In aviation and underwater diving, alternobaric vertigo is dizziness resulting from unequal pressures being exerted between the ears due to one Eustachian tube being less patent than the other.
This might have occurred due to barotrauma of descent, and/or the effects of nasal decongestants. It is due to unequal increase in middle ear pressures on ascent, is usually mild, and most often cleared by further ascent. When the pressures in both ears reach ambient levels, the stimulus for the dizziness stops. Although most often mild, the vertigo can persist until the diver reaches the surface continuing the unequal pressures, which can damage the inner ear or ear drum.
Alternobaric vertigo is most pronounced when the diver is in the vertical position; the spinning is towards the ear with the higher pressure and tends to develop when the pressures differ by 60 cm of water or more.Ear clearing may be a remedy. A similar vertigo can also occur as a result of unequal heating stimulation of one inner ear labyrinth over the other due to diving in a prone position in cold water - the undermost ear being stimulated.
(AhlulBayt News Agency) The United Nations says the Takfiri ISIL terrorist group has been offering Syrian and Iraqi girls for sale by putting them on show “stripped naked” in “slave bazaars.” ... Read the full story ›. Text smaller Text bigger. Note. Read our discussion guidelines before commenting ... ....
Article by Correspondent DallasDarling. Mahatma Gandhi warned that the deadliest form of violence is poverty. But for Gandhi, poverty consisted of not only economic impoverishment but political, social, and cultural. It also included psychological, emotional, even spiritual, neglect and abandonment ... Such hallmarks of American society also inflict deadly violence on their victims ... Make no mistake ... Dallas Darling (