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Epic History: World War One - 1918
Armistice 1918
HOW IT HAPPENED: The Terrible Pandemic of 1918 (720p)
flu pandemic 1918 Full Documentary
America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918 (720p)
1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 4. Slaughter
20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front
А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»
1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 1.  Explosion
11 novembre 1918, le dernier assaut pour l'armistice
1918 Spanish Influenza Virus

Year 1918 (MCMXVIII) was a common year starting on Tuesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar and a common year starting on Monday of the 13-day-slower Julian calendar.

Below, events of World War I have the "WWI" prefix.

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  • Epic History: World War One - 1918

    'World War One: 1918' is the concluding part of Epic History TV's blow-by-blow account of the war, charting the events of its final year. Aviation artwork thanks to Russell Smith Studios Help me make more history videos by pledging $1 per video: 1918 is the year that Woodrow Wilson unveils his 'Fourteen Points' as the basis for future world peace. Meanwhile Bolshevik Russia quits the war by signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, freeing up half a million German troops for General Ludendorff's last ditch attempt to win all-out victory on the Western Front. His Spring Offensive, also known as the Kaiserschlacht, or 'Kaiser's Battle', comes tantalising close to success, but is finally halted by British and Australian troops at A...
  • Armistice 1918

    Another great documentary by Professor David Reynolds. In this film he examines the circumstances of the 1918 Armistice from both sides, using some excellent archive footage. It will be of great value to students of this period and the event itself. Uploaded for educational purposes only. Any advertising that appears is unbidden, and all videos in this collection are unmonetised.
  • HOW IT HAPPENED: The Terrible Pandemic of 1918 (720p)

    This educational history documentary covers the 1918 flu pandemic (January 1918December 1920) which was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus. It infected 500 million people across the world, including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world's population), making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history. Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients; in contrast, the 1918 pandemic predominantly killed previously healthy young adults. Modern research, using virus taken from the bodies of frozen victims, has concluded that the virus kills through a cytokine storm (overreactio...
  • flu pandemic 1918 Full Documentary

    The 1918 flu pandemic (January 1918December 1920) was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus.[1] It infected 500 million people across the world,[2] including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world's population[3]), making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history.[2][4][5][6] Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients; in contrast, the 1918 pandemic predominantly killed previously healthy young adults. Modern research, using virus taken from the bodies of frozen victims, has concluded that the virus kills through a cytokine storm (overreaction of the body's immune system)...
  • America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918 (720p)

  • 1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 4. Slaughter

    A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material.
  • 20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front

  • А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»

    В среду, 25 февраля, в 19-00, в рамках кафедры истории «Новой газеты» состоялась лекция доктора исторических наук, ответственного редактора книги «История России. ХХ век», Андрея Борисовича Зубова. Тема: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году».
  • 1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 1. Explosion

    A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material.

    La gripe española (también conocida como la gran pandemia de gripe, la epidemia de gripe de 1918 o la gran gripe) fue una pandemia de gripe de inusitada gravedad, causado por un brote de Influenza virus A del subtipo H1N1. Se cree que ha sido una de las pandemias más letales en la historia de la humanidad, a causa de la cual murieron entre 50 y 100 millones de personas en todo el mundo entre 1918 y 1920.1 2 3 4 5 Esta cifra de muertos que incluía una alta mortalidad infantil, se considera uno de los ejemplos de crisis de mortalidad.6 A diferencia de otras epidemias de gripe —que afectan básicamente a niños y ancianos—, muchas de sus víctimas fueron jóvenes y adultos saludables, y animales, entre ellos perros y gatos.7 8 La enfermedad se observó por primera vez en Fort Riley, el 28 de mayo...
  • 11 novembre 1918, le dernier assaut pour l'armistice

    Lundi 11 novembre 1918, 11 heures : dans toute la France, les cloches sonnent à la volée. Au front, les clairons bondissent sur les parapets et sonnent le « Cessez-le-Feu », « Levez-vous », « Au Drapeau ». La « Marseillaise » jaillit à pleins poumons des tranchées. Même soulagement en face, dans le camp allemand. Pour la première fois depuis quatre ans, Français et Allemands peuvent se regarder sans s'entretuer. Un armistice (arrêt des combats) a été conclu le matin entre les Alliés et l'Allemagne, dernière des Puissances Centrales à rendre les armes. Il laisse derrière lui huit millions de morts et six millions de mutilés. Les survivants ont perdu la foi dans les valeurs morales et spirituelles qui ont fait la grandeur et l'unité de l'Europe. Mais ils veulent croire que cette guerre qu...
  • 1918 Spanish Influenza Virus

    The 1918 Spanish Flu was a disaster that led to the forgotten fallen souls of millions of lives. At the time, there was no proper vaccine to deal with this virus replication. Subscribe for new videos: Watch the asbestos video here:;=27&list;=PLdSen-GVHIgh-yxysS-2bNtbvhzLxvSw9 Watch the smoking video here:;=24&list;=PLdSen-GVHIgh-yxysS-2bNtbvhzLxvSw9 What is it? According to a documentary the Spanish Flu was the world's most deadly pandemic, spreading from 1918-1919. Over the course of two years, it infected and killed over 50 million people. This disease gets its name from the Spanish media, which was the first to announce the epidemic after 8 million Spanish people died. ...
  • 1918 год. Лев Троцкий "Исторические хроники" Сто полнометражных фильмов о истории России.

    ‪‪ Другие фильмы из серии "Исторические хроники" ‪ «Канал История» Приглашает ! Фильмы, Репортажи, Материалы Если понравилось - присоединяйтесь. Думаю дальше будет интересней. С уважением Виктор Тарасов
  • 1918 - Novemberrevolution in Deutschland
  • Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918

    Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918 Die Dokumentation zeigt den Zusammenhang zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen 1914 - 1918 und 1939 - 1945. Der Frühling begann mit einem Paukenschlag. Eingeleitet durch ein fünfstündiges Trommelfeuer aus 6600 Geschützrohren, traten am 21. März 1918 über eine Million deutsche Soldaten zu einer massierten Offensive in Frankreich an - Deckname "Michael". Die deutsche Armeeführung erhoffte sich von diesem Befreiungsschlag den Durchbruch im vierten Jahr eines Stellungskrieges, der unermessliche Todesopfer gefordert hatte, ohne Boden gutzumachen. Zusätzliche Truppen, die nach dem Friedensschluss mit Lenins neuem Sowjetregime von der Ostfront herbeordert wurden, verstärkten das deutsche Aufgebot. Die Zeit drängte, zumal immer mehr fri...
  • 1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 3. Total War

    A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material.
  • 1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 7. Legacy

    A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material.
  • ירושלים 1918 Jerusalem

    ירושלים 1918 חשיפה של יעקב גרוס. סרט חובבים נדיר ומיוחד מציג את חיי היום יום בעיר העתיקה, בכותל המערבי, בשוק וברחוב יפו. שער שכם על תרנגולותיו ומקומות קדושים ליהודים: קבר דוד, קבר רחל, מעיין השילוח ויד אבשלום. המוסיקה מתוך רוח מדברית של נחצ'ה היימן הותאמה לסרט האילם במקור, באדיבותו והסרט נערך על ידי יעקב גרוס. הסרט נמצא אצל משפחה יהודית באמסטרדם ולא ברור אם אבי המשפחה ליקט את הקטעים או צילם אותם בעצמו כדי לעודד תיירות יהודית לירושלים לאחר הכיבוש הבריטי. ייתכן שחלק מהתמונות צולמו בתום העידן העות'מני. בסרט נראות החנויות החדשות ברחוב יפו של: שלמה כהן ובניו ושל א.י. לעדערבערג. הסרט הושג ע"י מאיר ברק, עובד והועלה לרשת ע"י יעקב גרוס מחבר הספר ירושלים תרע"ח - 1918. המעוניינים לרכוש עותק יכולים לפנות לת.ד. 909 גבעתיים 53108
  • Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914 1918

    Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914-1918.
  • Latvija. Ulmaņlaiki. 1 sērija (1918.gads)

    Vēsturiski-populārs raidījums par Latvijas vēsturi un sadzīvi laika posmā no 1918 līdz 1940 gadam.
  • AS 1.2 The German Revolution 1918-1919

    I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
  • Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin (HD)

    Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. As the butler introduces Charlie to the ill-tempered cook, Colonel Nutt demonstrates his new wireless explosive device to his daughter. Meanwhile, agents of the Pretzelstrass meet with the Count to devise a plan to get at Colonel Nutt's device. Charlie carelessly dumps garbage all over the maid and her newly clean floor. He takes the trash can and dumps it over the fence, inundating the Count in the process. Back in the kitchen, the maid scolds Charlie, but then becomes emotional, and he comforts her. The Count enters the house, and is hit by a wet rag thrown by the maid, intended for Charlie. The Count tosses it off to the side, and it winds up hitting the cook also, and when the cook begins to act c...
  • România Mare 1918 în imagini - Neagu Djuvara

    Grup Facebook - Trecut-au anii Fragment "Despre Marea Unire de la 1918" din "O scurtă istorie a românilor povestită celor tineri" de Neagu Djuvara
Epic History: World War One - 1918

Epic History: World War One - 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:44
  • Updated: 12 Apr 2016
  • views: 2726
'World War One: 1918' is the concluding part of Epic History TV's blow-by-blow account of the war, charting the events of its final year. Aviation artwork thanks to Russell Smith Studios Help me make more history videos by pledging $1 per video: 1918 is the year that Woodrow Wilson unveils his 'Fourteen Points' as the basis for future world peace. Meanwhile Bolshevik Russia quits the war by signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, freeing up half a million German troops for General Ludendorff's last ditch attempt to win all-out victory on the Western Front. His Spring Offensive, also known as the Kaiserschlacht, or 'Kaiser's Battle', comes tantalising close to success, but is finally halted by British and Australian troops at Amiens in April. In the skies over the Western Front, the air war intensifies, but the Allies are now dominant. On 21st April Germany's most famous ace, Manfred von Richthofen, the 'Red Baron', is shot down and killed. That spring US troops arrive in Europe in force. The US 1st Infantry Division goes into action at Cantigny, while US Marines and the US 2nd Infantry Division win a victory at Belleau Wood. US troops help to turn the tide as the Allies launch their Hundred Days Offensive, surging past the Hindenburg Line, and pursuing a defeated German army. In the Balkans, Allied victory at Dobro Pole leads to the collapse of the Bulgarian army and an armistice. British-led forces win victory in the Middle East at Megiddo, and go on to occupy Damascus and Aleppo. With the writing on the wall, the Ottoman Empire signs an armistice with the Allies at Mudros. Austria-Hungary soon follows suit, after defeat by Italy at the Battle of Vittorio Veneto. Shortages, military defeat and discontent lead to revolution in Germany. Sailors at the naval base at Kiel mutiny. The Kaiser is forced to abdicate, a republic is proclaimed, and an armistice signed with the Allies at Compiègne on 11th November 1918. In 1919 delegates meet at Versailles, outside Paris, to conclude a peace treaty. The Treaty of Versailles imposes a 'war guilt clause' on Germany, huge war reparations, and limits the size of its armed forces. It gives territory to its neighbours, and creates lasting resentment within Germany, later exploited by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party to foster a new German nationalism. History World War One 1918
Armistice 1918

Armistice 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 88:58
  • Updated: 03 Jan 2014
  • views: 174767
Another great documentary by Professor David Reynolds. In this film he examines the circumstances of the 1918 Armistice from both sides, using some excellent archive footage. It will be of great value to students of this period and the event itself. Uploaded for educational purposes only. Any advertising that appears is unbidden, and all videos in this collection are unmonetised. 1918
HOW IT HAPPENED: The Terrible Pandemic of 1918 (720p)

HOW IT HAPPENED: The Terrible Pandemic of 1918 (720p)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 54:24
  • Updated: 06 Apr 2015
  • views: 94709
This educational history documentary covers the 1918 flu pandemic (January 1918December 1920) which was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus. It infected 500 million people across the world, including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world's population), making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history. Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients; in contrast, the 1918 pandemic predominantly killed previously healthy young adults. Modern research, using virus taken from the bodies of frozen victims, has concluded that the virus kills through a cytokine storm (overreaction of the body's immune system). The strong immune reactions of young adults ravaged the body, whereas the weaker immune systems of children and middle-aged adults resulted in fewer deaths among those groups. To read more on this subject, goto: FOLLOW on: HOW IT HAPPENED playlist:;=PLCIsViWU6sLlYwthsyOluvcGF42y9t4cH It Happened The Terrible Pandemic Of 1918 (720P)
flu pandemic 1918 Full Documentary

flu pandemic 1918 Full Documentary

  • Order:
  • Duration: 101:13
  • Updated: 19 Nov 2015
  • views: 901
The 1918 flu pandemic (January 1918December 1920) was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus.[1] It infected 500 million people across the world,[2] including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world's population[3]), making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history.[2][4][5][6] Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients; in contrast, the 1918 pandemic predominantly killed previously healthy young adults. Modern research, using virus taken from the bodies of frozen victims, has concluded that the virus kills through a cytokine storm (overreaction of the body's immune system). The strong immune reactions of young adults ravaged the body, whereas the weaker immune systems of children and middle-aged adults resulted in fewer deaths among those groups.[7] Historical and epidemiological data are inadequate to identify the pandemic's geographic origin.[2] It was implicated in the outbreak of encephalitis lethargica in the 1920s.[8] To maintain morale, wartime censors minimized early reports of illness and mortality in Germany, Britain, France, and the United States;[9][10] but papers were free to report the epidemic's effects in neutral Spain (such as the grave illness of King Alfonso XIII),[11] creating a false impression of Spain as especially hard hit[12]—thus the pandemic's nickname Spanish flu.[13] In Spain, a different nickname was adopted, the Naples Soldier, which came from a musical operetta (zarzuela) titled La canción del olvido (The Song of Forgetting), which premiered in Madrid during the first epidemic wave. Federico Romero, one of the librettists, quipped that the play's most popular musical number, Naples Soldier, was as catchy as the flu. Pandemic 1918 Full Documentary
America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918 (720p)

America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918 (720p)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 55:36
  • Updated: 12 Apr 2014
  • views: 51906's Forgotten Pandemic The Influenza Of 1918 (720P)
1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 4. Slaughter

1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 4. Slaughter

  • Order:
  • Duration: 48:05
  • Updated: 07 Oct 2014
  • views: 17411
A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material. A BBC History Of The Great War 4. Slaughter
20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front

20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front

  • Order:
  • Duration: 58:20
  • Updated: 07 Apr 2013
  • views: 83483 Century Battlefields Episode 1 1918 Western Front
А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»

А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»

  • Order:
  • Duration: 126:34
  • Updated: 02 Mar 2015
  • views: 21690
В среду, 25 февраля, в 19-00, в рамках кафедры истории «Новой газеты» состоялась лекция доктора исторических наук, ответственного редактора книги «История России. ХХ век», Андрея Борисовича Зубова. Тема: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году».А.Б. Зубов «Борьба За Россию В 1918 Году»
1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 1.  Explosion

1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 1. Explosion

  • Order:
  • Duration: 47:41
  • Updated: 05 Oct 2014
  • views: 52529
A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material. A BBC History Of The Great War 1. Explosion


  • Order:
  • Duration: 54:42
  • Updated: 06 Dec 2012
  • views: 124286
La gripe española (también conocida como la gran pandemia de gripe, la epidemia de gripe de 1918 o la gran gripe) fue una pandemia de gripe de inusitada gravedad, causado por un brote de Influenza virus A del subtipo H1N1. Se cree que ha sido una de las pandemias más letales en la historia de la humanidad, a causa de la cual murieron entre 50 y 100 millones de personas en todo el mundo entre 1918 y 1920.1 2 3 4 5 Esta cifra de muertos que incluía una alta mortalidad infantil, se considera uno de los ejemplos de crisis de mortalidad.6 A diferencia de otras epidemias de gripe —que afectan básicamente a niños y ancianos—, muchas de sus víctimas fueron jóvenes y adultos saludables, y animales, entre ellos perros y gatos.7 8 La enfermedad se observó por primera vez en Fort Riley, el 28 de mayo de 1918. Un investigador asegura que la enfermedad apareció en el Condado de Haskell, en abril de 1918. Los Aliados de la Primera Guerra Mundial la llamaron Gripe española porque la pandemia recibió una mayor atención de la prensa en España que en el resto de Europa, ya que España no se vio involucrada en la guerra y por tanto no censuró la información sobre la enfermedad. Con el fin de estudiar la gripe española, los científicos han empleado muestras de tejido de víctimas congeladas para reproducir el virus.9 Dada la extrema virulencia del brote y la posibilidad de escape accidental (o liberación intencionada) de la cuarentena, hay cierta controversia respecto a las bondades de estas investigaciones. Una de las conclusiones de la investigación fue que el virus mata a causa de una tormenta de citocinas, lo que explica su naturaleza extremadamente grave y el perfil poco común de edad de las víctimas. Se desconoce la tasa de mortalidad de la pandemia de 1918/1920, pero se estima que murieron del 10% al 20% de los infectados. Con alrededor de un tercio de la población mundial de aquel tiempo infectada, esta tasa de letalidad significa que un 3 - 6% de la población mundial murió.10 La gripe pudo haber matado a 25 millones de personas en las primeras 25 semanas. Estimaciones más antiguas indicaban que murieron entre 40 y 50 millones de personas11 , mientras que estimaciones actuales mencionan entre 50 y 100 millones.12 Se estima que en China murieron 30 millones, aproximadamente el 35% de la población de aquella época, alcanzando una mortalidad del 40% de la población en algunas zonas. En el Ejército de China, al menos el 35% de las tropas que se enfermaron murieron. En los Estados Unidos, cerca del 28% de la población padeció la enfermedad y murieron de 500.000 a 675.000 personas.13 En el Reino Unido murieron 250.000,13 en Francia 400.00013 y en Italia una cifra similar.14 En la India británica fallecieron de 1013 a 17 millones.15 Las estimaciones sobre el África subsahariana hablan de 1,5 a 2 millones de victimas.13 En Alaska (en el pueblo inuit de Fairbanks de los 80 habitantes, 78 murieron en sólo una semana) y en Sudáfrica, murieron comunidades enteras. En Australia murieron unas 80.000 personas y en las Islas Fiji murió el 30% de la población en sólo dos semanas, mientras que en Samoa Occidental el 40%. En Chile murieron 24.000 personas.16 Tras registrarse los primeros casos en Europa, al parecer en Francia, la gripe pasó a España, un país neutral en la guerra y que no censuró la publicación de los informes sobre la enfermedad y sus consecuencias, de ahí que, pese a ser un problema internacional, se le diera este nombre por parecer en las informaciones de la época que era el único país afectado. España fue uno de los países más afectados con cerca de 8 millones de personas infectadas en mayo de 1918 y alrededor de 300.000 muertes (a pesar de que las cifras oficiales redujeron las víctimas a «sólo» 147.114 personas). Aunque la Primera Guerra Mundial no causó la gripe, la cercanía de los cuarteles y los movimientos masivos de tropas ayudaron a su expansión. Los investigadores creen que los sistemas inmunológicos de los soldados se debilitaron por la tensión del combate y los ataques químicos, incrementando las probabilidades de contraer la enfermedad. Un factor en la transmisión de la enfermedad fue la cantidad de viajes de los combatientes. La modernización de los sistemas de transporte posibilitó que los navegantes propagaran más rápidamente la pandemia sobre un abanico más amplio de comunidades. Virus influenza A, que causa la gripe en aves así como también en mamíferos. Se supone que el huésped natural son las aves, pero puede infectar a varias especies de mamíferos, incluyendo a los humanos y porcinos. Todos los subtipos conocidos son endémicos en pájaros, la mayoría de los subtipos no causan endemias fuera de las aves, por lo que, básicamente, se la considera una gripe de aves Asesinos La Gripe De 1918 19
11 novembre 1918, le dernier assaut pour l'armistice

11 novembre 1918, le dernier assaut pour l'armistice

  • Order:
  • Duration: 55:37
  • Updated: 10 Nov 2015
  • views: 5723
Lundi 11 novembre 1918, 11 heures : dans toute la France, les cloches sonnent à la volée. Au front, les clairons bondissent sur les parapets et sonnent le « Cessez-le-Feu », « Levez-vous », « Au Drapeau ». La « Marseillaise » jaillit à pleins poumons des tranchées. Même soulagement en face, dans le camp allemand. Pour la première fois depuis quatre ans, Français et Allemands peuvent se regarder sans s'entretuer. Un armistice (arrêt des combats) a été conclu le matin entre les Alliés et l'Allemagne, dernière des Puissances Centrales à rendre les armes. Il laisse derrière lui huit millions de morts et six millions de mutilés. Les survivants ont perdu la foi dans les valeurs morales et spirituelles qui ont fait la grandeur et l'unité de l'Europe. Mais ils veulent croire que cette guerre qui s'achève restera la dernière de l'Histoire, la « der des der »... Cliquez ici pour vous abonner à cette chaîne : Nous espérons que vous aimerez cette vidéo, si c'est le cas n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur "j'aime", à commenter et à partager. Merci. Novembre 1918, Le Dernier Assaut Pour L'Armistice
1918 Spanish Influenza Virus

1918 Spanish Influenza Virus

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:31
  • Updated: 12 Oct 2015
  • views: 27848
The 1918 Spanish Flu was a disaster that led to the forgotten fallen souls of millions of lives. At the time, there was no proper vaccine to deal with this virus replication. Subscribe for new videos: Watch the asbestos video here:;=27&list;=PLdSen-GVHIgh-yxysS-2bNtbvhzLxvSw9 Watch the smoking video here:;=24&list;=PLdSen-GVHIgh-yxysS-2bNtbvhzLxvSw9 What is it? According to a documentary the Spanish Flu was the world's most deadly pandemic, spreading from 1918-1919. Over the course of two years, it infected and killed over 50 million people. This disease gets its name from the Spanish media, which was the first to announce the epidemic after 8 million Spanish people died. Where is it located? From Spain, the 1918 flu spread throughout Europe before making its way to the U.S. and Asia, eventually hitting all corners of the world. Its worldwide spread can be associated with the 96,000 Chinese workers who moved to Britain and France to work behind their lines of war while sealed in train-cars. How it will kill you? The Spanish Flu was highly contagious disaster. When an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, respiratory droplets are generated and transmitted into the air, which can then be inhaled by anyone nearby. Symptoms of this virus are similar to those of seasonal influenza, which include fatigue, muscle and joint pain, fever, and headache. Severe issues and diseases to the respiratory system are the most common causes of death as they damage to the lungs, inflame the airways, and cause bleeding, swelling, and a destruction of the lungs' surface cell layers. How to survive? During the 1918 epidemic, doctors and scientists were unaware of what caused it, let alone how to treat it. Patients were told to follow seasonal influenza protocols such as drinking water and fruit juices every half hour, using hot blankets and short, hot baths to relieve the pain and fever, and dealing with rapid heart rates through the use of ice packs and cold compresses. Nowadays, there exist several effective vaccines and antiviral drugs to deal with this sickness. Now what do you think is worse, and why? Inhaling asbestos? Or inhaling tobacco smoke? "Chinese workers WWI (14408620130)" by Chatham House, London - Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons "H1N1 navbox" by Cybercobra at en.wikipedia. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons Spanish Influenza Virus
1918 год. Лев Троцкий "Исторические хроники" Сто полнометражных фильмов о истории России.

1918 год. Лев Троцкий "Исторические хроники" Сто полнометражных фильмов о истории России.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 43:45
  • Updated: 16 Sep 2014
  • views: 9492
‪‪ Другие фильмы из серии "Исторические хроники" ‪ «Канал История» Приглашает ! Фильмы, Репортажи, Материалы Если понравилось - присоединяйтесь. Думаю дальше будет интересней. С уважением Виктор Тарасов Год. Лев Троцкий Исторические Хроники Сто Полнометражных Фильмов О Истории России.
1918 - Novemberrevolution in Deutschland

1918 - Novemberrevolution in Deutschland

  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:58
  • Updated: 24 Oct 2015
  • views: 2263 Novemberrevolution In Deutschland
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918

Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 42:58
  • Updated: 03 Oct 2012
  • views: 31992
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918 Die Dokumentation zeigt den Zusammenhang zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen 1914 - 1918 und 1939 - 1945. Der Frühling begann mit einem Paukenschlag. Eingeleitet durch ein fünfstündiges Trommelfeuer aus 6600 Geschützrohren, traten am 21. März 1918 über eine Million deutsche Soldaten zu einer massierten Offensive in Frankreich an - Deckname "Michael". Die deutsche Armeeführung erhoffte sich von diesem Befreiungsschlag den Durchbruch im vierten Jahr eines Stellungskrieges, der unermessliche Todesopfer gefordert hatte, ohne Boden gutzumachen. Zusätzliche Truppen, die nach dem Friedensschluss mit Lenins neuem Sowjetregime von der Ostfront herbeordert wurden, verstärkten das deutsche Aufgebot. Die Zeit drängte, zumal immer mehr frische US-Truppen die Westalliierten verstärkten. Nach Verlusten, Auszehrung und Hunger erhöhte zudem die zunehmende Kriegsmüdigkeit in der Heimat und an der Front den Druck, nun mit allen Mitteln die Entscheidung zu suchen. Der Film erzählt den bewegten Verlauf der Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr anhand der Erfahrungen zweier junger Offiziere, die ein Vierteljahrhundert später im Zweiten Weltkrieg zu prominenten Widersachern wurden: Hitlers Generalfeldmarschall Walter Model und US-Panzergeneral George S. Patton traten Ende 1944 während der deutschen Ardennen-Offensive erneut gegeneinander an - unter Umständen, die durchaus Parallelen mit dem Unternehmen "Michael" 1918 aufwiesen. Erste Weltkrieg Völkerschlacht Im Letzten Kriegsjahr 1918
1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 3. Total War

1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 3. Total War

  • Order:
  • Duration: 48:24
  • Updated: 06 Oct 2014
  • views: 13870
A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material. A BBC History Of The Great War 3. Total War
1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 7.  Legacy

1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 7. Legacy

  • Order:
  • Duration: 46:48
  • Updated: 09 Oct 2014
  • views: 11240
A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material. A BBC History Of The Great War 7. Legacy
ירושלים 1918 Jerusalem

ירושלים 1918 Jerusalem

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:14
  • Updated: 11 Sep 2010
  • views: 149898
ירושלים 1918 חשיפה של יעקב גרוס. סרט חובבים נדיר ומיוחד מציג את חיי היום יום בעיר העתיקה, בכותל המערבי, בשוק וברחוב יפו. שער שכם על תרנגולותיו ומקומות קדושים ליהודים: קבר דוד, קבר רחל, מעיין השילוח ויד אבשלום. המוסיקה מתוך רוח מדברית של נחצ'ה היימן הותאמה לסרט האילם במקור, באדיבותו והסרט נערך על ידי יעקב גרוס. הסרט נמצא אצל משפחה יהודית באמסטרדם ולא ברור אם אבי המשפחה ליקט את הקטעים או צילם אותם בעצמו כדי לעודד תיירות יהודית לירושלים לאחר הכיבוש הבריטי. ייתכן שחלק מהתמונות צולמו בתום העידן העות'מני. בסרט נראות החנויות החדשות ברחוב יפו של: שלמה כהן ובניו ושל א.י. לעדערבערג. הסרט הושג ע"י מאיר ברק, עובד והועלה לרשת ע"י יעקב גרוס מחבר הספר ירושלים תרע"ח - 1918. המעוניינים לרכוש עותק יכולים לפנות לת.ד. 909 גבעתיים 53108ירושלים 1918 Jerusalem
Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914 1918

Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 51:58
  • Updated: 10 Feb 2014
  • views: 16307
Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914-1918. Latach Niewoli Wstaje Polska 1914 1918
Latvija. Ulmaņlaiki. 1 sērija (1918.gads)

Latvija. Ulmaņlaiki. 1 sērija (1918.gads)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 41:02
  • Updated: 14 May 2013
  • views: 29830
Vēsturiski-populārs raidījums par Latvijas vēsturi un sadzīvi laika posmā no 1918 līdz 1940 gadam. Ulmaņlaiki. 1 Sērija (1918.Gads)
AS 1.2 The German Revolution 1918-1919

AS 1.2 The German Revolution 1918-1919

  • Order:
  • Duration: 27:51
  • Updated: 31 Jul 2013
  • views: 10369
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ( 1.2 The German Revolution 1918 1919
Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin (HD)

Triple Trouble (1918) - Charlie Chaplin (HD)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 23:37
  • Updated: 01 Oct 2014
  • views: 77498
Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. As the butler introduces Charlie to the ill-tempered cook, Colonel Nutt demonstrates his new wireless explosive device to his daughter. Meanwhile, agents of the Pretzelstrass meet with the Count to devise a plan to get at Colonel Nutt's device. Charlie carelessly dumps garbage all over the maid and her newly clean floor. He takes the trash can and dumps it over the fence, inundating the Count in the process. Back in the kitchen, the maid scolds Charlie, but then becomes emotional, and he comforts her. The Count enters the house, and is hit by a wet rag thrown by the maid, intended for Charlie. The Count tosses it off to the side, and it winds up hitting the cook also, and when the cook begins to act cruelly towards the maid in return, Charlie sticks up for her. The Count makes his way to the Colonel, who rejects his offers and has the Count ejected by way of the butler. His day's work done, Charlie makes his way to a flophouse for a night's sleep. At this point, a pickpocket holds up the Count, but instead of taking his money he agrees to join the caper to liberate Dr. Nutt of his invention. The conversation is overheard by a cop, who then runs off to inform his fellow officers; they are in an abandoned lot, shooting craps. They storm the Nutt house, and highly disrupt its resident, but explain to him that they "are on the trail of a great robbery." Back at the flophouse, Charlie is prevented from settling down by a loud, singing drunk whom he eventually- and somewhat affectionately- dispatches with a champagne bottle. A thief steals in during the night and robs the singing drunk, and although Charlie takes what he thinks are adequate precautions, he is robbed also. Charlie disguises himself under the blankets and manages to get his money back from the thief, but when the thief tries to stab him it wakes everyone up and a fight breaks among all of the men. Charlie manages to escape, dodging several cops on the way. However, he runs into the pickpocket on the street; recognizing him as an old friend, Charlie agrees to help him find a mark, and leads him to the Nutt house. The cops are all still there; lying around, smoking, waiting for something to happen. Pandemonium breaks out when the pickpocket enters the house, and amid the chaos, Colonel Nutt's explosive device is detonated, blowing all of the cops skyward. In the aftermath, the pickpocket is buried in a heap of rubble and Charlie is seen poking his head out of the kitchen stove. Triple Trouble is a two-reel silent comedy film that was released in 1918. It starred Charlie Chaplin, Edna Purviance and Leo White. This film was not an official Chaplin film, even though it has many Chaplin directed scenes; it was edited together out of outtakes and newly shot footage by the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, with Leo White as director for the new scenes. Since Chaplin did not have legal control over the films made during his time with Essanay, he could not prevent its release. Directed by Charlie Chaplin Leo White Produced by Jess Robbins Written by Charlie Chaplin Leo White Starring: Charles Chaplin Billy Armstrong Edna Purviance Leo White Release date - August 11, 1918 Creative Commons License: Public Domain. Trouble (1918) Charlie Chaplin (Hd)
România Mare 1918 în imagini - Neagu Djuvara

România Mare 1918 în imagini - Neagu Djuvara

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:06
  • Updated: 27 Mar 2013
  • views: 57325
Grup Facebook - Trecut-au anii Fragment "Despre Marea Unire de la 1918" din "O scurtă istorie a românilor povestită celor tineri" de Neagu Djuvaraânia Mare 1918 În Imagini Neagu Djuvara
  • Raja 1918 HeLa' FiLMen"

    UT5Y Titta på HD-kvalitet : »––––» Twitter: Instagram: Find us at Like MTV: Follow MTV: +-+-+-+-+ THANK YOU +-+-+-+-+
  • IMG 1918

    rahat fateh ali khan in bahria town concert
  • IMG 1918

  • Home For Sale: 1918 Hwy A Neenah, Wisconsin 54956

    For more information visit 1918 Hwy A Neenah Wisconsin 54956 MLS# 50114954 Beds: 3 | Baths: 2 | Sq Ft: 1144 Lakefront! Use this as a year-round home or a vacation get away. Close to town shopping and schools yet far enough away to enjoy some relaxation. Three bedroom 2 bathrooms 2 car attached garage vaulted ceilings. Boat ramp access on-site. Contact Office: CENTURY 21 Ace Realty
  • Катя Клеп 1918

  • 2016 04 14 1918 36

  • Marcello Rosa & Minnie Minoprio - 1918 March

    Traditional Dixieland Jazz.
  • Home For Sale: 1918 S Commercial St. Aransas Pass, Texas 78336

    For more information visit 1918 S Commercial St. Aransas Pass Texas 78336 MLS# 247496 Beds: 3 | Baths: 2 | Sq Ft: 1671 Property Description: WELCOME HOME to your bright home with stunning original hardwood flooring! With large windows throughout designer colors classic floor plan this home boasts a friendly warm ambiance and a well-planned kitchen and dining area are ready for cooking and visiting! Newer fixtures and floating floor in bathrooms create an up-to-date feeling and to satisfy your longing for a HUGE ROOM the FLEX ROOM may fill the bill. It's centrally air-conditioned with magnificent windows and an enormous closet (designed to be removed if you need the floor space). As you sit in kitch...
  • Battle of Empires 1914-1918: Batalla Online #2 en español - OceloTStrategy

    Segunda batalla multujugador al Battle of Empires en español, un juego de estrategia, muy similar al Men of War 2 que traemos para todos los suscriptores de OceloTstrategy y amantes de la estrategia en general. Bienvenidos a la 1º Guerra Mundial. No te olvides de seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales para estar al día de lo que ocurre en el canal: -Twitter: -Facebook:
  • Battle of Empires 1914-1918 - Charge, Tanks go First!

    Continueing the Blazing Guns campaign, picking random missions that don't seem TOO tedious :P - this was just has a lot of... fail and misery in it.. DAMN YOU GAME GODS! Connect with me: ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Steam Group: ●Facebook: ●Instagram: ~Thanks for watching!
  • Wystawa "Zakłady przemysłowe Pragi Południe w służbie Wojska Polskiego 1918-1939”.

    12 kwietnia 2016 roku, na Placu Szembeka w Warszawie, odbyło się uroczyste otwarcie wystawy „Zakłady przemysłowe Pragi Południe w służbie Wojska Polskiego 1918-1939”, inaugurujące obchody 100-lecia włączenia Grochowa, Saskiej Kępy i Gocławia w obszar administracyjny stolicy. Uroczystość została zorganizowana przez Centralną Bibliotekę Wojskową im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego i Urząd Dzielnicy Praga-Południe m. st. Warszawy.
  • Aussmpe--brechó dançante MVI 1918

    Aussmpe na ong gesto
  • Aufmarsch The Great War 1914 1918 Muryevo

    Aufmarsch The Great War 1914-1918
  • Последнее танго (1918)+

  • Gösta Adrian Nilsson, Brinnande Skepp, 1918

    Bukowskis Modern Auction, 2016.
  • 0413年代 1918

  • 0413TVBSN 1918

  • Taistelu Näsilinnasta 1918 Full Movie'' 2012

    ##307h-94NT3Ng || Click Now : » [[ ]] « Twitter: Instagram: Find us at Like MTV: Follow MTV: »––––» . ^_^ . Enjoy!!!L34d5G4N!! . ^_^ . «–––—«
  • L Esprit Nouveau Purism in Paris 1918 1925 by Carol S Eliel and Francoise Ducros

  • 1918 Cactus Bluff San Antonio, TX 78258

    4 Bedrooms - 3 Baths This property has its own dedicated website at Visit the website for more photos, the virtual tour and to schedule a personal showing. Gorgeous Sitterle home in gated community with private built-in heated pool & hot tub. Great location & walking distance to elementary school and HEB. Two master suites, with built-in drawers. Most of home has high level laminated wood flooring. Gourmet kitchen with granite counters and island. High ceilings and open floor plan in living room with gas fireplace. Lots of windows & natural light! Nice size game room upstairs and office has built-in book shelves. 40,000 gallon swimming pool with wa..
  • Residential for sale - 1918 S Commercial St., Aransas Pass, TX 78336

    Listing Site: Property Site: Property Description: WELCOME HOME to your bright home with stunning original hardwood flooring! With large windows throughout, designer colors, classic floor plan, this home boasts a friendly, warm ambiance and a well-planned kitchen and dining area are ready for cooking and visiting! Newer fixtures and floating floor in bathrooms create an up-to-date feeling and to satisfy your longing for a HUGE ROOM, the FLEX ROOM may fill the bill. It's centrally air-conditioned with magnificent windows and an enormous closet (designed to be removed if you need the floor space). As you sit in kitchen with a beverage. enjoy your trees and wide expanse of your land. Washer, dryer, refriger...
  • Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 [К.Р.] #4

    Донат на патроны: Кампания Российской Империи описывает события 1914 - 1917 гг. Основу всей кампании составляют диверсионные и разведывательные миссии, которые сменяются масштабными боями с использованием различной техники и пехотных соединений. Подпишись: Группа ВК:
  • [ CLAN WAR ] NowPlaying vs '1918" (Je me sens seul à parler !xD)

Raja 1918 HeLa' FiLMen"

Raja 1918 HeLa' FiLMen"

  • Order:
  • Duration: 95:07
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 0
UT5Y Titta på HD-kvalitet : »––––» Twitter: Instagram: Find us at Like MTV: Follow MTV: +-+-+-+-+ THANK YOU +-+-+-+-+ 1918 Hela' Filmen
IMG 1918

IMG 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:01
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 0
rahat fateh ali khan in bahria town concert 1918
IMG 1918

IMG 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:15
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 0 1918
Home For Sale: 1918 Hwy A  Neenah, Wisconsin 54956

Home For Sale: 1918 Hwy A Neenah, Wisconsin 54956

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:26
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 0
For more information visit 1918 Hwy A Neenah Wisconsin 54956 MLS# 50114954 Beds: 3 | Baths: 2 | Sq Ft: 1144 Lakefront! Use this as a year-round home or a vacation get away. Close to town shopping and schools yet far enough away to enjoy some relaxation. Three bedroom 2 bathrooms 2 car attached garage vaulted ceilings. Boat ramp access on-site. Contact Office: CENTURY 21 Ace Realty For Sale 1918 Hwy A Neenah, Wisconsin 54956
Катя Клеп 1918

Катя Клеп 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:04
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 0Катя Клеп 1918
2016 04 14 1918 36

2016 04 14 1918 36

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:07
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 2 04 14 1918 36
Marcello Rosa & Minnie Minoprio - 1918 March

Marcello Rosa & Minnie Minoprio - 1918 March

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:34
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 0 Rosa Minnie Minoprio 1918 March
Home For Sale: 1918 S Commercial St.  Aransas Pass, Texas 78336

Home For Sale: 1918 S Commercial St. Aransas Pass, Texas 78336

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:10
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 1
For more information visit 1918 S Commercial St. Aransas Pass Texas 78336 MLS# 247496 Beds: 3 | Baths: 2 | Sq Ft: 1671 Property Description: WELCOME HOME to your bright home with stunning original hardwood flooring! With large windows throughout designer colors classic floor plan this home boasts a friendly warm ambiance and a well-planned kitchen and dining area are ready for cooking and visiting! Newer fixtures and floating floor in bathrooms create an up-to-date feeling and to satisfy your longing for a HUGE ROOM the FLEX ROOM may fill the bill. It's centrally air-conditioned with magnificent windows and an enormous closet (designed to be removed if you need the floor space). As you sit in kitchen with a beverage. enjoy your trees and wide expanse of your land. Washer dryer refrigerator gas range stay with house. Experience space around you. Handy to public boat ramps live theatre dining fishing and Kiewit Oxy Port Aransas Corpus Christ. See it now! Contact Agent: Barbara J. Evans CENTURY 21 Lee Real Estate Inc. For Sale 1918 S Commercial St. Aransas Pass, Texas 78336
Battle of Empires 1914-1918: Batalla Online #2 en español - OceloTStrategy

Battle of Empires 1914-1918: Batalla Online #2 en español - OceloTStrategy

  • Order:
  • Duration: 24:54
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 84
Segunda batalla multujugador al Battle of Empires en español, un juego de estrategia, muy similar al Men of War 2 que traemos para todos los suscriptores de OceloTstrategy y amantes de la estrategia en general. Bienvenidos a la 1º Guerra Mundial. No te olvides de seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales para estar al día de lo que ocurre en el canal: -Twitter: -Facebook: Of Empires 1914 1918 Batalla Online 2 En Español Ocelotstrategy
Battle of Empires 1914-1918 - Charge, Tanks go First!

Battle of Empires 1914-1918 - Charge, Tanks go First!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 41:14
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 380
Continueing the Blazing Guns campaign, picking random missions that don't seem TOO tedious :P - this was just has a lot of... fail and misery in it.. DAMN YOU GAME GODS! Connect with me: ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Steam Group: ●Facebook: ●Instagram: ~Thanks for watching! Of Empires 1914 1918 Charge, Tanks Go First
Wystawa "Zakłady przemysłowe Pragi Południe w służbie Wojska Polskiego 1918-1939”.

Wystawa "Zakłady przemysłowe Pragi Południe w służbie Wojska Polskiego 1918-1939”.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:31
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 1
12 kwietnia 2016 roku, na Placu Szembeka w Warszawie, odbyło się uroczyste otwarcie wystawy „Zakłady przemysłowe Pragi Południe w służbie Wojska Polskiego 1918-1939”, inaugurujące obchody 100-lecia włączenia Grochowa, Saskiej Kępy i Gocławia w obszar administracyjny stolicy. Uroczystość została zorganizowana przez Centralną Bibliotekę Wojskową im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego i Urząd Dzielnicy Praga-Południe m. st. Warszawy. Zakłady Przemysłowe Pragi Południe W Służbie Wojska Polskiego 1918 1939”.
Aussmpe--brechó dançante MVI 1918

Aussmpe--brechó dançante MVI 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:09
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 1
Aussmpe na ong gesto Brechó Dançante Mvi 1918
Aufmarsch The Great War 1914 1918   Muryevo

Aufmarsch The Great War 1914 1918 Muryevo

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:20
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 3
Aufmarsch The Great War 1914-1918 The Great War 1914 1918 Muryevo
Последнее танго (1918)+

Последнее танго (1918)+

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:50
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 2Последнее Танго (1918)
Gösta Adrian Nilsson, Brinnande Skepp, 1918

Gösta Adrian Nilsson, Brinnande Skepp, 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:28
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 9
Bukowskis Modern Auction, 2016.östa Adrian Nilsson, Brinnande Skepp, 1918
0413年代 1918

0413年代 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:53
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 1
說明年代 1918
0413TVBSN 1918

0413TVBSN 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:29
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 0
說明 1918
Taistelu Näsilinnasta 1918 Full Movie'' 2012

Taistelu Näsilinnasta 1918 Full Movie'' 2012

  • Order:
  • Duration: 81:44
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 0
##307h-94NT3Ng || Click Now : » [[ ]] « Twitter: Instagram: Find us at Like MTV: Follow MTV: »––––» . ^_^ . Enjoy!!!L34d5G4N!! . ^_^ . «–––—« Näsilinnasta 1918 Full Movie'' 2012
L Esprit Nouveau  Purism in Paris 1918 1925 by Carol S  Eliel and Francoise Ducros

L Esprit Nouveau Purism in Paris 1918 1925 by Carol S Eliel and Francoise Ducros

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:16
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 2 Esprit Nouveau Purism In Paris 1918 1925 By Carol S Eliel And Francoise Ducros
1918 Cactus Bluff San Antonio, TX 78258

1918 Cactus Bluff San Antonio, TX 78258

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:37
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 0
4 Bedrooms - 3 Baths This property has its own dedicated website at Visit the website for more photos, the virtual tour and to schedule a personal showing. Gorgeous Sitterle home in gated community with private built-in heated pool & hot tub. Great location & walking distance to elementary school and HEB. Two master suites, with built-in drawers. Most of home has high level laminated wood flooring. Gourmet kitchen with granite counters and island. High ceilings and open floor plan in living room with gas fireplace. Lots of windows & natural light! Nice size game room upstairs and office has built-in book shelves. 40,000 gallon swimming pool with wa.. Cactus Bluff San Antonio, Tx 78258
Residential for sale - 1918 S Commercial St., Aransas Pass, TX 78336

Residential for sale - 1918 S Commercial St., Aransas Pass, TX 78336

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:22
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 0
Listing Site: Property Site: Property Description: WELCOME HOME to your bright home with stunning original hardwood flooring! With large windows throughout, designer colors, classic floor plan, this home boasts a friendly, warm ambiance and a well-planned kitchen and dining area are ready for cooking and visiting! Newer fixtures and floating floor in bathrooms create an up-to-date feeling and to satisfy your longing for a HUGE ROOM, the FLEX ROOM may fill the bill. It's centrally air-conditioned with magnificent windows and an enormous closet (designed to be removed if you need the floor space). As you sit in kitchen with a beverage. enjoy your trees and wide expanse of your land. Washer, dryer, refrigerator, gas range stay with house. Experience "space around you." Handy to public boat ramps, live theatre, dining, fishing and Kiewit, Oxy, Port Aransas, Corpus Christ. See it now! Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Bathrooms Square Feet: 1671 Price: $158,500 MLS ID: 247496 For more information about this property, please contact B. J. Evans at (361) 727-7199 or You can also text 3510986 to 67299. COMPANY SOCIAL MEDIA: ------------------------------------------ Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: // REALTOR SOCIAL MEDIA: ------------------------------------------ 04/13/2016 11:52:01 pm Last modified: For Sale 1918 S Commercial St., Aransas Pass, Tx 78336
Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 [К.Р.] #4

Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 [К.Р.] #4

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  • Duration: 0:00
  • Updated: 13 Apr 2016
  • views: 21
Донат на патроны: Кампания Российской Империи описывает события 1914 - 1917 гг. Основу всей кампании составляют диверсионные и разведывательные миссии, которые сменяются масштабными боями с использованием различной техники и пехотных соединений. Подпишись: Группа ВК: Of Empires 1914 1918 К.Р. 4
[ CLAN WAR ] NowPlaying vs '1918" (Je me sens seul à parler !xD)

[ CLAN WAR ] NowPlaying vs '1918" (Je me sens seul à parler !xD)

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  • Duration: 23:44
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2016
  • views: 23 War Nowplaying Vs '1918 (Je Me Sens Seul À Parler Xd)
  • 6l6 - La Victoire Et Le Désespoir - 1914-1918 La Grande Guerre En Couleur

  • 列寧在1918(上譯)

  • Revolution - Räte-Republik 1918/1919 in Deutschland www-youtube-com-user-ThiefTimeless2 3sat, November 2008 Kulturzeit extra: Die Räterepublik 1918/1919 Film von Henning Burk Der Streit im linken Parteienspektrum hat in Deutschland eine lange Tradition. Vor 90 Jahren, als der Sozialdemokrat Philipp Scheidemann von einem Balkon des Reichstags und der Spartakist Karl Liebknecht zwei Kilometer östlich vom Berliner Schloss aus die deutsche Republik ausriefen, war die Linke tief zerstritten darüber, wie mit dem politischen Erbe des Kaiserreichs und den Herrschaftsverhältnissen in Deutschland umzugehen sei. Die einen blickten bewundernd auf die Vorgänge in Russland und sahen in der jungen Sowjetrepublik ein Vorbild. Die anderen distanzierten sich energisch davon. Un...
  • Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)

    Der Film nach dem Roman, WESTFRONT 1918. VIER VON DER INFANTERIE, uraufgeführt am 23. Mai 1930 in Berlin, zählt zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Anti-Kriegsfilmen. Regie führte Georg Wilhelm Pabst (1885-1967), der in der Weimarer Republik und auch darüber hinaus zu den wichtigsten deutschen Regisseuren gehörte. G. W. Pabst nutze bei dem Film WESTFRONT 1918 konsequent die damals zur Verfügung stehenden technischen Möglichkeiten und galt gerade auch im Bereich der Tonfilmregie als führender Regisseur seiner Zeit.
  • 郭德纲 于谦 列宁在1918

6l6 - La Victoire Et Le Désespoir - 1914-1918 La Grande Guerre En Couleur

6l6 - La Victoire Et Le Désespoir - 1914-1918 La Grande Guerre En Couleur

  • Order:
  • Duration: 48:16
  • Updated: 19 Nov 2012
  • views: 23739 La Victoire Et Le Désespoir 1914 1918 La Grande Guerre En Couleur


  • Order:
  • Duration: 124:23
  • Updated: 17 Apr 2015
  • views: 18417列寧在1918(上譯)
Revolution - Räte-Republik 1918/1919 in Deutschland

Revolution - Räte-Republik 1918/1919 in Deutschland

  • Order:
  • Duration: 45:05
  • Updated: 08 May 2013
  • views: 36548 www-youtube-com-user-ThiefTimeless2 3sat, November 2008 Kulturzeit extra: Die Räterepublik 1918/1919 Film von Henning Burk Der Streit im linken Parteienspektrum hat in Deutschland eine lange Tradition. Vor 90 Jahren, als der Sozialdemokrat Philipp Scheidemann von einem Balkon des Reichstags und der Spartakist Karl Liebknecht zwei Kilometer östlich vom Berliner Schloss aus die deutsche Republik ausriefen, war die Linke tief zerstritten darüber, wie mit dem politischen Erbe des Kaiserreichs und den Herrschaftsverhältnissen in Deutschland umzugehen sei. Die einen blickten bewundernd auf die Vorgänge in Russland und sahen in der jungen Sowjetrepublik ein Vorbild. Die anderen distanzierten sich energisch davon. Und so führten Räterepublik und Revolution im Deutschland der Jahreswende 1918/1919 zu einer seltsamen Wahrnehmung, der auch Alfred Döblin noch 20 Jahre später in der Romantetralogie "November 1918" eine literarische Form gab. Henning Burk zeichnet in "Kulturzeit extra: Die Räterepublik 1918/1919" die Vorgänge dieses revolutionären Winters nach. . Räte Republik 1918 1919 In Deutschland
Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)

Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 88:19
  • Updated: 19 Jan 2013
  • views: 71125
Der Film nach dem Roman, WESTFRONT 1918. VIER VON DER INFANTERIE, uraufgeführt am 23. Mai 1930 in Berlin, zählt zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Anti-Kriegsfilmen. Regie führte Georg Wilhelm Pabst (1885-1967), der in der Weimarer Republik und auch darüber hinaus zu den wichtigsten deutschen Regisseuren gehörte. G. W. Pabst nutze bei dem Film WESTFRONT 1918 konsequent die damals zur Verfügung stehenden technischen Möglichkeiten und galt gerade auch im Bereich der Tonfilmregie als führender Regisseur seiner Zeit. 1918 Vier Von Der Infanterie (With English Subtitles)
郭德纲 于谦 列宁在1918

郭德纲 于谦 列宁在1918

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  • Duration: 36:12
  • Updated: 28 Aug 2011
  • views: 193407郭德纲 于谦 列宁在1918
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    Epic History: World War One - 1918

    'World War One: 1918' is the concluding part of Epic History TV's blow-by-blow account of the war, charting the events of its final year. Aviation artwork thanks to Russell Smith Studios Help me make more history videos by pledging $1 per video: 1918 is the year that Woodrow Wilson unveils his 'Fourteen Points' as the basis for future world peace. Meanwhile Bolshevik Russia quits the war by signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, freeing up half a million German troops for General Ludendorff's last ditch attempt to win all-out victory on the Western Front. His Spring Offensive, also known as the Kaiserschlacht, or 'Kaiser's Battle', comes tantalising close to success, but is finally halted by British and Australian troops at Amiens in April. In the skies over the Western Front, the air war intensifies, but the Allies are now dominant. On 21st April Germany's most famous ace, Manfred von Richthofen, the 'Red Baron', is shot down and killed. That spring US troops arrive in Europe in force. The US 1st Infantry Division goes into action at Cantigny, while US Marines and the US 2nd Infantry Division win a victory at Belleau Wood. US troops help to turn the tide as the Allies launch their Hundred Days Offensive, surging past the Hindenburg Line, and pursuing a defeated German army. In the Balkans, Allied victory at Dobro Pole leads to the collapse of the Bulgarian army and an armistice. British-led forces win victory in the Middle East at Megiddo, and go on to occupy Damascus and Aleppo. With the writing on the wall, the Ottoman Empire signs an armistice with the Allies at Mudros. Austria-Hungary soon follows suit, after defeat by Italy at the Battle of Vittorio Veneto. Shortages, military defeat and discontent lead to revolution in Germany. Sailors at the naval base at Kiel mutiny. The Kaiser is forced to abdicate, a republic is proclaimed, and an armistice signed with the Allies at Compiègne on 11th November 1918. In 1919 delegates meet at Versailles, outside Paris, to conclude a peace treaty. The Treaty of Versailles imposes a 'war guilt clause' on Germany, huge war reparations, and limits the size of its armed forces. It gives territory to its neighbours, and creates lasting resentment within Germany, later exploited by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party to foster a new German nationalism.
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    Epic His­to­ry: World War One - 1918
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    pub­lished: 03 Jan 2014
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    This ed­u­ca­tion­al his­to­ry doc­u­men­tary cov­ers the 1918 flu pan­dem­ic (Jan­uary 1918 – De­cem­ber...
    pub­lished: 06 Apr 2015
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    flu pan­dem­ic 1918 Full Doc­u­men­tary
    The 1918 flu pan­dem­ic (Jan­uary 1918 – De­cem­ber 1920) was an un­usu­al­ly dead­ly in­fluen­za pan...
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    IMG 1918
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    6l6 - La Victoire Et Le Désespoir - 1914-1918 La Grande Guerre En Couleur

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    郭德纲 于谦 列宁在1918
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    photo: AP / Koji Ueda
    Police rescue team members search through damaged houses to check possibility of trapped people in Mashiki, Kumamoto prefecture, southern Japan, Friday, April 15, 2016.

    New earthquake hits southern Japan

    Edit Al Jazeera 15 Apr 2016
    A magnitude 7.4 earthquake hit southern Japan on Friday and a tsunami warning was issued, according to the US Geological Survey ... More soon.... ....
    photo: AP / Rex Features
    Liverpool players celebrate at the end of the game after the UEFA Europa League Quarter Final Second Leg match between Liverpool and Borussia Dortmund played at Anfield

    Istanbul 2005 Final Inspires Liverpool to Beat Dortmund in Seven-goal Thriller

    Edit Community news 15 Apr 2016
    11 years ago after Liverpool triumph in Turkey, Liverpool survived to another huge scare before winning one of the most entertaining Europa League knockout phase of the day to seal a 5-4 on aggregate win over Dortmund. Dortmund had managed the perfect start to the match ... Just after the break, Origi well tried and hit back at (48', 1-2) ... d'ALMEIDA. ....
    photo: Creative Commons / Pavel
    Sicklefin lemon shark (Negaprion acutidens) in the Sydney Aquarium (Selachimorpha), Australia

    500-Pound Shark Snatches Sailfish From Anglers’ Hook

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    A group of anglers and tourists went out off the Miami shore looking to make big catch. The anglers made one, hooking a large sailfish ... Bouncer Smith told WPTV....
    photo: AP / Willis Glassgow
    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center on Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2015, in Myrtle Beach, S.C.

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    Edit 15 Apr 2016
    Despite citing a few qualms, the editorial board of the New York Post endorsed Republican frontrunner Donald Trump in an editorial on late Thursday, the first major New York publication to do so, CBS News reported. "Trump is now an imperfect messenger carrying a vital message ... better informed on policy, more self-disciplined and less thin-skinned," the editorial read....
    photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech
    2006/01/10 The Milky Way Center Aglow with Dust - Milky Way Poster        Our Milky Way is a dusty place. So dusty, in fact, that we cannot see the  center of the galaxy in visible light. But when NASA´s Spitzer Space  Telescope set its infrared eye

    In A Constellation Far, Far Away, This Galaxy Is A Ruthless Cannibal Eating Its Neighbors

    Edit Inquisitr 15 Apr 2016
    Space is a ruthless place. An image captured by the Very Large Telescope in Chile has revealed a cluster of galaxies 65 million light years from Earth — and one of them is in cannibal, swallowing the others. The cannibal galaxy was found in the Fornax cluster, which contains a menagerie of galaxies of a variety of shapes and sizes ... In the middle of Fornax is a beast called NGC 1399, which is a cD galaxy — or cannibal....

    Rare 'Inverted Jenny' Stamp Turns Up 60 Years After Theft

    Edit National Public Radio 16 Apr 2016
    i. This undated photo shows a 1918 "inverted Jenny" stamp. Stolen in 1955, the stamp surfaced last week at the New York auction house Spink, USA. Spink USA/AP hide caption. toggle caption Spink USA/AP. This undated photo shows a 1918 "inverted Jenny" stamp ... Spink USA/AP ... "It was in 1918 that stamp collector William Robey went to the New York Avenue post office in Washington, D.C., to buy a sheet of the first airmail stamps ... "How Mr ... ....

    Rare upside-down stamp reappears

    Edit Denver Post 16 Apr 2016
    An "inverted Jenny" stamp, such as the one pictured, surfaced this month at a New York auction house. (PRNewsFoto/ ... The 1918 stamps, featuring an airplane printed upside-down, are among the world's most famous pieces of postage ... The Associated Press ....

    The Czech Republic may change its name to Czechia

    Edit Springfield News-Sun 16 Apr 2016
    Leaders of the Czech Republic are proposing a change to the country's name to something shorter and with less syllables. Czechia. Read more trending stories ... It also said the name was not a newly coined term but comes from Latin ... newspapers commonly used Czechia between 1918 and 1960 to refer to the western part of Czechoslovakia (as opposed to Slovakia, its eastern part) i.e ... Czechoslovakia ... ....

    Famous ‘inverted Jenny’ stamp finally resurfaces

    Edit Detroit news 16 Apr 2016
    New York – — Opening a new chapter in an infamous stamp-world mystery, a valuable “inverted Jenny” stamp has surfaced six decades after it was stolen from a collectors’ convention. The stamp — one of the world’s most famous pieces of postage — was among four of its kind taken from a 1955 collectors’ convention ... Worth 24 cents when issued in 1918, inverted Jenny stamps fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars today ... air mail. ....

    Famed 'inverted Jenny' stamp, stolen more than 60 years ago, is found

    Edit Syracuse 16 Apr 2016
    NEW YORK (AP) — Opening a new chapter in an infamous stamp-world mystery, a valuable "inverted Jenny" stamp has surfaced six decades after it was stolen from a collectors' convention. The stamp — one of the world's most famous pieces of postage — was among four of its kind taken from a 1955 collectors' convention ... Worth 24 cents when issued in 1918, inverted Jenny stamps fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars today ... air mail ... ....

    Stolen in 1955, famous 'inverted Jenny' stamp resurfaces

    Edit Tampa Bay Online 16 Apr 2016
    NEW YORK (AP) — Opening a new chapter in an infamous stamp-world mystery, a valuable "inverted Jenny" stamp has surfaced six decades after it was stolen from a collectors' convention. The stamp — one of the world's most famous pieces of postage — was among four of its kind taken from a 1955 collectors' convention ... Worth 24 cents when issued in 1918, inverted Jenny stamps fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars today ... air mail ... ___ ... ___ ... ....

    Bones found in box at Wairarapa museum may belong to 1918 flu victim

    Edit NZ Herald 15 Apr 2016
    A skeleton found at Cobblestones Museum may have been a victim of the 1918 flu epidemic.Grey Tuck, a volunteer who discovered the largely intact skeleton while cataloguing items at the old hospital in the museum grounds last week,... ....

    Restored Lithuania Celebrates 100: Inspired by Future (Government of the Republic of Lithuania)

    Edit Public Technologies 15 Apr 2016
    (Source. Government of the Republic of Lithuania). 2016 04 15 ... Though it is but a fraction in our history, it is of particular significance. The Act of Independence signed in 1918 is enormous achievement by the people determined to take responsibility for their country's future in their hands ... The faith also guided us in 1918, as we reinstated the independent Lithuanian State, thus taking the first step towards building a modern country....

    Michigan wants risk analysis about St Clair River pipelines

    Edit Richmond Times Dispatch 15 Apr 2016
    Clair River pipelines built in 1918 to transport crude oil and other liquid hydrocarbons ........................ ....

    Mich. wants risk analysis about St. Clair River lines

    Edit Detroit news 15 Apr 2016
    Marysville — The state of Michigan wants the federal government to request a comprehensive risk analysis about several pipelines under the St ... Clair River pipelines built in 1918 to transport crude oil and other liquid hydrocarbons ... ....

    "Ackerman, Myrtle

    Edit The Morning Call 15 Apr 2016
    Myrtle P. Ackerman, 97, died Wednesday, April 13, 2016, at Lehigh Valley Hospital - Muhlenberg in Bethlehem, PA. Born October 14, 1918 in Whitehall, PA, she was the daughter of the late Raymond H. and Edna (Fahringer) Yohn. She was the wife of the late Roy H. Ackerman who died in 1973 ... ....

    14/04/2016 The Chairperson of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva attended the presentation of the book by Krasimir Uzunov “Kaymaka-Chalana” (Republic of Bulgaria National Assembly)

    Edit Public Technologies 15 Apr 2016
    (Source ... Rakovski'. The event is part of the commemoration of the Patronal Celebration of the education institution ... Archangels' ... The book 'Kaymaka-Chalana' by Krasimir Uzunov is dedicated to the fights in defending the Kaymakchalan position in August and September 1916 during World War I (1914-1918) and to the memory of the Bulgarian heroes who sacrificed themselves for the Motherland ... Original Document ... (noodl. 33084589) ....

    Schuette Urges Federal Government To Decline Permit For 98-Year-Old St. Clair River Pipelines (Office of the Attorney General of Michigan)

    Edit Public Technologies 15 Apr 2016
    (Source. Office of the Attorney General of Michigan). Schuette Urges Federal Government To Decline Permit For 98-Year-Old St. Clair River Pipelines. April 15, 2016. LANSING - Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette today submitted a letter to the U.S ... Clair River between Michigan and Ontario, Canada ... Secretary of State John Kerry. He observed that 'almost nothing is known about the construction of the pipelines in 1918 ... The St ... ### ... (noodl....