- published: 13 Sep 2016
- views: 7803
Isaac (/ˈaɪzək/;Hebrew: יִצְחָק, Modern Yitskhak, Tiberian Yiṣḥāq, ISO 259-3 Yiçḥaq, "[he] will laugh"; Ancient Greek: Ἰσαάκ Isaak Arabic: إسحاق or إسحٰقʼIsḥāq) as described in the Hebrew Bible and the Qur'an, was the second son of Abraham, the only son Abraham had with his wife Sarah, and the father of Jacob and Esau. According to the Book of Genesis, Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born, and Sarah was past 90.
According to the Genesis narrative, Abraham brought Isaac to Mount Moriah, where, at God's command, Abraham built a sacrificial altar to sacrifice Isaac. This event served as a test of Abraham's faith. At the last moment an angel stopped him.
Isaac was one of the three patriarchs of the Israelites. Isaac was the only biblical patriarch whose name was not changed, and the only one who did not move out of Canaan. Compared to Abraham and Jacob, the Bible relates fewer incidents of Isaac's life. He died when he was 180 years old, making him the longest-lived of the three.
Isaac Lucas | GT 1st XV Highlights
SERÁ QUE EU VOMITEI? (ft. Lucas Ranngel)
Isaac Lucas C-Blues at Beechwood Acres, Wilmington OH
CDMB #11 - BEIJINHO DE NUTELLA (ft. Isaac Do Vine)
Isaac Lucas sings wild one
Os Melhores Vines Brasil - Lucas Rangel & Isaac
Isaac Lucas 5th grade talent show - Chuck Berry
Lucas Reis e Thacio x João Vitor e Isaac
Queensland & Australian Schoolboys 10, Isaac Lucas is one of the most exciting flyhalf prospects I have seen. All round talent with steps off the left & right, his escapability is off the charts making him hard to bring down. Passing both ways is accurate (long & short) and kicking out-of-hand is good as well. Highlights from GPS season with Gregory Terrace.
► Inscreva-se aqui ➜ https://t.co/NqtU851d3G ► Deixe seu like pra fortalecer a amizade! ► LUCAS RANNGEL ➜ http://bit.ly/1eyB2mG ► "O LIVRO DO ISAAC" ➜ http://bit.ly/1SjxQYP ► EVENTO EM RECIFE ➜ http://bit.ly/1Yd0z7V ► EVENTO EM BELO HORIZONTE ➜ http://bit.ly/28oGRuS ► CONTATO: isaacdovineoficial@gmail.com ► MINHAS REDES SOCIAIS: ➜ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/isaacdovine ➜ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/isaacdovineoficial ➜ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/isaacdovine ➜ Snapchat: isaacdovine
13 y.o self taught musician rocking some Johnny Cash
Fique de olho nas minhas redes sociais: - TWITTER: http://twitter.com/lucasranngel - INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/lucasranngel - FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/lucasranngel - VINE: http://vine.co/lucas.rangel - SNAPCHAT: lucasranngel E NAS DO ISAAC TAMBÉM: - CANAL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxyk5VZ-BY-5rvIx1_Zx9wA - TWITTER: http://twitter.com/isaacdovine - INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/isaacdovine Espero que tenha se divertido com o vídeo!! Um beijo!
► "O LIVRO DO ISAAC" ➜ http://bit.ly/1SjxQYP ► Inscreva-se aqui ➜ https://t.co/NqtU851d3G ► Deixe seu like pra fortalecer a amizade! ► CONTATO: isaacdovineoficial@gmail.com ➜ CAIXA POSTAL: 5836 ➜ CEP: 41820-970 ➜ Salvador-BA ► MINHAS REDES SOCIAIS: ➜ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/isaacdovine ➜ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/isaacdovineoficial ➜ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/isaacdovine ➜ Snapchat: isaacdovine
VINE BY : Lucas Rangel https://vine.co/lucas.rangel Isaac https://vine.co/u/1093630842481364992 SIGA NOSSAS REDES SOCIAIS Twitter https://twitter.com/VinesPTBR Facebook https://www.facebook.com/VINESpTBR ENVIE O LINK DE SEU VINE : Ask: http://ask.fm/VinesPTBR
cantoria de viola
Pânico na Band 03.04.2016 INSCREVA-SE JÁ NO CANAL: https://www.youtube.com/programapanico?sub_confirmation=1 (esse vídeo é parte da playlist Pânico Na Band Completo HD)
Isaac Flores abiertamente habla con nosotros sobre la ruptura del grupo en el que era miembro. Segun su declaracion hacia nuestros lentes, nos dice que mientras estaba en Los Leones NYC se sentia como que el era un "Relleno" del grupo, sin saber como los demas del grupo lo vaya a tomar. Pero desde que el lanza de manera voluntaria su propio tema "Cuando el publico se junta" y aparte de eso lanza tambien un track titulado "Disneylandia" y que atravez de esos dos temas, siente como el en particula atrae la atencion del publico de Los Leones nuevamente. Ademas, durante esa misma declaracion del porque Los Leones logra desintegrarse aun luego de hacerse notable la atencion de la audiencia hacia el mencionado grupo musical. El Joven Lavoe nos declara con certeza de que el grupo se habia desint...
Sera ragazzi io sono Dav e oggi siamo qui per la prima volta su The Binding of Isaac ... Buona Visione !
Episode 88 de Isaac Afterbirth, où j'explore des mods en attendant la venue d'Afterbirth+ !! Par le pouvoir du D100, j'invoque un bon combo !! Seed : 7VY2 7ASR Heretic Mod: https://moddingofisaac.com/mod/413/heretic-mod Missing HUD 2 : https://github.com/networkMe/missinghud2/releases -------------------- Retrouvez moi sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/Erwan92i Venez me voir en live sur Twitch : http://www.twitch.tv/erwan92i Si vous voulez faire des dons pour améliorer la qualité des vidéos, vous pouvez aller ici : https://www.twitchalerts.com/donate/erwan92i
Ja, Habe vergesseh die Items hier hereinzuschreiben. Sorry :/ ►►► Links/Social Media ◄◄◄ _____________________________________________________ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FoxyWorld Twitter: https://twitter.com/mrmrnightfox Merch: https://bit.ly/FoxyShop _____________________________________________________ ►►► Highlight Einsenden ◄◄◄ Du hast in diesem Video ein Highlight entdeckt? Dann sende es mir über dieses Formular zu! http://goo.gl/forms/tkqVXqLMIQ _____________________________________________________ Spiel: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (2014) Publisher: Nicalis Plattform: Steam/Windows Kommentiertes Gameplay von MrMrNightfox Bitte unterstütz die Spieleentwickler und kauft euch das Spiel original von dem Händler eures Vertrauens!
Siema! Witam cię na moim kanale. Znajdziesz tutaj sporo contentu, którego nigdzie indziej nie ma! Obecnie na polskim YT nie istnieje drugi kanał który prezentuje aż takie lamienie :D Zapraszam cie jesli jestes miłośnikiem indie, gier z kosza i AAA Pozdro!
Здравейте хора! Това е моята поредица на мини играта The Binding Of Isaac Afterbirth ! Надявам се да се забавляваме заедно ! ;) Всеки лайк и коментар е страхотна радост за мен. Благодаря Ви ! Надявам се да Ви харесват клипчетата.
Test record with OBS + item tracker for more game information - items/stats/etc. Let me know which version you think will be better - this one (with item tracker) or like previous videos (Bandicam without item tracker). I guess Bandicam version looks a little bit better but still. The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth Daily Run for 13th October, 2016.
Wiz Khalifa Isaac Hayes ft Tuki Carter & Chevy Woods
► Inscreva-se aqui ➜ https://t.co/NqtU851d3G ► Curtiu? Clique no joinha! ➜ Contato: isaacdovineoficial@gmail.com - Segue aí: ➜ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/isaacdovine ➜ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/isaacdovineoficial ➜ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/isaacdovine ➜ Snapchat: isaacdovine
www.iglesiadeciudadreal.es - Tarde 14 agosto Lucas 24:13-35 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960) En el camino a Emaús (Mr. 16.12-13) 13 Y he aquí, dos de ellos iban el mismo día a una aldea llamada Emaús, que estaba a sesenta estadios de Jerusalén. 14 E iban hablando entre sí de todas aquellas cosas que habían acontecido. 15 Sucedió que mientras hablaban y discutían entre sí, Jesús mismo se acercó, y caminaba con ellos. 16 Mas los ojos de ellos estaban velados, para que no le conociesen. 17 Y les dijo: ¿Qué pláticas son estas que tenéis entre vosotros mientras camináis, y por qué estáis tristes? 18 Respondiendo uno de ellos, que se llamaba Cleofas, le dijo: ¿Eres tú el único forastero en Jerusalén que no has sabido las cosas que en ella han acontecido en estos días? 19 Entonces él les dijo...
Dê uma força ao Lucas di Grassi: envie um tweet ou faça um post no Facebook usando as hashtags #FanBoost e #LucasdiGrassi (ambas na mesma publicação). Valeu! Canal de livestreams: http://www.azubu.tv/brksedu Vídeos de Isaac de outros canais recomendados: - ClickNoPlay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo65-DirMxQ - Jersey Rebox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rhyqMpBsNQ - MrTonnyGamer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GK8EFNpBRA - PressKeyToPlay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYmaxOiWwVM - GameWithPedro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eegPri9FAw Onde baixar / download de The Binding of Isaac: Steam / PS Store / Nintendo eShop Segundo canal: http://www.youtube.com/PequenoSapeca Snapchat: brksedu Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/BRKsEDU Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PequenoSapec...
This piece is an extended interview from the Indie Game: The Movie Special Edition. Binding of Isaac Rebirth is available right now! http://store.steampowered.com/app/250900/ Pickup the Indie Game: The Movie Special Edition at: http://indiegamethemovie.com Enter the code 'ISAAC!' and receive 50%off (The Special Edition Includes this piece, another Isaac design piece and 100+ minutes of other short films, epilogues and interviews) Huge thanks to Lucas Parsy for generously doing and offering the English and French subtitles. Thank you Lucas!
En 'Profetas de la Ciencia Ficción' del canal DiscoveryMAX, el director Ridley Scott te invita a destapar todos los secretos de uno de los géneros más complejos de todos los tiempos, la ciencia ficción. El director de películas tan taquilleras como 'Alien' o 'Gladiator' mostrará, con la ayuda de declaraciones y testimonios de grandes personalidades relacionadas con el género, que la realidad en ocasiones supera la ficción. 'Profetas de la Ciencia Ficción' está compuesto por ocho episodios de una hora de duración dedicados a una figura clave del género como Julio Verne, Mary Shelley o Georges Lucas. En cada uno de ellos, descubriremos cómo lo que empezó siendo un mero sueño de estos visionarios se ha convertido en inspiración para el desarrollo de la humanidad y en sorprendentes avances cie...
X-Men: Apocalypse Comic Con Panel in full with Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique), Michael Fassbender (Magneto), Hugh Jackman (Wolverine), Sophie Turner (Jean Grey), James McAvoy (Charles Xavier), Nicholas Hoult (Beast), Oscar Isaac (Apocalypse), Olivia Munn (Psylocke), Evan Peters (Quicksilver), Kodi Smit-McPhee (Nightcrawler), Tye Sheridan (Cyclops), Lucas Till (Havok), Lana Condor (Jubilee), Ben Hardy (Angel), Alexandra Shipp (Storm), director Bryan Singer & writer Simon Kinberg! Watch more Comic Con 2015 Panels & Interviews ► http://bit.ly/ComicCon2015PanelsInterviews Subscribe for more! ► http://bit.ly/FlicksSubscribe N.B. Footage, clips, previews, trailers & sneak peeks shown at Comic Con panels are not included in this video, as these are not allowed to be filmed. Movie & TV Interviews...
20th Century Fox Panel - X-Men: Apocalypse at Comic-Con 2015 moderated by Chris Hardwick. On the panel: Bryan Singer, Hugh Jackman, Evan Peters, Simon Kinberg, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, Oscar Isaac, Lucas Till, Lana Condor, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Nicholas Hoult, Olivia Munn, Ben Hardy, Alexandra Shipp, and appearance by Stan Lee. All my Comic-Con videos are taken with a video camera but I don't have a tripod so please excuse the sometimes not-so-great quality. There may be some shakiness as I'm holding that camera all day at several panels and sometimes have to quickly adjust for people walking in front of the camera or the people in front of me leaning into the frame.
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