Arianna Huffington
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Arianna Huffington is the co-founder, president, and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post Media Group, and author of fifteen books.

In May 2005, she launched The Huffington Post, a news and blog site that quickly became one of the most widely-read, linked to, and frequently-cited media brands on the Internet. In 2012, the site won a Pulitzer Prize for national reporting.

She has been named to Time Magazine's list of the world’s 100 most influential people and the Forbes Most Powerful Women list. Originally from Greece, she moved to England when she was 16 and graduated from Cambridge University with an M.A. in economics. At 21, she became president of the famed debating society, the Cambridge Union.

She serves on numerous boards, including The Center for Public Integrity and The Committee to Protect Journalists.

Her 15th book, The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life One Night At A Time, on the science, history and mystery of sleep, was published in April 2016 and became an instant New York Times Bestseller.

Entries by Arianna Huffington

제니퍼 애니스톤과의 대화 | 그녀가 숙면을 취하는 비결

(0) Comments | Posted April 10, 2016 | 2:50 PM

나는 최근 제니퍼 애니스톤과 이야기를 나눌 기회가 있었다. 애니스톤은 뛰어난 배우일 뿐 아니라 라이프스타일 아이콘이기도 하다. 나는 만성 통증, 자살, 비탄, 중독성 물질 남용 등의 주제를 다룬 2014년작 '케이크'에서의 애니스톤의 연기는 결코 잊지 못할 것이다. 다양한 웰빙 관련 주제를 다룬 대화를 나누며, 나는 우리가 공유하는 열정 중 하나인 수면에 대한...

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Sunday Roundup

(20) Comments | Posted April 10, 2016 | 12:00 AM

This week the presidential circus rolled into Wisconsin, with Ted Cruz scoring a big victory against a stumbling Trump. New York Magazine's Gabriel Sherman suggested those wobbles might be due to burnout. "People who know Trump say they've never seen him so tired," he wrote. Supporting...

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졸음운전의 위험에서 깨어날 때

(0) Comments | Posted April 6, 2016 | 10:04 AM

음주 운전이 위험하다는 건 우리 모두 알고 있다. 피곤할 때의 운전은 어떨까? 미국인 중 60%는 작년에 최소 한 번은 졸면서 운전해 본 적이 있다고 시인했다. 수면 부족은 알코올 만큼이나 우리의 판단력을 흐리고, 사망 사고로 이어질 확률도 음주 운전과 거의 같다.

1982년부터 2014년까지 음주 운전 사망자가 줄어든 것은 우연이 아니다. 정부,...

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My Q and A With Jennifer Aniston On Her Secrets To A Good Night's Sleep

(29) Comments | Posted April 6, 2016 | 8:41 AM

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Jennifer Aniston, who is not only one of our most gifted actors but a lifestyle icon for millions. I will never forget her performance in last year's "Cake," which tackled themes like chronic pain, suicide, grief, and substance abuse. In a conversation...

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قُد متيقظاً!

(0) Comments | Posted April 5, 2016 | 5:24 PM

يتجنب الجميع القيادة تحت تأثير الكحول لما لها من مخاطر معروفة، إذن ماذا عن قيادتك وأنت مُرهَق؟ اعترف 60% من الأميركيين بقيادتهم وهم مرهقون على الأقل مرة واحدة في العام الماضي، لكن الحرمان من النوم له تأثيراً مماثلاً للكحول أثناء القيادة، ما قد يؤدي إلى حادث مميت.

ليس مفاجئاً أن...

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Μια «αφύπνιση» για να σταματήσουμε να οδηγούμε όταν είμαστε κουρασμένοι

(0) Comments | Posted April 5, 2016 | 4:23 PM

Όλοι ξέρουμε ότι είναι επικίνδυνο να οδηγείς υπό την επήρεια αλκόολ -αλλά τι γίνεται όταν είμαστε κουρασμένοι; Πάνω από 60% των Αμερικανών παραδέχεται ότι οδήγησε κουρασμένος τουλάχιστον μία φορά, τη χρονιά που μας πέρασε. Παρόλα αυτά, η έλλειψη ύπνου βλάπτει την κρίση μας όσο και το αλκοόλ- και είναι το...

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Ein Weckruf: Lass das Auto stehen, wenn du müde bist

(0) Comments | Posted April 5, 2016 | 4:04 PM

Wir alle wissen, dass es gefährlich ist zu fahren, wenn man etwas getrunken hat. Aber wie verhält es sich, wenn man müde ist? Über 60 Prozent der Amerikaner geben zu, dass sie sich mindestens einmal im vergangenen Jahr hinter das Steuer gesetzt haben, obwohl sie müde waren. Dabei beeinträchtigt Schlafentzug...

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Una llamada de atención para acabar con la somnolencia al volante

(0) Comments | Posted April 5, 2016 | 11:07 AM

Todos sabemos que es peligroso ponerse al volante después de haber bebido, pero ¿y qué pasa cuando estamos cansados? Más del 60% de los estadounidenses admiten haber conducido con sueño al menos una vez el último año. La falta de sueño afecta a la toma de decisiones igual que el...

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Precisamos acordar para o problema do sono ao volante

(0) Comments | Posted April 5, 2016 | 10:56 AM

Todos sabemos que é perigoso dirigir depois de beber -- mas o que acontece quando estamos cansados? Mais de 60% dos americanos admitem que dirigiram com sono pelo menos uma vez no último ano. A privação de sono prejudica nosso julgamento tanto quanto o álcool -- e significa que as...

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Il est temps de se réveiller: la conduite en état de somnolence est dangereuse!

(1) Comments | Posted April 5, 2016 | 10:48 AM

Nous savons tous qu'il est dangereux de prendre le volant quand on a bu. Mais pense-t-on suffisamment aux risques d'accidents de la route liés au manque de sommeil? Plus de 60% des Américains admettent avoir conduit dans un état de grande fatigue au moins une fois au cours des douze...

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Un segnale d'allarme contro la sonnolenza alla guida

(0) Comments | Posted April 5, 2016 | 10:24 AM

Sappiamo tutti quanto sia pericoloso mettersi al volante dopo aver bevuto, ma si dice poco su quanto sia pericoloso guidare quando siamo stanchi. Oltre il sessanta percento degli statunitensi ammette di aver guidato nonostante avesse sonno almeno una volta nel corso dell'anno passato. Eppure la mancanza di riposo altera i...

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A Wake-Up Call to End Drowsy Driving

(38) Comments | Posted April 5, 2016 | 9:00 AM

We all know it's dangerous to get behind the wheel when we've been drinking -- but what about when we're tired? Over 60 percent of Americans admit they've driven while drowsy at least once in the past year. Yet sleep deprivation impairs our judgment just as much as alcohol --...

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Introducing 'Talk To Me': Authentic Conversations Between Parents And Children

(0) Comments | Posted April 5, 2016 | 6:30 AM


By almost any measure, I'm very close to my parents. We speak an inordinate number of times a day, and I have yet to see a therapist who hasn't lightly suggested that my transition to adulthood might be a bit smoother with the establishment of a firmer parent-child boundary...

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(1) Comments | Posted April 5, 2016 | 5:11 AM


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Talk to Me | 부모와 자녀 사이의 진솔한 대화

(0) Comments | Posted April 4, 2016 | 11:44 PM

* 허핑턴포스트 인터내셔널 캠페인 'Talk to Me' 론칭을 맞아 아리아나 허핑턴과 그녀의 딸이자 이 캠페인을 제안한 크리스티나 허핑턴의 블로그를 번역 소개합니다. 이 글은 허핑턴포스트 미국판 등 15개 국제 에디션에 함께 게재됐습니다.

크리스티나 허핑턴

나는 어떤 기준으로 봐도 부모님과 아주 가깝다. 우리는 하루에도 엄청나게 자주 이야기를 나누고,...

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Parle-moi / Talk to Me: quand parents et enfants se parlent enfin

(0) Comments | Posted April 4, 2016 | 6:42 PM


Je suis très proche de mes parents à bien des égards. Je ne saurais même pas dire combien de fois on s'appelle par jour et tous les thérapeutes que j'ai rencontrés jusqu'ici ont remarqué mine de rien que la transition vers l'âge adulte serait un...

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حملة "كلمني" #TalkToMe: حوارات حقيقية بين جيلي الآباء والأبناء (بين آريانا وكريستينا هافينغتون)

(1) Comments | Posted April 4, 2016 | 4:57 PM

أستطيع القول إني مقربة من والديَّ على كافة الأصعدة؛ فنحن نتحادث معاً عدة مرات في اليوم، كما أنه ما من خبير نفسي جلستُ معه إلا ونصحني جديًّا أنَّ دخولي مرحلة البلوغ سيكون أيسر وأسلس في وجود حدود وضوابط أمتن للعلاقة بيني وبين والديَّ (مع العلم أن مفهوم حدود...

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"Talk To Me": Αληθινές συζητήσεις μεταξύ γονέων και παιδιών

(0) Comments | Posted April 4, 2016 | 4:32 PM


Από κάθε άποψη, είμαι πολύ κοντά με τους γονείς μου. Μιλάμε υπερβολικά πολλές φορές μέσα στη μέρα, και δεν έχω βρει κάποιο ψυχοθεραπευτή που να μην έχει -έστω και ελαφρώς- προτείνει ότι η μετάβαση στην ενήλικη ζωή θα ήταν πιο ομαλή αν υπήρχε αυστηρό όριο στη σχέση γονέα-παιδιού...

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Talk to Me: Ehrliche Gespräche zwischen Eltern und Kindern

(0) Comments | Posted April 4, 2016 | 3:02 PM

Talk to Me: Ehrliche Gespräche zwischen Eltern und Kindern- Christina Huffington und Arianna Huffington


Egal welchen Maßstab man anlegt, ich habe ein sehr enges Verhältnis zu meinen Eltern. Wir sprechen unzählige Male am Tag miteinander, und ich habe mit noch keinem Therapeuten gesprochen, der nicht subtil angedeutet...

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Presentiamo Talk To Me: conversazioni autentiche tra genitori e figli

(1) Comments | Posted April 4, 2016 | 2:48 PM

Sono molto vicina ai miei genitori, non c'è dubbio. Parliamo fin troppe volte al giorno e non ho ancora incontrato un analista che non mi abbia detto, con eleganza, che il mio passaggio all'età adulta potrebbe essere leggermente più tranquillo se fissiamo un confine genitore/figlio più stabile (confine,...

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