- published: 05 Jun 2011
- views: 766
Zune Social was the online component of Microsoft's Zune initiative. It is a social networking website that displays a user's most-played artists, favorite and recently played songs, a list of the users friends, what your friends are listening to, and any comments about them. It has been compared to iLike and Last.fm in that it tracks and displays, or "scrobbles," songs that the user has played.
The central component of Social is the Zune Card. It is a Flash-based widget that can be embedded on other sites and social networking pages (Myspace, Facebook, etc.). It showcases the user's most recently played songs, their most played artists and number of times that artist has been played, and a user-selected list of favorite songs. Clicking a song, artist, or album will bring up the respective page on the Social website. Select songs have an option to preview a 30-second clip, and users can download the song via Zune Marketplace, suggest the song to a friend, or add it as one of their favorites.
Zune Social Tagger not working...
Video 04: Zune Social Account Creation
Microsoft Zune Press Briefing: Behind the Scenes Zune Social, Zune Player Updates
zune Social And the new Facebook application
ZuneCardr for Zune Social on Windows Phone 7
[Demo] Zune Social App for Windows Phone 7
ZuneCardr Windows Phone 7 Zune Social App
Food + Wine + Zune = Social Networking
80GB 'Zune' MP3 Player Review & Interview
Zune 2 ... A Digital Music Experience
http://www.zune-online.com/news/zune/video-4-registering-in-the-zune-social.html Although I didn't have time to use it, this is the procedure you'll have to follow to register for a Zune Social account. You join the new online Zune community with many features, such as sharing tracks (only info, not files) and a Zune Tag (like the one Xbox gamers have)
http://www.gearlive.com - Ever wonder how the Zune Social and Zune Player software features and design came about? In this video, you'll see a recording of a gadget press briefing where Microsoft invited Andru Edwards of Gear Live, Adrian Covert of Gizmodo, Ryan Block of Engadget, Veronica Belmont of Techzilla, Devin Caldeway of CrunchGear, and Jake Ludington to get a look behind the scenes. You'll see how and why decisions were made on designing the features of the Zune Social and Zune Player software.
Cesar Menendez, member of the zune social team and zuneinsider shows off the zune card application on FaceBook and MySpace.
View Zune Card from Zune Social on Windows Phone 7 from a Zune Tag including Favourite and Recent Tracks, Artists played, Badges earned and Profile plus listen to tracks available on Zune Marketplace with ZunePass, for more details visit http://www.zunecardr.com or follow @zunecardr on Twitter
zunecardr is a free application for Windows Phone 7 that allows you to view Zune® Cards of Zune Social Members, such as their favourite tracks, their recently played tracks and artists, badges and social information. You can also access the Album, Artist and Buy links for a Track find out more about it from Zune.net or purchase it via Bing. More information at: http://cespage.com/zunecardr/ zunecardr is already available on Zune Marketplace.
View the Zune Social on your Windows Phone 7 with this free upcoming application. Add any Zune Tag to see Favourite Tracks, Recent Plays and Badges earned. More at http://www.zunecardr.com/phone or follow @rogueplanetoid on Twitter
In todays special Michael on the Go episode I show how you can quickly take some simple ingredients like bread, cheese, tomato, basil, and wine, toss in a little music via Zune, and top off with some candles to create a magical get away that will help you refresh and reconnect with loved ones, friends, and family. It doesnt cost much, its simple (if I can stumble through this, anyone can), its quick, and best of all, you can set up a getaway like this any time you want/need.
The Corey Vidal Show - Episode 10 View more episodes: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=0C2E24543A492377 In this video I talk about the new Microsoft Zune 80GB MP3 Player which was released in Canada Friday, June 13th. The Zune plays songs, skillfully keeps track of your music artists, albums, and artwork, has FM radio capabilities, wireless networking, song sharing, and many other features. The end of this video features an interview with Elana Zur, Product Manager of Zune Canada, with an in-depth look at why this new MP3 player is so formidable. In all, I rate the Zune 8 out of 10 stars. ADD ME AS A FRIEND ON ZUNE SOCIAL: http://social.zune.net/member/CoreyVidal The song used in this video is called "Never Going Back to OK" by The Afters. LINKS: My Zune Social...
Microsoft unveils Zune, Microsoft's music and entertainment brand that provides an integrated digital entertainment experience. The Zune platform includes a line of portable digital media players, the Zune Marketplace online store, and Zune Social, a beta online community Web site created to help people discover music.
View Zune Cards from Zune Social on Windows Phone 7 from any Zune Tag including Favourite / Recent Tracks, Artists played, Badges earned, Profile and Friends List. Play tracks available on Zune Marketplace using ZunePass, for more details visit http://www.zunecardr.com or follow @zunecardr on Twitter
This video gives you a walkthrough of the new Zune Music application for the XBOX 360. You'll see how Smart DJ playlists are created and how you can interact with your friends via the Zune Social tab. This video does not include any Kinect functionality. Watch this playlist featuring all three parts of the Fall 2010 Preview: http://bit.ly/bjhkeU For more information visit http://www.insidethecircle.net
http://www.gearlive.com - This video gives you a look at the new Zune Ecosystem, featuring the ZUne HD media player, the HD AV dock, Zune software, Zune Marketplace, Zune Social, Zune on Xbox 360, and finally, Zune Pass.
Download here: http://zune.elxx.net/ Just a quick little app I threw together on my Zune HD today. Draw with your finger(s), shake to clear the screen. It's a shame that MS has no plans of giving us a way to distribute these apps & games. This uses the just recently released XNA Game Studio 3.1 Zune Extensions: http://forums.xna.com/forums/t/38975.aspx Hit me up on Twitter: http://twitter.com/elxx Or the Zune Social, of course: http://social.zune.net/member/Elxx
Windows Weekly's channel https://youtube.com/user/TWiTWindowsWeekly?sub_confirmation=1 My Playlist of Windows Weekly's episodes: http://bit.ly/windowsweekly-yt From Episode 17's official web page: https://twit.tv/shows/windows-weekly/episodes/17 "David Caulton, Zune team member since 2005, welcomes us to The Social. Check out Paul's Blog at http://www.internet-nexus.com and the SuperSite for Windows http://winsupersite.com for more information. Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show." Available to download here: https://twit.tv/shows/windows-weekly/episodes/17#download-options Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/VL4d/
This Week on the Nobody Cares Show We Critique Unsigned Artists ?, Ganz aka Mel Quan Da Don, Social Standards,Kache Available on iTunes, Zune marketplace, and Blip.tv and at http://www.nobodycaresshow.com twitter @NobodyCaresShow Facebook http://www.Facebook.com/nobodycaresshow Myspace http://www.myspace.com/nobodycaresshow HostGator.com Unlimited Web hosting with Unlimited bandwidth http://www.hostgator.com use promo code "nobodycaresshow" and get the first month of unlimited hosting for one cent use promo code "nobodycaresshow" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The soundtrack is available on: iTunes - http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/black-mesa-original-video/id559599676?uo=4 BandCamp (lossless formats) - http://joelnielsen.bandcamp.com Amazon MP3 - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0096G9BZE/ref=sr_1_album_2_rd?ie=UTF8&child;=B0096GA70W&qid;=1347036494&sr;=1-2 Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Joel_Nielsen_Black_Mesa_Soundtrack?id=Bx7bx77lcp5hy3mfkhhbk6chtsm&feature;=nav_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDMsImFsYnVtLUJ4N2J4NzdsY3A1aHkzbWZraGhiazZjaHRzbSJd Zune - http://social.zune.net/album/Joel-Nielsen/Black-Mesa-Soundtrack/90f45d07-0100-11db-89ca-0019b92a3933/details?cache=true You can also download it directly from: http://www.blackmesasource.com/soundtrack.html Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/joelnmusic Website: http://www.joelni...
Présentation des différents Hubs intégrés dans Windows Phone Mango ; Xbox Live, Office, Skydrive, Zune etc., ainsi que quelques applications utiles.
O primo de Clover é um ávido fã de "Zooney", um programa de televisão que se tornou favorito entre as crianças. Mas, enquanto isso, as crianças em toda a América tem sido dadas como desaparecidas. Jerry envia Sam, Alex e Clover a segui-las, mas antes que elas possam cumprir em sua missão, Sam e Alex precisam ajudar Clover, que está de castigo. Em outro momento, Clover fica furiosa quando seu primo têm de ficar em sua casa. Vilão: Jason Hightower Três Espiãs Demais 2 Temporada Episódio 11 Três Espiãs Demais S02 E11 Três Espiãs Demais O mundo de zooney Três Espiãs Demais 2 Temporada Capitulo 11 Três Espiãs Demais O Filme
http://www.albedomusic.com/albedomusic.html DOWNLOAD THE MP3s: iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/albedo/id301440535 Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/s?_encoding=UTF8&search-alias;=music&field-artist;=Albedo Zune: http://social.zune.net/artist/Albedo/51841800-0200-11db-89ca-0019b92a3933/albums Rhapsody: http://www.rhapsody.com/artist/albedo GET THE RINGTONES: Reverb Nation: http://www.reverbnation.com/store/store/artist_326804?item_type=ringtones BUY THE CDs: ALBEDO MUSIC: http://www.albedomusic.com/albedomusic.html Bandcamp: http://albedomusic.bandcamp.com/ CD Baby: http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/ALBEDO Day Murray Music: http://www.daymurraymusic.com/cgi-bin/e.magine/productsearch.cgi?funct2=productsearch&searchArtist;=albedo Songs: 1. ABC BABE (7th Heaven) 2. Title ...
Sleep Waves 6 (Hypnosis for Sleep) - Robert Gorick http://www.amazon.com/Sleep-Waves-Hypnosis-Single/dp/B006ULPF2Q/ref=sr_1_9?s=music&ie;=UTF8&qid;=1326485498&sr;=1-9 http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/sleep-waves-6-hypnosis-for/id491177527 Sleep Waves 5 (Hypnosis for Sleep)-Robert Gorick http://www.amazon.com/Sleep-Waves-Hypnosis-Single/dp/B005OML3C8/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid;=1317717488&sr;=8-5 http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sleep-waves-5-hypnosis-for/id463192139 A Little Night Music 2- Robert Gorick http://itunes.apple.com/au/album/a-little-night-music-2-single/id454831861 Follow me on Twitter @ redned4321 https://twitter.com/#!/redned4321 ... and on Facebook @ Rob's Hypnosis http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001207218527 MySpace @ Rob's Hypnosis ... cashmarsdream http://ww...
Tracklist : 1. California Groove. (0:00) 2. Highway Shred. (feat.Joe Wild) (5:40) 3. The Matrix Side. (11:57) 4. Insane City. (feat. Daniel Péroine & Kermheat) (19:12) 5. Innerspace. (Interlude) (27:07) 6. Smart Shredding. (feat. Joe Wild) (30:11) Instrumental music such as John Petrucci, Steve Vaï or even Greg Howe ... crazy stuff, various styles covered, epic, progressive and experimental. A MUST listen for the curious ! Backing Tracks available along with the special edition ! "This is my very first album, i did it all by myself : Guitar, Keys, Bass, Drums, Mixing and Mastering : Im not really happy with the mix but it helped me improve my skills since and learn a lot by myself ... that was a great experience, and nearly 3 years later, i'm doing another album and i will take t...