
Welcome to the RPS/2044 Site

RPS/2044 recounts the future by looking back from roughly 2041 – and a little forward, also, to 2044. It is an oral history of the project to create a new society in the U.S. The interviewer, Miguel Guevara, brought questions to eighteen interviewee participants in that project prior to the book’s rapid electronic dissemination in 2042.

In 2017, however, things are a bit different. From our more current vantage, RPS/2044 addresses a possible, and hopefully inspiring, but certainly very flexible future. It means to reveal possibilities and explore related insights. More, it wants to engage with potential readers about those possibilities and insights even before going to press.

As a result, in 2017, now, the book is not yet published, and not even firmly finished. It is, instead, a work in progress. The language can get better. The message can get wiser. The substance can get richer. But none of that will happen unless people use the offered tools to add to the mix. Why not have a participatory book envision a revolution for a participatory society?

The main substantive offerings on this site are the front matter and chapters of the book, which are linked from the menu to the left. In the menu above there is also material on the interviewees that includes a way to submit questions for them which will within a few days of being sent to the interviewees, appear on site followed by answers from the interviewees. There are also links for reviews and testimonials, and for purchasing the book, should you wish to do so once it is published, which will likely occur by Summer 2017.

Finally, in the horizontal menu across the top there are two more links – for forums and blogs. the former is a tool to make it easy for you to comment on or react to any part of RPS/2044 and for us to reply, as well as to hopefully incorporate your insights. The blogs allow you to offer a more substantial essay, should you wish to. Or, you might even decide to write a story or stories, more novelesque than the oral history, about the RPS project of the future.

So, in light of all the above, we have the unusual and rather experimental site that this is. A place to add your insights to a work in progress before it is published so your views may possibly be incorporated.

Try any links, however you choose. Participate as much as you desire. This book needs your help. Will you offer it?

For now we have made the site known only to family, friends, and ZNet users. This will change when the book is published and made available. Meantime, should you want to, it is okay to share the site link directly with any individuals you want to talk to about it. Thank you!