Comedy legend Caroline Aherne is laid to rest in a private Manchester funeral

Edit Digital Spy 15 Jul 2016
The funeral of Caroline Aherne was held on Thursday (July 14), as the comedienne's close family and friends said goodbye to the Royle Family star in a private ceremony....

Pelosi Floor Remarks on House Republicans’ Inaction on Commonsense Gun Violence Prevention Legislation (Nancy Pelosi)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Jul 2016
(Source. Nancy Pelosi). Contact. Drew Hammill/Caroline Behringer, 202-226-7616 ... Mr ... No Fly, No Buy; almost everyone in our country supports that ... We over and over again asked for the Speaker to give us a vote because we believe and have confidence in the American people that their voices will be heard and not ignored again and again and again and again by the Republicans in Congress but will give us a vote that will make America safer....

Rochester roster for girls summer hoops festival

Edit Democrat and Chronicle 15 Jul 2016
Section V-based team, again includes Fairport senior forward Caroline White ... ....

Obama’s ‘fail’ in Dallas

Edit Pittsburgh Tribune Review 15 Jul 2016
Before heading out on his final watch, Dallas police Sgt. Mike Smith told his little girl Caroline, “What if this is the last time your ... ....

House Democrats Unveil Stronger America: A New American Security Agenda (Ben R Lujan)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Jul 2016
'House Democrats are proudly fighting for a Stronger America, and a new American security,' said Leader Pelosi. 'With the bold, specific solutions of our Stronger America Agenda, we will honor the vows of our founders, the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform, and the aspirations of our children. Together, we will secure our nation, secure our future, and secure our democracy for all of America's hard-working families.'....

Cotton Questions Legal and National Security Experts About Encryption During SASC Hearing (Tom Cotton)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Jul 2016
Contact.Caroline Rabbitt (202) 224-2353 ... The question is, is there a legitimate purpose that we understand and say that's sufficiently noble and we are going to engineer the solution? And do we have the controls on that, such that we are confident it will be used for that purpose and no other ... Senator, I believe there is no legitimate objective reason ... No, Senator Cotton....

Senators Introduce the Obamacare Tax Relief and Consumer Choice Act (Tom Cotton)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Jul 2016
(Source. Tom Cotton). Contact.Caroline Rabbitt (202) 224-2353 ... 'Obamacare has failed ... 'I am committed to fully repealing Obamacare ... 'I'm proud to help introduce this bill that seeks to provide financial relief from Obamacare, and help New Hampshire families plan and save for health care costs ... 'Families across America are fed up with the skyrocketing health insurance premiums Obamacare is forcing them to pay,' said Senator Burr ... Background....

Cotton, Corker Introduce the Countering Iranian Threats Act (Tom Cotton)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Jul 2016
(Source. Tom Cotton). Contact.Caroline Rabbitt (202) 224-2353. Washington, D.C.- Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), together with Senators Bob Corker (R-Tennessee), Robert Menendez (D-New Jersey), Marco Rubio (R-Florida), and Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia), today introduced the Countering Iranian Threats Act of 2016 ... Public permalinkhttp.//

Donnelly, Rounds Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Protect Veterans’ Credit Scores (Joe Donnelly)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Jul 2016
Rounds said, 'No veteran should have to worry about a lower credit rating and all the costs associated with it because of delays in payment and processing from the VA. Our legislation makes certain that veterans do not suffer financial hardship - through no fault of their own - when they choose to use a private health provider through the Choice program....

Pallone: Irresponsible for House Republicans to Recess without Taking Action on Crucial Issues (Frank Pallone Jr)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Jul 2016
'In America, our children should not live in danger of lead poisoning because of our aging water infrastructure and pregnant women should not have to fear birth deformities from the Zika virus.' ... Speaker, there is no disputing it - Zika represents a serious threat to global health and security ... Meanwhile, the Zika virus is spreading explosively through the Americas, with active local transmission in 31 countries and territories....

Black GIs Killing Blacks Overseas a Problem for Black Lives Matter Leaders

Edit Dissident Voice 15 Jul 2016
Young leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement might be unaware of Martin Luther King’s fierce condemnations America’s genocidal wars “on three continents since 1945.” For fifty years the criminal media cartel controlling most of all information has made sure no one ever hears or reads of this outcry by King in its tightly controlled TV, radio, newspapers and magazines ... “God Damn America … for killing innocent people.”....

Michelle Obama hosts last Kids' "State Dinner"

Edit Reuters 15 Jul 2016
First Lady Michelle Obama hosts her last Kids' "State Dinner" -- a celebration of healthy lunchtime foods bringing together healthy 'kid chefs' from across America. Rough Cut (no reporter narration). ....

Senator Lankford Discusses Race Relations In Senate Floor Speech (James Lankford)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Jul 2016
WASHINGTON, DC- Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today delivered a speech on the Senate floor about the Dallas police shooting and race relations in America ... It's not really how America solves issues and problems ... Then I said, 'When?' and they had to hesitate and think and said, 'No, I don't think really that's ever happened ... We don't solve things based on a vote in America....