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On Anniversary of Rwandan Genocide, Bill Clinton’s Words Ring Hollow

Hillary Clinton's Favorite Mouthpiece: The New York Times

The Spirit of Occupy Lives on in France's Emerging Direct Democracy Movement

How Sanders supporters can remake the Democratic Party

Boston Marks Third Anniversary of Marathon Bombings

Connecticut Judge Rules Against Gun Manufacturers on Sandy Hook

The Newtown Families Just Won a Big Victory in Their Fight Against Remington Guns

Racist Cops, Racist Courts

Kleptorenumeration: When the Highest-Paid Jobs Cause the Most Harm

What We Know About Lead Poisoning Is Scary. What We Don’t Know Might Be Worse

What the Candidates are Saying About Agriculture

Leaked Documents Confirm Ecuador’s Internet Censorship Machine

This Massachusetts Case Will Change How We View Parental Rights

Alert: Refugees Face a New Threat From Infectious Disease

Amid Supreme Court Knockdown-Dragout, Senate Panel Advances FBI Whistleblower Protections

Tax day strike highlights Fight for 15

5 things to watch for in Thursday's Dem debate

Biotech crop acreage fell in 2015 for first time

The Global Consequences Of Hillary Clinton’s Predatory Pragmatism

The Talking Cure for the Climate Crisis

Ryan calls House GOP meeting on Puerto Rico debt

Exxon Fights Subpoena in Widening Climate Probe, Citing Violation of Its Constitutional Rights

Reverse censorship of Palestine maps, scholars tell McGraw-Hill

Fight for $15 Movement Confronts The Presidential Candidates

Univ. of Chicago students celebrate divestment win

Syria's withering agricultural production

Edible cutlery company wants us to eat our way out of plastic pollution
The spoon tastes like a cracker and its manufacturer hopes to expand into forks and chopsticks

Earthquake hits southern Japan

St. Lawrence River is ‘slowly dying,’ U.S. environmental group warns

Pissing contest over glyphosate in Europe

Mortality rate for homeless youth in San Francisco is ten times higher than peers
A study by UC Berkeley researchers tracked 218 homeless young people over six years; in that time 11 died largely due to suicide or substance abuse

Hey, Democrats, stop gloating — your party is imploding right before your eyes, too

A Fiscal Policy Agenda for Stronger State Economies

The Gathering Storm: Donald Trump and the Hollowed-Out American Heartland

Caught in the act: Israeli soldier filmed killing Palestinian

Deafening Silence from Ethiopia
The Ethiopian government is cracking down on journalists and NGOs. Where's the outrage from the international community?

US corporations have $1.4tn hidden in tax havens, claims Oxfam report
Charity analysis of the 50 biggest US businesses claims Apple have $181bn held offshore, while General Electric has $119bn and Microsoft $108bn

Armenian Brown Bears Moved to Sanctuary After Months of Behind-the-Scenes Efforts by Activists

Chart Book: Cuts in Federal Assistance Have Exacerbated Families’ Struggles to Afford Housing

With Second Strike Looming, Twin Cities Janitors Clean Up

Homan Square is Chicago's new 'House of Screams'
In the 1970s and 80s, torture at one Chicago police station earned it a sinister nickname. Is history repeating itself?

Hillary Clinton blames NYC mayor for racially charged sketch

How Chicago Activists Won a Trauma Center at U of C

The Obama Administration Is Out Of Patience For The Supreme Court’s Birth Control Tomfoolery

Wyoming Dems' Exec Director Responds to Caucus 'Surrogate Vote' Concerns

Cruz likely to block Trump on a second ballot at convention

Bernie Sanders Joins Verizon Picket Line in NYC

In West Virginia, Fracking Wastewater May Be Messing With Hormones

The Welcome Rebellion in the Democratic Party

Jim Hightower | How Do You Make Change Happen? Show Up
-- Jim Hightower on BuzzFlash at Truthout

Matthew Heimbach, Who Shoved Black Woman at Trump Rally, Is Also "White Student Union" Kid

U.S. regulators fail 'living wills' at 5 of 8 big banks

Donald Trump Is the New P.T. Barnum

Former Attorneys General Urge Pardon for Don Siegelman

First came the Breathalyzer, now meet the roadside police “textalyzer”

The Pay Gap Is Costing Women $500 Billion Per Year

An ‘Unqualified’ Success at Media Manipulation

Confederate emblem 'anti-American,' judge in flag case says

Charitable Plutocracy: Bill Gates, Washington State and the Nuisance of Democracy

The Dark Money Is on a Contested Convention and Paul Ryan

Former Speaker Hastert’s Hypocrisy of the Highest Order
-- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout

William Rivers Pitt | New York: The Beginning of the End of the Beginning

Trump Uses Eric Garner’s Dying Words To Mock Mitt Romney; His Supporters Roar With Laughter

'We're prepared to stay as long as it takes': Protesters occupy Indigenous and Northern Affairs office

Why World Leaders Are Terrified of Water Shortages

Elizabeth Warren Has Basically Had It With Paul Krugman’s Big Bank Nonsense

Obama's Victory Dance in Argentina

5 Republican Governors Who Are Currently Being Sued

This Regulatory Move Stopped $35 Billion in Tax Avoidance from One Merger Alone

Great Barrier Reef disaster is the latest harbinger of a global mass extinction

Amazon megadam: European companies line up to bid for giant new hydro project

Strawberries Top Dirty Dozen List of Produce Containing Pesticides

North Carolina’s ‘Fairness’ Executive Order Is a Bust

Insults and rape threats. Writers shouldn’t have to deal with this

Hormone Disruptors: Everyday Poisons in Non-Organic Food, Body Care Products, Water Bottles and Home Furniture

A Short History of the Pentagon Wasting Your Money

CO2's Role in Global Warming Has Been on the Oil Industry's Radar Since the 1960s

GOP Governors Ask Congress to Allow Failed Drug Testing Policy for Welfare Recipients

The 'Trump Effect' in Schools: How Trump's Hate Speech Is Traumatizing America's Children
Report finds students of color are enduring escalated attacks, with many living fear of deportation—and even slavery.

Young Sanders Fans Pledge Solidarity With Verizon Strikers -- Even if It Means Slower Internet

Missing and Murdered: No One Knows How Many Native Women Have Disappeared

This Is An Uprising, a book review

Public Concern Growing with Looming Release of GM Mosquitoes in Florida

Q&A;: Who Will and Who Won’t Get Prop. 47 Funding?

Peabody's Bankruptcy: A Giant Falls, but Its Obligations Remain
-- Mary Anne Hitt for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Flint was 'perfect storm' for water crisis, experts tell Congressional committee

Does the OneNYC Sustainability Plan Really Address Equity?
New York City’s environmental justice leaders offer ideas to strengthen Mayor Bill de Blasio’s equity goals

Two Years After the Nigerian Girls Were Taken

Bernie Sanders Joins Verizon Workers' Picket Line

High on Irrationality: At the UN Drugs Summit, It’s Time to Climb Down

Court rules warrantless collection of cellphone location data constitutional
A federal court of appeals rejected a constitutional challenge from two convicted robbers making it more likely that the US supreme court will consider the issue

Anaerobic Alchemy: Cities and Farms Look to Turn Waste into Energy

Uncertainty and legal limbo further complicate refugee trauma at Idomeni camp

Blackwater's Erik Prince Pursuing Secret Air Force
-- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Legalizing hatred in Mississippi

Coal exports stopped by Lummi Nation fishing rights?

Class Action Shows Ramifications of the No-Fly List Beyond the Airport

Panama Papers Offer More Evidence That Free Trade Isn’t Really Free

No Answers in the Murder of Berta Cáceres

Two Guys From Brooklyn: The Bernie Sanders Interview by Spike Lee

The New Propaganda War

Why Thousands of Americans Are Lining Up to Get Arrested in D.C. This Week

Skin Problems Leave Many in Flint Afraid to Shower

Media Silent as Massive Protest in DC Fills Jails Beyond Capacity

"She's Baldly Lying": Human Rights Expert on Hillary Clinton's Defense of Her Role in Honduras Coup

FDIC, Fed Rulings Could See Five "Too-Big-to-Fail" Wall Street Firms Broken Up by 2018
Regulators said that the Dodd-Frank-mandated resolution plans of five banks were "not credible," setting in motion a process that could see the banks broken up.

Presidential Debate Moderators Scarcely Ask Questions About Campaign Finance Reform, Study Reveals
-- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout

Fatal LAPD shooting of homeless man was unjustified, police commission says

About 40,000 unionized Verizon workers walk off the job

Is the World Bank Snatching Climate Defeat From the Jaws of Victory?
-- Carl Pope of EcoWatch on BuzzFlash at Truthout

What's Fueling the Clinton Campaign?
The Greenpeace activist who confronted Hillary Clinton over her oil-soaked campaign funds exposed the rot at the heart of the US political system: political leaders beholden to special interests.

Top Republicans may skip GOP convention

Occupy Wall Street rises up for Sanders

The Time Ted Cruz Defended a Ban on Dildos
His legal team argued there was no right "to stimulate one's genitals."

Mossack Fonseca's Panama offices raided as tax investigators meet in Paris
Police search Panama offices to ‘establish the use of illicit activities’ including money laundering and financing terrorism