System Failure (DEMO II)

by Asherah

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Recorded mostly live in summer 2015


released August 30, 2015



all rights reserved


Asherah Asheville, North Carolina

Dave - drums
Oscar - bass
Brandon- vocals
Andrew - guitar
James - guitar

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Track Name: Never Enough Time
The overwhelming feeling that we are all alone. Bottled up deep inside. Eating away at me. A pain so deep. I closed my eyes and I couldn't remember your face. It breaks my heart. You swore you'd never go. You left me all alone. There is never enough time. I would give anything for one more day one more day with you. There is never enough time.
Track Name: Plagues
The last flower has bloomed and has withered and died. One final sign of life is now a memory. All that can be seen is a barren wasteland. Memories of what once was a habitat so full of life. Ignorance turned us into leaches too blind to see or too calloused to care. Too busy looking for outside threats. Never thinking to look inwards. The human race was the biggest threat. Another classic case of sabotaging ourselves, all along not knowing we were our biggest enemy. Ignorance turned us into leeches too blind to see or too calloused to care. We are the plague, we are the disease.
Track Name: System Failure
Words fail me. Loss of life. Take what's left. Separate the weak from the herd. Remove the ones deemed unfit. Dig up the roots of the oldest tree. Scorch the remains of the wisest elder. Spare not a single life. The human race has failed. Separate the weak from the herd. Remove the ones deemed unfit. The human race has failed. Put an end to this at last.
Track Name: Monolith
Half hearted promises to half dead friends. Half our problems are forged from within. Monuments crashing in black icy waters. Statues dedicated to memories long tainted. Half hearted. Let it lie. Let it die. The final monolith crumbles from our lost attention. Let me breathe. Let me fall out. Show me tail lights and white smoke and cold broken concrete. Let this end. Atlas shrugs in denial. Shirk the burden. Let the damn break. Let the river flow wide open. Let the dam break. Let it break.