Irish Film Institute -ATLANTIC (OPENS APRIL 29TH)           .socialwrap li.icon_text a img, .socialwrap li.iconOnly a img, .followwrap li.icon_text a img, .followwrap li.iconOnly a img{border-width:0 !important;background-color:none;}#follow.right {width:32px;position:fixed; right:0; top:100px;background-color:#878787;padding:10px 0;font-family:impact,charcoal,arial, helvetica,sans-serif;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;-webkit-border-top-left-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:5px;-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius:5px;border:2px solid #fff;border-right-width:0}#follow.right ul {padding:0; margin:0; list-style-type:none !important;font-size:24px;color:black;} #follow.right ul li {padding-bottom:10px;list-style-type:none !important;padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px} #follow img{border:none;}#follow.right ul li.follow {margin:0 4px;} #follow.right ul li.follow img {border-width:0;display:block;overflow:hidden; background:transparent url( no-repeat -0px 0px;height:79px;width:20px;} #follow.right ul li a {display:block;} #follow.right ul li.follow span, #follow ul li a span {display:none}.share {margin:0 3px 3px 0;} .phat span {display:inline;} ul.row li {float:left;list-style-type:none;} li.iconOnly a span.head {display:none} #follow.left ul.size16 li.follow{margin:0px auto !important} li.icon_text a {padding-left:0;margin-right:3px} li.text_only a {background-image:none !important;padding-left:0;} li.text_only a img {display:none;} li.icon_text a span{background-image:none !important;padding-left:0 !important; 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Tickets will go on sale on Monday April 25th. Tickets for the opening night screening +Q&A are available now.


 We’re delighted to welcome director Risteard O Domhnaill who will be joined by Arranmore and Rossaveal shermen for a discussion following the 20.30 screening of Atlantic on April 29th.

 Atlantic follows the fortunes of three small fishing communities as they struggle to maintain their way of life
in the face of mounting economic and ecological challenges. In Norway, where the fishing industry has been aggressively protected by national authorities, the maritime eco-system is now threatened by the search for new oil fields. In Newfoundland an oil boom has hit, sounding a death knell for the work of the fisherman who lost their livelihoods with the 1990s cod-fishing ban.

 On Arranmore, local fishermen watch foreign super-trawlers hoover up fish stocks offshore while they fight to regain their fishing rights, forfeited by a short- sighted, EU-focused government. In this visually stunning new work, persuasively narrated by Brendan Gleeson, director Risteard O Domhnaill (The Pipe) brings the personal stories in the vital resource debate to the fore to explore how these communities must learn from the past in order to secure a brighter future. (Notes by Sunniva O’Flynn)

 Don’t forget we now schedule weekly.


  80 minutes, Ireland, 2016, Digital.   Share  Share on Facebook Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Tell a friend          jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var imgArr = []; function setGallery() { $("#pikame li").each(function(i) { var img = $(this).find('a').attr('href'); var title = $(this).find('img').attr('alt'); imgArr[i] = {'href': img, 'title' : title}; $(this).find('a').attr("href", "javascript:;"); $(this).find('img').attr("title", i); }); //console.log(imgArr); } setGallery(); function hideYTFlash(){ $('embed, object, iframe').css('visibility', 'hidden'); } function showYTFlash(){ $('embed, object, iframe').css({ 'visibility' : 'visible' }); } function showGallery(num) { $.fancybox(imgArr, { 'index' : num, 'titlePosition' : 'inside', 'type' : 'image', onStart: hideFlash, onClosed : showFlash }); } function updateImage(self) { var num ="title");{ showGallery(num)}); } var a = function(self){ self.anchor.fancybox({cyclic:true}); }; $("#pikame").PikaChoose({ autoPlay:true, animationFinished:updateImage, carousel:true}); });                    Screenings  Friday 29th April 2016 20.30  Sunday 1st May 2016  Monday 2nd May 2016  Tuesday 3rd May 2016  Wednesday 4th May 2016  Thursday 5th May 2016  Friday 6th May 2016     Cinema Calendar  April 2016   M T W T F S S     « Mar   May »      123   45678910   11121314151617   18192021222324   252627282930         Sign in     Search            Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. Email:, Phone: +353 1 679 5744. Bookings: 01 679 3477, IFI Booking

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