New Left Review 79, January-February 2013

Gregor McLennan


In three succinct, overlapping discussions of the state of the Marxist tradition, Göran Therborn interweaves a remarkable number of theoretical and political indicators. [1] Göran Therborn, From Marxism to Post-Marxism?, Verso: London and New York 2010, £9.99, paperback 194 pp, 978 1 84467 630 9 His declared aim and prevailing tone are modest: in the first section, to distil from a set of ‘unpretentious notes’ a working panorama of the global social space in which left ideas operate today; in the second, to re-situate Marxism against its twentieth-century backgrounds and legacies; and in the third, to place its prospects within a broad spectrum of ‘recent radical thought’. The result is a generous and useful overview, peppered throughout by suggestive insights.

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Gregor McLennan, ‘Charting Radical Theory’, NLR 79: £3

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