denmark Street
  17. Edward Thompson: The Point of Production
  18. Paul Rose: Manchester Left Club on Youth
  19. Stuart Hall: ULR Club in Notting Hill


  1. Stuart Hall: Serjeant Musgrave's Dance
  2. Peter Worsley: Africa Rediscovered
  3. Vic Allen: The Industrial Game
  4. John Rex: Sociological Tradition
  5. P. V. Ableman: Lolita
  6. Colin Falck: Philosophy Again?
  7. John Saville: Chartism
  8. H. D. Dickinson: Falling Rate of Profit