- published: 09 Jan 2016
- views: 2270
Garwin Sanford (born March 14, 1955) is a Canadian actor best known for his portrayal of Narim in Stargate SG-1 and Simon Wallace in Stargate Atlantis.
In 1994-95, he played Captain Taylor Shields in the historical Adventure series Hawkeye. Sanford has also made guest appearances on such television series as Smallville, Airwolf (Season 4), MacGyver, Sliders, Highlander: The Series, The Odyssey, The Outer Limits, Earth: Final Conflict, Dark Angel, The 4400, Eureka, So Weird and Supernatural. He appeared in Another Cinderella Story. He's also an artist, specializing in pen and ink portraiture, and a sculptor.
In 1998 Sanford appeared in Merlin's Apprentice as Lord Weston.
In 2005 Sanford appeared in Recipe for a Perfect Christmas (aka Smothered) as Clay McNeil, JJ's Boss.
In 2013, Sanford appeared as the Red King in Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.
Maternal Instincts (1996) Delta Burke, Beth Broderick, Garwin Sanford
TTTS: Interview with Jillian Fargey & Garwin Sanford, Stars of “LIFE-SIZE”
Quarantine Trailer 1989
Jack of All Tollan (Interview with Garwin Sanford)
The Barber
Garwin Sanford "resucita" en Stargate Atlantis (...)
S01E17 Father and Son
Life Size Full Movie
Hát nem baba! Teljes film
Верзила (2012) Русский трейлер
Show Notes: In this episode of The Tiara Talk Show, Jillian Fargey & Garwin Sanford chat with host Tammy Tuckey about starring as Ellen (Fargey) & Richie (Sanford) in the Disney Channel film, “Life-Size,” working alongside Tyra Banks on set, developing their individual characters and more! Be sure to… - Follow us on Twitter at @TiaraTalkShow: www.twitter.com/TiaraTalkShow - ‘Like’ our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/TheTiaraTalkShow - Follow us on our Tumblr page: thetiaratalkshow.tumblr.com - Follow us on our Google+ page: google.com/+TheTiaraTalkShow - Follow us on our Instagram page: instagram.com/thetiaratalkshow Want to give us your thoughts on this episode? Call us at 1-407-413-9390 and leave us a voicemail! Thanks for listening! “The Tiara Talk Show” is edited, created an...
Quarantine Trailer 1989 Director: Charles Wilkinson Starring: Beatrice Boepple, Garwin Sanford, Jerry Wasserman, Tom McBeath, Michelle Goodger, Official Content From Republic Pictures Home Video A group of scientists investigates the causes of a plague that has invaded America, and battle over harsh methods which have been instituted by the government to stop it, including mass concentration camp-style quarantines. Movie, Quarantine Movie,Quarantine Trailer,Quarantine 1989, Charles Wilkinson,Beatrice Boepple, Garwin Sanford, Jerry Wasserman, Tom McBeath, Michelle Goodger,
GateWorld chats with Garwin Sanford, the man behind Stargate SG-1's Narim and Atlantis's Dr. Simon Wallace! [Originally published October 10, 2006] More Stargate cast and crew interviews are at: http://www.gateworld.net/
Thriller. Crimen. Misterio / Se aproxima un oscuro y frío invierno en Revelstoke, Alaska, y el barbero Dexter Miles lo sabe. Pero es una mañana cuando, al cortar el pelo al Sheriff Corgan, se entera de que el cuerpo de Lucy Waters, una mujer que él ha asesinado recientemente y que esperaba que nadie encontrara hasta la primavera, ha sido hallado. Las autoridades del Estado tardan en aparecer por la tranquila Revelstoke, produciendo en el barbero una excitación y un deseo que hacía años no sentía... Reparto: Malcolm McDowell, Jeremy Ratchford, Garwin Sanford, Brenda James, Paul Jarrett, Erin Wright, C. Ernst Harth, Vince Murdocco, Gary Heterington, Michael Kopsa, David Kopp
Un mismo actor, en una misma serie, pero interpretando diferentes personajes. Una extraña secuencia, ¿verdad? Bueno, pues eso es lo que sucedió en dos series "paralelas" de ciencia ficción: Stargate SG-1 y Stargate Atlantis. En ellas, el actor Garwin Sanford interpretó a dos personajes totalmente diferentes. Más info sobre esta extraña y desconsidearda (para los fans de la serie) anécdota en el vídeo.
Season 01 Episode 17 "Father and Son" The son of a racist father learns the truth when he must trust an Asian teen. / Michael isn't thrilled with having an intern social worker "observing" at the ranch. WITH: Gary Chalk, Doug Williams, Garwin Sanford. Featuring: Mike Andaluz, Peter Gaitens, Richard Hendery, Janie Woods-Morris, Brad Stewart, Katey Wright. Production Code 117 This production is the property of Alliance Atlantis!
Casey Stuart (Lindsay Lohan), is a tomboy who is the quarterback of her school's seventh grade football team. Since her mother died, she has been avoiding her old friends and arguing with a boy on her team. Wanting to bring her mother back to life, Casey finds a book of magic with a section on resurrecting the dead at a local book store. A successful resurrection will become permanent unless it is undone before sunset on the fourth day after it begins. However, since the book was expensive, she left all the money she had on the shelf in a glass compartment which is where the book was. Following the book's instructions, Casey collects artifacts from her mother's life, including strands of hair in her hairbrush. However, the resurrection is unwittingly sabotaged when Drew Mitchell (Anne Mar...
színes, magyarul beszélő, amerikai vígjáték, 101 perc, 2000 rendező: Mark Rosman író: Stephanie Moore forgatókönyvíró: Stephanie Moore, Mark Rosman operatőr: Philip Linzey díszlettervező: Louise Roper jelmeztervező: Maya Mani zene: Eric Colvin producer: Fitch Cady executive producer: Bill Unger látványtervező: David Fischer vágó: Bonnie Koehler szereplő(k): Lindsay Lohan (Casey) Tyra Banks (Eve) Anne Marie Loder (Drew) Jere Burns (Ben) Garwin Sanford (Richie) Tom Butler (Phil) Jillian Fargey (Ellen) Casey (Lindsay Lohan) édesanyja halála óta egyedül él az apjával. Egyik nap a könyvesboltban meglát egy varázskönyvet, amivel megpróbálja édesanyját életre kelteni. De hiba csúszik a számításba, és édesanyja helyett az apja munkatársnőjétől kapott baba Eve (Tyra Banks) kel életre. Casey la...
Только ЛУЧШИЕ фильмы Ужасов и Триллеров Группа в контакте http://vk.com/club62332805 Страна: Канада, Франция Режиссер: Паскаль Ложье / Pascal Laugier В ролях: Джессика Бил / Jessica Biel (Julia Denning), Джоделль Ферланд / Jodelle Ferland (Jenny), Уильям Б. Дэвис / William B. Davis (Sheriff Chestnut), Саманта Феррис / Samantha Ferris (Tracy), Коллин Вилер / Colleen Wheeler (Mrs. Johnson), Гарвин Санфорд / Garwin Sanford (Robert), Джанет Райт / Janet Wright (Trish), Ив Харлоу / Eve Harlow (Christine), Джон Манн / John Mann (Douglas), Тич Грант / Teach Grant (Steven) Описание: Действие фильма разворачивается в американском городе Колд Рок, в котором на протяжении многих лет пропадают без вести дети. Местные легенды гласят, что их забирает к себе таинственный высокий человек. Жительница Колд...
GateWorld chats with Garwin Sanford, the man behind Stargate SG-1's Narim and Atlantis's Dr. Simon Wallace! [Originally published October 10, 2006] More Stargate cast and crew interviews are at: http://www.gateworld.net/
Show Notes: In this episode of The Tiara Talk Show, Jillian Fargey & Garwin Sanford chat with host Tammy Tuckey about starring as Ellen (Fargey) & Richie (Sanford) in the Disney Channel film, “Life-Size,” working alongside Tyra Banks on set, developing their individual characters and more! Be sure to… - Follow us on Twitter at @TiaraTalkShow: www.twitter.com/TiaraTalkShow - ‘Like’ our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/TheTiaraTalkShow - Follow us on our Tumblr page: thetiaratalkshow.tumblr.com - Follow us on our Google+ page: google.com/+TheTiaraTalkShow - Follow us on our Instagram page: instagram.com/thetiaratalkshow Want to give us your thoughts on this episode? Call us at 1-407-413-9390 and leave us a voicemail! Thanks for listening! “The Tiara Talk Show” is edited, created an...
Un mismo actor, en una misma serie, pero interpretando diferentes personajes. Una extraña secuencia, ¿verdad? Bueno, pues eso es lo que sucedió en dos series "paralelas" de ciencia ficción: Stargate SG-1 y Stargate Atlantis. En ellas, el actor Garwin Sanford interpretó a dos personajes totalmente diferentes. Más info sobre esta extraña y desconsidearda (para los fans de la serie) anécdota en el vídeo.
GateWorld sits down for a chat with Alex Zahara, recurring guest star on Stargate SG-1! [Originally published November 14, 2006] More Stargate cast and crew interviews are at: http://www.gateworld.net/
Two Step is a fast-paced Texas thriller in which the lives of James, a directionless college dropout, and Webb, a career criminal with his back against the wall, violently collide. https://www.cine35mm.com/us/movie/104089/two-step
GateWorld catches up with Cliff Simon to discuss his character's evolution over the past ten years. [Originally published November 21, 2006] More Stargate cast and crew interviews are at: http://www.gateworld.net/
Season 01 Episode 17 "Father and Son" The son of a racist father learns the truth when he must trust an Asian teen. / Michael isn't thrilled with having an intern social worker "observing" at the ranch. WITH: Gary Chalk, Doug Williams, Garwin Sanford. Featuring: Mike Andaluz, Peter Gaitens, Richard Hendery, Janie Woods-Morris, Brad Stewart, Katey Wright. Production Code 117 This production is the property of Alliance Atlantis!
Delta Burke plastic surgery before and after photos
Popular Written by Ryan Murphy from: Season One Episode 20 We Are Family Delta Burke, Leslie Grossman, Erik Estrada I own nothing. Just loved this show and wanted to share some highlights and favorite clips. Go buy it here: http://www.amazon.com/Popular-Season-1-Leslie-Bibb/dp/B0001I55S8/ref=pd_bxgy_mov_img_y