Sump is a term used in caving to describe a passage in a cave that is submerged under water. A sump may be static, with no inward or outward flow, or active, with continuous through-flow. Static sumps may also be connected underwater to active stream passage.
Short sumps may be passed simply by holding one's breath while ducking through the submerged section (for example Sump 1 in Swildon's Hole). This is known as "free diving" and can only be attempted if the sump is known to be short and not technically difficult (e.g. constricted or requiring navigation). Longer and more technically difficult sumps can only be passed by cave diving (as happened repeatedly in the recent exploration of Krubera Cave).
When practical, a sump can also be drained using buckets, pumps or siphons. Pumping the water away requires the inward flow of water into the sump to be less than the rate at which the pump empties it, as well as a suitable place to collect the emptied water. Upstream sumps have been successfully emptied using hoses to siphon water out of them, such as at the Sinkhole Dersios during exploration in 2005. The water was sent deeper into the sinkhole and the emptied sumps revealed virgin passage behind them. During a rescue from a beyond a downstream sump at Sarkhos Cave in 2002, water was pumped upstream into a dam constructed a few metres above the flooded passage.
A cave or cavern is a natural underground space large enough for a human to enter. The term applies to natural cavities some part of which is in total darkness. The word cave also refers to smaller spaces like rock shelters, sea caves, and grottos.
Speleology is the science of exploration and study of all aspects of caves and the environment which surrounds the caves. Exploring a cave for recreation or science may be called caving, potholing, or, in Canada and the United States, spelunking (see caving).
The formation and development of caves is known as speleogenesis. Caves are formed by various geologic processes. These may involve a combination of chemical processes, erosion from water, tectonic forces, microorganisms, pressure, atmospheric influences, and even digging.
Most caves are formed in limestone by dissolution.
Solutional caves are the most frequently occurring caves and such caves form in rock that is soluble, such as limestone, but can also form in other rocks, including chalk, dolomite, marble, salt, and gypsum. Rock is dissolved by natural acid in groundwater that seeps through bedding-planes, faults, joints and so on. Over geological epochs cracks expand to become caves or cave systems.
Elk River Cave - Crazy Cave Diving Restriction - Sump 1
Peak Cavern to Far Sump Extensions - A Caving Trip
Swildons Hole Sump One Caving Trip
Diving the terminal sump in Cave of the Wild Horses
Swildons Hole Mendip UK caving sump 1 free diving cave ladder pitch underground adventures
Floral City Cave Sump Dive
Rats Nest Cave Sump 1
Rats Nest Cave Sump 3
Negotiating the North Bore Cave Sump
Swildon's Hole Mendip UK Caving Short round trip Cave sump 1 troubles ladder pitch
Cave Diving Dip Sump OFD 12-7-14
Through The Sump in Snedegars Cave
Southerscales Sump (Great Douk Cave)
Snail Shell Cave Sump 1
Elk River Cave - Crazy Cave Diving Restriction - Sump 1
Peak Cavern to Far Sump Extensions - A Caving Trip
Swildons Hole Sump One Caving Trip
Diving the terminal sump in Cave of the Wild Horses
Swildons Hole Mendip UK caving sump 1 free diving cave ladder pitch underground adventures
Floral City Cave Sump Dive
Rats Nest Cave Sump 1
Rats Nest Cave Sump 3
Negotiating the North Bore Cave Sump
Swildon's Hole Mendip UK Caving Short round trip Cave sump 1 troubles ladder pitch
Cave Diving Dip Sump OFD 12-7-14
Through The Sump in Snedegars Cave
Southerscales Sump (Great Douk Cave)
Snail Shell Cave Sump 1
Cave Diving Sump Exploration Story
Swildon's Hole Mendip UK Caving cave Sump one fun GoPro Hero 3
Webster Cave Mulu Sump Solo Traverse
C My Shovel Cave • Sump 1
Cave Diving at Ink Sump "Plugs and Feathers"
Reed's Cave Upstream Sump
Webster Cave Mulu Sump Part 1
Webster Cave Mulu Sump Part 2
Pumping the sump in Ireby Fell Cavern.flv
CM Cave • Adventure
Peak Cavern - Lumbago walk sump A/3
Plymouth University Adventure and Expedition Caving Weekend 04-07/05/12
In Search of Tayos Lost Gold
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion E06: We Found Sumpthing!
The Lost Cave of Cheddar
Lost Johns Cave, Leck Fell, Lancashire
UTG_Jewell: Huautla Cave Diving Expedition Presentation
Minecraft Far Lands or Bust - #152 - Spider Sump Pump
Deep, The Story of Stormy Pot
How to Build a Wildlife Pond: Part 5 - Installing a Dipping Platform and Hibernaculum
11 - Otter Hole Cave
Tennessee Cave Diving/ 2nd Descent
Spring Creek • Shower Stall • Sump Dive
[CAVEX Team] Krubera-Voronya 2003 [English]
Journey Towards The Center Of The Earth
Emergence Du Ressel
Little Gator Siphon Cave Dive
Extreme Cave Diving Documentary 720p HD Documentary HD
A cave in Yorkshire
TDI Full Cave Florida
Potholing Jackpot P8 Sump Summer 1989
Cave of the Weeping Angels, First Downstream Exploration Dive
Bradt Sink Sump
Sump Meaning
How To Pronounce Sump - Pronunciation Academy
Downstream totara cave
CM Cave • Adventure
1024 MC sump
Okupata Sump
Otter Hole Sump, Low Water.
Pumping the sump in Ireby Fell Cavern
Simon Near The Sump. Adventure Caving Advanced Day.