SF Bay Area Indymedia indymedia
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Make Media
by make trouble ( indybay [at] lists.riseup.net )
Monday Dec 15th, 2003 5:56 AM
The San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center, like other IMC sites around the world, allows anyone to instantaneously publish articles, photos, audio and video on the website. How to post to this site

Send Your Media to the IMC
Get your media to the SF Bay Area IMC for editing and publishing on the web. Photos, articles, audio and video in any format (miniDV preferred) are requested. Mailto: SF Bay Area IMC, 2940 16th St #216, San Francisco, CA 94103-3682 - Thanks!

Online Tutorials
Interested in publishing audio/video on the site? Read our encoding tutorial - including links to general FAQs and our site-specific recommendations. Also available: interviewing tips, Final Cut Pro tutorial, and Cleaner tutorial.

Bay Area Media Production Resources
Artists' Television Access
ATA offers workshops, rentals, Mac lab, and editing suites.
Bay Area Video Coalition
BAVC is the nation's largest media arts center dedicated to promoting the use of video and new technologies in the nonprofit sector. Encourages hands-on technical learning on state-of-the-art equipment and acts as a shared resource of equipment and information for community-based organizations and artists.
Film Arts Foundation
FAF is a member-based, non-profit resource for independent film and video makers. FAF offers grants, fiscal sponsorship, workshops, equipment rental, print magazine, an exhibitions program and much more.
Free Radio Berkeley
FRB's International Radio Action Training, Education (IRATE) project offers microradio resources. An East Bay IMC production facility is currently being constructed at FRB's Oakland space.
Media Alliance
MA, in San Francisco, offers computer, media, and writing classes (some in espa.ol). The G4 mac lab is available on Wednesdays and Fridays for all forms of media production. Videographers can use their facilities to edit and upload footage using Final Cut Pro and Media Cleaner Pro. Read our step-by-step guide.
Video Activist Network
The VAN is an informal association of activists and politically conscious artists using video to support social, economic and environmental justice campaigns. Site features everything from camera tips to legal resources.
E-mail us about local resources that may be available to SF Bay Area IMC producers!

Get Connected
If you'd like to get involved in IMC audio or video production in the bay area, please join the sfbay-audio or sfbay-video listservs.