Nika Knight, staff writer
From Glasgow to Bangalore to Moscow to San Diego, the message was the same: "no more poverty wages!" Declaring their right to a living wage, beleaguered workers around the world walked off their jobs on Thursday in synchronized global strikes...
Nika Knight, staff writer
"There are a lot of people here tonight!" observed New York native Bernie...
Deirdre Fulton, staff writer
University of California, Davis, officials spent $175,000 to "clean up" the...


A class-action lawsuit by the non-profit We Shall Overcome Foundation seeks to free from copyright and place in the public domain the classic, searing anthem of the Civil Rights Movement that sustained so many through teargas, on marches, in jail cells - and still does. The suit traces the song's labyrinthian history - Black hymn to tobacco workers' vow to Seeger ode - before asking who owns its power and arguing, "You do, I do, we do."

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