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Tag Archive: Iraq

Declassified document contradicts Cheney’s claim of Iraqi connection to 9/11

June 20, 2012
Stephen C. Webster
Raw Story

A document declassified this week by the National Security Archive reveals that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) delivered a briefing to the Bush administration which directly contradicts former Vice President Dick Cheney’s claim that 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta visited an …

President Obama: 9/11 Families Ask You to Watch ‘9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out’

June 19, 2012
John-Michael Talboo’s blog at 911blogger.com

Support the 9/11 families and others who are asking President Obama to review the evidence in the documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out


– Who: President Barak Obama

– Sponsored by: 9/11 family members, Michele Little, Jane Pollicino, Bob

Empires Then and Now

By Paul Craig Roberts

Great empires, such as the Roman and British, were extractive. The empires succeeded, because the value of the resources and wealth extracted from conquered lands exceeded the value of conquest and governance. The reason Rome did not extend its empire east into Germany was not …

Dear Department of Justice: Please Investigate Your Old Boss for Material Support of Terrorism!

By Coleen Rowley

Information Clearing House

Dear Department of Justice and Department of Treasury Officials:

We might have just helped you bag another material supporter of terrorism this week! And you’ll never believe who the culprit is! We were even able to tape record some of his own damning admissions! …

Deflating the HYPE – Can the Seemingly Imminent War with Iran be Stopped?

Photo of protest signs reading they lied about Iraq, they're lying about Iran

By John Bursill

Unfortunately, it now appears that a war between the US and its allies with Iran is imminent. By any military analyst’s assessment this has a real chance of changing the current multi-theatre war against terrorism and so called rogue/terrorist states into a real World War III …

Silencing The Critics

By Paul Craig Roberts
February 20, 2012
Information Clearing House

In 2010 the FBI invaded the homes of peace activists in several states and seized personal possessions in what the FBI–the lead orchestrator of fake “terrorist plots”–called an investigation of “activities concerning the material support of terrorism.”

Subpoenas were issued …

Justifying War with Iran

By Russ Baker
December 26, 2011

A growing body of evidence points to a concerted campaign to prepare Americans and the world for war against Iran. This is not idle speculation. It fits a pattern that repeatedly preceded previous hostilities.

Here are the recent examples on Iran:

-The claim …

Bush and Blair found guilty of war crimes for Iraq attack

by Glenn Greenwald
November 23, 2011

A tribunal in Malaysia, spearheaded by that nation’s former Prime Minister, yesterday found George Bush and Tony Blair guilty of “crimes against peace” and other war crimes for their 2003 aggressive attack on Iraq, as well as fabricating pretexts used to justify the …

Bush and Blair Condemned for “Crimes against the Peace”

Historical Judgment of Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal

by Cynthia McKinney
Global Research

Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal

Bush, Blair Defense Relies On 9/11/01

That’s why we need an independent investigation of 9/11.

While the prosecution of President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair for the crime of …

A Majority of Americans (Including Both OWS and the Tea Party) AGREE on the Most Important Issues … We Just Don’t Realize It


I have repeatedly demonstrated that — despite the false divide-and-conquer tactics of the mainstream parties and mainstream media — the overwhelming majority of Americans agree on the most important issues facing our country . And see this .


As I’ve noted since 2008 , Americans are …