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  Main menu Skip to content HOME PUBLIC AFFAIRS  Politics and Government Public Opinion Elections 2012 President Barack Obama Civil Rights Liberty vs. Security Seperation of Church & State National Health Care Poverty in America GOP Politics Privatizing America The Death Penalty Supreme Court Battles Political Justice in America Alabama Politics Making Democracy Work  ECONOMY  Business LABOR NEWS Poverty in America  LABOR SCIENCE  Global Warming Technology Health Social Science Seperation of Church & State Science v. Religion Birds of Alabama  ENVIRONMENT  Global Warming BP Oil Spill Wild Wilderness  THE LAW  Supreme Court Battles Legalize Marijuana Political Justice in America  THE MEDIA  Authors/Books Movies Music Television Public Broadcasting Talk Radio Photography Press Think Lessons on the Web Press Restaurant Reviews  TRAVEL  Secret Vistas America’s National Forests and Parks MoJo Travels Music Festivals  OPINION  The Big Picture Southern Journal Guest Columns Letters to the Editor Connecting the Dots The Bush Years… Under the Microscope III     Sub menu         A Foot of Snow Blankets East CoastJefferson Playing in the SnowYard Birds After First SnowfallBird Pics in the Snow A Foot of Snow Blankets East Coast SILVER SPRING, Md. — A foot of snow blanketed the East Coast this week, stranding passengers in many major cities and knocking out power and Internet access for many. But…

Jefferson Playing in the Snow Jefferson playing in the snow, Jan. 28, 2014.

Yard Birds After First Snowfall Check out this feature from our special category on Birds of Alabama

Bird Pics in the Snow Another snowy selection from Birds of Alabama

         Politics, Labor and The Environment       Reflections in the Snow From the Nation’s Capital    February 13, 2014    The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – TACOMA PARK, Md. — Camped out in the media van surrounded by a foot of snow, there’s finally time and space in the schedule to reflect a little on the events of the past week and look ahead for a few minutes at the future. The plan… Read more →

       The Environment       U.S. Forest Service Defies Public Comments, Closes Lake Chinnabee Campground Permanently    March 20, 2014    U.S. Attorney Dismisses Charges Against Editor Glynn Wilson for Allegedly Entering Posted Area By Glynn Wilson – After considering public comments, mostly against the closing of one of the best little primitive campgrounds in the state and the country, the Talladega Alabama division of the U.S. Forest Service has made the decision to close the… Read more →

        Obama Administration Responds to Pressure on Fracking, Revises Permitting Rules on Using Diesel Fuel in Gas Drilling    February 12, 2014    By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON. D.C. — Too clear up a legal controversy about diesel fuel in methane gas mining, the Obama administration released revised rules on underground injection wells that use diesel fuels in hydraulic fracturing operations, commonly referred to as the controversial method of “fracking.” To get around the “Halliburton Loophole” granting fracking… Read more →

       The Economy       Good Jobs, Green Jobs Conference Kicks Off at the Washington Hilton    February 9, 2014    By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. – The opening session of the Good Jobs, Green Jobs Conference for 2014 kicked off Sunday night with a dynamic panel of speakers who are at the forefront of the national discussion about how to address the country’s crumbling infrastructure, while at the same time beginning to deal with… Read more →

        Blue Green Alliance Hosts ‘Good Jobs, Green Jobs’ Conference in Washington, D.C.    February 7, 2014    By Glynn Wilson – HUNGRY MOTHER STATE PARK, Virg. — Some of the most powerful and effective leaders of labor unions and environmental groups in the country, along with a horde of union members, environmental activists and college students, are headed to the nation’s capital this coming week for one of the most interesting and… Read more →

        Volkswagen Workers in Tennessee to Vote on Joining a Labor Union    February 4, 2014    Workers at the Volkswagen automobile manufacturing plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee — the only major Volkswagen production facility in the world where workers are not represented by a union — will hold a vote on February 12–14 to decide whether to unionize as part of the United Auto Workers. If successful, they plan to organize under… Read more →

       Alabama Politics       Mobile Water Board Withdraws Into Executive Session: No Decision Announced on Watershed Pipeline    February 11, 2014    The Mobile Area Water and Sewer System Board may have decided to continue opposing a crude oil pipeline through the watershed of its reservoir, or it may not have, according to Mobile Bay Sierra Club Conservation Chair David Underhill. At the end of its meeting on Feb. 10, the board and its lawyers withdrew into… Read more →

        Mobile Water Board Faces Final Decision on Crude Oil Pipeline Through Critical Water Supply    February 9, 2014    By David Underhill – For months the Mobile Area Water and Sewer System board and community groups have been resisting an attempt by Plains company to run a crude oil pipeline through the watershed of the reservoir supplying metro Mobile’s water. A recent defeat in the county courthouse confronts MAWSS with a choice about continuing… Read more →

        Wyoming Replaces Alabama as the Most Conservative State in the U.S.    January 31, 2014    The Word ‘Liberal’ is Experiencing a Resurgence in American Life – By Glynn Wilson – Could it be that the people of my home state are finally starting to get their news online and waking up to the ravages of run amok corporate capitalism and the do-nothing nature of conservative Republicans who don’t know how… Read more →

       Science       Herschel Telescope Detects Water Vapor on Dwarf Planet    January 23, 2014    Scientists using the Herschel space observatory have made the first definitive detection of water vapor on the largest and roundest object in the asteroid belt on a dwarf planet, a body in the solar system bigger than an asteroid but smaller than a planet, called Ceres. Plumes of water vapor are thought to shoot up… Read more →

        NASA Confirms Sustained Long-Term Climate Warming Trend    January 21, 2014    By Glynn Wilson – Scientists now say 2013 tied with 2009 and 2006 for the seventh warmest year since 1880, continuing a long-term trend of rising global temperatures, according to a new report out from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). With the exception of 1998, the 10 warmest years in the 134-year record… Read more →

        NASA Spacecraft Spots Its First New Asteroid Near Earth    January 7, 2014    By Glynn Wilson – A reactivated NASA spacecraft designed to identify the population of potentially threatening near-Earth objects has spotted a new asteroid about 27 million miles (43 million kilometers) from Earth. Based on its infrared brightness, scientists estimate it to be roughly 0.4 miles (650 meters) in diameter and extremely dark, like a piece… Read more →

       The Law       Obama Administration Responds to Pressure on Fracking, Revises Permitting Rules on Using Diesel Fuel in Gas Drilling    February 12, 2014    By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON. D.C. — Too clear up a legal controversy about diesel fuel in methane gas mining, the Obama administration released revised rules on underground injection wells that use diesel fuels in hydraulic fracturing operations, commonly referred to as the controversial method of “fracking.” To get around the “Halliburton Loophole” granting fracking… Read more →

        Environmental Groups File Lawsuit Challenging Oil Pipeline in Mobile Watershed    January 25, 2014    By Glynn Wilson – The fight over an oil pipeline through the drinking water supply for Mobile, Alabama has landed in court. Environmental groups are challenging a permit issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the Plains Southcap, LLC pipeline routed through the Big Creek Lake watershed. The lawsuit filed Friday in Federal… Read more →

        Feds Find Probable Cause For Mercedes Labor Law Violations at Vance Plant    January 24, 2014    Unions to Hold Press Conference and Rally in Coaling Alabama Monday, Jan. 27 – By Glynn Wilson – The National Labor Relations Board has found probable cause to hold a hearing charging Mercedes officials in Vance Alabama with violations of the National Labor Relations Act by acting to prohibit union organizing. A formal hearing on… Read more →

       Editorial Opinion       Contemplating Hunger and Nature in the Jefferson National Forest    February 15, 2014    Secret Vistas By Glynn Wilson MARION, Va. – Listening to a babbling brook and watching the snow flakes gently fall in one of Mother Nature’s most beautiful acts, I am pondering the legend of the hungry mother who inspired the name of this place along the Hungry Mother Creek. As the story goes, back during… Read more →

        Reflections in the Snow From the Nation’s Capital    February 13, 2014    The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – TACOMA PARK, Md. — Camped out in the media van surrounded by a foot of snow, there’s finally time and space in the schedule to reflect a little on the events of the past week and look ahead for a few minutes at the future. The plan… Read more →

        Mobile Water Board Faces Final Decision on Crude Oil Pipeline Through Critical Water Supply    February 9, 2014    By David Underhill – For months the Mobile Area Water and Sewer System board and community groups have been resisting an attempt by Plains company to run a crude oil pipeline through the watershed of the reservoir supplying metro Mobile’s water. A recent defeat in the county courthouse confronts MAWSS with a choice about continuing… Read more →

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    Reflections in the Snow From the Nation’s Capital

    Jefferson Playing in the Snow Jan. 24, 2014

    Noccalula Falls and the Coosa River

    Talladega National Forest in Fall By Kenny Walters

    Photo Essay: Cheaha Falls and Trail in Black and White

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We are launching a brand new news Website under a new name from Washington, D.C. called the New American Journal. You might want to Bookmark that page or subscribe to the new RSS feed now.

This archive will remain up for awhile longer, but most of the action will move to the new site over the next few weeks and months as I make another transition out of my home town of Birmingham, Alabama to a more mobile setup in a Roadtrek camper van that will remain on the move from Washington, D.C. and the mountains of Virginia to the Gulf Coast.

In the spring of 2005, after moving back to Birmingham from Washington, D.C. to be there for my then-79-year-old mother -- who had no business being alone anymore for health and safety reasons -- I covered my last story for The New York Times: The trial of Richard Scrushy of HealthSouth. 

But after it became clear that the new management at the Times was marching to the right for economic reasons after the Jayson Blair scandal, and after “the people” re-elected George W. Bush for a second term as president — or perhaps the Republican techie cabal out of Chattanooga stole the election in Ohio, depending on who you believe — I became convinced that a new kind of press was needed in America for democracy to have a chance of survival.

Blogging software was just emerging then as an alternative way to publish on the Web — and as an alternative for readers to the mainstream, corporate news media in the U.S. and around the world.

I studied up on what was out there, then found a programmer in Homewood who was running a server out of a little computer shop, and started chasing the headlines on a new domain, LocustFork.Net. The idea was to practice the kind of watchdog journalism that helped fight and stop a dam on the Locust Fork of the Black Warrior River in the late 1980s and the early 1990s. It started out as a simple html news page, but we soon added a blog archive interface where original stories, columns, photos and videos could easily be published on the Web and archived by date, tag, category and keywords.

I made one more trip to Washington, D.C. in March to do some work for States News Service and The Hollywood Reporter, and while there, launched a new editorial opinion column from a kitchen in Silver Spring, Maryland called Under the Microscope.

Before I knew it or wanted to admit it, however, I found myself back in Birmingham hunkering down to see what would happen in Bush’s second term. It was a stressful time for the world as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan still raged, and it was a stressful time for the country as we woke up every day wondering what fool hardy thing Bush and Cheney would do next. So yes, it was also a stressful time for me as well.

I left my native Birmingham in 1981 for college at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa and only rarely looked back. I did move back to Southside for a brief period in the late 1980s to open a book store, newsstand and coffee bar and launch a free-lance journalism career after becoming disillusioned with the state of newspapers in my home state. But I left again in 1989 for Gulf Shores to get back into the news business full time.

Then in 1993, I moved back to Tuscaloosa to work on a Masters degree and then got out of Alabama for a good long time, my journey taking me to teach in Georgia, Tennessee and then New Orleans. After having a heck of a run as a free-lance journalist from there, in 2004 I made the big move to D.C.

Back in Birmingham in 2005, however, a big story did come along when the Bush Justice Department continued to pursue Richard Scrushy along with former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman in federal court.

This new kind of news Website was discovered and followed by people all over the country who were appalled at the politicization of the legal system in America.

I continued to work on building the economy for this new Web Press and started getting enough traffic to actually receive pay checks from Google ads and then Blog ads. People began to send in donations in lieu of a subscription price through PayPal.

By the time of president Barack Obama’s historic election in 2008, and then when the BP oil spill hit in the spring of 2010, thousands of people — even in Alabama — were getting online and starting to follow the news on Facebook and then Twitter. We ramped up the readership and the funding to pay for the journalism to a whole new level with the help of a few trial lawyers, labor unions and environmental groups.

By the time President Obama was reelected in 2012, we had completed a redesign that finally merged the news and blog functions into one interface. Our monthly readership hit 3.2 million in October, in part because I was about the only public opinion analyst in the country willing to predict that Obama would walk away with that election in a landslide. Pretty much everybody else, including AP, the Washington Post, all the talking head pundits on TeeVee and even the New York Times kept saying that the election was going to be “too close to call.” I knew better.As the weeks and months went by, however, and my now 87-year-old mother’s condition continued to deteriorate, I knew it was about time to start planning a new transition for my family and for my future as a Web publisher and journalist.Ever since I made that first move to Washington in 2004, I have known deep down that the real action in American politics and journalism takes place in the nation’s capital city. It is hard to make a career or a difference out of just focusing on what happens in state capitals like Montgomery or Baton Rouge. The big action and the big news happens in Washington, no matter what they try to tell you in Alabama’s capital city, where they still insist on bucking the fedral govmt every chance they get.

What the federal government does is just far more important than what happens in the states. Besides, the people and the politicians in states — especially Old South states like Alabama — remain far behind the times when it comes to public opinion, forming public policy and keeping up with the news online. Everybody in New York, D.C. and on the West Coast long ago moved on past reading print newspapers and getting all their news from the Boob Tube.

I mean I stopped reading newspapers in print in 1995 and have since sworn off most news coverage on television, national and local. It is all a money-making sensational game for national news outlets, where the partisan divide so dominates the discussion that we will never move past it as a country until so many people stop watching it that they have to change their ways. CNN is already considering converting itself into a cheap reality show. If that is what you think we need feel free to change the channel.

On the local level, the softball local, local, local philosophy on the news will never generate enough traffic to form a full economy of scale, with the possible exception of Newhouse news outlets like, where the resources of the old newspaper and television news empires still provide the budget to create a virtual monopoly on what people consider to be news. Many, many people are now seeing that as a bad thing and have turned to alternative news outlets like this one for a more informed perspective on what goes on in the world.

But a huge swath of the mass audience will continue to depend on broadcast news outlets to read the news generated by print outlets to them on television for the foreseeable future. High Definition television is a powerful medium of communication and is so addictive with the all the entertainment options for sedentary viewers to sit in their recliners and soak it all up with their eyes, without have to exert themselves to do anything but change the channel now and then.

Those who are turning to the Web are a more educated, higher-end demographic audience who are burned out on the old news they get late from newspapers and the passive nature of television. They want to be more engaged in the entertainment and the news process. They make comments and share headline links on Facebook and Twitter, and they are more apt to be politically involved and donate to worthy causes and do more than just show up on election day to vote for their same old party hacks.

These are the people who we are interested in reaching. They are the ones who will change the world for the better. If you have read this far, that means you.

I truly and sincerely appreciate all the support we’ve received from readers all over the state and the country over the past few years. I hope you will continue to follow us on this journey into a brave new world.

Please continue to follow and support our efforts as we create the next new evolution in this new, new, watchdog journalism, what I like to call the alternative, independent Web Press. We really are creating something entirely new here. The technology inevitably changes the way we report and write.

See you down the road from the New American Journal. Don’t forget to like, comment, share -- and maybe even make a donation when you can. Reader contributions are still going to be critical even as we seek out new national sponsors to truly build the economy for this new journalism, to sustain this critical work into what I hope will be a bright, successful future for American democracy.

I has to be so. Any other attitude would inevitably result in failure. I'm not ready to give up. Are you?

Even if it's only $10, the price of a couple of Starbuck coffees, it could make a big difference at this critical time in the history of the Web Press. Use one of the secure methods below to add your voice to the growing chorus of people who understand the need for this new kind of press in America.

Thank you!

Glynn Wilson


Use PayPal to send us a donation 


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