

E.g., 04/14/2016
E.g., 04/14/2016
  • On MSNBC, Steve Rattner Highlights How GOP Obstructionism Caused The Rise Of Trump

    39 min 44 sec ago
  • Fox Judicial Analyst: "If Every Unconsented-To Touching Could Be A Crime, You Couldn't Get In The Subway"

    2 hours 50 min ago
  • Sean Hannity Ignores Trump’s Sexist Attacks Against Hillary Clinton

    April 13, 2016 11:32 PM EDT
  • ABC News Cites Trump Ally Roger Stone’s Convention Plan In Report On Death Threats To GOP Delegates

    April 13, 2016 9:43 PM EDT
  • On MSNBC, ACLU Rep Debunks Hate Group Spokesman’s Bathroom Predator Myth Talking Points

    April 13, 2016 8:11 PM EDT
  • On CNN, New York Observer Editor Denies That They Endorsed Trump Because Of Family Ties

    April 13, 2016 1:00 PM EDT
  • Trump Ally Roger Stone Attacks Mark Levin: “Whore,” “Cockroach,” “Worm,” “Prostitute,” “Paid Shill For Ted Cruz”

    April 13, 2016 12:15 PM EDT
  • Fox Continues Obsession With The Treadmill Shrimp

    April 13, 2016 11:37 AM EDT
  • Even Bill O'Reilly Labels Mississippi's New Anti-LGBT Law "Discriminatory"

    April 13, 2016 10:36 AM EDT
  • Fox's Ablow: "Transgenderism" Paves The Way For “People To Declare Their Own Races”

    April 13, 2016 8:40 AM EDT
  • Watch NBC's Andrea Mitchell Explain Why Equal Pay Day Is So Important

    April 12, 2016 8:39 PM EDT
  • Rush Limbaugh: "There's No Question" Obama "Would Try To Use The DOJ To Influence" Clinton Email Investigation

    April 12, 2016 1:48 PM EDT
  • On MSNBC, Patricia Arquette Highlights The Importance Of Equal Pay Day

    April 12, 2016 1:17 PM EDT
  • Samantha Bee Shows How It’s Easier To Buy A Gun Without A Background Check Than Rent The NRA’s Eddie Eagle Costume

    April 12, 2016 9:58 AM EDT
  • Morning Joe Panel Continues Critiquing Clinton's Voice, Even After Admitting It's "A Gender Thing"

    April 12, 2016 8:23 AM EDT
  • Fox Contributor: Celebrities Boycotting Anti-LGBT Laws Are "Bullying ... An Entire State"

    April 12, 2016 8:12 AM EDT
  • Bill O'Reilly Supports His Claim That He Doesn't "Know Any Racists" By Pointing Out He Has A Black Assistant

    April 11, 2016 9:40 PM EDT
  • O’Reilly Tells Trump Blacks Are "Ill-Educated And Have Tattoos On Their Forehead”

    April 11, 2016 8:50 PM EDT
  • Bill O'Reilly Revives Black Crime Canard To Defend Mass Incarceration of African Americans

    April 11, 2016 8:36 PM EDT
  • CNN Parrots Conservative Media Claim That Obama Put “Fingers On The Scale” In Clinton Email Investigation

    April 11, 2016 5:06 PM EDT