- published: 12 May 2012
- views: 2844631
Shambhala POV PortAventura 2012 B&M; Roller Coaster OnRide
5 Attractions - Port Aventura HD
PortAventura Halloween - #TheTripletz - VLOG
Dragon Khan on-ride HD POV PortAventura
PortAventura Top 10 rides 2015
Furius Baco front seat on-ride HD POV PortAventura Park
NOVEDADES HALLOWEEN | PortAventura Park 2016
PORT AVENTURA - Silver River Flume (troncos)
Salut tout le monde , aujourd'hui je vous présente mes cinq attraction préfères de PortAventura 1- Dragon Khan 2- Hurakan Condor 3- Stampida 4- Furius Baco 5- Shambhala
In this video, all of the available attractions at PortAventura are shown, including some on-ride footage to show what a couple of the roller coasters are like. There's no doubt in my opinion that this is one of the best theme parks you can possibly visit in Europe and even the world! The soundtracks used are all owned and played across the park itself, most noticeably around the entrance, Shambhala and Furius Baco. (Apologies for some flare and focus issues with the camera, as this was all shot on my phone. Also, I've had to reduce the quality of the video due to upload size issues.) Oh, and by the way, Shambhala is without a doubt the best coaster you can ever ride! Hola Hola, PortAventura!
Portaventura 2016. We visited the portaventura theme park in salou Spain today. Find it all in this video from woody woodpecker and Sesame Street land to POV on shambhala and POV furius baco. Join us as we ride the stampidia, dragon Khan. Grand Canyon river Rapids and silver log flume. We are excited for the opening of Ferrari land in 2017. The portaventura theme park located in the south of Barcelona, features five theme areas based on civilizations (Mediterrània, Far West, México, China and Polynesia), and one theme area based on Sesame Street. Come with us as we Discover the six worlds of one of Europe's most iconic theme parks. An ideal destination for a family getaway in the Costa Dorada, one of Spain's most popular tourist areas; and just one hour from Barcelona. A great family day...
Hola, #Tripletez! El otro día nos fuimos a celebrar Halloween un mes antes de lo previsto a PortAventura, nuestro parque temático favorito. Nos acompañaron cuatro Tripletez monadis que ganaron, gracias a Boompi, pasar un día con nosotros. Nos montamos en todas las atracciones flipantes que hay en el parque y nos atrevimos con el pasaje del terror inspirado en la saga ·REC, que nos encantó y nos cagó a partes iguales. Si te gusta: MANITA ARRIBA, COMPARTE Y SUSCRÍBETE! ➡ http://j.mp/suscribiratripletz Bájate Boompi para encontrar a otros Tripletez y hacer planes guays como el nuestro! ➡ http://boompi.com/c/tt0410 Si quieres enterarte de todo lo que pasa en PortAventura, suscríbete a su canal! ➡ https://www.youtube.com/user/PortAventuraTV Y si eres TRIPLETE deberías tener ya alguna de nu...
Wildly recognised as one of the best and most intense coasters in the world, Dragon Khan opened at the same time as PortAventura theme park. This B&M; (Bolliger & Mabillard) sit-down coaster has eight inversions, has a top speed of 65 mph (105 kph), a 161 ft (49 mtrs) drop and was designed by legendary imagineer John Wardley and German coaster company Werner Stengel. When Shambhala opened in 2012, Dragon Khan was repainted so it didn't look too tired next to Shambhala. This video was filmed after the repaint. Watch the off-ride video we posted to see more of what this coaster looks like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiJ_eXsHwkE PortAventura Park is located near the city of Tarragona in Salou, Spain. Read more about Dragon Khan: http://www.coasterforce.com/world-park-guides/european-park-...
Here you can find a top 10 of the best rides in PortAventura! This top 10 is personally, so please don't give any negative comments. Also feel free to leave your top 10! Visit my website: http://www.n8nrides.be/ Like on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/N8NRides Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/N8NRides Subscribe on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaTYDSTz3XiRdYGY5--ZqGQ
This Intamin hydraulic launched accelerator coaster goes from 0-84 mph in 3.5 seconds and is the fastest coaster in Europe. What makes it even more exciting is that each row of four seats straddle the train with a pair of seats on each side. This arrangement is much like a 4th dimension roller coaster, but the seats do no rotate. PortAventura Park is located near the city of Tarragona in Salou, Spain. Read more about Furius Baco: http://www.coasterforce.com/world-park-guides/european-park-guides/spanish-park-guides/portaventura/portaventura-coasters/furius -baco This is us: http://www.coasterforce.com Read CF tweets: http://www.twitter.com/coasterforce Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/coasterforce
¡Ha llegado el terror en PortAventura! Del 24 de septiembre hasta el 13 de noviembre podrás vivir un Halloween terrorificamente divertido en el mejor parque de Europa. Las calabazas y esqueletos se han hecho con todo el parque. Criaturas del inframundo están sueltas sin control y no sería raro que te encuentres alguna. Disfruta del Halloween más familiar con Halloween Family Festival en SésamoAventura, te aseguramos risas durante un buen rato. Pero no todo es magnífico, ya que a su lado tenemos personas infectadas por unos seres raros... hablamos ni más ni menos que del pasaje REC© Apocalipsis. Y también podrás disfrutar de Horror in Texas, Selva del Miedo, Halloween Escape, Bang Bang Halloween, La Muerte Viva, etc. No te vamos a dar más detalles, ¡te invitamos a qué seas tú quien lo de...
Silver River Flume es una atracción acuática del tipo Flume (popularmente conocida como Los Tronquitos o Los Troncos) instalada en el parque de atracciones Port Aventura, en Salou. Consiste en un viaje en tronco por una canal que simula un aserradero sobre el río Colorado. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_River_Flume
19th sptember 2016: the Press Event in the Construction Site of the new theme park FERRARI LAND @ PortAventura Resort (Tarragona, Spain) --- Parksmania.it il primo portale italiano dedicato ai parchi divertimento. www.parksmania.it --- Parksmania.it The first Italian Internet portal about amusement parks ---
Recorrido de la atracción Tutuki Splash en Port Aventura.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PortaventuraPA
Paid Promotion for - PortAventura To check them out visit - https://www.portaventuraworld.com/en Twitter - @PortAventura_UK Instagram - @PortAventuraOficial ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Link to my Back Pack - http://shop.maker.tv/collections/nettyplays ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To Check out everyone else's channels... Caff - https://www.youtube.com/caffcast Hannah - https://www.youtube.com/yogscast2 Martyn - https://www.youtube.com/inthelittlewood Instagram - NettyPlays Merchandise - https://www.tshirtstudio.com/marketplace/nettyplays/ Twitter - @nettyplays Facebook - http://facebook.com/nettyplays
3 jours dans ce parc toujours aussi excellent, cette fois-ci en compagnie de Margaux, ainsi que de Lionel sur le début, et de Cyril sur la fin du séjour. Un temps très chaud favorable aux coasters, des B&M; toujours inroyables et un parc toujours aussi agréable à visiter ! Page Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/DeanrellCoaster/
PortAventura theme park 2015 - See our Trip Report video of PortAventura theme park at Salou, Spain. A complete view of this amazing park which is one of the best and most popular themeparks in of Europa. Book your PortAventura theme park tickets online with discount » http://www.Pretpark-Korting.com
Join us on yet another trip to one of the biggest theme parks in Europe, enjoy our vlog from the fabulous PortAventura. Join Shawn, Lee, Joe, Dean, Chris, Jamie and Dan on an epic adventure to experience the parks fantastic summer offering and much more! Thank You For Watching Theme Park Worldwide © Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/themeparkworldwide Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/ThemeParkWW
¡En esta semana me voy de viaje unos días a Port Aventura! ^^ Entrevista en Non Stop People: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoHycwDgLJY ¿Quién aparece en este vídeo? Celopan: http://www.youtube.com/Celopand RoenlaRed: http://www.youtube.com/Roenlared Macundra: https://www.youtube.com/user/macundra TownGameplay: https://www.youtube.com/user/iTownGam... Lady Fox: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheLadyF... Enlaces para contactar con Alejandro (entrenador): Web: http://www.personalwintraining.com/tag/alejandro-marcet/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/personalwintraining Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PersonalWinTraining Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alejandro_pwt/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/PWT_Alejandro Correo: alejandro@personalwintraining.com ¡Suscríbete, dale like si ...
Soleil, vitesse et vertige : le parc d'attraction le plus renversant d'Europe Niché en Espagne, au bord de la Méditerranée, à une heure de la frontière française, le parc d'attraction de Port Aventura a tout misé sur les manèges à sensations fortes. Parmi les plus célèbres, il y a le Dragon Khan avec sa chute de 45 mètres et ses 8 loopings à inversion, le terrible Shambalha, un hypercoaster de 25 millions d'euros qui pulvérise pas moins de trois records européens. Avec 76 mètres de hauteur, soit l'équivalent d'un immeuble de 25 étages, c'est la plus haute attraction d'Europe. Il y a aussi Furius Baco, la montagne russe la plus rapide d'Europe. En difficultés financières il y a quelques années, il est devenu très prospère. Comment rentabilise-t-on des manèges aussi couteux ? Face à ses conc...
Are you ready to watch the new show that has arrived in Penitence at PortAventura? It's the Can Can West show in PortAventura's long branch saloon! You take a seat and enjoy a long, cool drink accompanied by the humour, music, Saloon dancers and the sweet voice of the singer in this hilarious show. Everything seems perfectly fine, but you should be wary, the unpredictable always happens in Far West. Are you ready to draw your colt pistol if necessary? Join us: http://www.pleasurebeachexperience.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PBExperience/ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ClubPBE
Halloween Escape, el show completo del Halloween 2015 de PortAventura. Suscríbete a este canal: https://www.youtube.com/AstalVideosHD También puedes seguirme en Facebook y otras redes sociales: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AstalVideos Twitter: https://twitter.com/astal_videos Instagram: http://instagram.com/astal_videos Google+: https://t.co/gn4YvoFoOP