Justin Bieber is being added to Rock Band 4 as downloadable content this week

Edit Digital Spy 17 Apr 2016
Harmonix has announced that three of Justin Bieber's efforts - 'Sorry', 'Boyfriend' and 'Love Yourself' - are coming as downloadable content this week, priced at $5.49 in the US for the pack and $1.99 individually ... Harmonix promises that 'Sorry' ......

Why Did the Rock Band 4 Crowdfunding Campaign Fail?

Edit Cliqist 17 Apr 2016
Harmonix is one of those companies which has gained a lot of love over the years. Heck, as a rhythm gaming fan, they were at the top of my list for over a decade when it came to Western developers. All that good will between releases like Frequency, Amplitude, the early Guitar Hero titles, and > ... ....

These Justin Bieber Songs Are Coming Next Week

Edit Gamespot 15 Apr 2016
Three popular Justin Bieber songs are coming to Rock Band 4 next week as DLC tracks, Harmonix has announced ... If pop isn't your thing, Harmonix has also confirmed that songs from Lamb of God, ......

The Top 10 Wii Games of 2010

Edit About.com 15 Apr 2016
Let’s face it, Harmonix owns the rock rhythm game genre. After Activision bought the rights to their breakout hit series Guitar Hero out from under them, Harmonix upped the ante with Rock Band, going from a music game with a toy guitar controller to a music game with peripherals for guitar, drums and vocals. With Rock Band 3, Harmonix has once again ......

Rock Band 3 - Game Review

Edit About.com 15 Apr 2016
Continued from page 1. Compare Prices. Play Modes, Interface. Not Quite Close Enough Even for Rock & Roll. Imagine was not, of course, the only song I played in the game. Besides a Quick Play mode, RB3 offers a few different ways to approach songs. In Career Mode, you are given lists of songs of varying difficulties and told to get a minimum score on all of them ... I have no idea why Harmonix decided this was a good approach. The Verdict ... ....

9 Fancy-Schmancy Controllers and the Wii Games That Need Them

Edit About.com 15 Apr 2016
Here are some of the most notable specialty controllers and the games that require them ... More » ... More » ... Harmonix revolutionized the rock game genre with Rock Band, then did it again with RB3, which added a fully functional mini-keyboard and replaced the toy guitar of the earlier games with a much more elaborate midi guitar, shrinking the divide between playing a game and learning to play an instrument to almost nothing ... ....

Dance Central 3 Review (X360 Kinect)

Edit About.com 15 Apr 2016
Microsoft. Compare Prices. Dance Central 3 is pretty much exactly what you'd expect from the third entry in what is easily the best series on Kinect. More songs. More moves. More modes. Just plain more stuff in general that all make DC3 the best dance game on Kinect ... Game Details Kinect Sensor Required Publisher. Microsoft Game Studios Developer. Harmonix ESRB Rating. “T"; for Teen Genre. Dancing Pros ... Not a huge change from past games ... ....

Sony Bringing These 20-Plus PS4 and PlayStation VR Games to PAX East

Edit Gamespot 13 Apr 2016
Sony is bringing 19 PlayStation 4 games to the event, headlined by Naughty Dog's Uncharted 4 ... Rush of Blood and VR Worlds (which will be included with the PlayStation VR Launch Bundle), as well as third-party games like Harmonix Music VR and Rez Infinite ... Uncharted 4 ... Rez InfiniteJob SimulatorThumperHeadmasterGnogHarmonix Music VRWayward SkyRush of BloodRIGS....

Justin Bieber, Lamb of God, Weezer DLC Tracks Coming to Rock Band 4 in April

Edit Gamespot 11 Apr 2016
Looking further into April, Harmonix confirmed that songs from Justin Bieber, Lamb of God, The Romantics, and Weezer are coming to the game....

Rock Band 4 for PC not likely following crowdfunding failure

Edit PC Gamer 06 Apr 2016
When Harmonix announced a Fig crowdfunding campaign for Rock Band 4's PC port in March, it seemed unlikely to fail ... That falls well short of the $1,500,000 Harmonix was aiming for. Once that goal was reached, Harmonix intended to ......

Rock Band 4 PC Crowdfunding Campaign Fails To Hit $1.5M Goal

Edit Kotaku 06 Apr 2016
Harmonix’s latest crowdfunding attempt didn’t get anywhere close to fully funded, making it unclear if Rock Band 4 will ever come to the PC ... Harmonix was looking for $1.5 million to make the port happen, but as of last night, it only reached $792,817 ... Harmonix hasn’t issued a statement about the ......

Rock Band 4 PC Funding Campaign Comes Up Well Short

Edit Gamespot 06 Apr 2016
Harmonix was looking to raise $1.5 million, but only managed to attract $792,817, which is just 52 percent of the target ... The full cost of development would be $2,000,000, and Harmonix said it would provide the other $500,000 if it reached its goal. About halfway through the campaign, Harmonix added a new reward tier that would give people the entire DLC song library if they paid $2,500 ... Harmonix isn't new to crowdfunding....

Rock Band 4's PC port falls short on crowdfunding site

Edit Eurogamer 06 Apr 2016
Harmonix had taken to Fig, a crowdfunding site for ... Harmonix has promised an update after the campaign ends, so we'll soon see its official response....